39 research outputs found

    Data equivalence in cross-cultural international business research: Assessment and guidelines

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    Data equivalence refers to the extent to which the elements of a research design have the same meaning, and can be applied in the same way, in different cultural contexts. Failure to establish data equivalence in cross-cultural studies may bias empirical results and theoretical inferences. Although several authors have encouraged researchers to ensure high levels of data equivalence, no study has assessed the status of the field in relation to compliance with data equivalence standards. Accordingly, this study examines three aspects of data equivalence (construct equivalence, measurement equivalence, and data collection equivalence) within 167 studies that involve cross-cultural data published in the Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review, Journal of World Business, Strategic Management Journal and the Academy of Management Journal from 1995 to 2005. The findings indicate that international business researchers report insufficient information in relation to data equivalence issues, thus limiting confidence in the findings of many cross-cultural studies. To enhance future research, a guideline for procedures for researchers to follow and report in establishing data equivalence is offered. © 2008 Academy of International Business

    Biotechnological approaches for plant viruses resistance: from general to the modern RNA silencing pathway

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    Opportunities for improving phosphorus-use efficiency in crop plants

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    Limitation of grain crop productivity by phosphorus (P) is widespread and will probably increase in the future. Enhanced P efficiency can be achieved by improved uptake of phosphate from soil (P-acquisition efficiency) and by improved productivity per unit P taken up (P-use efficiency). This review focuses on improved P-use efficiency, which can be achieved by plants that have overall lower P concentrations, and by optimal distribution and redistribution of P in the plant allowing maximum growth and biomass allocation to harvestable plant parts. Significant decreases in plant P pools may be possible, for example, through reductions of superfluous ribosomal RNA and replacement of phospholipids by sulfolipids and galactolipids. Improvements in P distribution within the plant may be possible by increased remobilization from tissues that no longer need it (e.g. senescing leaves) and reduced partitioning of P to developing grains. Such changes would prolong and enhance the productive use of P in photosynthesis and have nutritional and environmental benefits. Research considering physiological, metabolic, molecular biological, genetic and phylogenetic aspects of P-use efficiency is urgently needed to allow significant progress to be made in our understanding of this complex trait

    Comparison of environmental and acoustic factors in occupied school classrooms for 11-16 year old students

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    This paper analyses and compares environmental and acoustic measurements taken from 12 contrasting schools in England. The 203 classrooms measured ranged in age, style (open plan, semi-open plan and cellular) and external noise levels. The occupied environmental measures were: CO2 count, relative humidity, temperature and light intensity. The occupied acoustic measures taken were: L-Aeq, L-1, L-10 and L-90. In addition, ventilation strategy, room dimensions and student numbers were also recorded. Lesson averages were compared to remove fluctuations observed in some parameters during lessons. Large variations in CO2 levels were observed between schools with 39% exceeding recommended guidelines. Lighting levels were predominantly below the recommended level required for demanding tasks. Classrooms with mechanical ventilation had higher background noise levels than those using natural ventilation. Most environmental parameters were uncorrelated with acoustic parameters. A notable exception was the correlation between L-Aeq and CO2 count; due to the relationships between these parameters, number of students and classroom floor area. A regression model was produced predicting a doubling in L-Aeq, with a 67% increase in student number

    Maximum phonation time: variability and reliability

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    The objective of the study was to determine maximum phonation time reliability as a function of the number of trials, days, and raters in dysphonic and control subjects. Two groups of adult subjects participated in this reliability study: a group of outpatients with functional or organic dysphonia versus a group of healthy control subjects matched by age and gender. Over a period of maximally 6 weeks, three video recordings were made of five subjects' maximum phonation time trials. A panel of five experts were responsible for all measurements, including a repeated measurement of the subjects' first recordings. Patients showed significantly shorter maximum phonation times compared with healthy controls (on average, 6.6 seconds shorter). The averaged interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) over all raters per trial for the first day was 0.998. The averaged reliability coefficient per rater and per trial for repeated measurements of the first day's data was 0.997, indicating high intrarater reliability. The mean reliability coefficient per day for one trial was 0.939. When using five trials, the reliability increased to 0.987. The reliability over five trials for a single day was 0.836; for 2 days, 0.911; and for 3 days, 0.935. To conclude, the maximum phonation time has proven to be a highly reliable measure in voice assessment. A single rater is sufficient to provide highly reliable measurements

    Moves in the territory of literacy? - the telephone discourse of three- and four-year-olds.

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    The concept of the ‘new communication landscape’ (Kress, 1998) is propelling a re-examination of what is meant by literacy, and the ways in which we seek to identify and promote literacy practices in young children.This article reviews theoretical moves to destabilize the dichotomy between oracy and literacy. Challenges posed by an examination of new technologies are set against those that draw on evidence from diverse cultural and historical contexts.The telephone presents a contemporary context that has been largely overlooked in child language research – yet this medium possesses its own specific constraints and opportunities for discourse, necessitating a shift away from the ‘here-and-now’ characteristic of very young children’s talk, to a consideration of the interlocutor’s distance characteristic of literacy. An analysis of the practices of three- and four-year-old children’s spontaneous telephone play demonstrates many ways in which their oral practices in this communication channel may be conceptualiz21ed within an understanding of their symbolic meaningmaking practices that is related to literacy, rather than a separate domain of activity. Finally, it is proposed that Bakhtin’s notion of ‘speech genre’ provides a particularly useful characterization of this important aspect of language development in the context of communication technology