169 research outputs found

    What The Oregon Health Study Can Tell Us About Expanding Medicaid

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    The recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act includes a major expansion of Medicaid to low-income adults in 2014. This paper describes the Oregon Health Study, a randomized controlled trial that will be able to shed some light on the likely effects of such expansions. In 2008, Oregon randomly drew names from a waiting list for its previously closed public insurance program. Our analysis of enrollment into this program found that people who signed up for the waiting list and enrolled in the Oregon Medicaid program were likely to have worse health than those who did not. However, actual enrollment was fairly low, partly because many applicants did not meet eligibility standards.United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and EvaluationCalifornia HealthCare FoundationJohn D. and Catherine T. MacArthur FoundationNational Institute on AgingRobert Wood Johnson FoundationAlfred P. Sloan FoundationUnited States. Social Security Administratio

    One-carbon metabolism and epigenetic programming of mammalian development

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    One-carbon (1C) metabolism comprises a series of integrated metabolic pathways, including the linked methionine-folate cycles, that provide methyl groups for the synthesis of biomolecules and the epigenetic regulation of gene expression via chromatin methylation. Most of the research investigating the function of 1C metabolism pertains to studies undertaken in the rodent liver. Comparatively little is known about the function of 1C metabolism in reproductive and embryonic cells, particularly in domestic ruminant species. Periconceptional dietary deficiencies in 1C substrates and cofactors are known to lead to epigenetic alterations in DNA methylation in genes that regulate key developmental processes in the embryo. Such modifications can have negative implications on the subsequent development, metabolism and health of offspring. This thesis sought to improve current understanding of the regulation of 1C metabolism in the ruminant liver, ovary and preimplantation embryo through in vivo and in vitro nutritional supplementation experiments coupled with metabolomic, transcriptomic and epigenetic analyses. The first part of this thesis (Chapter 2) assessed the metabolic consequences of dietary methyl deficiency using novel mass spectrometry–based methods that were developed for the quantification of B vitamins, folates and 1C-related amines in sheep liver. This study provided the first comparison of the relative abundance of bioactive 1C metabolites in liver harvested from methyl deficient sheep relative to a control study population of abattoir derived sheep. Relevant reductions in dietary methyl availability led to significant alterations in hepatic 1C metabolite concentrations. Large natural variations in the hepatic concentrations of individual metabolites in both sheep study populations reflected the dietary and genetic variation in our chosen outbred model species. These metabolomics platforms will be useful for investigating 1C metabolism and linked biochemical pathways in order to facilitate future dietary and genetic studies of metabolic health and epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Based on the absence of methionine cycle enzyme transcripts (e.g. MAT1A and BHMT) in the bovine ovary and preimplantation embryo, the second part of this thesis (Chapter 3 and Chapter 4) addressed the hypothesis that ruminant reproductive and embryonic cells are highly sensitive to methyl group availability and, therefore, epigenetic programming during the periconceptional period. Transcript analyses confirmed MAT2A expression in the bovine liver, ovary and at each stage of preimplantation embryo development assessed to Day 8. Transcripts for BHMT isoforms (BHMT and BHMT2) were detected in the bovine ovary but were weak or absent in embryos, highlighting a key difference in methionine metabolism between hepatic and reproductive cells. Bovine embryos were produced in vitro using custom-made media containing 0 (nonphysiological), 10 (low physiological), 50 (high physiological), and 500 µmol/L (supraphysiological) added methionine (Chapter 3). Gross morphological assessments of embryo stage, grade, cell lineage allocation and primary sex ratio revealed that culture in non- and supraphysiological methionine concentrations was detrimental for embryo development, whilst culture in the high physiological concentration appeared to be best. Reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) cells immunodissected from Day 8 blastocysts demonstrated that culturing embryos in low physiological methionine led to global hypomethylation within both cell lineages. Bioinformatic analyses of differentially methylated genes included gene set enrichment analyses (GSEA). Gene Ontology (GO) terms and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways that were enriched within the ICM were associated with protein catabolism and autophagy, and significant terms and pathways enriched within the TE were associated with cellular transport. Of particular biological interest was the loss of methylation within regulatory region (DMR2) of the paternally imprinted gene, IGF2R, in the TE following culture in low physiological methionine. Transcript analysis found no significant effect of methionine concentration on the expression of IGF2R or the antisense transcript, AIRN, in the primary cell lineages of the Day 8 bovine preimplantation embryo. Hypomethylation of IGF2R DMR2 has been associated with aberrant IGF2R expression and large offspring syndrome (LOS) in cattle and sheep that were subjected to embryo manipulation during assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures, such as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) or non-physiological in vitro embryo culture environments. Chapter 5 sought to evaluate the effect of somatic donor cell type on epigenetic reprogramming via DNA methylation in hepatocytes isolated from cloned sheep. RRBS facilitated the comparison of methylation reprogramming between Finn Dorset (D) clone hepatocytes and their mammary epithelial (OP5) donor cell line; and, Lleyn (L) clone hepatocytes and their Lleyn fetal fibroblast (LFF4) donor cell line. Methylation was most closely correlated between D and L clone hepatocytes than between clones and their respective donor cell lines. In general, hepatocytes were hypomethylated relative to their somatic donor cell nuclei. GSEA identified genes that encoded transcription factor proteins enriched within the ‘Sequence-specific DNA binding’ term (GO:0043565) as differentially methylated between clone hepatocytes and their donor cell lines. In addition, imprinted genes, including IGF2R, were differentially methylated in clone hepatocytes relative to somatic cell nuclei. In summary, this thesis promotes and supports the importance of an optimal methyl balance to support periconceptional development in mammals. The experiments detailed herein provide an insight into the metabolic consequences of dietary methyl deficiency (and excess) in outbred populations of domestic ruminants, with a specific focus on the liver, ovary and preimplantation embryo. The results demonstrate that tissue- and species-specific features of 1C metabolism render ruminant embryonic cells sensitive to methionine inputs within a physiological range. The observation that in vitro embryo culture and manipulation techniques, such as somatic cell nuclear transfer, can cause epigenetic alterations to DNA methylation during preimplantation development provides a basis for further study into the safety and efficacy of emerging assisted reproductive technologies

    Average and extreme multi-atom Van der Waals interactions: Strong coupling of multi-atom Van der Waals interactions with covalent bonding

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prediction of ligand binding or protein structure requires very accurate force field potentials – even small errors in force field potentials can make a 'wrong' structure (from the billions possible) more stable than the single, 'correct' one. However, despite huge efforts to optimize them, currently-used all-atom force fields are still not able, in a vast majority of cases, even to keep a protein molecule in its native conformation in the course of molecular dynamics simulations or to bring an approximate, homology-based model of protein structure closer to its native conformation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A strict analysis shows that a specific coupling of multi-atom Van der Waals interactions with covalent bonding can, in extreme cases, increase (or decrease) the interaction energy by about 20–40% at certain angles between the direction of interaction and the covalent bond. It is also shown that on average multi-body effects decrease the total Van der Waals energy in proportion to the square root of the electronic component of dielectric permittivity corresponding to dipole-dipole interactions at small distances, where Van der Waals interactions take place.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study shows that currently-ignored multi-atom Van der Waals interactions can, in certain instances, lead to significant energy effects, comparable to those caused by the replacement of atoms (for instance, C by N) in conventional pairwise Van der Waals interactions.</p

    The influence of a consumer-wearable activity tracker on sedentary time and prolonged sedentary bouts: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Objective A recent meta-analysis surmised pedometers were a useful panacea to independently reduce sedentary time (ST). To further test and expand on this deduction, we analyzed the ability of a consumer-wearable activity tracker to reduce ST and prolonged sedentary bouts (PSB). We originally conducted a 12-month randomized control trial where 800 employees from 13 organizations were assigned to control, activity tracker, or one of two activity tracker plus incentive groups designed to increase step count. The primary outcome was accelerometer measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Results We conducted a secondary analysis on accelerometer measured daily ST and PSB bouts. A general linear mixed model was used to examine changes in ST and prolonged sedentary bouts, followed by between-group pairwise comparisons. Regression analyses were conducted to examine the association of changes in step counts with ST and PSB. The changes in ST and PSB were not statistically significant and not different between the groups (P < 0.05). Increases in step counts were concomitantly associated with decreases in ST and PSB, regardless of intervention (P < 0.05). Caution should be taken when considering consumer-wearable activity trackers as a means to reduce sedentary behavior. Trial registration NCT01855776 Registered: August 8, 201

    A dusty, normal galaxy in the epoch of reionization

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    Candidates for the modest galaxies that formed most of the stars in the early universe, at redshifts z>7z > 7, have been found in large numbers with extremely deep restframe-UV imaging. But it has proved difficult for existing spectrographs to characterise them in the UV. The detailed properties of these galaxies could be measured from dust and cool gas emission at far-infrared wavelengths if the galaxies have become sufficiently enriched in dust and metals. So far, however, the most distant UV-selected galaxy detected in dust emission is only at z=3.25z = 3.25, and recent results have cast doubt on whether dust and molecules can be found in typical galaxies at this early epoch. Here we report thermal dust emission from an archetypal early universe star-forming galaxy, A1689-zD1. We detect its stellar continuum in spectroscopy and determine its redshift to be z=7.5±0.2z = 7.5\pm0.2 from a spectroscopic detection of the Ly{\alpha} break. A1689-zD1 is representative of the star-forming population during reionisation, with a total star-formation rate of about 12M_\odot yr1^{-1}. The galaxy is highly evolved: it has a large stellar mass, and is heavily enriched in dust, with a dust-to-gas ratio close to that of the Milky Way. Dusty, evolved galaxies are thus present among the fainter star-forming population at z>7z > 7, in spite of the very short time since they first appeared.Comment: Nature in press. 14 pages, 10 figures, including methods sectio

    Evaluating the 2014 Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax in Chile : An Observational Study in Urban Areas

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    Background In October 2014, Chile implemented a tax modification on SSBs called the Impuesto Adicional a las Bebidas Analcohólicas (IABA). The design of the tax was unique, increasing the tax on soft drinks above 6.25 grams of added sugar per 100 millilitres and decreasing the tax for those below this threshold. Methods and Findings This study evaluates Chile’s sugar sweetened beverage (SSB) tax, which was announced in March 2014 and implemented in October 2014. We used household level grocery purchasing data from 2011 to 2015, for 2,836 households living in cities and representative of the urban population of Chile. We employed a fixed-effects econometric approach and estimated the before-after change in purchasing of SSBs controlling for seasonality, general time trend, temperature, economic fluctuations as well as time invariant household characteristics. Results showed significant changes in purchasing for the statistically preferred model: while there was a barely significant decrease in the volume of all soft drinks, there was a highly significant decrease in the monthly purchased volume of the higher taxed, sugary soft drinks by 21.6%. The direction of this reduction was robust to different empirical modelling approaches, but the statistical significance and the magnitude of the changes varied considerably. The reduction in soft drink purchasing was most evident amongst higher socioeconomic groups and higher pre-tax purchasers of sugary soft drinks. There was no systematic, robust pattern in the estimates by households’ obesity status. After tax implementation, the purchase prices of soft drinks decreased for the items where the tax rate was reduced, but remained unchanged for sugary items, for which the tax was increased. However, the purchase prices increased for sugary soft drinks at the time of the policy announcement. The main limitations include a lack of a randomized design limiting the extent of causal inference possible, and the focus on purchasing data, rather than consumption or health outcomes. Conclusions The results of sub-group analyses suggest that the policy may have been partially effective, though not necessarily in ways that are likely to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in diet-related health. It remains unclear, whether the policy has had a major, overall population level impact. Additionally, since the present study examined purchasing of soft drinks for only one year, a longer-term evaluation, ideally including an assessment of the consumption and health impacts, should be conducted in future research

    S-adenosylmethionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine levels in the aging brain of APP/PS1 Alzheimer mice

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    Hyperhomocysteinemia and factors of homocysteine metabolism, S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) and S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), may play a role in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). With liquid-chromatography-tandem-mass-spectrometry AdoMet and AdoHcy were determined in brains of 8- and 15-month-old APP/PS1 Alzheimer mice, and their possible roles in AD brains investigated. The finding that AdoMet levels do not differ between the genotypes in (young) 8-month-old mice, but are different in (older) 15-month-old APP/PS1 mice compared to their wild-type littermates, suggests that alterations in AdoMet are a consequence of AD pathology rather than a cause. During aging, AdoMet levels decreased in the brains of wild-type mice, whereas AdoHcy levels diminished in both wild type and APP/PS1 mice. The finding that AdoMet levels in APP/PS1 mice are not decreased during aging (in contrast to wild-type mice), is probably related to less demand due to neurodegeneration. No effect of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) or cholesterol-enriched diets on AdoMet or AdoHcy levels were found

    Family and Neighbourhood Socioeconomic Inequalities in Childhood Trajectories of BMI and Overweight: Longitudinal Study of Australian Children

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    Background:Socioeconomic inequalities in longitudinal patterning of childhood overweight could cause marked differentials in total burden by adulthood. This study aims to determine timing and strength of the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and children's body mass index (BMI) in the pre- and primary school years, and to examine socioeconomic differences in overweight trajectories across childhood.Methods:Participants were 4949 children from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. BMI was measured at four biennial waves starting at age 4-5 years in 2004. Developmental trajectories of childhood overweight were identified with latent class analyses. Composite variables of family and neighbourhood SES were used.Results:Socioeconomic differences in mean BMI z-scores already present at age 4-5 more than doubled by age 10-11 years, reflecting decreasing mean BMI among advantaged rather than increasing means among disadvantaged children. Latent class analysis identified children with 'stable normal weight' (68%), and with 'persistent' (15%), 'late-onset' (14%), and 'resolving' overweight (3%). Risks of persistent and late-onset childhood overweight were highest among low SES families (e.g. most disadvantaged quintile: ORpersistent= 2.51, 95%CI: 1.83-3.43), and only partly explained by birth weight and parental overweight. Relationships with neighbourhood SES were weaker and attenuated fully on adjustment for family SES. No socioeconomic gradient was observed for resolving overweight.Conclusions:Childhood has become the critical period when socioeconomic inequalities in overweight emerge and strengthen. Although targeting disadvantaged children with early overweight must be a top priority, the presence of childhood overweight even among less-disadvantaged families suggests only whole-society approaches will eliminate overweight-associated morbidity

    Transmission Dynamics of Schistosoma japonicum in the Lakes and Marshlands of China

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    Background: Schistosoma japonicum is a major public health concern in China, with over one million people infected and another 40 million living in areas at risk of infection. Unlike the disease caused by S. mansoni and S. haematobium, schistosomiasis japonica is a zoonosis, involving a number of different mammalian species as reservoir hosts. As a result of a number of published reports from China, it has long been considered that bovines, particularly water buffaloes, play a major role in human S. japonicum transmission there, and a drug-based intervention study (1998-2003) around the Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province provided proof of concept that water buffaloes are, indeed, major reservoirs of human infection in this setting. Methods and Findings: In this study we incorporated recently obtained epidemiological information to model the steady-state S. japonicum transmission as well as the impact of the removal of S. japonicum transmission attributable to water buffaloes on human infection rates across six different endemic scenarios within three villages in the Dongting (Hunan) and Poyang (Jiangxi) lakes of southern China. Similar results were obtained for all scenarios. Steady-state S. japonicum infection rates remained constant and human prevalence and incidence were predicted to fall considerably over time. The model showed that the contribution of S. japonicum water buffalo transmission to human infection ranged from 39.1% to 99.1% and predicted that the removal of water buffalo transmission would reduce parasite reproductive rates below 1. This indicates that without the contribution of water buffaloes, S. japonicum transmission is interrupted and unsustainable. These scenarios are generalizable to other endemic villages in the lake and marshland areas of China where a similar cycle of snail infection and infection/reinfection of humans and bovines occurs. Conclusions: Along with previous epidemiological data, our findings strongly support water buffaloes as an important component of the transmission cycle that affects humans in the lake and marshlands region of China, a feature which appears to differ from the situation prevalent in the Philippines where their contribution is less pronounced. Our conclusions underscore the rationale for removal, replacement or treatment of water buffaloes, and for the development and deployment of a transmission blocking buffalo vaccine against S. japonicum for this setting to achieve the goal of transmission control. The Chinese Government has recently commenced a new integrated national strategy to improve on existing approaches to control schistosomiasis in the lake and marshlands region by reducing bovines and humans as a source of S. japonicum infection to Oncomelania snails

    6-Sulphated Chondroitins Have a Positive Influence on Axonal Regeneration

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    Chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans (CSPGs) upregulated in the glial scar inhibit axon regeneration via their sulphated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Chondroitin 6-sulphotransferase-1 (C6ST-1) is upregulated after injury leading to an increase in 6-sulphated GAG. In this study, we ask if this increase in 6-sulphated GAG is responsible for the increased inhibition within the glial scar, or whether it represents a partial reversion to the permissive embryonic state dominated by 6-sulphated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Using C6ST-1 knockout mice (KO), we studied post-injury changes in chondroitin sulphotransferase (CSST) expression and the effect of chondroitin 6-sulphates on both central and peripheral axon regeneration. After CNS injury, wild-type animals (WT) showed an increase in mRNA for C6ST-1, C6ST-2 and C4ST-1, but KO did not upregulate any CSSTs. After PNS injury, while WT upregulated C6ST-1, KO showed an upregulation of C6ST-2. We examined regeneration of nigrostriatal axons, which demonstrate mild spontaneous axon regeneration in the WT. KO showed many fewer regenerating axons and more axonal retraction than WT. However, in the PNS, repair of the median and ulnar nerves led to similar and normal levels of axon regeneration in both WT and KO. Functional tests on plasticity after the repair also showed no evidence of enhanced plasticity in the KO. Our results suggest that the upregulation of 6-sulphated GAG after injury makes the extracellular matrix more permissive for axon regeneration, and that the balance of different CSs in the microenvironment around the lesion site is an important factor in determining the outcome of nervous system injury