234 research outputs found

    Database-Assisted Analysis and Design of Wind Loads on Rigid Buildings

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    The turbulent nature of the wind flow coupled with additional turbulence created by the wind-building interaction result in highly non-uniform, fluctuating wind-loading on building envelopes. This is true even for simple rectangular symmetric buildings. Building codes and standards should reflect the information on which they are based as closely as possible, and this should be achieved without making the building codes too complicated and/or bulky. However, given the complexity of wind loading on low-rise buildings, its codification can be difficult, and it often entails significant inconsistencies. This required the development of alternative design methods, such as the Database-Assisted-Design (DAD) methodology, that can produce more accurate and risk-consistent estimates of wind loads or their effects. In this dissertation, the DAD methodology for rigid-structures has been further developed into a design tool capable of automatically helping to size member cross sections that closely meet codified strength and serviceability requirements. This was achieved by the integration of the wind engineering and structural engineering phases of designing for wind and gravity loads. Results obtained using this method showed DAD’s potential for practical use in structural design. Different methods of synthesizing aerodynamic and climatological data were investigated, and the effects of internal pressure in structural design were also studied in the context of DAD. This dissertation also addressed the issues of (i) insufficiently comprehensive aerodynamic databases for various types of building shapes, and (ii) the large volume (in size) of existing aerodynamic databases, that can significantly affect the extent to which the DAD methodology is used in engineering practice. This research is part of an initiative to renew the way we evaluate wind loads and perform designs. It is transformative insofar as it enables designs that are safe and economical owing to the risk-consistency inherent in DAD, meaning that enough structural muscle is provided to assure safe behavior, while fat is automatically eliminated in the interest of economy and CO2 footprint reduction

    Role of information technology in development of Eritrean language - ኣበርክቶ ቴክኖሎጂ ሓበሬታ ኣብ ምምዕባል ቋንቋታት ኤርትራ

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    Information technology has been affecting us in every day of our lives, especially social media has been the main means of communication in our society. But, all the access to this current and ever-growing technology has always been limited to using it in English, Arab or other languages because our language didn’t come up to speed with the current technology. Though there has been lots of efforts to develop Tigrigna or other languages application programs to help us use our language, there are still lots of gaps that could be filled to achieve the competence of our languages. In light of this, the paper will briefly discuss the ongoing efforts to have our native language integrated in the current development of information technology. Some specific examples and future plans that will help us as Eritreans will also be discussed with how it can affect our literatures and thus our influence on our society

    Biomimetic potential of some methacrylate-based copolymers: A comparative study

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    Preparation of new biocompatible materials for bone recovery has consistently gained interest in the last few decades. Special attention was given to polymers that contain negatively charged groups, such as phosphate, carboxyl, and sulfonic groups toward calcification. This present paper work demonstrates that other functional groups present also potential application in bone pathology. New copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate with diallyldimethylammonium chloride (DADMAC), glycidyl methacrylate (GlyMA), methacrylic acid (MAA), 2-methacryloyloxymethyl acetoacetate (MOEAA), 2-methacryloyloxyethyltriethylammonium chloride (MOETAC), and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) were obtained. The copolymers were characterized by FTIR, swelling potential, and they were submitted to in vitro tests for calcification and cytotoxicity evaluation. GlyMA and MOETAC-containing copolymers show promising results for further in vivo mineralization tests, as a potential alternative to the classical bone grafts, in bone tissue engineering

    Uji Kadar Keasaman Dalam Madu Yang Beredar Di Pasar Inpres Kalabahi Alor Dengan Metode Alkalimetri

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang uji kadar keasaman dalam madu yang beredar di pasar Inpres Kalabahi Kabupaten Alor dengan Metode Alkalimetri. Yang dikerjakan dalam Laboratorium Kimia Jurusan Farmasi Politeknik Kesehatan Kupang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kadar keasaman yang terkandung di dalam madu yang beredar di Pasar Inpres Kalabahi Alor. Pengujian Keasaman madu dilakukan dengan metode Alkalimetri. Jumlahsampel yang diambil adalah 2 yang berasal dari apui dan pantar. Pada penelitian ini telah didapatkan hasil kadar keasamanmadu yaitu madu dari Apui 46,36 mL NaOH/Kg dan dari Pantar 47,76 mL NaOH/Kg. Hasil dari sampel ini dinyatakan memenuhi syarat yang telah ditetapkan oleh Standar Nasional Indonesia No. 01-3545-2013yaitu keasaman maksimal 50 mL NaOH/K

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Monitoring dan Evaluasi Pelanggaran Siswa pada Sman 14 Surabaya Berbasis Web

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    In the teaching-learning process, student violation often occurs, the handling of which would need parent involvement. However, parent involvement is still minimal to date, since the parent would only be aware of the violation when they receive the warning letter from the school. In addition, with the number of student violation keeps increasing day after day, miscalculation often occurs in the violation data recapitulation which is conducted quarterly, all to the disadvantage of the student in terms of the sanction applied by the school.To ascertain that the process of handling student violation can run smoothly, SMAN 14 Surabaya has established a student violation monitoring and evaluation application for purposes of recording, directing and supervising student development during the teaching-learning process at school.With this application, the monitoring and evaluation process can be achieved due to the function of the dashboard in the application which can show the percentage of violating actions; and there are also recommendation and evaluation proposed by the school, and the school may also issue warning letters in a real-time manner without having to wait for the quarter data recapitulation. The application may also send out notifications in the form of SMS to the parent, and either the parent or the student may access the student violation report to see the detail of the violation


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    Kawasan kampung adat tersebar di berbagai wilayah di indonesia termasuk di Kabupaten Sumba Timur, kampung adat yang terletak di daerah Sumba Timur memiliki nilai budaya dan informasi yang sangat baik dari segi lingkungan, budaya dan letak topografi atau ketinggian kawasan kampung adat. Informasi kawasan kampung adat saat ini kurang memberikan beberapa informasi yang dibutuhkan terkait kawasan kampung adat tersebut, pengguna cenderung mencari berbagai informasi di halaman berita atau media sosial yang berbeda – beda hanya untuk mengetahui sebuah informasi yang berkaitan dengan satu kampung adat. Salah satu solusi untuk mendukung ketersedian informasi adalah dengan membuat sebuah sistem informasi persebaran kawasan kampung adat dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dan peta digital yang didukung dengan teknologi android. Penelitian akan menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi Mobile GIS yang menginformasikan titik persebaran dan kondisi topografi kawasan kampung adat yang berada di Kabupaten Sumba Timur sehingga dapat membantu memberikan informasi kepada pengguna yang memerlukan informasi tersebut dengan memberikan kemudahan saat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Aplikasi ini memiliki 14 titik kawasan kampung adat yang tersebar di kabupaten Sumba Timur dan aplikasi dapat menyajikan menu informasi rute, informasi budaya, informasi peta ketinggian, menu bantuan, menu tentang dan menu kelola. Persentase uji usability sebesar 87,148% dan masuk dalam kategori layak untuk digunakan


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    This research is about theological study of the views of the Roman Catholic Church on the concept of the Kingdom of God which is equated with the Church. By using qualitative research, especially literature review, several errors were found in this concept. First, it is a mistake to equate the Church with the Kingdom of God as understood by the Roman Catholic group. Second, I strongly agree when I say that the Church is the government of Christ. It should be noted, however, that in the context of God's kingdom (note the OT and NT concepts previously discussed) God's reign includes all of creation and the universe. So that the KR group has narrowed the scope of God's government in the Kingdom of God if it only thinks that the scope of God's government is only within the scope of the church. Third, it concerns the hierarchy of salvation and the Pope as the representative of Christ, where in the context of the kingdom of God on earth, the Pope is the highest representative. Once again this view is too exaggerated and forced. Thus, it can be concluded that it is a big mistake to equate the Kingdom of God with the Church.Penelitian ini tentang kajian teologis terhadap pandangan Gereja Katolik Roma tentang konsep Kerajaan Allah yang disamakan dengan Gereja. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, khususnya kajian literatur, maka ditemukan beberapa kekeliruan terhadap konsep ini. Pertama, sebuah kekeliruan apabila menyamakan Gereja dengan Kerajaan Allah seperti yang dipahami oleh kelompok Katolik Roma. Kedua, sangat setuju apabila mengatakan bahwa Gereja adalah pemerintahan Kristus. Namun perlu dicatat bahwa dalam konteks kerajaan Allah (perhatikan konsep PL dan PB yang sebelumnya telah dibahas) pemerintahan Allah mencakup seluruh ciptaan dan alam semesta. Sehingga kelompok KR telah mempersempit cakupan dari pemerintahan Allah dalam Kerajaan Allah apabila hanya berpendapat bahwa cakupan pemerintahan Allah hanya dalam lingkup gereja saja. Ketiga, menyangkut tentang hirarki keselamatan dan Paus selaku wakil Kristus, di mana dalam konteks kerajaan Allah di bumi, maka Paus adalah wakil tertinggi. Sekali lagi pandangan ini pun terlalu berlebihan dan dipaksakan. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan adalah kekeliruan besar untuk menyamakan Kerajaan Allah dengan Gereja


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    Latar belakang: Lipstik merupakan salah satu riasan bibir yang banyak diminati di kalangan masyarakat. Beberapa produsen lipstik masih ada yang menggunakan pewarna yang dilarang oleh Pemerintah dalam produknya. Pewarna sintetik sering digunakan sebagai pewarna karena harganya relatif murah, warna yang dihasilkan lebih menarik, dan pewarna sintetik lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan pewarna alam. Bahan pewarna yang sering digunakan adalah Rhodamin B. Penggunaan Rhodamin B jangka panjang dalam makanan dan kosmetik dapat menyebabkan kanker dan gangguan fungsi hati. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode mereview menggunakan jurnal acuan yang terdiri dari empat jurnal nasional dan satu jurnal internasional dengan membandingkan hasil penelitian. Hasil: Berdasarkan haasil penelitian Menunjukan penggunaan Rhodamin B pada produk lipstik yang beredar di masyarakat dari beberapa sampel yang di ujikan dapat ditunjukkan hasil yaitu 3 sampel produk lipstik menggandung Rhodamin B dan kadar yang terkandung yaitu Kadar 73,225 μg/g, 92,61 μg/g dan kadar 0,3120 μg/g. Kesimpulan: : Dari 37 sampel yang di ujikan 3 sampel mengandung Rhodamin B dengan Kadar 0,3120 μg/g - 73,225 μg/g. Sehingga perlu dilakukan pengawasan lebih lanjut. Keywords: Rhodamin B, Lipstik, Kualitatif, kuantitatif

    Implementation and Status of Biogas Technology in Ethiopia- Case of Tigray Region

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    In Ethiopia, like most developing countries, the majority of households depend on wood and charcoal as their cooking energy resources. This energy has a direct impact on the forest coverage and its emissions have significant health issues. Biogas technology has introduced to address these problems and reduce energy poverty in developing countries. However, the success of this technology depends on many factors such as technology appropriateness, available skill, proper introduction, and government support to create favorable financial incentives. The objective of this paper is to make an overview assessment of biogas development programs in Ethiopia, identify development barriers and provide suggestions to mitigate these barriers. The national and regional biogas program of Ethiopia has implemented to give energy for cooking and to some extent for lighting. However, it has shown limited success over the years. The National Biogas Programme of Ethiopia has shown an overall 50% achievement while the Tigray region registered 55% achievement. In addition, the owner of the biogas facility in Tigray reported a 57% functionality rate but the lowest satisfaction level of 15%.  Generally, the region has shown relatively better performance in terms of dissemination and functionality but a low satisfaction rate due to technical limitation, unsteady input, and financial factors.       &nbsp