1,493 research outputs found

    COBE experience with filter QUEST

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    A gyro based filter variation on the standard QUEST attitude determination algorithm is applied to the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE). Filter QUEST is found to be three times as fast as the batch estimator and slightly more accurate than regular QUEST. Perhaps more important than its speed or accuracy is the fact that Filter QUEST can provide real time attitude solutions when regular QUEST cannot, due to lack of observability. Filter QUEST is also easy to use and adjust for the proper memory length. Suitable applications for Filter QUEST include coarse and real time attitude determination

    Strukturen als Gestaltungsprinzip von Erwachsenenbildung. Eine leicht polemische Analyse

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    Wir haben es gegenwärtig mit einem sehr komplexen Paradigmenwechsel in der Erwachsenenbildung zu tun, bei dem öffentliche Strukturförderung weitgehend aus dem Blick des bildungspolitischen Interesses gerät. Ob der Komplexität des Paradigmenwechsels muss auch die Kritik daran komplex ausfallen und, soll es nicht nur bei Kritik bleiben, auch in komplexe Gegenmodelle münden. Letztlich geht es aber, und das macht die Sache nicht einfacher, um unterschiedliche Welt- und Menschenbilder und um Konkurrenz oder Solidarität als zentrale Vergesellschaftungsmechanismen. Der vorliegende Beitrag plädiert für die Schaffung und den Ausbau von öffentlich und halböffentlich finanzierten Strukturen, für die Schaffung und den Ausbau von erwachsenenpädagogisch fundierten Strukturen, für die Forcierung der erwachsenenpädagogischen Aus- und Weiterbildung der in der Erwachsenenbildung Tätigen bei gleichzeitigem Zurückdrängen einer Ideologie der Qualifizierung durch Praxis, für die Formulierung von Zielperspektiven für öffentlich und halböffentlich geförderte Einrichtungen der Erwachsenenbildung und für die Formulierung öffentlicher und überprüfbarer Zielsetzungen für die Erwachsenenbildung insgesamt. (DIPF/Orig.

    The single minute exchange of die methodology in a high-mix processing line

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    Because of turbulence in the economic environment, enterprises must react flexibly to the changing demands of their customers. Thus, a changeover process is required. If an enterprise has a large product portfolio, there are basically only two process options; to integrate production into large batches or to change the production programme frequently. Frequent changes associated with the changeover process of machinery are optimized by using the SMED method. The main goal of this paper is to apply SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) to a High-Mix processing line. The case study is undertaken in a flat glass processing company which manufactures hundreds of types of products. The results of the case study demonstrate that it is possible to save up to 30% annually of the time currently spent on changeovers.Internal Grant Agency of FaME TBU; [IGA/FaME/2016/004

    Methods of weighting the magnetic resonance signal

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    Cílem této práce je seznámení se základním principem magnetické rezonance a základními měřicími metodami používanými v MR. Dále je zde popsáno, jak nastavovat parametry pulsní sekvence jednotlivých měřících metod, abychom získali obraz váhovaný relaxací T1, relaxací T2, difúzí a případně protonovou hustotou. V experimentální časti jsme naměřili obrazy tří vzorků (rajče, mandarinka a paprika) čtyřmi metodami (SE, GE, IRSE a IRFSE). U naměřených obrazů provedli fázovou korekci a vytvořili T2 resp. T2* mapy. Poté jsme naměřené obrazy zhodnotili z hlediska kvality a navzájem porovnali.The objective of this project is introduction to the fundamental principle of magnetic resonance and to the basic measuring methods used in MR. There is also described how to set parameters of pulse sequences in different measuring methods to obtain an image weighted by relaxation T1, relaxation T2, diffusion and eventually proton density. In the experimental part, we have measured images of three samples (tomato, pepper and mandarin) by four methods (SE, GE, IRSE and IRFSE). For obtained measured images we have proceed phase correction, created T2 and T2* maps. Then we consider the images obtained in terms of quality and compare with each other.

    Residential House

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem dispozice a zpracováním projektové dokumentace pro provedení rodinného domu s jednou bytovou jednotkou na svažité parcele číslo 140/12 v katastrálním území Vohančice. Jedná se o objekt o jednom podzemním a dvou nadzemních podlažích s plochou střechou, terasou ve 2NP a vstupem na zahradu z 1NP pro bydlení čtyřčlenné rodiny s možností ubytování dvou hostů. Součástí dokumentace je posouzení obálky budovy a klasifikace pomocí energetického štítku, dále požárně bezpečnostní řešení budovy. Teoretická část práce řeší problematiku navrhování schodišť.Thesis describes the design layout and processing of project documentation for execution residential house with one housing squad on sloping allotment number 140/12 in catastral of the Vohančice. It is an object for family housing of four members with accomodation possibility for two guests. This object have one underground storey, two aboveground storey with flat roof and terrace in second aboveground storey and entrance to garden from first aboveground storey. Documentation includes an assessment of the building envelope and classification using the label, as well as fire safety of building. Theoretical part of this thesis i solving problems with proposing of the stairs.


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    ABSTRAK Fingerprint atau sidik jari adalah salah satu mesin absensi jenis biometrik yang menggunakan metode pendeteksian melalui sidik jari pegawai di sebuah kantor untuk mendata daftar kehadiran pegawai. Fingerprint ini bisa digunakan untuk mengabsen pegawai Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan dapat menampilkan hasil absen tersebut di papan multimedia. Sehingga mempermudah seorang mahasiswa atau staf yang lainnya untuk melihat seorang pegawai Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (MIPA) yang telah hadir di kantor, selain itu mahasiswa juga dapat melihat secara langsung pengumuman- pengumuman penting di fakultas MIPA hanya dengan melihat papan multimedia.Jadi fingerprint ini dapat mempermudah mahasiswa melihat pegawai yang telah hadir atau yang tidak hadir di fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Kata kunci : Fingerprint, multimedi

    Transverse thermal response of a composite bridge

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    A two-span, composite-design, test structure was subjected to thermal loading. The resultant longitudinal and transverse response was correlated with that calculated by a prior theoretical procedure. The theoretical procedure was reconfirmed for longitudinal stress, and indicated within reasonable probability for transverse stress. No measurable diaphragm influence was observed --Abstract, page iii

    Inflight estimation of gyro noise

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    A method is described and demonstrated for estimating single-axis gyro noise levels in terms of the Farrenkopf model parameters. This is accomplished for the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) by comparing gyro-propagated attitudes with less accurate single-frame solutions and fitting the squared differences to a third-order polynomial in time. Initial results are consistent with the gyro specifications, and these results are used to determine limits on the duration of batches used to determine attitude. Sources of error are discussed, and guidelines for a more elegant implementation, as part of a batch estimator or filter, are included for future work