135 research outputs found

    Pruritoceptive and psychogenic pruritus in lichen simplex chronicus

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    Abstract - Pruritus is a diagnostic hallmark for Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSH). It elicits a scratch response, initiating the itch-scratch cycle, which in turn aggravate the inflammatory response and exacerbate disease severity. Treating this symptom can be challenging The purpose of this study is to distinguish which type of pruritus has a leading role in pathogenesis of LSH by studying changes skin barrier functions and evaluating patients psychopathology. We compare the results from the tests of skin barrier and evaluation of psychiatric scales HAD-A and HAD-D observing 56 adults with diagnosis LSH

    Digital clock with surface mounted matrix display

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem číslicových hodin řízených DCF77 signálem vysílaným z německého Mainflingenu, jejichž úkolem je použití jako stolní hodiny. K zobrazování je použit maticový LED displej velikosti 8x32 ve formě modulu připájeného pomocí hranového připojení k základní desce. V práci jsou popsána možná technická řešení ovládání maticového LED displeje, způsob osazení modulu maticového LED displeje a dalších důležitých součástí a jejím výstupem je funkční vzorek těchto hodin.This bachelor´s thesis deals with a draft of digital clock controlled by DCF77 signal transmitted from deutschland Mainflingen, designed as table clock. Matrix LED display, size 8x32, in form of a module that is soldered to a basic plate, and is used for displaying. Possible technical solutions for driving dot LED matrix, mounting technology and other parts are described and the outcome is a designed schema with printed circuit board.

    Psychoneuroimmunology and impact of stress in chronic skin conditions

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    Psychodermatology studies the relationship between skin and mind. The important starting point in most of the chronic skin conditions is the psychological factor. Acute adverse events are classic triggers for these diseases. Chronic distress plays an important role, especially in time of public professional and financial instability, combined with the characteristics of the personal profile of the individual. Patients suffering from chronic skin dermatoses are tense, anxious, and unable to relax. This article reviews the neuro-endocrine pathways in the genesis of psychodermatological conditions. The paradigm: chronic skin conditions, stress and psyche is discussed. The review is based on the data from English language literature using MEDLINE and PubMed

    Sobre l'economia de la felicitat i del canvi climàtic

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    Una tesi doctoral analitza els impactes i la política del canvi climàtic des d'una perspectiva de felicitat. Per a això, pren el cas d'unes inundacions de diversa intensitat com a exemples de successos climàtics extrems i equipara la disminució d'ingressos derivada de la crisi actual amb la que es podria donar com a resultat de polítiques climàtiques. En tots dos casos, estudia l'efecte sobre el benestar subjectiu, i conclou que així com la percepció del risc disminueix la satisfacció amb la vida, no sempre és així en cas de la reducció dels ingressos.Una tesis doctoral analiza los impactos y la política del cambio climático desde una perspectiva de felicidad. Para ello, toma el caso de unas inundaciones de diversa intensidad como ejemplos de sucesos climáticos extremos y equipara la disminución de ingresos derivada de la crisis actual con la que se podría dar como resultado de políticas climáticas. En ambos casos, estudia el efecto sobre el bienestar subjetivo, y concluye que así como la percepción del riesgo disminuye la satisfacción con la vida, no siempre es así en el caso de la reducción de los ingresos.A doctoral thesis analyzes climate change impacts and politics from the perspective of happiness. For the purpose, it takes the case of floods of varying intensity as examples of extreme climate events and compares the decrease in income resulting from the current crisis with the one resulting from climate policies. In studies both effects in terms of subjective well-being, and concludes that while the perception of risk reduces life satisfaction, this is not always the case with income reduction

    Relapsing polychondritis. A case report and brief introduction to the disease

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    Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a rare immune-mediated disease that occurs with recurrent inflammatory processes in cartilage structures and tissues rich in proteoglycans throughout the body, in particular the ears, nose, eyes, and joints. The long time between relapses makes diagnosis difficult and often the disease remains unrecognized. We present a case of a 56-year-old patient diagnosed with RP. The diagnosis is based on clinical indicators: polyarthritis, chondritis on ear cartilage, and good response to corticosteroid treatment

    The impact of pruritus on Quality of Life of Patients with Lichen Simplex Chronicus

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    AbstractPruritus is a major symptom of a huge variety of dermatoses. It causes a scratch response, starting the itch-scratch cycle, which in turn aggravate the inflammatory response and exacerbate disease severity Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSC) is a skin disorder affecting patient's psychosocial and functional status. Pruritus is a diagnostic hallmark for LSH. It is the reason for sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression. Therefore, a clinical investigation of pruritus alongside with a study of their self-reported health status is a necessary precondition for successful therapeutic results.The aim of the study is to assess the impact of pruritus on quality of life (QoL) of LSC patients` by evaluating the severity of pruritus and sleep disturbance with visual analogue scale (VAS), and verbal rating scale (VRS) and compared it with results from answers to a standardized dermatology-specific quality of life instrument- Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). (Specially answer to question1- symptoms)


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    Penelitian ini, berjudul Pola Pembinaan Narapidana Narkotika Di Rumah Tahanan Demak, Latar belakang penelitian ini dikarenakan Lembaga pemasyarakatan merupakan akhir dari proses peradilan pidana di Indonesia. Lembaga Pemasyarakatan merupakan tempat untuk mencapai tujuan pembinaan bagi warga binaan narapidana melalui pendidikan, rehabilitasi, dan reintegrasi agar warga binaan dapat diterima di tengah-tengah masyarakat dan tidak mengulang kesalahannya. Berdasarkan uraian latar belakang di atas, maka rumusan masalah yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Pola Pembinaan Narapidana Narkotika Di Rumah Tahanan Demak? Serta bagaimana Hambatan dan Solusi Pola Pembinaan Narapidana Narkotika Di Rumah Tahanan Demak? Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Sumber data diperoleh dari beberapa tahapan yaitu melalui penelitian lapangan (wawancara) dan penelitian pustaka. analisis data dengan cara sistematis melipui reduksi data, penyajian Data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Pola Pembinaan Narapidana Narkotika Di Rumah Tahanan Demak pada saat proses pembinaan bagi Narapidana Narkotika adalah sama seperti Narapidana pada umumnya, Narapidana Narkotika tetap mendapatkan tahapan pembinaan, seperti pembinaan kemandirian, kepribadian dan program-program yang ada di Rumah Tahanan Kelas II B Demak tetapi untuk kamar bagi Narapidana Narkotika dibedakan dengan Narapidana lainnya, karena pengguna Narkotika mempunyai resiko tertinngi untuk menularkan penyakit kepada Narapidana lain akibat infeksi jarum suntik yang digunakan secara bersama oleh pengguna Narkotika. Hambatan dan Solusi Pola Pembinaan Narapidana Narkotika Di Rumah Tahanan Demak yaitu Cenderung masih ada yang ketahuan transaksi di dalam Rumah Tahanan, Banyak narapidana yang masih susah untuk diarahkan, adanya keterbatasannya dana, Keterbatasan Petugas dan SDM, Keterbatasan Fasilitas dan Ruangan Belajar, dan yang terakhir kurangnya penyaluran kerja ataupun pemberian modal pada Narapidana setelah keluar dari Rumah Tahanan. Solusinya memberi peringatan keras bagi ketahuan transaksi dan keterbatasan dana dan petugas dan cara yang dilakukan dengan cara penghematan dana serta membagi jam kerja bagi petugas dan pengguna fasilitas.  Kata Kunci: Narkotika, Narapidana, Rumah Tahana

    Projekce úmrtnostních tabulek a jejich vplyv na implicitní hodnotu pojišťovny

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    V práci se věnujeme vývoji úmrtnostních tabulek v Český republice počínaje rokem 1950. Naším cílem je prostudovat 6 základních modelů, které mohou být použité pro modelování úmrtnosti lidí starších 60 let. Mezi zkou- manými modely jsou model Gompertz-Makehama, logistické modely Thatchera a Kannista, modely Coale-Kiskera a Heligman-Pollarda. Naše analýza se sous- tředí na projekční vlastnosti modelů do let nejvyšších. Ukázalo se, že trend úmr- tnosti se nejlíp daří zachytit logistickým modelům, které na rozdíl od Gompertz- Makehamovho modelu nenadhodnocují pravděpodobnosti umíraní v letech nej- vyšších, a to predevším pro ženy, kde data nevykazují takovou disperzi jako u mužů. Klíčová slova: projekce úmrtnostních tabulek, Gompertz-Makeham, logistické mo- dely 1We study development of mortality tables from 1950 to present in Czech Republic. Our aim is to look at the 6 basic models, which can be potentially used to describe behavior of dying for people over 60 years. Models that are being investigated vary from generally accepted Gompertz-Makeham model to logistic models of Thatcher and Kannisto. We also introduce Coale-Kisker and Heligman- Pollard model. Our analysis is concentrated mostly on projecting abilities of given models to the highest ages. Especially for women, where data do not show such dispersion as in the case of men, there is a visible trend that can be described better by using logistic models instead of Gompertz-Makeham model, which has a tendency to overestimate the probabilities of dying in higher ages. Keywords: projection of mortality tables, Gompertz-Makeham, logistic models 1Katedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistikyDepartment of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Cicatricial alopecia - a case report with a review of literature

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    Cicatricial alopecia encompasses a group of clinical entities that affect the hair unit leaving permanent destruction of the follicular ostia, skin atrophy and irreversible loss of hair follicles. Herein, a 43-year-old lady with erythematous follicular papules, resulting into atrophic scars with permanent loss of hairs, slowly progressing for more than 22 years, is presented. The patient has been consulted by numerous dermatologists and no exact histological diagnosis was verified. Upon proper clinico-pathological work-up, a diagnosis of lichen planopilaris was concluded and treatment with intralesionaly corticosteroids and oral hydroxychloroquine was introduced. The patient improved significantly during the 3-month follow-up. Scarring alopecia should always be evaluated clinically and by scalp biopsy to accurately analyze the change in the follicular architecture and type, distribution and extent of the inflammatory infiltrate. This complex diagnostic approach is crucial for the diagnosis and management of all cases of cicatricial alopecias