580 research outputs found

    Exploring new Boundary Conditions for N=(1,1)\mathcal{N}=(1,1) Extended Higher Spin AdS3AdS_3 Supergravity

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    In this paper, we present a candidate for N=(1,1)\mathcal{N}=(1,1) extended higher - spin AdS3AdS_3 supergravity with the most general boundary conditions discussed by Grumiller and Riegler recently. We show that the asymptotic symmetry algebra consists of two copies of the osp(32)k\mathfrak{osp}(3|2)_k affine algebra in the presence of the most general boundary conditions.Furthermore, we impose some certain restrictions on gauge fields on the most general boundary conditions and that leads us to the supersymmetric extension of the Brown - Henneaux boundary conditions. We eventually see that the asymptotic symmetry algebra reduces to two copies of the SW(32,2)\mathcal{SW}(\frac{3}{2},2) algebra for N=(1,1)\mathcal{N}=(1,1) extended higher - spin supergravity.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, LaTeX file, Sec.4 added, added references, a few typos correcte

    Evaluation of Urban Spaces from the Perspective of Universal Design Principles: The Case of Konya/Turkey

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    During the process of accessing services provided within urban interior and outer spaces the elderly and disabled individuals encounter with a myriad of problems due to the limitations posed by structured environments. This limitation hinders elderly and disabled individuals from mobility without assistance, which in turn negatively affects their full participation to urban and social life. Rearrangement of urban spaces to meet the needs of elderly and disabled individuals would correspondingly bolster life quality of the entire range of users. Within the scope of present research, as mandated by universal design principles to stick to plans and designs approaches inclusive for all users, it is aimed to conduct evaluations on the use of urban outer spaces situated within Konya City Center. In the hypothetical and theoretical part of this paper, the perception of disability throughout historical process has been examined from a sociological perspective. In addition, concept of universal design, its principles and gravity have also been elaborated. In the part dealing with the case study, outer spaces within Konya City Center have been analyzed with respect to universal design principles and a range of suggestions have been developed

    Teleworking Implementation Process Model for Yebam (Elderly&Disabled Care, Research, Training and Implementation Center)/Konya-Turkey

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    People with disabilities are facing many constraints when using urban interior and exterior spaces. At the same time, aging brings with physical losses. Because of these physical restrictions, the participation of disabled and elderly people in working life gets much harder. New solutions should be developed for elderly and disabled people in order to improve the employment of them. In this context, the information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide opportunities for people with disabilities in all areas of life.  These opportunities also have importance for people having different mobility disabilities. At this point, teleworking, as a new way of working provides an opportunity for employee to work anywhere and anytime through ICTs so daily trips could be decreased with teleworking. This paper aims to evaluate opportunities for the employment of elderly and disabled people. Firstly, the concept and forms of teleworking are defined. Then the importance of this new way of working for elderly and disabled people is discussed. In Turkey, there are many institutions that provide services to the elderly and people with disabilities. However, these institutions are not enough for these people so new solutions should be developed. For this purpose, Yebam (Elderly&Disabled Care, Research, Training and Implementation Center) will be established in Selcuk University Campus-Konya/Turkey. Educational services, living spaces, production and rehabilitation centers will be combined in one place. Finally, teleworking implementation process model proposed for Yebam has been discussed in the last part of the paper

    Çoklu Civatalıbağlantıların Kesme Ve Eğme Yükleri Altında İncelenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2008Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2008Bu çalışmada, çoklu cıvatalı bağlantıların kesme ve eğme yükleri altındaki davranışları incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, 6 cıvatalı simetrik bir bağlantı ele alınmış, kesme ve eğme yüklerine maruz bırakılmıştır. Bilinen denge denklemleri ve sonlu elemanlar metodu kullanılarak iki farklı çözüm yapılmıştır. Yapılan analitik çözümlerde cıvataların sıktığı elemanlar rijit varsayılmış ve cıvata deformasyonlarına etkisi sıfır kabul edilmiştir. Sonlu elemanlar çözümlerinde ise iki farklı çözüm yapılmıştır. Birincisinde analitik çözümlerde olduğu gibi cıvataların sıktığı tüm elemanlar rijit kabul edilmiş ve analitik çözümlerle uyumuna bakılmıştır. İkinci çözümde ise cıvatalar ve bağlanan elemanlar elastik kabul edilmiş ve önceki çözümlerle farkları araştırılmıştır. Böylece analitik çözümlerdeki rijit varsayımının sonuçlar üzerindeki etkisi gösterilmiştir. Sonlu elemanlar çözümlerinde ayrıca bağlantılardaki önyükleme etkisi araştırılmıştır.In this study, bolted joints are analysed under the action of shear and bending forces. For this aim, a symmetric bolted joint including six bolts is loaded by shear and bending forces. It is solved by using well-known equilibrium equations and finite element method. In the analytical solution, the members are assumed as rigid and their effects in bolt deformations are assumed to be zero. In the finite element solutions, two different solutions have been carried out. In the first one, the members are assumed rigid as in the analytical solution. The results are compared with the results obtained from analytical solution. In the second solution, connected members are considered as elastic. The results are again compared with previous results. The preload effect has also been investigated in the finite element solutions

    Evolving Neural Networks Applied to Predator-Evader Problem

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    The creation of strategies to meet abstract goals is an important behavior exhibited by natural organisms. A situation requiring the development of such strategies is the predator-evader problem. To study this problem, Khepera robots are chosen as the competing agents. Using computer simulations the evolution of the adaptive behavior is studied in a predator-evader interaction. A bilaterally symmetrical multilayer perceptron neural network architecture with evolvable weights is used to model the “brains” of the agents. Evolutionary programming is employed to evolve the predator for developing adaptive strategies to meet its goals. To study the effect of learning on evolution a self-organizing map (SOM) is added to the architecture, it is trained continuously and all the predators can access its weights. The results of these two different approaches are compared

    Teleworking Implementation Process Model for Yebam (Elderly&Disabled Care, Research, Training and Implementation Center)/Konya-Turkey

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    People with disabilities are facing many constraints when using urban interior and exterior spaces. At the same time, aging brings with physical losses. Because of these physical restrictions, the participation of disabled and elderly people in working life gets much harder. New solutions should be developed for elderly and disabled people in order to improve the employment of them. In this context, the information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide opportunities for people with disabilities in all areas of life.  These opportunities also have importance for people having different mobility disabilities. At this point, teleworking, as a new way of working provides an opportunity for employee to work anywhere and anytime through ICTs so daily trips could be decreased with teleworking. This paper aims to evaluate opportunities for the employment of elderly and disabled people. Firstly, the concept and forms of teleworking are defined. Then the importance of this new way of working for elderly and disabled people is discussed. In Turkey, there are many institutions that provide services to the elderly and people with disabilities. However, these institutions are not enough for these people so new solutions should be developed. For this purpose, Yebam (Elderly&Disabled Care, Research, Training and Implementation Center) will be established in Selcuk University Campus-Konya/Turkey. Educational services, living spaces, production and rehabilitation centers will be combined in one place. Finally, teleworking implementation process model proposed for Yebam has been discussed in the last part of the paper

    Design of a five-axis ultra-precision micro-milling machine—UltraMill. Part 1: Holistic design approach, design considerations and specifications

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    High-accuracy three-dimensional miniature components and microstructures are increasingly in demand in the sector of electro-optics, automotive, biotechnology, aerospace and information-technology industries. A rational approach to mechanical micro machining is to develop ultra-precision machines with small footprints. In part 1 of this two-part paper, the-state-of-the-art of ultra-precision machines with micro-machining capability is critically reviewed. The design considerations and specifications of a five-axis ultra-precision micro-milling machine—UltraMill—are discussed. Three prioritised design issues: motion accuracy, dynamic stiffness and thermal stability, formulate the holistic design approach for UltraMill. This approach has been applied to the development of key machine components and their integration so as to achieve high accuracy and nanometer surface finish

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Rapid CIV Broad Absorption Line Variability

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    We report the discovery of rapid variations of a high-velocity CIV broad absorption line trough in the quasar SDSS J141007.74+541203.3. This object was intensively observed in 2014 as a part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project, during which 32 epochs of spectroscopy were obtained with the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey spectrograph. We observe significant (>4sigma) variability in the equivalent width of the broad (~4000 km/s wide) CIV trough on rest-frame timescales as short as 1.20 days (~29 hours), the shortest broad absorption line variability timescale yet reported. The equivalent width varied by ~10% on these short timescales, and by about a factor of two over the duration of the campaign. We evaluate several potential causes of the variability, concluding that the most likely cause is a rapid response to changes in the incident ionizing continuum. If the outflow is at a radius where the recombination rate is higher than the ionization rate, the timescale of variability places a lower limit on the density of the absorbing gas of n_e > 3.9 x 10^5 cm^-3. The broad absorption line variability characteristics of this quasar are consistent with those observed in previous studies of quasars, indicating that such short-term variability may in fact be common and thus can be used to learn about outflow characteristics and contributions to quasar/host-galaxy feedback scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa