104 research outputs found

    Signatures of Cloud, Temperature, and Gravity From Spectra of the Closest Brown Dwarfs

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    We present medium resolution optical and NIR spectral data for components of the newly discovered WISE J104915.57-531906.1AB (Luhman 16AB) brown dwarf binary. The optical spectra reveal strong 6708 A Li I absorption in both Luhman 16A (8.0+/-0.4 A) and Luhman 16B (3.8+/-0.4 A). Interestingly, this is the first detection of Li I absorption in a T dwarf. Combined with the lack of surface gravity features, the Li I detection constrains the system age to 0.1 - 3 Gyr. In the NIR data, we find strong KI absorption at 1.168, 1.177, 1.243, and 1.254 {\mu}m in both components. Compared to the strength of KI line absorption in equivalent spectral subtype brown dwarfs, Luhman 16A is weaker while Luhman 16B is stronger. Analyzing the spectral region around each doublet in distance scaled flux units and comparing the two sources, we confirm the J band flux reversal and find that Luhman 16B has a brighter continuum in the 1.17 {\mu}m and 1.25 {\mu}m regions than Luhman 16A. Converting flux units to a brightness temperature we interpret this to mean that the secondary is ~ 50 K warmer than the primary in regions dominated by condensate grain scattering. One plausible explanation for this difference is that Luhman 16B has thinner clouds or patchy holes in its atmosphere allowing us to see to deeper, hotter regions. We also detect comparably strong FeH in the 0.9896 {\mu}m Wing-Ford band for both components. Traditionally, a signpost of changing atmosphere conditions from late-type L to early T dwarfs, the persistence and similarity of FeH at 0.9896 {\mu}m in both Luhman 16A and Luhman 16B is an indication of homogenous atmosphere conditions. We calculate bolometric luminosities from observed data supplemented with best fit models for longer wavelengths and find the components are consistent within 1{\sigma} with resultant Teffs of 1310+/-30 K and 1280+/-75 K for Luhman 16AB respectively.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to ApJ and revised after referee repor

    A Chandra Study: Are Dwarf Carbon Stars Spun Up and Rejuvenated by Mass Transfer?

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    Carbon stars (with C/O> 1) were long assumed to all be giants, because only AGB stars dredge up significant carbon into their atmospheres. The case is nearly iron-clad now that the formerly mysterious dwarf carbon (dC) stars are actually far more common than C giants, and have accreted carbon-rich material from a former AGB companion, yielding a white dwarf and a dC star that has gained both significant mass and angular momentum. Some such dC systems have undergone a planetary nebula phase, and some may evolve to become CH, CEMP, or Ba giants. Recent studies indicate that most dCs are likely from older, metal-poor kinematic populations. Given the well-known anti-correlation of age and activity, dCs would not be expected to show significant X-ray emission related to coronal activity. However, accretion spin-up might be expected to rejuvenate magnetic dynamos in these post mass-transfer binary systems. We describe our Chandra pilot study of six dCs selected from the SDSS for Halpha emission and/or a hot white dwarf companion, to test whether their X-ray emission strength and spectral properties are consistent with a rejuvenated dynamo. We detect all 6 dCs in the sample, which have X-ray luminosities ranging from logLx= 28.5 - 29.7, preliminary evidence that dCs may be active at a level consistent with stars that have short rotation periods of several days or less. More definitive results require a sample of typical dCs with deeper X-ray observations to better constrain their plasma temperatures.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Revised and resubmitted June 20, accepted June 21, 2019 to Ap

    The First Brown Dwarf Discovered by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

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    The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) is a powerful tool for finding nearby brown dwarfs and searching for new planets in the outer solar system, especially with the incorporation of NEOWISE and NEOWISE-Reactivation data. So far, searches for brown dwarfs in WISE data have yet to take advantage of the full depth of the WISE images. To efficiently search this unexplored space via visual inspection, we have launched a new citizen science project, called "Backyard Worlds: Planet 9," which asks volunteers to examine short animations composed of difference images constructed from time-resolved WISE coadds. We report the discovery of the first new substellar object found by this project, WISEA J110125.95+540052.8, a T5.5 brown dwarf located approximately 34 pc from the Sun with a total proper motion of \sim0.7 as yr1^{-1}. WISEA J110125.95+540052.8 has a WISE W2W2 magnitude of W2=15.37±0.09W2=15.37 \pm 0.09, this discovery demonstrates the ability of citizen scientists to identify moving objects via visual inspection that are 0.9 magnitudes fainter than the W2W2 single-exposure sensitivity, a threshold that has limited prior motion-based brown dwarf searches with WISE.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Touchstone Stars: Highlights from the Cool Stars 18 Splinter Session

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    We present a summary of the splinter session on "touchstone stars" -- stars with directly measured parameters -- that was organized as part of the Cool Stars 18 conference. We discuss several methods to precisely determine cool star properties such as masses and radii from eclipsing binaries, and radii and effective temperatures from interferometry. We highlight recent results in identifying and measuring parameters for touchstone stars, and ongoing efforts to use touchstone stars to determine parameters for other stars. We conclude by comparing the results of touchstone stars with cool star models, noting some unusual patterns in the differences.Comment: Proceedings of the 18th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, Eds G. van Belle & H. Harri

    A nearby young M dwarf with a wide, possibly planetary-mass companion

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    We present the identification of two previously known young objects in the solar neighbourhood as a likely very wide binary. TYC 9486-927-1, an active, rapidly rotating early-M dwarf, and 2MASS J21265040-8140293, a low-gravity L3 dwarf previously identified as candidate members of the \sim45 Myr old Tucana Horologium association (TucHor). An updated proper motion measurement of the L3 secondary, and a detailed analysis of the pair's kinematics in the context of known nearby, young stars, reveals that they share common proper motion and are likely bound. New observations and analyses reveal the primary exhibits Li 6708~\AA~absorption consistent with M dwarfs younger than TucHor but older than the \sim10 Myr TW Hydra association yielding an age range of 10-45 Myr. A revised kinematic analysis suggests the space motions and positions of the pair are closer to, but not entirely in agreement with, the \sim24 Myr old β\beta Pictoris moving group. This revised 10-45 Myr age range yields a mass range of 11.6--15 MJ_J for the secondary. It is thus likely 2MASS J21265040-8140293short is the widest orbit planetary mass object known (>>4500AU) and its estimated mass, age, spectral type, and TeffT_{eff} are similar to the well-studied planet β\beta Pictoris b. Because of their extreme separation and youth, this low-mass pair provide an interesting case study for very wide binary formation and evolution.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Individual dynamical masses of DENIS J063001.4−184014AB reveal a likely young brown dwarf triple

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    The binary nature of the M8.5 dwarf DENIS J063001.4-184014AB (DE0630-18) was discovered with astrometric monitoring from the ground, which determined the unresolved photocentric orbit and the trigonometric parallax of the system. Here we present radial-velocity monitoring and resolved observations in the near-infrared with Keck aperture masking that allow us to measure the system's relative separation and brightness. By combining all available information, we determine the individual dynamical masses of the binary components to be M1=0.0520.008+0.009MSunM_1 = 0.052^{+0.009}_{-0.008} M_\mathrm{Sun} and M2=0.0520.004+0.005MSunM_2 = 0.052^{+0.005}_{-0.004} M_\mathrm{Sun}, both firmly in the substellar regime. These masses are surprising given the object's M8.5 optical spectral type and equivalent absolute magnitude, and the significant difference in brightness between the components (ΔK\Delta{K} = 1.74±\pm0.06 mag). Our results suggest that DE0630-18 is a relatively young system (\sim200 Myr) with a secondary component that is itself a potentially unresolved binary.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs - III. The halo transitional brown dwarfs

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We report the discovery of an esdL3 subdwarf, ULAS J020858.62+020657.0 and a usdL4.5 subdwarf, ULAS J230711.01+014447.1. They were identified as L subdwarfs by optical spectra obtained with the Gran Telescopio Canarias, and followed up by optical to near infrared spectroscopy with the Very Large Telescope. We also obtained an optical to near infrared spectrum of a previously known L subdwarf, ULAS J135058.85+081506.8, and re-classified it as a usdL3 subdwarf. These three objects all have typical halo kinematics. They have TeffT_{\rm eff} around 2050-2250 K, -1.8 \leq [Fe/H] \leq -1.5, and mass around 0.0822-0.0833 M_{\odot}, according to model spectral fitting and evolutionary models. These sources are likely halo transitional brown dwarfs with unsteady hydrogen fusions, as their masses are just below the hydrogen-burning minimum mass, which is \sim 0.0845 M_{\odot} at [Fe/H] = -1.6 and \sim 0.0855 M_{\odot} at [Fe/H] = -1.8. Including these, there are now nine objects in the `halo brown dwarf transition zone', which is a `substellar subdwarf gap' spans a wide temperature range within a narrow mass range of the substellar population.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. I. Six new L subdwarfs, classification and atmospheric properties

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ©: 2016 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reservedWe have conducted a search for L subdwarf candidates within the photometric catalogues of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey and Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Six of our candidates are confirmed as L subdwarfs spectroscopically at optical and/or near infrared wavelengths. We also present new optical spectra of three previously known L subdwarfs (WISEA J001450.17-083823.4, 2MASS J00412179+3547133, ULAS J124425.75+102439.3). We examined the spectral types and metallicity subclasses classification of known L subdwarfs. We summarised the spectroscopic properties of L subdwarfs with different spectral types and subclasses. We classify these new L subdwarfs by comparing their spectra to known L subdwarfs and L dwarf standards. We estimate temperatures and metallicities of 22 late type M and L subdwarfs by comparing their spectra to BT-Settl models. We find that L subdwarfs have temperatures between 1500 K and 2700 K, which are higher than similarly-typed L dwarfs by around 100-400 K depending on different subclasses and subtypes. We constrained the metallicity ranges of subclasses of M, L and T subdwarfs. We also discussed the spectral type and absolute magnitude relationships for L and T subdwarfs.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio