256 research outputs found

    Spatial patterns of species composition and richness in iberian freshwater fish:a macroecological approach

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    Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia), 2010, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasDisponível no documentoFundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), (SFRH/BD/10330/2002); Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC, Madrid), programa Synthesys (European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP6); Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e Biodiversidad

    Implementação de um modelo de crescimento para castanheiro no simulador da floresta Stands.SIM.md

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia / ULEste trabalho consiste na implementação de um modelo de crescimento, ao nível da árvore individual, para o castanheiro no simulador da floresta, StandsSIM.md. Com a relevância económica crescente desta espécie em várias regiões de Portugal, e principalmente com a necessidade de criar paisagens mais resilientes, urge a necessidade de desenvolver ferramentas que ajudem à tomada de decisão na gestão florestal de espécies menos presentes na floresta portuguesa, mas que podem vir a ser uma opção interessante. Neste caso, abordámos os povoamentos de castanheiro em regime de alto fuste. Como tal, ao longo do trabalho, analisaram-se as equações de crescimento disponíveis para castanheiro, a estrutura interna do simulador e os seus requisitos. Também se analisaram opções para compatibilização das equações existentes e o ajustamento de equações novas bem como a definição dos modelos de silvicultura a aplicar para que se pudessem realizar algumas simulações teste. Por fim, procedeu-se à integração do modelo, a que se chamou CASTANEA, no simulador e à sua avaliação. Complementarmente, ajustaram-se equações, a partir de dados provenientes de árvores abatidas: diâmetro sem casca em função da equação do diâmetro com casca, altura mercantil em função da altura total da árvore, volume sem casca em função do volume da árvore, volume do cepo em função do volume da árvore e da altura do cepo e o volume do cepo sem casca em função do volume do cepo. Como produto, alcançou-se um modelo capaz de simular o crescimento e produção de povoamentos de castanheiro para diferentes alternativas de gestão, permitindo analisar as estimativas ao nível da árvore, ao nível do povoamento e realizar uma análise económica. Com a inclusão do modelo CASTANEA no StandsSIM.md o utilizador beneficia ainda das funcionalidades da plataforma sIMfLOR, nomeadamente a análise gráfica dos resultadosN/

    Avaliação da vulnerabilidade à fraude alimentar: o caso do Talho Nacional

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    Cada vez mais existe uma preocupação e exigência para com o consumo de géneros alimentícios de qua-lidade e autênticos. Mas é certo que continuam a existir falhas e contaminações ditas intencionais, que põem em causa a autenticidade e integridade dos produtos consumidos. A fraude alimentar pode ser con-siderada como um ato de adulterar produtos de forma intencional com o objetivo de obter um ganho eco-nómico. Dado isto, existe a obrigatoriedade por parte das entidades responsáveis, de uma procura de solu-ções através de diversas medidas ou sistemas de controlo da fraude alimentar, de forma a ser possível a produção de géneros alimentícios seguros e o aumento da confiança dos consumidores. Assim, o objetivo principal do relatório foi a avaliação da vulnerabilidade à fraude alimentar do Talho Nacional. Para tal recorreu-se a uma análise descritiva de caráter qualitativo, onde se prepondera a observação dire-ta e a utilização de análise documental. De acordo com os resultados obtidos foi possível concluir que existem matérias-primas com elevado risco de vulnerabilidade à fraude alimentar, encontrando-se na zona da matriz de risco correspondente à cor vermelha, o que indica que as matérias-primas consideradas são vulneráveis a sofrer adulterações, sendo necessárias medidas de controlo adicionais; Abstract: We are more and more concerned about consuming quality and authentic food. But also we know that there are intentional fails and contaminations that put in doubt the authenticity and integrity of the eaten foodstuff. Food fraud may be considered as an act of intentionally mislead consumers with the goal of obtaining economic benefits. Therefore, competent authorities have the obligation of searching solutions through several measures or food fraud control systems, to the aim of producing safe food and increasing the consumers’confidence. In that way, the main purpose of this report was to analyse Talho Nacional vulnerability to food fraud. For that purpose, we made a reasoned descriptive analysis on a qualitative base, where predominates direct observation and documental analysis. According to final results we can conclude that there exist raw materials with high risk of vulnerability to food fraud. The raw materials are set on the red level of the risk scale, which indicates that raw materials are considered to be vulnerable to adulterations, and additional control measures are necessary

    Desenvolvimento estratégico da odisseias e o futuro das caixas presente em Portugal

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    As opções estratégicas e sua coerência são factores chave para o sucesso das organizações no mundo competitivo e em constante mudança nos dias de hoje. O presente trabalho é um caso pedagógico empresarial e como tal, apresenta duas vertentes complementares. Por um lado a análise de uma situação empresarial real e por outro a sua ‘resolução’ através de uma metodologia pedagógica. O caso descreve o modelo de negócio da Odisseias, uma empresa criada em 2005 e que atua no mercado das experiências em Portugal. A Odisseias teve um crescimento exponencial desde o seu início, conseguindo inesperadamente em 2012 passar do terceiro lugar a líder de mercado, atingindo receitas superiores a cinco milhões de euros. O objectivo do caso é sobretudo identificar, analisar e constatar a validade das variáveis que sustentam o êxito e a continuidade desta área de negócio no mercado, e posteriormente, através da utilização de ferramentas de análise apropriadas, possibilitar ao público-alvo do caso, estabelecer uma linha de evolução para a empresa, não só a nível interno, mas também, externo. Paralelamente, a resolução deste problema empresarial é apresentada de forma a ser utilizada para fins pedagógicos, potenciando a aprendizagem de metodologias e instrumentos de gestão, que orientam a definição de uma Estratégia em qualquer mercado. Este trabalho pretende, ao nível da Gestão Empresarial, ser um contributo válido para a sistematização do processo de elaboração de uma estratégia empresarial. Para a Pedagogia, pretende-se munir o mercado de um instrumento eficaz de ensino, que permita exercitar a tomada de decisão, de forma consistente e estruturada.The strategic options and its coherence are key factors for the success of all organizations in this fast changing and competitive world we currently live in. This paper is a business pedagogical case and as such, presents two complementary perpectives. On one hand, the analysis of a real business situation and on the other, the resolution of problematics encountered relating from a pedagogical perspective. The case describes the business model of Odisseias, a company criated in 2005 that operates in the gift voucher’s market in Portugal. Odisseias has grown exponentially since its start-up, which allowed the company unexpectedly to move from third player in the market to leader with revenues of more than five million euros in 2012. The aim of this business case is to identify, analyze and verify the validity of the variables that underpin the success of the company and the continuity of this industry. Through the use of suitable analitic tools, the readers should be able to establish the evolution of the company, not only internally, but also externally. In addition, the resolution of this business problem is presented in a way that is suitable to be used for educational purposes, enhacing learning methodologies and management tools that guide the definition of a strategy, in any market. At the level of business management, this study intends to be a valid contribution for the sistematization of the process of developing a business strategy. For pedagogy, the purpose of this study is to provide an effective tool of teaching that support the decision making process in a consistent and structured manner

    Filling gaps in a large reserve network to address freshwater conservation needs

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    Freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity are among the most threatened at global scale, but efforts for their conservation have been mostly peripheral to terrestrial conservation. For example, Natura 2000, the world's largest network of protected areas, fails to cover adequately the distribution of rare and endangered aquatic species, and lacks of appropriate spatial design to make conservation for freshwater biodiversity effective. Here, we develop a framework to identify a complementary set of priority areas and enhance the conservation opportunities of Natura 2000 for freshwater biodiversity, using the Iberian Peninsula as a case study. We use a systematic planning approach to identify a minimum set of additional areas that would help i) adequately represent all freshwater fish, amphibians and aquatic reptiles at three different target levels, ii) account for key ecological processes derived from riverscape connectivity, and iii) minimize the impact of threats, both within protected areas and propagated from upstream unprotected areas. Addressing all these goals would need an increase in area between 7 and 46%, depending on the conservation target used and strength of connectivity required. These new priority areas correspond to subcatchments inhabited by endangered and range restricted species, as well as additional subcatchments required to improve connectivity among existing protected areas and to increase protection against upstream threats. Our study should help guide future revisions of the design of Natura 2000, while providing a framework to address deficiencies in reserve networks for adequately protecting freshwater biodiversity elsewhere.We acknowledge funding support provided by Griffith University and Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC-2013-13979) to VH. PB and AFF were supported by EDP Biodiversity Chair. PS was supported by a grant funded by FCT (SFRH/BPD/39067/2007)

    Dual antibiotherapy of tuberculosis mediated by inhalable locust bean gum microparticles

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    Despite the existence of effective oral therapy, tuberculosis remains a deadly pathology, namely because of bacterial resistance and incompliance with treatments. Establishing alternative therapeutic approaches is urgently needed and inhalable therapy has a great potential in this regard. As pathogenic bacteria are hosted by alveolar macrophages, the co-localisation of antitubercular drugs and pathogens is thus potentiated by this strategy. This work proposes inhalable therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis mediated by a single locust bean gum (LBG) formulation of microparticles associating both isoniazid and rifabutin, complying with requisites of the World Health Organisation of combined therapy. Microparticles were produced by spray-drying, at LBG/INH/RFB mass ratio of 10/1/0.5. The aerodynamic characterisation of microparticles revealed emitted doses of more than 90% and fine particle fraction of 38%, thus indicating the adequacy of the system to reach the respiratory lung area, thus partially the alveolar region. Cytotoxicity results indicate moderate toxicity (cell viability around 60%), with a concentration-dependent effect. Additionally, rat alveolar macrophages evidenced preferential capture of LBG microparticles, possibly due to chemical composition comprising mannose and galactose units that are specifically recognised by macrophage surface receptors. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.National Portuguese funding through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia [PTDC/DTP-FTO/0094/2012, UID/BIM/04773/2013, UID/Multi/04326/2013, UID/QUI/00100/2013, PEst-OE/QUI/UI4023/2011

    a parallel-study design

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    Most of the research combining small-sided games (SSGs) with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is using the short or long forms of HIIT. However, other types of HIIT as repeated sprint training (RST) could enhance different stimuli. The purpose of the current research was to analyze the within- and between-group variations of physical fitness and body composition of two combined training interventions: (i) SSGs combined with a short high intensity interval training (sHIIT); and (ii) SSGs combined with a RST. This study followed a randomized parallel study design. Twenty-eight youth soccer players (age: 17.3 ± 0.5) belong to the same team were assigned equally to two interven tion groups: SSG + sHIIT versus SSG + RST. Training intervention lasted 4 weeks, with a 2-session/week frequency. The players were tested twice, once before and after the intervention with the following tests: skinfolds (fat mass); Sargent jump test (SJT); standing long jump; sprinting time at 10-, 20-, or 30-m; 5-0-5 for time and deficit; 30-15 intermittent fitness test (30-15IFT) based on the final velocity, and repeated sprint ability (RAST) for peak, minimum, average power, and fatigue index. A mixed analysis of variance was conducted to considering factor × time effect. Between group analysis revealed no significant differences at baseline and post-intervention period for fat mass, sprinting time at 10-, 20-, and 30-m, change-of-direction (COD) time and deficit, SJT and standing long jump, final velocity at 30-15IFT and RAST peak, average power, and fatigue index (p > 0.05). Within-group analysis revealed that both groups significantly reduced fat mass (p ≤ 0.001), SJT (p ≤ 0.001), standing long jump (p ≤ 0.001), sprint time at 10- and 20-m (p ≤ 0.001), 30-m (p = 0.002), COD time (p ≤ 0.001) and deficit (p < 0.05), RAST average (p < 0.05), and final velocity 30-15IFT (p ≤ 0.001). Only SSG + RST had significant improvements on COD deficit and peak power (p < 0.05). The result of the current research suggests that either SSG + sHIIT or SSG + RST are effective for improving physical fitness in youth soccer players, with a multiple beneficial effect on locomotor profile, speed and COD, jumping performance and repeated sprint ability.9E1A-F9DD-3EB8 | Filipe Manuel ClementeN/

    A implicação da Nutrição na cicatrização das Úlceras por Pressão: uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura

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    Introdução: As úlceras por pressão assumem-se como um problema para a saúde pública e um indicador da qualidade de cuidados. Cerca de 95% das úlceras por pressão são evitáveis se for identificado precocemente o risco. A nutrição deve ser adequada para providenciar energia suficiente para suportar o crescimento tecidular e posterior cicatrização. Objetivo: Compreender o papel da nutrição na cicatrização das úlceras por pressão. Métodos: revisão sistemática da literatura, com recurso às bases de dados PubMed e SciELO e motor de busca EBSCO. Os artigos selecionados foram publicados entre 2015 e 2020, na língua portuguesa e inglesa. Resultados: Foram analisados oito artigos que abordaram a relação entre a nutrição e as úlceras por pressão. Conclusão: A nutrição torna-se assim um fator preponderante na prevenção e cicatrização das úlceras por pressão. É importante que os profissionais de saúde, individuo e cuidadores estejam conscientes do papel que a nutrição tem na saúde, bem como na prevenção e tratamento de úlceras por pressão. Uma boa gestão desta pode melhorar os outcomes do individuo portador de úlcera por pressão e consequentemente melhorar a sua qualidade de vida.N/

    Integration of DNA-based approaches in aquatic ecological assessment using benthic macroinvertebrates

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    Benthic macroinvertebrates are among the most used biological quality elements for assessing the condition of all types of aquatic ecosystems worldwide (i.e., fresh water, transitional, and marine). Current morphology-based assessments have several limitations that may be circumvented by using DNA-based approaches. Here, we present a comprehensive review of 90 publications on the use of DNA metabarcoding of benthic macroinvertebrates in aquatic ecosystems bioassessments. Metabarcoding of bulk macrozoobenthos has been preferentially used in fresh waters, whereas in marine waters, environmental DNA (eDNA) from sediment and bulk communities from deployed artificial structures has been favored. DNA extraction has been done predominantly through commercial kits, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) has been, by far, the most used marker, occasionally combined with others, namely, the 18S rRNA gene. Current limitations include the lack of standardized protocols and broad-coverage primers, the incompleteness of reference libraries, and the inability to reliably extrapolate abundance data. In addition, morphology versus DNA benchmarking of ecological status and biotic indexes are required to allow general worldwide implementation and higher end-user confidence. The increased sensitivity, high throughput, and faster execution of DNA metabarcoding can provide much higher spatial and temporal data resolution on aquatic ecological status, thereby being more responsive to immediate management needs.This work was supported by the "Contrato-Programa" UIDB/04050/2020 and the project NIS-DNA (PTDC/BIA-BMA/29754/2017) funded by national funds through the FCT I.P (Foundation for Science and Technology). Financial support granted by the FCT to S.D. (CEECIND/00667/2017) and B.R.L. (PD/BD/127994/2016) is also acknowledged. A.F.F. was supported by the project FRESHING founded by the FCT and COMPETE (PTDC/AAGMAA/2261/2014-POCI-01-0145-FEDER356016824). M.J.F. was supported by FCT through MARE strategic project UIDB/04292/2020 and Norma Transitoria-DL57/2016

    Clinical Validation of The Portuguese Version of the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ-PT) in Children with Sleep Disorder and ADHD

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    Introduction: The Portuguese version of the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire showed adequate psychometric properties in a community sample but the American cut-off seemed inadequate. This study aimed to validate this questionnaire in clinical populations of children with sleep disorders and with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. Material and Methods: The study sample included 148 Portuguese children aged 2 to 10 years old that where divided in 3 groups: 1. Clinical group with sleep disorders (behavioral insomnias, parasomnias or sleep-related breathing disorders); 2. Clinical group with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder; 3. Control group. The sleep habits and sleep problems were evaluated using the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire. Sleep-related disorders were confirmed by polysomnography. Results: The questionnaire’s internal consistency (Cronbach α) in the clinical sample (sleep disorders and attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder) was 0.75 and ranged from 0.55 to 0.85 for the subscales. Children with sleep disorders and attention deficit/  hyperactivity disorder had a higher sleep disturbance index (full scale score) compared to the control group. The subscales presented significant differences between the subgroups with different sleep disorders showing discriminative validity. The receiver operating characteristic analysis of the sleep disturbance index comparing the sleep disorder and control sample determined a cut-off of 48 (sensibility 0.83; specificity 0.69). Discussion: Children with sleep disorders and attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder evidenced higher Sleep Disturbance Index (full scale score) comparing to the control group. The subscales presented significative differences between the subgroups with different sleep disorders showing discriminative validity Conclusion: The Portuguese version of the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire showed adequate psychometric properties for children with sleep disorders and/or attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. The cut-off value 48 is better adjusted for the Portuguese population