29 research outputs found

    Prefix Restriction of Regulated Grammar Systems

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    Tato práce studuje gramatické systémy, jejichž komponenty používají pravidla, která mají na levé straně ne jeden neterminál, ale řetězec neterminálů. Práce u těchto gramatických systémů zavádí tři omezení derivace. První vyžaduje, aby k derivaci v každé větné formě došlo v rámci prvních l symbolů v prvním spojitém bloku neterminálů. Druhé omezení definuje derivaci pro větné formy, které obsahují nejvýše m spojitých bloků neterminálů. Třetí omezení rozšiřuje druhé o podmínku, že každý takový blok může být nejvýše délky h. Hlavním výsledkem této práce jsou důkazy o zmenšení generativní síly gramatických systémů u dvou z těchto omezení.This thesis studies grammar systems whose components use sequences of productions whose left-hand sides are formed by nonterminal strings, not just single nonterminals. It introduces three restrictions on the derivations in these grammar systems. The first restriction requires that all rewritten symbols occur within the first l symbols of the first continuous block of nonterminals in the sentential form during every derivation step. The second restriction defines derivations over sentential forms containing no more than m continuous blocks of nonterminals. The third restriction extends the second in the way that each sequence of nonterminals must be of length h or less. As its main result, the thesis demonstrates that two of these restrictions decrease the generative power of grammar systems.

    Privacy Preserving Randomized Gossip Algorithms

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    In this work we present three different randomized gossip algorithms for solving the average consensus problem while at the same time protecting the information about the initial private values stored at the nodes. We give iteration complexity bounds for all methods, and perform extensive numerical experiments.Comment: 38 page

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    Frictional properties of woven fabrics

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    Thromboembolic Conditions, Aetiology Diagnosis and Treatment in Dogs and Cats

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    In veterinary medicine, thrombo-embolism (TE) is an under-appreciated medical condition that requires immediate recognition. Since TE is multifactorial and its mode of presentation may vary, veterinarians face great difficulties in making a definitive diagnosis in a timely manner. In addition, most of the underlying conditions that give rise to TE are life-threatening and an aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic approach is required. Not only does the diagnosis and treatment of this condition require the collaboration of many specialties, the costs of therapy can be excessive with a high risk of recurrence. As such, owners have to be thoroughly informed before the therapy commences. While TE has been well-characterized in humans and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, little information of similar quality is available in veterinary medicine. In addition, TE in animals is distinct from its human counterpart and we cannot simply adapt what is known from human clinical trials. With the promise of improvements in imaging modalities that improve our diagnostic capabilities, the window of opportunity to treat TE increases. This article focuses on aetiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of dogs and cats affected by TE

    Are Economics Students More Rational than Students of Other Fields?

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    Práce zkoumá, zda se studenti ekonomických oborů rozhodují více v souladu s předpoklady racionality, než studenti jiných oborů. Výzkum čerpá data z online dotazníku, jehož respondenty jsou studenti z různých vysokých škol v České republice. Kromě vlivu studijního oboru na míru racionality práce také zkoumá vlivy dalších proměnných, jako například pohlaví či ročník studia. Na základě výsledků získaných regresní analýzou se efekt studia ekonomie na racionální rozhodování projevil jako statisticky významný. Nepodařilo se ale potvrdit, že se studenti vyšších ročníků ekonomických oborů rozhodují více racionálně, než studenti nižších ročníků. Co se týče genderových rozdílů, podařilo se dokázat, že se muži rozhodují více racionálně a ženy jsou více averzní k riziku.The thesis examines whether students of economic fields make decisions more in accordance with the assumptions of rationality than students of other fields. The research draws data from an online questionnaire, the respondents of which are students from various universities in the Czech Republic. In addition to the effect of field of study on the degree of rationality, the work also examines the effects of other variables, such as gender or year of study. Based on the results obtained by regression analysis, the effect of studying economics on rational decision-making was shown to be statistically significant. However, it was not possible to confirm that students of higher years of economics make decisions more rationally than students of lower years. As for gender differences, it has been proven that men make decisions more rationally and women are more risk averse

    Hodnocení vybraného elektrického vlhkoměru při měření vlhkosti dřeva smrku v průběhu procesu navlhání

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    The content of this bachelor's thesis deals with the measurement of the moisture content of spruce wood (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in the wetting process. Spruce wood was added to zero moisture (w = 0%) and then stored in an air-conditioned room. Wood moisture was measured using an Orion 950 dielectric hygrometer. The moisture values measured on this hygrometer were subsequently compared with the actual moisture found, which was determined using the gravimetric method. The interface of the selected hygrometer enables the setting of the wood density value as well, thus allowing the comparison of the wood moisture with the actual density and with the table density given in the tables from the wood hygrometer manufacturer. The measured spruce wood samples were divided into two groups of 15 pieces each, namely samples without defects or with only minimal defects, and samples with larger defects, especially with resin streaks or knots. Most accurately, the hygrometer measured with the actual density of the samples for both groups. There was always a very significant difference of values when the table density was set

    Design of a loop towel

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