71 research outputs found

    Rijedak slučaj multifokalnog serpiginoidnog koroiditisa

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    Multifocal serpiginoid choroiditis is an infectious variety of serpiginous choroiditis. The disease is characterized by infectious etiology and overlapping clinical features in an intermediary form of acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy and serpiginous choroiditis. In a 33-year-old patient, bilateral multiple placoid partially confluent chorioretinal lesions were diagnosed after a febrile flu-like episode. On the right eye, there was a progressive decrease in visual acuity. Later, the lesions had a prolonged progressive devastating clinical course and widespread distribution of placoid lesions, and took the form of serpiginoid choroiditis. We conducted extensive laboratory work-up and ancillary investigation for granulomatous diseases such as tuberculosis and sarcoidosis, and the results were not consistent with these entities. Systemic medical work-up revealed a history of exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus, herpes simplex virus 1, varicella zoster virus and cytomegalovirus. The titer of Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM antibodies was positive. After serological analysis positive for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, systemic antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory doses of corticosteroids were administered. Improvement of visual acuity after the introduction of causal antibiotic therapy in combination with anti-inflammatory therapy confirmed our suspicion that Mycoplasma pneumoniae was the etiologic cause of multifocal serpiginoid choroiditis.Multifokalni serpiginoidni koroiditis je infektivna varijanta serpiginoznog koroiditisa. Bolest obilježava infektivna etiologija i preklapanje kliničke slike između akutnog oblika stražnje multifokalne plakoidne pigmentne epiteliopatije i serpiginoznog koroiditisa. Nakon epizode poput febrilne gripe bolesniku u dobi od 33 godine dijagnosticirane su bilateralne, brojne, plakoidne, djelomice konfluentne korioretinalne lezije. Na desnom oku vidna oštrina se progresivno smanjivala. Kasnije su lezije poprimile prolongirani, progresivni, razarajući klinički tijek i raširenu distribuciju plakoidnih lezija u obliku serpiginoidnog koroiditisa. Proveli smo opsežne laboratorijske testove i pomoćnu dijagnostiku za granulomatozne bolesti poput tuberkuloze i sarkoidoze, ali rezultati nisu potvrdili uzročnika. Daljnja sistemska medicinska obrada je pokazala povijest izlaganja virusu humane imunodeficijencije, herpes simpleksu, varičela zoster virusu i citomegalovirusu. Povišen je bio titar IgM antitijela na Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Nakon pozitivnih seroloških analiza na Mycoplasma pneumoniae primijenjena je sistemska antibiotska terapija i protuupalna doza kortikosteroida. Poboljšanje vidne oštrine nakon uvođenja uzročne antibiotske terapije u kombinaciji s protuupalnom terapijom potvrdilo je našu sumnju da je Mycoplasma pneumoniae bila etiološki uzročnik multifokalnog serpiginoidnog koroiditisa

    Taxonomy and ecology of the genus Galanthus L. (Amaryllidaceae) in Serbia

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    Врсте рода Galanthus су вишегодишње зељасте биљке са луковицом, распрострањене у Европи и Малој Азији. Због садржаја биоактивних састојака, привукле су велико интересовање у фармакологији, а због изгледа цвета и као ране пролећнице гаје се и у декоративне сврхе. Опстанак многих врста овога рода је у природи угрожен, услед уништавања њихових станишта и прекомерног сакупљања луковица за трговину у хортикултури. Због изразите варијабилности јединки и ограничених могућности у јасном дефинисању морфолошких карактера, многе припаднике рода Galanthus није могуће једноставно и поуздано идентификовати, што отежава примену трговинских и конзервационих стандарда. Бројна истраживања су спроведена ради расветљавања таксономских проблема присутних у оквиру овога рода, али је род остао недовољно истражен у Србији и централном делу Балканског полуострва. Истраживањем на терену установљено је да је род Galanthus у флори Србије представљен двема врстама. Galanthus nivalis L. је забележена у свим флористичким регионима земље у различитим шумским заједницама, на широком опсегу надморских висина (70 до изнад 2100 m), док је врста G. elwesii Hook. f. углавном заступљена у источној Србији, на падинама и вртачама планинских букових шума, изнад 1000 m н. в. На основу 13 анализираних морфометријских карактера, утврђена је диференцијација између проучаваних врста и диференцијација популација врсте G. nivalis. Популације врсте G. nivalis из долине реке Пчињe, Нишкe Бањe и са Озрена разликују се од популација ове врсте са других локалитета по уским листовима, који у младости често поседују воштану превлаку дуж средишњег нерва, док се популација са Радана може морфолошки одредити по стубићу тучка – који је у просеку краћи од прашника. Резултати фенолошких осматрања потврђују постојање значајних разлика између проучаваних популација. Популације показују релативну стабилност током три године осматрања у односу на почетак фенофазе цветања, стога је издвојено осам група, које се у великој мери подударају са генетичким групама. Компаративном анализом продукције нектара, у проучаваних врста су установљене мале и приближно једнаке вредности укупне дневне количине нектара по цвету (G. nivalis 0,04 ± 0,03 μl/дан; G. еlwesii 0,05 ± 0,02 μl/дан)...Species of the genus Galanthus are perennial bulbous plants, native to Europe and Asia Minor. They have drawn considerable attention in pharmacology, due to the content of bioactive compounds. In addition, they are widely cultivated as ornamental plants, thanks to the early flowering period and attractive flowers. Survival of many species of the genus is threatened in the wild, as a result of the destruction of their habitats and the collection of bulbs for the horticultural trade. Because of the lack of clearly definable morphological characters and the presence of great variability, species of the genus Galanthus are difficult to distinguish and classify, which causes problems in the implementation of trade and conservation policies. Numerous studies have been conducted in order to clarify complex taxonomical issues within this genus, but the genus has remained insufficiently investigated in Serbia and the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. The latest field investigations have revealed that there are two species of the genus Galanthus in the flora of Serbia. Galanthus nivalis L. has been recorded in all regions of the country, in various forest communities and ranging altitudes from 70 m to above 2100 m, whereas G. elwesii Hook. f. is mostly found in eastern Serbia, on slopes and in sinkholes of montane beech forests, at altitudes above 1000 m. Based on the measurements of 13 morphological characters, differentiation between the two studied species and the infraspecific differentiation of G. nivalis have been determined. Populations of G. nivalis from Pčinja River valley, Niška Spa and Mt. Ozren are distinguishable from the others by their narrow leaves which often possess a conspicuous stripe of wax running along the central vein, while the population of Mt. Radan is easily recognizable by its styles that are shorter than the stamens. Results of the phenological observations have confirmed that there are significant differences between the studied populations. During the three-year observation period, the populations had relatively stable first flowering dates; thus, 8 phenological groups were established, which were mainly in agreement with the genetical groups. The analysis of nectar production and pollination shows that species G. nivalis and G. elwesii produce very small amounts of nectar (G. nivalis 0.04±0.03 μl/day; G. еlwesii 0.05±0.02 μl/day). The total nectar production in both species is reduced to the amount of nectar secreted in the morning, the day after the flower opening, which coincides with the activity period of specialized insect pollinators..

    Developing a risk management methodology for strategic investment projects

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    Comparative analysis of natural gas imports by pipelines and FSRU terminals

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    Natural gas is one of the most sought-after trade commodities in the energy market, mainly due to exploitation of cleaner and sustainable energy sources. The most common transportation method for natural gas imports is either through designated pipelines in its gaseous state or carried in its liquefied state as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) by specialized tankers. The analysis and comparison of natural gas import by pipelines and FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit) terminals is presented in this paper. Pipeline import is currently the cheapest and most feasible option, but it requires significant infrastructural investments, which can affect imports in countries where production is far from the delivery, so alternatively vessels and import terminals are necessary to ensure natural gas imports and energy supply stability. This paper analyses the technology and current market outlook of both natural gas import methods

    Distribution of the genus Galanthus L. (Amaryllidaceae) in Serbia

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    The distribution of species from the genus Galanthus in Serbia is presented, and notes on their taxonomy and ecology are given in the paper. To date, only two species from the genus are known to be present, namely G. nivalis and G. elwesii. Further research on delimitation of the taxa occurring in Serbia is needed


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    Strategic investment projects are the basis of economic development, but also the development of the entire society. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a studious analysis and approach to manage every element of these types of projects. Particularly significant chapter in this process represents potential risks and their adverse effects, with a view to their elimination or minimization, or an adequate response to them. This paper examines the effect of the main elements of risk management of the strategic investment projects in Serbia on achieving the project objectives, ass well as the impact of the characteristics of projects on the risk management process. Statistical data analysis was performed using the software packages SPSS 18.0 and LISREL 8.80. The proposed hypotheses are tested by GLM (General Linear Modeling) methodology, as well as using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) methodology on a sample of 74 strategic investment projects on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The results confirm some hypothesis, while some rejected, and the basis of that are derived numerous, significant conclusions

    The Effects of Soil Type, Exposure and Elevation on Leaf Size and Shape in Quercus cerris L.

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    One of the main environmental factors that influence plant species and community diversity are soil types, exposure and elevation. This study aimed to evaluate differences in leaf size and shape of Quercus cerris L. along environmental gradients in the Šumadija region in Serbia by using geometric morphometrics methods. The results showed significant differences between Q. cerris individuals inhabiting sites with different soil types, exposures and elevations. Individuals growing on nutrient deficient soils had smaller leaf size, elongated petiole, wide leaf blade, and higher values of fluctuating asymmetry compared to individuals growing on nutrient-rich soils whose leaf size was larger, more variable in shape and had lower values of fluctuating asymmetry. Additionally, individuals inhabiting higher elevations had elongated and narrow leaves and short petioles. Leaf size was also greater in individuals from lower elevations and north-exposed sites. The results of this study suggest that leaf morphological traits are affected by habitat differences and exhibit considerable plasticity in response to environmental demands

    The Effects of Soil Type, Exposure and Elevation on Leaf Size and Shape in Quercus cerris L.

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    One of the main environmental factors that influence plant species and community diversity are soil types, exposure and elevation. This study aimed to evaluate differences in leaf size and shape of Quercus cerris L. along environmental gradients in the Šumadija region in Serbia by using geometric morphometrics methods. The results showed significant differences between Q. cerris individuals inhabiting sites with different soil types, exposures and elevations. Individuals growing on nutrient deficient soils had smaller leaf size, elongated petiole, wide leaf blade, and higher values of fluctuating asymmetry compared to individuals growing on nutrient-rich soils whose leaf size was larger, more variable in shape and had lower values of fluctuating asymmetry. Additionally, individuals inhabiting higher elevations had elongated and narrow leaves and short petioles. Leaf size was also greater in individuals from lower elevations and north-exposed sites. The results of this study suggest that leaf morphological traits are affected by habitat differences and exhibit considerable plasticity in response to environmental demands

    Risk Management Impact Assessment on the Success of Strategic Investment Projects: Benchmarking Among Different Sector Companies

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    The paper explores the impact of the main elements of the strategic investment projects management process in South East Europe (SEE), on achieving project objectives. The impact of different projects elements on the project’s risk management process was also addressed. The initial hypotheses are based on literature review in the field. The proposed hypotheses were tested by the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) methodology on a sample of 311 strategic investment projects in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Macedonia. The strategic projects were analyzed in companies across various business sectors thus the obtained results represent a benchmark of risk factors’ significance according to the project team members and managers. The benchmarking of risk factors significance was conducted by using the PROMETHEE – GAIA methodology. The results verify the adequacy of the hypothetical framework

    Nektarska produkcija vrsta roda Galanthus L. (Amaryllidaceae) sa područja Srbije

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    As a contribution to the study of the melliferous flora of Serbia, nectar production in two species of the genus Galanthus L. (G. nivalis L., and G. elwesii Hook.) was investigated. The intensity of nectar secretion was determined directly, using the microcapillary method. The study included determination of the total daily nectar amount per flower, and an analysis of nectar secretion dynamics during the day and during the flower ontogeny. The results show that the total daily amount of nectar per flower is low, and flowers of both species exude nectar only once during the day and during the flower ontogeny. However, despite the low nectar production, Galanthus species represent a first valuable source of nectar and pollen to pollinators in the early spring period, when only a small number of species are in the flowering phenophase.U ovom radu je prikazana nektarska produkcija dveju vrsta roda Galanthus L. (G. nivalis L. i G. elwesii Hook.), kao doprinos proučavanju apiflore Srbije. Intenzitet nektarske sekrecije utvrđen je direktno, metodom mikrokapilare. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo određivanje ukupne dnevne količine nektara po cvetu i analizu dinamike sekrecije nektara tokom dana i tokom ontogenije cveta. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je ukupna dnevna količina nektara po cvetu mala i da cvetovi obe vrste mede samo jednom u toku dana i u toku ontogenetskog razvića. Međutim, uprkos niskoj proizvodnji nektara, vrste roda Galanthus predstavljaju prvi značajan izvor nektara i polena oprašivačima u ranoprolećnom periodu, kada je samo mali broj vrsta u fenofazi cvetanja