37 research outputs found

    New insight on the structural features of the cytotoxic auristatins MMAE and MMAF revealed by combined NMR spectroscopy and quantum chemical modelling

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    Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are emerging as a promising class of selective drug delivery systems in the battle against cancer and other diseases. The auristatins monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE) and monomethyl auristatin F (MMAF) appear as the cytotoxic drug in almost half of the state-of-the-art ADCs on the market or in late stage clinical trials. Here, we present the first complete NMR spectroscopic characterisation of these challenging molecules, and investigate their structural properties by a combined NMR and quantum chemical modelling approach. We find that in solution, half of the drug molecules are locked in an inactive conformation, severely decreasing their efficiency, and potentially increasing the risk of side-effects. Furthermore, we identify sites susceptible to future modification, in order to potentially improve the performance of these drugs.Peer reviewe

    Mechanisms of Stereodirecting Participation and Ester Migration from Near and Far in Glycosylation and Related Reactions

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    This review is the counterpart of a 2018 Chemical Reviews article (Adero, P. O.; Amarasekara, H.; Wen, P.; Bohe, L.; Crich, D. Chem. Rev. 2018, 118, 8242-8284) that examined the mechanisms of chemical glycosylation in the absence of stereodirecting participation. Attention is now turned to a critical review of the evidence in support of stereodirecting participation in glycosylation reactions by esters from either the vicinal or more remote positions. As participation by esters is often accompanied by ester migration, the mechanism(s) of migration are also reviewed. Esters are central to the entire review, which accordingly opens with an overview of their structure and their influence on the conformations of six-membered rings. Next the structure and relative energetics of dioxacarbeniun ions are covered with emphasis on the influence of ring size. The existing kinetic evidence for participation is then presented followed by an overview of the various intermediates either isolated or characterized spectroscopically. The evidence supporting participation from remote or distal positions is critically examined, and alternative hypotheses for the stereodirecting effect of such esters are presented. The mechanisms of ester migration are first examined from the perspective of glycosylation reactions and then more broadly in the context of partially acylated polyols.Peer reviewe

    The Properties and Role of O-Acyl-omega-hydroxy Fatty Acids and Type I-St and Type II Diesters in the Tear Film Lipid Layer Revealed by a Combined Chemistry and Biophysics Approach

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    Correction: 10.1021/acs.joc.1c02513.The tear film lipid layer (TFLL) that covers the ocular surface contains several unique lipid classes, including O-acyl-omega-hydroxy fatty acids, type I-St diesters, and type II diesters. While the TFLL represents a unique biological barrier that plays a central role in stabilizing the entire tear film, little is known about the properties and roles of individual lipid species. This is because their isolation from tear samples in sufficient quantities is a tedious task. To provide access to these species in their pure form, and to shed light on their properties, we here report a general strategy for the synthesis and structural characterization of these lipid classes. In addition, we study the organization and behavior of the lipids at the air-tear interface. Through these studies, new insights on the relationship between structural features, such as number of double bonds and the chain length, and film properties, such as spreading and evaporation resistance, were uncovered.Peer reviewe

    Tear Film Lipid Layer Structure : Self-Assembly of O-Acyl-omega-hydroxy Fatty Acids and Wax Esters into Evaporation-Resistant Monolayers

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    In healthy eyes, the tear film lipid layer (TFLL) is considered to act as an evaporation resistant barrier, which prevents eyes from drying. Seeking to understand the mechanisms behind the evaporation resistance of the TFLL, we studied mixtures of lipid layer wax esters and O-acyl-omega-hydroxy fatty acids. Analyzing their self-assembly and biophysical properties led to new discoveries concerning the structure and function of the TFLL. We discovered how these lipids self-assemble at the air-water interface and form an efficient antievaporative barrier, demonstrating for the first time how the interaction of different tear film lipid species can improve the evaporation resistance compared with individual lipid classes on their own. These results provide a potential mechanism for the evaporation resistance of the lipid layer. In addition, the results serve as a base for the future development of improved dry eye treatments and other applications where the evaporation of water represents a significant challenge.Peer reviewe

    Interactions of polar lipids with cholesteryl ester multilayers elucidate tear film lipid layer structure

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    Purpose: The tear film lipid layer (TFLL) covers the tear film, stabilizing it and providing a protective barrier against the environment. The TFLL is divided into polar and non-polar sublayers, but the interplay between lipid classes in these sublayers and the structure-function relationship of the TFLL remains poorly characterized. This study aims to provide insight into TFLL function by elucidating the interactions between polar and non-polar TFLL lipids at the molecular level. Methods: Mixed films of polar O-acyl-omega-hydroxy fatty acids (OAHFA) or phospholipids and non-polar cholesteryl esters (CE) were used as a model of the TFLL. The organization of the films was studied by using a combination of Brewster angle and fluorescence microscopy in a Langmuir trough system. In addition, the evaporation resistance of the lipid films was evaluated. Results: Phospholipids and OAHFAs induced the formation of a stable multilamellar CE film. The formation of this film was driven by the interdigitation of acyl chains between the monolayer of polar lipids and the CE multilayer lamellae. Surprisingly, the multilayer structure was destabilized by both low and high concentrations of polar lipids. In addition, the CE multilayer was no more effective in resisting the evaporation of water than a polar lipid monolayer. Conclusions: Formation of multilamellar films by major tear film lipids suggest that the TFLL may have a similar structure. Moreover, in contrast to the current understanding, polar TFLL lipids may not mainly act by stabilizing the non-polar TFLL sublayer, but through a direct evaporation resistant effect.Peer reviewe

    Novel Dextran-Supported Biological Probes Decorated with Disaccharide Entities for Investigating the Carbohydrate–Protein Interactions of Gal-3

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    The quest for novel natural-like biomolecular probes that can be used to gain information on biological recognition events is of topical interest to several scientific areas. In particular, the recognition of carbohydrates by proteins modulates a number of important biological processes. These molecular recognition events are, however, difficult to study by the use of naturally occurring oligosaccharides and polysaccharides owing to their intrinsic structural heterogeneity and to the many technical difficulties encountered during the isolation of sufficient quantities of pure material for detailed structural and biological studies. Therefore, the construction of homogenous biomolecular probes that can mimic both the biophysical properties of polysaccharide backbones and the properties of bioactive oligosaccharide fragments are highly sought after. Herein, synthetic methodology for the construction of well-defined bioconjugates consisting of biologically relevant disaccharide fragments grafted onto a dextran backbone is presented, and a preliminary NMR spectroscopy study of their interactions with galectin-3 as a model lectin is conducted.Peer reviewe

    Increasing the Potential of the Auristatin Cancer-Drug Family by Shifting the Conformational Equilibrium

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    Monomethyl auristatin E and monomethyl auristatin F are widely used cytotoxic agents in antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), a group of promising cancer drugs. The ADCs specifically target cancer cells, releasing the auristatins inside, which results in the prevention of mitosis. The auristatins suffer from a potentially serious flaw, however. In solution, the molecules exist in an equal mixture of two conformers, cis and trans. Only the trans-isomer is biologically active and the isomerization process, i.e., the conversion of cis to trans is slow. This significantly diminishes the efficiency of the drugs and their corresponding ADCs, and perhaps more importantly, raises concerns over drug safety. The potency of the auristatins would be enhanced by decreasing the amount of the biologically inactive isomer, either by stabilizing the transisomer or destabilizing the cis-isomer. Here, we follow the computer-aided design strategy of shifting the conformational equilibrium and employ high-level quantum chemical modeling to identify promising candidates for improved auristatins. Coupled cluster calculations predict that a simple halogenation in the norephedrine/phenylalanine residues shifts the isomer equilibrium almost completely toward the active trans-conformation, due to enhanced intramolecular interactions specific to the active isomer.Peer reviewe

    On the importance of chain branching in tear film lipid layer wax and cholesteryl esters

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    The tear film lipid layer (TFLL) is important to the maintenance of ocular surface health. Surprisingly, information on the individual roles of the myriad of unique lipids found therein is limited. The most abundant lipid species are the wax esters (WE) and cholesteryl esters (CE), and, especially their branched analogs. The isolation of these lipid species from the TFLL has proved to be tedious, and as a result, insights on their biophysical profiles and role in the TFLL is currently lacking. Herein, we circumvent these issues by a total synthesis of the most abundant iso-methyl branched WEs and CEs found in the TFLL. Through a detailed characterization of the biophysical properties, by the use of Langmuir monolayer and wide-angle X-ray scattering techniques, we demonstrate that chain branching alters the behavior of these lipid species on multiple levels. Taken together, our results fill an important knowledge gap concerning the structure and function of the TFLL on the whole.Peer reviewe

    Acetyl group migration across the saccharide units in oligomannoside model compound

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    Acetylated oligosaccharides are common in nature. While they are involved in several biochemical and biological processes, the role of the acetyl groups and the complexity of their migration has largely gone unnoticed. In this work, by combination of organic synthesis, NMR spectroscopy and quantum chemical modeling, we show that acetyl group migration is a much more complex phenomenon than previously known. By use of synthetic oligomannoside model compounds, we demonstrate, for the first time, that the migration of acetyl groups in oligosaccharides and polysaccharides may not be limited to transfer within a single monosaccharide moiety, but may also involve migration over a glycosidic bond between two different saccharide units. The observed phenomenon is not only interesting from the chemical point of view, but it also raises new questions about the potential biological role of acylated carbohydrates in nature.Peer reviewe