666 research outputs found

    Parvalbumin-expressing ependymal cells in rostral lateral ventricle wall adhesions contribute to aging-related ventricle stenosis in mice

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    Aging-associated ependymal-cell pathologies can manifest as ventricular gliosis, ventricle enlargement, or ventricle stenosis. Ventricle stenosis and fusion of the lateral ventricle (LV) walls is associated with a massive decline of the proliferative capacities of the stem cell niche in the affected subventricular zone (SVZ) in aging mice. We examined the brains of adult C57BL/6 mice and found that ependymal cells located in the adhesions of the medial and lateral walls of the rostral LVs upregulated parvalbumin (PV) and displayed reactive phenotype, similarly to injury-reactive ependymal cells. However, PV+ ependymal cells in the LV-wall adhesions, unlike injury-reactive ones, did not express glial fibrillary acidic protein. S100B+/PV+ ependymal cells found in younger mice diminished in the LV-wall adhesions throughout aging. We found that periventricular PV-immunofluorescence showed positive correlation to the grade of LV stenosis in nonaged mice (10-month-old) PV-knock out (PV-KO) mice. This suggests an involvement of PV+ ependymal cells in aging-associated ventricle stenosis. Additionally, we observed a time-shift in microglial activation in the LV-wall adhesions between age-grouped PV- KO and wild-type mice, suggesting a delay in microglial activation when PV is absent from ependymal cells. Our findings implicate that compromised ependymal cells of the adhering ependymal layers upregulate PV and display phenotype shift to “reactive” ependymal cells in aging-related ventricle stenosis; moreover, they also contribute to the progression of LV-wall fusion associated with a decline of the affected SVZ-stem cell niche in aged mice

    Machinability of Waspaloy under different cutting and lubri-cooling conditions

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    Nickel-based super alloys are widely employed in critical applications, mainly in aerospace, marine, and chemical industries, concerning the production of high-performance artifacts. These alloys are considered as hard-to-cut materials, because of their modest machinability, so it is very difficult to implement in an industrial context high-speed machining processes that can lead to higher quality products, with improved mechanical characteristics and higher dimensional accuracy, and increase productivity. Among these alloys stands out Waspaloy, thanks to its very high mechanical properties, such as stiffness and strength to weight ratio. In order to implement effective machining processes, it is important to analyze the behavior of the material during machining in terms of variables of industrial interest (forces, tool wear, etc.). The aim of this paper is to disclose the results of an experimental investigation aimed to determine the effects of different cutting parameters on cutting forces, chip morphology, tool wear, and temperature at tool-chip interface, during orthogonal machining of Waspaloy (45 HRC). Experiments were performed in different lubri-cooling conditions (dry, wet, and cryogenic) and at varying cutting conditions (cutting speed and feed rate)

    Nystrom methods for efficient kernel-based methods for community question answering

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    Expressive but complex kernel functions, such as Sequence or Tree kernels, are usually underemployed in NLP tasks, e.g., in community Question Answering (cQA), as for their significant complexity in both learning and classification stages. Recently, the Nyström methodology for data embedding has been proposed as a viable solution to scalability problems. By mapping data into low-dimensional approximations of kernel spaces, it positively increases scalability through compact linear representations for highly structured data. In this paper, we show that Nyström methodology can be effectively used to apply a kernel-based method in the cQA task, achieving state-of-the-art results by reducing the computational cost of orders of magnitude. Metodi di apprendimento automatico basato su funzioni kernel complesse, come Sequence o Tree Kernel, rischiano di non poter essere adeguatamente utilizzati in problemi legati all'elaborazione del linguaggio naturale (come ad esempio in Community Question Answering) a causa degli alti costi computazionali per l'addestramento e la classificazione. Recentemente è stata proposta una metodologia, basata sul metodo di Nyström, per poter far fronte a questi problemi di scalabilità: essa permette di proiettare gli esempi, osservabili in fase di addestramento e classificazione, all'interno di spazi a bassa dimensionalità che approssimano lo spazio sottostante la funzione kernel. Queste rappresentazioni compatte permettono di applicare algoritmi di apprendimento automatico estremamente efficienti e scalabili. In questo lavoro si dimostra che è possibile applicare metodi kernel al problema di Community Question Answering, ottenendo risultati che sono lo stato dell'arte, riducendo di ordini di grandezza i costi computazionali

    Simulation of wave propagation in three-dimensional random media

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    Quantitative error analysis for simulation of wave propagation in three dimensional random media assuming narrow angular scattering are presented for the plane wave and spherical wave geometry. This includes the errors resulting from finite grid size, finite simulation dimensions, and the separation of the two-dimensional screens along the propagation direction. Simple error scalings are determined for power-law spectra of the random refractive index of the media. The effects of a finite inner scale are also considered. The spatial spectra of the intensity errors are calculated and compared to the spatial spectra of intensity. The numerical requirements for a simulation of given accuracy are determined for realizations of the field. The numerical requirements for accurate estimation of higher moments of the field are less stringent

    Effects of Ti6Al4V mechanical and thermal surface modification on the adhesion of a chitosan-bioactive glass coating

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    Biomedical implants interact with human tissues introducing significant perturbation into the body. Implant surfaces can be then functionalized enabling better biocompatibility. At the same time, the additional use of a coating provides further functions such as corrosion protection, osteointegration, and drug delivery. In this context, a composite made of chitosan and bioactive glass nanoparticles has been used for coating Ti6Al4V alloy samples processed beforehand using different processes, i.e., polishing, milling, grit blasting, and electrical discharge machining. Experiments have been carried out to correlate substrate surface conditions and coating effectiveness in terms of scratch resistance with the final aim to obtain suitable guidelines to improve substrate-coating performances

    Desigualdades sociais e medidas de ação afirmativa: entre avanços, resistências, incompreensões e novos desafios

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    A igualdade, diversidade e inclusão social tornaram-se objetivos das sociedades ocidentais, promovidos e reivindicados por várias organizações e coletivos da sociedade civil, corroborados por estudos académicos e formalizados por diversas convenções e legislações. No entanto, as desigualdades persistem e as ideologias dominantes têm permanecido relativamente bem instaladas, contribuindo para a manutenção de sistemas estruturais de opressão, como o sexismo, o racismo, o classismo, a homofobia, o capacitismo, entre outros. Nestes termos, em diferentes contextos e regiões geográficas, os grupos denominados como minorias sociais têm-se organizado e desenvolvido ações políticas importantes que são contempladas nos debates sobre políticas públicas, quaisquer que sejam elas, desde que comprometidas com as suas exigências e trajetórias singulares. Estas reivindicações colocam a tónica na dimensão redistributiva (Fraser 2006) e de reconhecimento identitário (Phillips 2009), a fim de consolidar uma noção de justiça social (Fraser 2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Division of Giardia isolates from humans into two genetically distinct assemblages by electrophoretic analysis of enzyme encoded at 27 loci in comparison with Giardia muris

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    Giardia that infect humans are known to be heterogeneous but they are assigned currently to a single species, Giardia intestinalis (syn. G. lamblia). The genetic differences that exist within G. intestinalis have not yet been assessed quantitatively and neither have they been compared in magnitude with those that exist between G. intestinalis and species that are morphologically similar (G. duodenalis) or morphologically distinct (e.g. G. muris). In this study, 60 Australian isolates of G. intestinalis were analysed electrophoretically at 27 enzyme loci and compared with G. muris and a feline isolate of G. duodenalis. Isolates of G. intestinalis were distinct genetically from both G. muris (approximately 80% fixed allelic differences) and the feline G. duodenalis isolate (approximately 75% fixed allelic differences). The G. intestinalis isolates were extremely heterogeneous but they fell into 2 major genetic assemblages, separated by fixed allelic differences at approximately 60% of loci examined. The magnitude of the genetic differences between the G. intestinalis assemblages approached the level that distinguished the G. duodenalis isolate from the morphologically distinct G. muris. This raises important questions about the evolutionary relationships of the assemblages with Homo sapiens, the possibility of ancient or contemporary transmission from animal hosts to humans and the biogeographical origins of the two clusters.G. Mayrhofer, R. H. Andrews, P. L. Ey and N. B. Chilto

    Morbid obesity and thyroid cancer rate. A review of literature

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    In the past three decades, several recent studies have analyzed the alarming increase of obesity worldwide, and it has been well established that the risk of many types of malignancies is increased in obese individuals; in the same period, thyroid cancer has become the fastest growing cancer of all malignancies. We investigated the current literature to underline the presence of a connection between excess body weight or Body Mass Index (BMI) and risk of thyroid cancer. Previous studies stated that the contraposition between adipocytes and adipose-resident immune cells enhances immune cell production of multiple pro-inflammatory factors with subsequent induction of hyperlipidemia and vascular injury; these factors are all associated with oxidative stress and cancer development and/or progression. Moreover, recent studies made clear the mitogenic and tumorigenic action of insulin, carried out through the stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphoinositide-3 kinase/AKT (PI3K/AKT) pathways, which is correlated to the hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia found in obese population. Our findings suggest that obesity and excess body weight are related to an increased risk of thyroid cancer and that the mechanisms that combine overweight with this cancer should be searched for in the adipokine pathways and chronic inflammation onset