1,841 research outputs found

    Cetaceans using the marine protected area of "Parque Estadual Marinho da Laje de Santos", Southeastern Brazil

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de cetáceos em águas costeiras nas proximidades da Unidade de Conservação (UC) marinha do Parque Estadual Marinho da Laje de Santos (PEMLS), localizado no sudeste do Brasil. Cruzeiros oceanográficos foram conduzidos entre junho de 2013 e junho de 2015 seguindo um transecto pré-definido para cobrir toda a UC, assim como suas bordas. Um total de 24 embarques foi realizado, rendendo 18 avistagens de cetáceos das seguintes espécies: golfinho-pintado-do-Atlântico (Stenella frontalis) (12), golfinho-de-dentes-rugosos (Steno bredanensis) (2), golfinho-comum (Delphinus delphis) (1), baleia-de-Bryde (Balaenoptera edeni) (2) e baleia-minke-comum (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) (1). As avistagens de S. frontalis estiveram positivamente correlacionadas com a profundidade da água (Teste Mantel; r = 0.8072; p < 0.05). Indivíduos fotoidentificados moveram-se para dentro e para fora da UC, permanecendo pela região de estudo nos dois anos de investigação. Marcas cutâneas de origem desconhecida e denominadas em literatura como marcas cutâneas de “Paisley” foram observadas em D. delphis. Considerando que o PEMLS tem sido utilizado como um importante ponto para mergulhadores em lazer, é recomendável que as avistagens de cetáceos continuem sendo obtidas em futura parceria com as operadoras de mergulho, assim como que se utilize a acústica passiva para detectar a presença de cetáceos na região quando observadores não estiverem ali.The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of cetaceans in the waters surrounding the Marine Protected Area (MPA) known as “Parque Estadual Marinho da Laje de Santos (PEMLS)”, placed in coastal waters at the southeastern coast of Brazil. Boat-based surveys were conducted once a month from June 2013 to June 2015. A specific transect was followed to cover the area of the quoted MPA, as well as its borders. A total of 24 boat-surveys rendered 18 sightings of cetacean groups of the following species: Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) (12), rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) (2), common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) (1), Bryde’s whale (Balaenoptera edeni) (2) and common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) (1). Sightings of S. frontalis, the commonest sighted species, was positively correlated with water depth (Mantel test; r = 0.8072; p < 0.05). Photoidentified individuals moved back and forth to inner and outer areas of the MPA, remaining in the area throughout the 2-year survey. “Paisley” cutaneous marks of unknown origin were reported in two common dolphins for the first time in local waters. As the PEMLS has been used as an important spot for SCUBA divers, it is recommended that cetacean sightings could still be gathered in a future partnership, as well as using the acoustics tool to detect their presence when researchers are not in the field

    Ossifying odontogenic fibroma: a rare case report

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    Odontogenic fibroma (OF) is a rare benign odontogenic neoplasm that is most commonly found in the mandibular/ premolar region of female patients in the second to fourth decades of life. Well-defined radiolucent lesions that may induce root resorption are normally observed. Rare variants of OF have been described in the prior literature, including references to: 1) giant cell lesions, 2) amyloid-like protein deposition, and 3) ossifying variants. Immuno - histochemistry can contribute to understanding the biological behavior and the pathogenesis of OF. Therefore, this case report aimed to describe a new case of ossifying OF and discuss the histopathology and immunohistochemical features

    A música nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental: orientações para seu ensino em Vitória (ES) e no Distrito Federal

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    Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo estudar os documentos legais que tratam da músi- ca nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Os locais escolhidos como dados para o artigo foram Distrito Federal e Vitória. A metodologia foi baseada na abordagem qualitativa e a análise documental foi a técnica utilizada para a análise dos dados. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de revisão das orientações sobre a música neste nível escolar

    QUANDO O JORNAL SE TORNA MULTIPLATAFORMA: análise das capas de O Liberal no impresso e no digital

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    Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar as características pertinentes à capa do jornal O Liberal no impresso e no digital, com foco na apresentação visual. A pesquisa de caráter exploratório combinou as seguintes técnicas qualitativas: pesquisa bibliográfica, coleta de dados e análise. A análise foi realizada tendo como base a edição do dia três de julho de 2019 dos jornais impresso e digital, com base nas seguintes categorias: nome do jornal, diagramação, editorias, manchetes, disposição das notícias, imagens estáticas e em movimento, cores, tipografia, links e publicidade. Concluiu-se que há um diálogo entre os dois produtos, embora eles demonstrem independência na apresentação visual. &nbsp; PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Jornalismo impresso; Jornalismo Digital; Multiplataforma; Capas; O Liberal. &nbsp; &nbsp; ABSTRACT This article aims to analyze the main characteristics related to the cover of the newspaper O Liberal in its print and digital versions, focusing on visual presentation. The exploratory research combined the following qualitative techniques: bibliographic research, data collection and analysis. The analysis was conducted based on the print and digital edition of the newspaper in July 3, 2019, regarding the following categories: newspaper name, layout, editorials, headlines, news layout, still and moving images, colors, typography , links and advertising. It was concluded that there is a dialogue between the two products, although they demonstrate independence in the visual presentation.&nbsp;&nbsp; KEYWORDS: Printed journalism; Digital journalism; Multiplataform; Covers; O Liberal. &nbsp; &nbsp; RESUMEN Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las características relacionadas a la portada del periódico O Liberal en forma impresa y digital, con un enfoque en la presentación visual. La investigación exploratoria combinó las siguientes técnicas cualitativas: investigación bibliográfica, recopilación y análisis de datos. El análisis se realizó basada en la edición del 3 de julio de 2019 de los periódicos impresos y digitales, basados en las siguientes categorías: nombre del periódico, diagramación, editoriales, titulares, diseño de noticias, imágenes fijas y en movimiento, colores, tipografía, enlaces y publicidad. Se concluyó que existe un diálogo entre los dos productos, aunque demuestren independencia en la presentación visual. &nbsp; PALABRAS CLAVE: Periodismo impreso; Periodismo digital; Multiplataforma; Portadas; O Liberal..&nbsp

    Electrochemical Biosensors Containing Pure Enzymes or Crude Extracts as Enzyme Sources for Pesticides and Phenolic Compounds with Pharmacological Property Detection and Quantification

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    Biosensors are chemical sensors in which the recognition system is based on a biochemical mechanism. They perform the specific component detection in a sample through an appropriate analytical signal. Enzyme-based biosensors are the most prominent biosensors because of their high specificity and selectivity; besides being an alternative to the common immunosensors, they are more expensive and present a limited binding capacity with the antigen depending on assay conditions. This chapter approaches the use of enzymes modified electrodes in amperometric biosensing application to detect and quantify pesticides and phenolic compounds with pharmacological properties, as they have been a promising analytical tool in environmental monitoring. These biosensors may be prepared from pure enzymes or their crude extracts. Pure enzyme-based biosensors present advantages as higher substrate specificity and selectivity when compared to crude extract enzymatic biosensors; nevertheless, the enzyme high costs are their drawbacks. Enzymatic crude extract biosensors show lower specificity due to the fact that they may contain more than one type of enzyme, but they may be obtained from low-cost fabrication methods. In addition, they can contain enzyme cofactors besides using the enzyme in its natural conformation

    Trophic factor BDNF inhibits GABAergic signaling by facilitating dendritic enrichment of SUMO E3 ligase PIAS3 and altering gephyrin scaffold

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    Posttranslational addition of a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) moiety (SUMOylation) has been implicated in pathologies such as brain ischemia, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and neurodegeneration. However, nuclear enrichment of SUMO pathway proteins has made it difficult to ascertain how ion channels, proteins that are typically localized to and function at the plasma membrane, and mitochondria are SUMOylated. Here, we report that the trophic factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) regulates SUMO proteins both spatially and temporally in neurons. We show that BDNF signaling via the receptor tropomyosin-related kinase B facilitates nuclear exodus of SUMO proteins and subsequent enrichment within dendrites. Of the various SUMO E3 ligases, we found that PIAS-3 dendrite enrichment in response to BDNF signaling specifically modulates subsequent ERK1/2 kinase pathway signaling. In addition, we found the PIAS-3 RING and Ser/Thr domains, albeit in opposing manners, functionally inhibit GABA-mediated inhibition. Finally, using oxygen-glucose deprivation as an in vitro model for ischemia, we show that BDNF-tropomyosin-related kinase B signaling negatively impairs clustering of the main scaffolding protein at GABAergic postsynapse, gephyrin, whereby reducing GABAergic neurotransmission postischemia. SUMOylation-defective gephyrin K148R/K724R mutant transgene expression reversed these ischemia-induced changes in gephyrin cluster density. Taken together, these data suggest that BDNF signaling facilitates the temporal relocation of nuclear-enriched SUMO proteins to dendrites to influence postsynaptic protein SUMOylation

    Glucan particles loaded with a NIRF agent for imaging monocytes/macrophages recruitment in a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis

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    Glucan Particles (GPs) are hollow pseudo-microspheres (average diameter 3?5 mm) obtained from common baker´s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which mannan, lipids and proteins are removed through a process of chemical extraction. GPs shell is mostly made of 1,3-b-D-glucan that allows for their prompt in vivo uptake by immune system cells. In this work, the inner cavity of the particles has been loaded with two amphiphilic fluorescent dyes (based on cyanine for in vivo imaging purposes and rhodamine for ex vivo microscopy experiments) through a sudden change in solvent polarity that allowed the entrapment of the molecules as microemulsion. The ability of fluorescent GPs to label immune cells in vivo and report on their recruitment in inflamed sites has been successfully demonstrated in a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis (CIA) by NIRF imaging. Besides providing the visualization of the mononuclear cell infiltration in the lesion, the fluorescent signal well correlated with the clinical score associated with the disease. Very interestingly, the signal detected in lesions with the same clinical score allowed the assessment of the time evolution (progression or remission) of the pathology.Fil: Garello, Francesca. Universitã â  Di Torino; ItaliaFil: Arena, Francesca. Universitã â  Di Torino; ItaliaFil: Cutrin, Juan Carlos. Universitã â  Di Torino; Italia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas (i); ArgentinaFil: Esposito, Giovanna. Universita di Torino; ItaliaFil: D'angeli, Luca. University Of London; Reino UnidoFil: Cesano, Federico. Universita di Torino; ItaliaFil: Filippi, Miriam. Universitã â  Di Torino; ItaliaFil: Figueiredo, Sara. Universitã â  Di Torino; Italia. Universidad de Coimbra; PortugalFil: Terreno, Enzo. Universita di Torino; Itali

    Sustainable reduction of phone-call interruptions by 35% in a medical imaging department using an automatic voicemail and custom call redirection system

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    BACKGROUND Have you ever been in the trenches of a complicated study only to be interrupted by a not-so urgent phone-call? We were, repeatedly- unfortunately. PURPOSE To increase productivity of radiologists by quantifying the main source of interruptions (phone-calls) to the workflow of radiologists, and too assess the implemented solution. MATERIALS AND METHODS To filter calls to the radiology consultant on duty, we introduced an automatic voicemail and custom call redirection system. Thus, instead of directly speaking with radiology consultants, clinicians were to first categorize their request and dial accordingly: 1. Inpatient requests, 2. Outpatient requests, 3. Directly speak with the consultant radiologist. Inpatient requests (1) and outpatient requests (2) were forwarded to MRI technologists or clerks, respectively. Calls were monitored in 15-minute increments continuously for an entire year (March 2022 until and including March 2023). Subsequently, both the frequency and category of requests were assessed. RESULTS 4803 calls were recorded in total: 3122 (65 %) were forwarded to a radiologist on duty. 870 (18.11 %) concerned inpatients, 274 (5.70 %) outpatients, 430 (8.95 %) dialed the wrong number, 107 (2.23 %) made no decision. Throughout the entire year the percentage of successfully avoided interruptions was relatively stable and fluctuated between low to high 30 % range (Mean per month 35 %, Median per month 34.45 %). CONCLUSIONS This is the first analysis of phone-call interruptions to consultant radiologists in an imaging department for 12 continuous months. More than 35 % of requests did not require the input of a specialist trained radiologist. Hence, installing an automated voicemail and custom call redirection system is a sustainable and simple solution to reduce phone-call interruptions by on average 35 % in radiology departments. This solution was well accepted by referring clinicians. The installation required a one-time investment of only 2h and did not cost any money