78 research outputs found

    The Emergence of Arboriculture in the 1st Millennium BC along the Mediterranean’s “Far West”

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    This paper presents the history of the introduction and expansion of arboriculture during the 1st millennium BC from the South of the Iberian Peninsula to the South of France. The earliest evidence of arboriculture at the beginning of the 1st millennium hails from the south of the Iberia from where it spread northward along the peninsula’s eastern edge. The different fruits (grape, olive, fig, almond, pomegranate and apple/pear) arrived together in certain areas in spite of uneven distribution and acceptance by local communities. Grape was the crop with the greatest diffusion. The greater diversity of crops in the southern half of the peninsula is also noteworthy. Their development paved the way for a commercial agricultural model in some territories where fruits and their derivatives, such as wine and oil, played vital roles.This paper is an output of the project FRUITCOM “Un nuevo modelo agrícola: frutales, hierro y comercio durante el I milenio A.E.” (CIDEGENT/2019/003), funded by Generalitat Valenciana. This research also received support from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Movilidad, circulación e intercambio en el llano occidental catalán entre el III y el I milenio ANE, PID2019-110022GB-I00) and from the French National Agency of Research (VINICULTURE project—ANR-16-CE27-0013)

    Middle Neolithic farming of open-air sites in SE France: new insights from archaeobotanical investigations of three wells found at Les Bagnoles (L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, DĂ©pt. Vaucluse, France)

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    Previous reviews of Middle Neolithic agricultural practice (4400–3500 cal bc) in southern France have highlighted a change in crop assemblages after 4000 cal bc, with a reduction of naked wheat and an increase of emmer and partly of einkorn. The recent investigation of three wells from the site of Les Bagnoles (4250–3800 cal bc) in the periphery of the southern Rhîne valley yielded an unprecedented amount of waterlogged uncharred and charred plant macro remains that offer new insights into crop diversity and its changes over time. The results from the wells at Les Bagnoles were compared with other dated sunken features from open-air sites (in contrast to caves and rock shelters), with the aim of identifying patterns sug-gesting changes in the crop spectra between the early (MN1) and late (MN2) Middle Neolithic phases from taphonomically comparable contexts. The results from Les Bagnoles demonstrate that oil crops and pulses are underrepresented in dry sites and that they were a significant part of Middle Neolithic agriculture. They also indicate an increase in the representation of einkorn (instead of emmer) during MN2 that is also visible in other open-air sites. The comparison of the archaeobotani-cal results with silo storage capacity values as a proxy for average production capacity per household leads us to propose a possible drop in naked wheat productivity and opens new questions in factors affecting crop choice at the beginning of the 4th millennium cal bc

    Anthracological evidence suggests naturalness of Pinus pinaster in inland southwestern Iberia

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    The study of well-preserved archaeological charcoals in the pre-Roman Iron Age settlement of Castillejos II (Badajoz, Spain) is used to reconstruct environmental conditions and land-use practices in vegetation landscapes in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula before the arrival of Roman civilization. The results support that, while evergreen Quercus forests dominated during the Holocene, Pinus pinaster existed as a natural element of southwestern Iberian Peninsula vegetation. Although its presence could be linked to anthropogenic disturbance or fire history, it is suggested that P. pinaster populations survived during the Holocene in the region, mixed with oaks or in monospecific stands in mountain enclaves. This hypothesis contrasts with previous assumptions that P. pinaster was not autochthonous in the area

    Negative responses of highland pines to anthropogenic activities in inland Spain: a palaeoecological perspective

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    Palaeoecological evidence indicates that highland pines were dominant in extensive areas of the mountains of Central and Northern Iberia during the first half of the Holocene. However, following several millennia of anthropogenic pressure, their natural ranges are now severely reduced. Although pines have been frequently viewed as first-stage successional species responding positively to human disturbance, some recent palaeobotanical work has proposed fire disturbance and human deforestation as the main drivers of this vegetation turnover. To assess the strength of the evidence for this hypothesis and to identify other possible explanations for this scenario, we review the available information on past vegetation change in the mountains of northern inland Iberia. We have chosen data from several sites that offer good chronological control, including palynological records with microscopic charcoal data and sites with plant macro- and megafossil occurrence. We conclude that although the available long-term data are still fragmentary and that new methods are needed for a better understanding of the ecological history of Iberia, fire events and human activities (probably modulated by climate) have triggered the pine demise at different locations and different temporal scales. In addition, all palaeoxylological, palynological and charcoal results obtained so far are fully compatible with a rapid human-induced ecological change that could have caused a range contraction of highland pines in western Iberia

    First finds of Prunus domestica L. in Italy from the Phoenician and Punic periods (6th-2nd centuries BC)

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    Abstract During the archaeological excavations in the Phoenician and Punic settlement of Santa Giusta (Oristano, Sardinia, Italy), dating back to the 6th–2nd centuries bc, several Prunus fruitstones (endocarps) inside amphorae were recovered. The exceptional state of preservation of the waterlogged remains allowed morphometric measurements to be done by image analysis and statistical comparisons made with modern cultivated and wild Prunus samples collected in Sardinia. Digital images of modern and archaeological Prunus fruitstones were acquired with a flatbed scanner and analysed by applying image analysis techniques to measure 26 morphometric features. By applying stepwise linear discriminant analysis, a morphometric comparison was made between the archaeological fruitstones of Prunus and the modern ones collected in Sardinia. These analyses allowed identification of 53 archaeological fruitstones as P. spinosa and 11 as P. domestica. Moreover, the archaeological samples of P. spinosa showed morphometric similarities in 92.5% of the cases with the modern P. spinosa samples currently growing near the Phoenician and Punic site. Likewise, the archaeological fruitstones identified as P. domestica showed similarities with the modern variety of P. domestica called Sanguigna di Bosa which is currently cultivated near the village of Bosa. Currently, these findings represent the first evidence of P. domestica in Italy during the Phoenician and Punic periods. Keywords Archaeobotany · Image analysis · Morphometric features · Prunus · Sardini

    Distribution Patterns of E-Cadherin, Type VII Collagen and Fibronectin in Denture-Related Stomatitis: A Preliminary Study

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    The distribution of epithelial E-cadherin, basement membrane type VII collagen, and underlying connective tissues fibronectin were investigated immunohistochemically and compared in normal palatal mucosa and in denture-related stomatitis (DRS) derivatives using monoclonal antibodies.Biopsies of palatal mucosa were obtained from twelve patients enrolled in this study, 8 with type II DRS and 4 with healthy mucosa

    Late Triassic charcoal from Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA

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    Fossil charcoal has been found in the Late Triassic Chinle Formation in Petrified Forest National Park, a location that is world famous for its silicified tree trunks. The material consists of charcoalified secondary wood, and has sufficiently well preserved plant anatomy to show it may be described as ‘araucarian type’, although it does display some minor differences from the anatomies described for the silicified gymnosperm trunks in the park. The presence of the charcoal proves that on occasion natural wildfires, most probably ignited by lightning, must have occurred in the Chinle Triassic palaeoenvironments, with resulting impacts on the biota of those times. It is currently impossible to estimate how often these fires occurred, as the incidence of charcoal here and in the whole fossil record apart from the frequency of ancient fires also reflects the preservation and burial conditions of the material. There is scant mention of Triassic charcoal in the literature, a notable absence given the abundance of charcoal that has been recorded in the Carboniferous, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. This lack of charcoal may support the theory that atmospheric oxygen levels were lower during the Triassic than in the Carboniferous


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    Research on the subfossil record and paleoecology of Olea europaea suggests a new interpretation of its history and ecology with reference to the Mediterranean climatesince the Neogene. New results are based on the wood anatomy of ancient and extant Olea and a model estimating hydraulic conductance established for wild forms belonging to Olea europaea subsp. europaea. These suggest that during glacial periods wild olive populations survived in protected microenvironments, particularly riparian habitats. Thereafter, the postglacial expansion of olive associated with climatic warming took place from these refuge areas. This new evidence suggests that the continued existence of Olea in Mediterranean areas since the Neogene was made possible either by preferential survival of Olea lineages adaptable to the Holocene climate or from enhanced adaptation to extreme environmental variation, a trait possibly originating from Tertiary predecessors and maintained in postglacial olive populations
