44 research outputs found

    A systematic mapping study on technology and emotion studies in educational context: Definitions, theories, future directions

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    Bu çalışmada, sistematik haritalama yoluyla, alanyazında eğitim ve eğitim araştırmaları kategorisinde duygu ve teknolojiyi bir arada ele alan araştırma makalelerinin, ‘duygunun tanımı’, ‘temel alınan kuramsal çerçeve,’ ‘teknolojinin ele alındığı bağlam’ ile ilgili olarak analiz edilmesi; böylece, bir yandan var olan durumun betimlenmesi, bir yandan da araştırmaların nereye doğru evrildiğinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada 2015 - 2019 yılları arasında SSCI indeksinde taranan dergilerde yayınlanmış olan ve belirlenmiş ölçütlere uyan 75 araştırma makalesi analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda araştırmaların demografik özellikleri ile ilgili olarak; en fazla yükseköğretim düzeyinde lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencilerle çalışıldığı; verilerin, öz bildirime dayalı ölçek ve anket ile toplandığı, bazı çalışmalarda birden fazla veri toplama yaklaşımının kullandığı belirlenmiştir. 75 makalenin 59’unda duygu ile ilgili tanımlara yer verilmediği, 55’inde duygu konusunda herhangi bir kuramsal çerçevenin temel alınmadığı, teknolojinin en çok çevrimiçi öğrenme bağlamında ele alındığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Analiz edilen araştırmalarda duygu ile ilgili operasyonel tanımların eksikliği, araştırmacının duyguya olan yaklaşımının ve araştırma sürecini yürütme perspektifinin anlaşılmasında sınırlılığı beraberinde getirmektedir. Oysa yapılan çalışmalarda kuramsal bir çerçeveden hareket edilmesinin, ilişkileri içeren mekanizmaların anlaşılması için bir zemin oluşturacağı ileri sürülebilir. Bu durum, eğitsel bağlamda duygu ve teknoloji konusunda yapılacak çalışmalar için önceliğin nerede olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Sonuç olarak eğitsel bağlamda duygu ve teknoloji üzerine yapılması planlanan araştırmalarda, araştırmacının perspektifini işlevsel tanımlamalar, modeller ve temel aldığı kuramsal çerçeve üzerinden ortaya konulmasına gereksinim olduğu ifade edilebilir.In this study, it is aimed to analyze articles regarding 'definition of emotion', 'underlying theoretical framework', the context in which technology is deal with’ that address emotion, technology and learning together in educational research literature through systematic mapping. On the one hand, it is aimed to describe the current situation and on the other to reveal where the research has evolved. 75 research articles that were published in SSCI indexed journals between 2015 and 2019 which met the specified criteria were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, undergraduate and graduate students emerged the most as a study groups. It was determined that the data were collected with a scale and questionnaire based on self report and some studies used more than one data collection approach. In 59 of 75 articles, no emotion definition was found, in 55 studies do not base any theoretical framework on emotion. Technology has turned out to be the most addressed in the context of online learning. Also, the lack of operational definitions of emotion in analyzed studies brings limitations in understanding the researcher's approach and the perspective of the research process. However, having a theoretical framework provides a basis for understanding the mechanisms involving the relationships between emotion and learning. This reveals where the priority is for studies on emotion and technology in the educational context. As a result, if a research is planned about emotion and technology in the context of education, it can be stated that researchers should reveal his/her research perspective through operational definitions, models, and theoretical frameworks

    CT taramalarında absorbe edilen dozun hastanın boyuna göre değişimi

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    Kanser tedavilerinde çekilen Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (CT) görüntüleri, tedavi portalı tasarımı ve planlamasında önemlidir. Hastanın CT taramalarında aldığı doz, tedavi planlaması doz hesaplamasında dikkate alınmaz ve kritik doz eşiğine sahip kritik organların sınır dozlarının hesaplanmasında önem kazanır. Bu çalışmada bazı kritik organlar olan kalp, karaciğer ve böbreklerin hastanın boyuna göre aldığı dozun değişimi Monte Carlo tekniği kullanılarak NCICT kodu ile araştırıldı. Sonuç olarak, dozlar hastaların boyuna göre değiştirildi.Computed Tomography (CT) images taken in cancer treatments are important in treatment portal design and planning. The dose received by the patient in CT scans are not considered in the treatment planning dose calculation and becomes important in calculating the limit doses of the critical organs with critical dose threshold. In this study, the change of the dose received by some of the critical organs, namely the heart, liver, and kidneys, according to the height of the patient was investigated with the NCICT code using the Monte Carlo technique. As a result, doses were changed by the height of the patients

    Effects of flaxseed intake on vascular contractile function in diabetic rats

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    398-405In diabetes, one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality is vasculopathy. Though flaxseed (FXS) is known for improving cardiovascular health, only limited studies are available on FXS concerning diabetic vascular reactivity. Hence, in this study, we studied vascular reactivity changes after FXS treatment on streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat aortae. Female Wistar rats were divided into following four groups: control (C), FXS treated (CT), diabetic (D), and FXS treated diabetic (DT) groups. FXS (0,714 g/kg/day; orally) was started after one week of STZ injection and was given for 12 weeks, phenylephrine (Phe)-induced contractions were obtained on isolated aortic rings in the presence of indomethacin, L-NAME and superoxide dismutase (SOD), individually. Phe-responses were increased significantly in D group and completely improved after FXS intake, whereas FXS increased vascular reactivity to Phe in C group. Indomethacin incubation significantly attenuated Phe-induced contractions in all groups of aorta, particularly in D group. L-NAME incubation significantly increased Phe responses in all groups except D group. SOD incubation decreased the contractions efficiently in D group. The decreament was much lower in DT compared to D group, but reverse effects were observed in CT group. Our findings suggest FXS may provide beneficial effects on diabetes-induced vascular reactivity changes through NO and prostaglandin dependent pathways, but in healty condition FXS may have adverse effect probably via pro-oxidant activity

    Effects of flaxseed intake on vascular contractile function in diabetic rats

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    In diabetes, one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality is vasculopathy. Though flaxseed (FXS) is known for improving cardiovascular health, only limited studies are available on FXS concerning diabetic vascular reactivity. Hence, in this study, we studied vascular reactivity changes after FXS treatment on streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat aortae. Female Wistar rats were divided into following four groups: control (C), FXS treated (CT), diabetic (D), and FXS treated diabetic (DT) groups. FXS (0,714 g/kg/day; orally) was started after one week of STZ injection and was given for 12 weeks, phenylephrine (Phe)-induced contractions were obtained on isolated aortic rings in the presence of indomethacin, L-NAME and superoxide dismutase (SOD), individually. Phe-responses were increased significantly in D group and completely improved after FXS intake, whereas FXS increased vascular reactivity to Phe in C group. Indomethacin incubation significantly attenuated Phe-induced contractions in all groups of aorta, particularly in D group. L-NAME incubation significantly increased Phe responses in all groups except D group. SOD incubation decreased the contractions efficiently in D group. The decreament was much lower in DT compared to D group, but reverse effects were observed in CT group. Our findings suggest FXS may provide beneficial effects on diabetes-induced vascular reactivity changes through NO and prostaglandin dependent pathways, but in healty condition FXS may have adverse effect probably via pro-oxidant activity

    Sense of realism in the art works of Hasan Rıza

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziBu çalışmada bilim ve sanat literatürüne daha önce faklı şekillerde incelenen ve çeşitli bilimsel makale ve tezlere konu olan Şehit Ressam Hasan Rıza resimlerine gerçeklik penceresinden bir bakış sunacağız. Türk resim sanatının en önemli ressamlarından bir tanesi olan Şehit Ressam Hasan Rıza eserlerindeki gerçeklik duygusunu izlenimci gözüyle değerlendirerek, eserlerinde kullandığı temaları gerçeklik kavramına yakınlığı ve ya uzaklığıyla değerlendirerek irdeleyeceğiz. Bu bağlamda öncelikle resimde gerçeklik kavramını, Şehit Ressam Hasan Rıza hayatını, sanat anlayışını ve Şehit Ressam Hasan Rıza'nın eserlerindeki gerçeklik anlayışını inceleyerek değerlendireceğizAbstractIn this thesis a perspective from the window of realism is provided for the art works of Hasan Rıza, which have been investigated in scientific and artistic literature so far from other aspects. The themes in the art works of Hasan Rıza are tackled from an impressionist point by evaluating their connection to the sense of realism. In that regard the concept of realism in art, the life and art and the sense of realism in the works of Hasan Rıza are investigated respectively

    The effects of taurine on aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in nonylphenol-induced toxicity

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of taurine on blood aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity in nonylphenol-induced rats. Forty rats were divided into 5 groups each containing 8 Wistar-albino male rats: control group (C) by standard rat feed, taurine group (T) by standard rat feed+3% taurine (v/w) in drinking water, nonlyphenol group (NP) by standard rat feed+50 ?g kg-1 diet Nonlyphenol, Nonlyphenol+Taurine group (NPT) by standard rat feed+50 ?g kg-1 diet Nonlyphenol+3% taurine (v/w) in drinking water and alcohol group (A) by standard rat feed +50 ?L kg-1 diet alcohol were fed ad libitum for 30 days during the study. The blood ALAD activity significantly increased in T group compared the other experimental groups. Nonlyphenol treatment significantly decreased the blood ALAD activity as compared to control. Decreased levels of blood ALAD activity in NP group were significantly increased in NPT group. The ALAD activity significantly decreased in A group compared the T groups. The results demonstrate that taurine could provide great advantages against to side effects of nonlyphenol toxication on ALAD activity in rats those exposed to Nonylphenol. © 2011 Academic Journals Inc

    Stress response in dairy cows related to rectal examination

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    Background: Currently, rectal palpation is the cheapest and most convenient method which is using for detecting most of internal diseases, gynecologic conditions and artificial inseminations in dairy cows. However, rectal palpation procedure is probably painful, resulting in physiological and behavioral stress reactions. The life and metabolic activity can be affected by the oxidative stress which is one of the stress-related negative outcomes and characterized by the accumulation of radical oxygen species. Many factors such as stress, diet, antibiotics and husbandry practices effect animals' health and growth performance. The aim of the study was emphasized to the effects of rectal palpation related to stress response and oxidant /antioxidant status in dairy cows. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was conducted on ten 3-4 years old, non-pregnant Holstein dairy cows. The rectal palpation procedure was performed in a closed area using the traditional method. Blood samples were taken from each animal, an hour before and just after the rectal palpation procedure for detecting white blood cell, red blood cell, hemoglobin levels, hematocrit value, total antioxidant status, total oxidant status and nitric oxide, glucose and total cholesterol levels, as well as the plasma cortisol concentrations. WBC, RBC, Hct and Hb values were measured from whole blood by using an automatic blood count device. Plasma TAS and TOS levels were determined using a commercially available kit. Nitric oxide decomposes rapidly in aerated solutions to form stable nitrite/nitrate products. Plasma nitrite/ nitrate concentration was measured by a modified method of Griess assay. Plasma cortisol concentrations were determined using an ELISA kit. Glucose and total cholesterol levels were analyzed in serum by using an auto-analyzer. White blood cell levels and hematocrit values were significantly increased just after the rectal palpation procedure compared to the baseline values (P < 0.05) whereas no significant difference was found in red blood cell levels and hemoglobin concentrations. Serum cholesterol concentrations have decreased after rectal palpation, serum glucose and cortisol concentrations have signifi-cantly and markedly increased (P < 0.05), the relevant variation factors were 13.41% and 23.26% respectively. Moreover, a remarkable and significant increase in the circulating TOS compared to the baseline values (P < 0.05 variation factor 31.78%) was observed after rectal palpation. In parallel, the nitric oxide concentrations were also significantly increased after rectal palpation procedure (P < 0.05 variation factor: 13.51%) On the other hand, the total plasma antioxidant status was depressed and the variation intensity remained weak (variation factor: -7.24%). Discussion: In the present study the results indicate that the rectal palpation procedure will be considered as a stressful condition, as evidenced by the strong increases in circulating cortisol, TOS and NOx concentrations associated with decreases in TAS concentrations. In addition, increased plasma cortisol concentrations in response to rectal palpation could be an additional factor responsible for the oxidative stress amplification. A more comprehensive identification of the physiological changes during rectal palpation could be beneficial for further researches in terms of accurate management practices in cattle practices and industry. Moreover, the determination of the oxidative stress parameters could provide novel approaches for the evaluation the stress in cattle

    Efficacy of safranal to cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity

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    PubMed ID: 28188255The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of safranal on cisplatininduced nephrotoxicity and oxidative stress in rats. Adult male Sprague - Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups. The control group received physiological saline; animals in Group 2 received only safranal and in Group 3 received only cisplatin; 5 days of safranal treatment was performed following administration of cisplatin for the animals in Group 4; 5 days of safranal pretreatment was applied to the animals in Group 5 before administration of cisplatin. Cisplatin (7 mg/kg) was intraperitoneally injected as a single dose and safranal (200 mg/kg) was administered by gavage. Biochemical and histopathological methods were utilized for evaluation of the nephrotoxicity. The concentrations of creatinine and urea in plasma and levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) as well as total antioxidant status (TAS) and total oxidant status (TOS) were determined in kidney tissue. Administration of cisplatin to rats induced a marked renal failure, characterized with a significant increase in plasma creatinine and urea concentrations. MDA and TOS levels of rats that received cisplatin alone were not significantly different compared with those of the control group, but GSH and TAS levels in the only cisplatinadministered group were significantly decreased. Safranal administration produced amelioration in biochemical indices of nephrotoxicity in both plasma and kidney tissues when compared with the only cisplatin-administered group, pretreatment with safranal being more effective. As a result, safranal treatment might have a protective effect against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and oxidative stress in rat. © 2017 The Author(s); published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society


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    Liver is an organ which can harbour a wide variety of masses neoplastic and nonneoplastic; benign and malignant; primary and metastatic. Tru-cut biopsy is a frequently performed sampling method for diagnosis of liver masses. We evaluated our diagnostic approach to this kind of biopsies by reviewing our three month-tru-cut biopsy experience