166 research outputs found

    Análisis cinemático de la salida en natación: comparación entre Poyete tradicional y Omega OSB11 = Kinematic analysis of output in swimming comparison between traditional starting block and Omega OSB11

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    En este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un análisis cuantitativo de la técnica en varios nadadores, de diferentes categorías, en la provincia de León, con el objetivo de realizar un análisis cinemático de las salidas en natación, con el poyete tradicional y con el Omega OSB11. En el estudio han participado 20 nadadores, 10 chicas y 10 chicos, pertenecientes al Club Natación León. A la hora de llevarlo a cabo, hemos analizado en las imágenes de video captadas en los entrenamientos, los ángulos posicionales del nadador en la salida, la distancia y el tiempo de vuelo, y la velocidad y el tiempo que tardaban en llegar a los 10 m. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan una ligera ventaja en los tiempos medios en llegar a 10 m., obtenidos por el grupo, tanto de chicas como de chicos fueron mejores cuando realizaron la salida con el poyete Omega OSB11. Además, muestran las variaciones en la angulación de la pierna de atrás cuando aparece el taco. Con todo esto llegamos a una serie de conclusiones que pueden ayudar a entrenadores y nadadores a mejorar el rendimiento en esta prueb

    Brasília, capital da paz? : a cidade como contexto de desenvolvimento humano em cultura de paz

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde, 2018.Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender a cidade de Brasília como contexto de desenvolvimento humano, a partir da perspectiva histórico-cultural da construção de uma Cultura de Paz. O esforço desta dissertação, segue no sentido de conhecer e analisar o processo de concepção de Brasília, nas dimensões histórica, física e simbólica; analisar as especificidades de Brasília - como capital do país e como cidade do Distrito Federal - do ponto de vista histórico, social, cultural e educacional; e analisar o sentido da proposta do título: Brasília, Capital da Paz. Os fundamentos teóricos do método têm na pesquisa qualitativa a orientação para a compreensão da subjetividade de cada um dos 06 entrevistados. Como procedimentos de construção de informações lançou-se mão de entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações e impressões e reflexões registradas em um diário de campo da pesquisadora. A pesquisa documental possibilitou a assunção de uma perspectiva histórica ao estudo. Os resultados foram submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo. As falas dos entrevistados foram agregadas em 5 unidades de significação, a saber: a) Realidade e Utopia da cidade igualitária: contexto de Emancipação Social; b) Pertencimento: Capital e Cidade; c) Relações Sociais e Humanas: compreensões da cidade; d) Brasília enquanto terreno fértil para a construção da Cultura de Paz; e e) Brasília: mística e religiosa. A análise ressaltou que muitos moradores da capital experimentam relacionamentos com vínculos afetivos fortes, profundos e estáveis, apesar de virem de culturas e crenças tão diversas. Tal fato cria o sentimento de pertencimento, que auxilia a amenizar a dor mesmo nas situações mais desafiadoras. A tensão entre os opostos, expressa, por exemplo, na dignidade da tarefa de se construir a nova capital em contraposição à indignidade das condições de trabalho ou do sonho coletivo do surgimento de uma nova nação tanto como elemento alienante como libertador. A paz, então, surge como uma perspectiva, algo a ser construído a partir da superação do conflito, da contradição, da indignidade. Considera-se, enfim, que o título Brasília, Capital da Paz pode-se aplicar à cidade, desde que se entenda essa designação como colocada em um horizonte de possibilidade, uma proposta de superação das condições de desigualdade e de fomento a uma educação para a paz e os Direitos Humanos.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).This research aims to comprehend the city of Brasília through context of human development, from the cultural-historical perspective on the construction of a Culture of Peace. The efforts of this dissertation, intends to get to know and analyze the meaning of the proposal for the title: Brasília, The Capital of Peace. The theoretical background on the method has as part of the qualitative research, the orientation for comprehension of the subjectivity on each of the 6 interviewed. As proceedings of information construction, we used semi-structured interviews with the participants and the researcher‘s register in a field diary, besides a documentary analysis. The analysis of the construct informations were submitted to Content Analysis. The speech of respondents were grouped into 5 units of significance, to know: a) Reality and Utopia in the egalitarian city: context of Social Emancipation; b) sense of Belonging: Capital and City; c) Social and Human Relations: the city understandings; d) Brasília as a breeding ground for Culture of Peace; and e) Brasília: mystic as well as religious. Plenty of the capital‘s habitants experience relationship with profound and stable affective bonds, although coming from very different cultures and beliefs. That creates a sense of belonging, which helps to mitigate the pain even in the most challenging situations. The tension between the opposites is expressed, for example, in the dignity of the task of building the new capital, in contraposition to working conditions‘ indignity or from the collective dream of the appearance of a new nation, is as alienating as it is liberating. Peace, then, appears as a perspective, something to be built through the overcoming of conflict, of contradiction, of indignity. It is considered therefore, that the title Brasília the Capital of Peace, can be related to the city as long as this designation is pictured in a horizon of possibilities. A proposal for overcoming of the inequality conditions and education incentive for peace and human rights

    The Integration of Foreign Students in the Portuguese School of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education: the Case of a School Grouping in the Municipality of Viseu

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    The present study aims to understand whether the foreign students who have different nationalities but the Portuguese are integrated into the school of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. With this purpose, a descriptive and phenomenological research was conducted, making use of documental analysis, as well as semi-structured interviews and sociometric tests. These two data collecting tools were applied to students attending from the 1st to the 4th school years, in three 1st Cycle of Basic Education schools, within a school grouping in Viseu. The data obtained through the interviews allow us to conclude that foreign students, in general, feel integrated both in the school and in the class they belong to. However, the analysis of the results of the sociometric tests reveals other data, allowing us to conclude that one of the students is neither integrated in the school, nor in the class he is part of.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organizational factors determining access to reperfusion therapies in Ischemic Stroke-Systematic literature review

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    Background: After onset of acute ischemic stroke (AIS), there is a limited time window for delivering acute reperfusion therapies (ART) aiming to restore normal brain circulation. Despite its unequivocal benefits, the proportion of AIS patients receiving both types of ART, thrombolysis and thrombectomy, remains very low. The organization of a stroke care pathway is one of the main factors that determine timely access to ART. The knowledge on organizational factors influencing access to ART is sparce. Hence, we sought to systematize the existing data on the type and frequency of pre-hospital and in-hospital organizational factors that determine timely access to ART in patients with AIS. Methodology: Literature review on the frequency and type of organizational factors that determine access to ART after AIS. Pubmed and Scopus databases were the primary source of data. OpenGrey and Google Scholar were used for searching grey literature. Study quality analysis was based on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Results: A total of 128 studies were included. The main pre-hospital factors associated with delay or access to ART were medical emergency activation practices, pre-notification routines, ambulance use and existence of local/regional-specific strategies to mitigate the impact of geographic distance between patient locations and Stroke Unit (SU). The most common intra-hospital factors studied were specific location of SU and brain imaging room within the hospital, and the existence and promotion of specific stroke treatment protocols. Most frequent factors associated with increased access ART were periodic public education, promotion of hospital pre-notification and specific pre- and intra-hospital stroke pathways. In specific urban areas, mobile stroke units were found to be valid options to increase timely access to ART. Conclusions: Implementation of different organizational factors and strategies can reduce time delays and increase the number of AIS patients receiving ART, with most of them being replicable in any context, and some in only very specific contexts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Limitations and perceived delays for diagnosis and staging of lung cancer in Portugal: A nationwide survey analysis

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    Background: We aimed to identify the perception of physicians on the limitations and delays for diagnosing, staging and treatment of lung cancer in Portugal. Methods: Portuguese physicians were invited to participate an electronic survey (Feb-Apr-2020). Descriptive statistical analyses were performed, with categorical variables reported as absolute and relative frequencies, and continuous variables with non-normal distribution as median and interquartile range (IQR). The association between categorical variables was assessed through Pearson's chi-square test. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare categorical and continuous variables (Stata v.15.0). Results: Sixty-one physicians participated in the study (45 pulmonologists, 16 oncologists), with n = 26 exclusively assisting lung cancer patients. Most experts work in public hospitals (90.16%) in Lisbon (36.07%). During the last semester of 2019, responders performed a median of 85 (IQR 55-140) diagnoses of lung cancer. Factors preventing faster referral to the specialty included poor articulation between services (60.0%) and patients low economic/cultural level (44.26%). Obtaining National Drugs Authority authorization was one of the main reasons (75.41%) for delaying the begin of treatment. The cumulative lag-time from patients' admission until treatment ranged from 42-61 days. Experts believe that the time to diagnosis could be optimized in around 11.05 days [IQR 9.61-12.50]. Most physicians (88.52%) started treatment before biomarkers results motivated by performance status deterioration (65.57%) or high tumor burden (52.46%). Clinicians exclusively assisting lung cancer cases reported fewer delays for obtaining authorization for biomarkers analysis (p = 0.023). Higher waiting times for surgery (p = 0.001), radiotherapy (p = 0.004), immunotherapy (p = 0.003) were reported by professionals from public hospitals. Conclusions: Physicians believe that is possible to reduce delays in all stages of lung cancer diagnosis with further efforts from multidisciplinary teams and hospital administration.his work was supported by AstraZeneca. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscripinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Projecto de Tabela das “Funções - Meio”

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    O Instituto dos Arquivos Nacionais/Torre do Tombo, através da Divisão de Arquivos Intermédios em colaboração com o Gabinete de Apoio aos Arquivos Correntes, efectuou um projecto de Tabela de Avaliação e Selecção de documentos para as tradicionalmente designadas “Funções–Meio”, ou funções de suporte às actividades dos serviços – Recursos Humanos; Recursos Financeiros e Patrimoniais, alargando-se ainda o seu âmbito às funções de Organização e Funcionamento; Planeamento e Actividades de Controlo; Relações Públicas e Sistemas de Tecnologias de Informação e Documentação.Este projecto insere-se no âmbito das actividades programadas pelo Instituto e tem como objectivo o apoio aos Serviços da Administração Pública, na avaliação e selecção da documentação produzida para as áreas funcionais de suporte às actividades dos Serviços.A Tabela pretende ser um documento normalizador de boas práticas arquivísticas ao nível da gestão documental, possibilitando o estabelecimento de uma política de gestão de documentos coerente.Foram premissas orientadoras deste projecto, a normalização de procedimentos; a estabilização da designação das séries documentais; bem como a sua estrutura classificativa; a definição de prazos de conservação e destino final.A aplicação deste instrumento permitirá rentabilizar a eficácia dos processos de elaboração de portarias de gestão de documentos, complementando e orientando a feitura dos mesmos.Este documento ficará disponível na página Web do IAN/TT, para conhecimento e partilha pública de opiniões por parte dos serviços da administração pública

    Análisis de pausas y ejecuciones para el estudio de procesos de escritura

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    p. 261-268Uno de los métodos online de mayor trascendencia en los últimos años para la evaluación del proceso de escritura es el estudio de la dinámica temporal de escritura a través del análisis de las pausas y ejecuciones. Además de ser uno de los métodos de naturaleza online menos intrusivos, proporciona información de gran valor sobre el proceso de escritura. A pesar de ello, existe una falta de consistencia respecto al tipo de medidas que pueden utilizarse y la información que se puede obtener a partir de su análisis. Por ello, a partir de la realización de una revisión exhaustiva de estudios, el presente trabajo pretende proporcionar una visión detallada del tipo de medidas relacionadas con el análisis de pausas y ejecuciones así como el tipo de información que se puede inferir a través de las mismasS

    O programa e as metas curriculares da matemática : presença de processos criativos

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Ensino de matemática no 3.º ciclo do ensino básico e no ensino secundário, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, 2013.Exame público realizado em 16 de Dezembro de 2013.A dissertação assenta em três pilares fundamentais, as Metas Curriculares para responder e explicar o que são, quais as suas competências e que estratégias foram utilizadas a fim de estas entrarem em vigor, o ensino da Matemática, na sua evolução ao nível curricular, ao longo do século XX e, por último, de carácter empírico, são identificados processos criativos no ensino da Matemática e na sugestão de algumas recomendações, baseadas na implementação do programa e na utilização dos manuais escolares

    Implementation of thinnings in individual tree and diameter distribution growth models; an application to maritime pine stands in Portugal

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the methods used for implementation of thinnings in three models developed to manage maritime pine stands in Portugal: (1) Pbirrol, an individual tree model that can be applied to uneven-aged stands, (2) Pinaster, an individual tree model to be used in even-aged stands, and (3) ModisPinaster, a diameter distribution model to be used in even-aged or uneven-aged stands. In these models, the decision of which trees are thinned is based on a probability function that can be associated to a cut-off or a density variable (e. g., Wilson’s factor, residual basal area, SDI). To assess the suitability of how thinnings are implemented in these models, two analyses were made: (1) even-aged models, Pinaster and ModisPinaster, were used to simulate the thinning practice of several plots of a thinning trial and stand variables estimates after thinning were compared with the measured values, and (2) forest inventory plots were used as a starting point to analyze the effect of considering an uneven-aged or an even-aged stand management using Pbirrol and Pinaster, respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Risk factors for metabolic bone disease in Crohn's disease patients

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    Background: The aim was to evaluate the presence of metabolic bone disease (MBD) in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) and to identify potential etiologic factors. Methods: The case–control study included 99 patients with CD and 56 controls with a similar age and gender distribution. Both groups had dual-energy x-ray absorptionmetry and a nutritional evaluation. Single nucleotide polymorphisms at the IL1, TNF-a, LTa, and IL-6 genes were analyzed in patients only. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. Results: The prevalence of MBD was significantly higher in patients (P ¼ 0.006). CD patients with osteoporosis were older (P < 0.005), small bowel involvement and surgical resections were more frequent (P < 0.005), they more often exhibited a penetrating or stricturing phenotype (P < 0.05), duration of disease over 15 years (P < 0.005), and body mass index (BMI) under 18.5 kg/m2 (P < 0.01) were more often found. No association was found with steroid use. Patients with a Z-score < 2.0 more frequently had chronic active disease (P < 0.05). With regard to diet, low vitamin K intake was more frequent (P ¼ 0.03) and intake of total, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fat was higher in patients with Z-score < 2.0 (P < 0.05). With respect to genetics, carriage of the polymorphic allele for LTa252 A/G was associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis (P ¼ 0.02). Regression analysis showed that age over 40 years, chronic active disease, and previous colonic resections were independently associated with the risk of developing MBD. Conclusions: The prevalence of MBD was significantly higher in CD patients. Besides the usual risk factors, we observed that factors related to chronic active and long-lasting disease increased the risk of MBD