589 research outputs found

    Effects of teaching planning strategies to first-grade writers

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    p. 670-688Traditionally writing instruction at the start of school has focused on developing students’ ability to spell and handwrite. Teaching children explicit selfregulatory strategies for developing content and structure for their text has proved effective for students in later grades of primary (elementary) educationS

    Educational Innovation Management. A Case Study at the University of Salamanca

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    [EN] This is the presentation of the paper entitled “Educational Innovation Management. A Case Study at the University of Salamanca” in the TEEM 2015 International Conference held in Porto (Portugal) in October 7-9, 2015. This paper is devoted to present the implantation of a repository for educational innovation projects management at the University of Salamanca in Spain. This repository stores the selected best practices of educational innovation in this University and classifies them according a set of indicators that have been previously agreed. The paper explains the processes to define the indicators and their application to a set of selected projects that have been stored in the repository

    Supporting first-grade writers who fail to learn: multiple single-case evaluation of a Response to Intervention approach

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    p.865-891We report a multiple-baseline single-case study, based in the response to intervention framework, evaluating transcription-only and transcription-and-planning interventions for young, struggling writers. In a baseline phase, 8 classes of Spanish children at the start of their first year of primary (elementary) education completed short, probe writing tasks twice-weekly over the first 120 days of their school career. During this period, all students received researcher-developed classroom instruction in spelling, handwriting, and text-planning. Students then completed a battery of tests including measures of spelling, handwriting and composition quality. On the basis of writing probe tasks and test scores we identified 12 struggling writers for whose written composition performance was below the 15th percentile, relative to the full sample, whose spelling performance was below 25th percentile, and whose handwriting was poor. For the next 72 days, these students received twice-weekly, parent-delivered training in transcription skills (handwriting and spelling) or transcription skills plus text planning. Researcherdeveloped classroom instruction and regular probe tasks continued during this phase. All students, in both intervention conditions, showed improvement in handwriting quality relative to Phase 1. 10 students also showed improvement in composition quality, with 8 performing, post intervention, within normal range relative to peers. Our findings demonstrate the value of a response-to-intervention approach to identification and remediation for struggling writes in their first school yearS

    Aprendizaje, Innovacion y Competitividad. Presentacion

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    La estructura de este número extraordinario de Arbor incluye los siguientes contenidos: artículos de reflexión, investigación aplicada y buenas prácticas. El primer bloque lo constituyen los artículos de reflexión e investigación aplicada en el contexto universitario; el segundo bloque mantiene la misma tipología de artículos, pero orientados a la competitividad y el aprendizaje en diferentes contextos. El último bloque se corresponde con los mejores trabajos presentados en el congreso CINAIC 2011 (I Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Conocimiento).Este número es especial, no por la temática ni por el contexto donde se han generado los distintos artículos sino por su protagonista principal: Alberto Sánchez Álvarez-Insúa. Alberto, director de la revista Arbor, miembro del comité organizador de CINAIC 2011 y principal motor de la presente publicación, falleció el pasado 1 de noviembre; suya iba a ser esta presentación y suya será. Por este motivo, tanto desde el comité organizador de CINAIC 2011, como desde el equipo de redacción de la revista Arbor nos parece que el homenaje más adecuado en esta publicación es reproducir el texto que Alberto preparó para su intervención en CINAIC 2011

    Estudio de la relación del grosor corneal central y no central con los parámetros estereométricos de la papila determinados mediante HRT

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    OBJETIVOS. Correlacionar las variables de grosor corneal obtenidas mediante un modelo de segmentación virtual de la córnea consistente en un área central de 1mm de diámetro y centrado en el ápex corneal (zona I) y cinco anillos concéntricos de 1mm de ancho (zonas II-VI) con variables de la cabeza del nervio óptico en sujetos sanos y sujetos diagnosticados de glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto. Analizar si las variables corneales pudieran tener cierto papel predictor sobre las variables de la cabeza del nervio óptico que se relacionan con el glaucoma. Estudiar si este mismo modelo de segmentación corneal, podría mejorar la eficacia diagnóstica de los sistemas de análisis MRA y GPS del HRT. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Las medidas se llevaron a cabo en 75 ojos de voluntarios sanos y en 73 ojos de pacientes con glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto. Las variables corneales se recogieron con el Pentacam y fueron: grosor corneal central, grosor corneal medio, grosor medio de la zona I, de la zona II, de la zona III, de la zona IV, de la zona V y de la zona VI. Las variables de la cabeza del nervio óptico se recogieron con el Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT-III). La correlación entre los dos grupos de variables de las dos poblaciones de estudio se llevó a cabo mediante el cálculo de los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson. El efecto predictor de las variables corneales sobre las variables del nervio óptico se analizó mediante sendos análisis de regresión lineal (uno por cada par de variable corneal-variable del nervio óptico). Además se construyeron seis modelos de regresión logística (MOD-A1, MODA2, MOD-B1, MOD-B2, MOD-C1, y MOD-C2) para evaluar la eficacia diagnóstica del HRT, donde la variable dependiente era la presencia o no de glaucoma y la variable predictora fue el resultado del análisis de la cabeza del nervio óptico (MOD-A1), el resultado del análisis del MRA (MOD-B1), el resultado del análisis del GPS (MOD-C1), el resultado del análisis de la cabeza del nervio óptico junto con variables corneales (MOD-A2), el resultado del análisis del MRA junto con variables corneales (MOD-B2) y el resultado del análisis del GPS junto con variables corneales (MOD-C2) respectivamente. La eficacia de los modelos fue comparada usando las curvas ROC de cada modelo..

    Proximate population factors and deforestation in tropical agricultural frontiers

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    Fuente del texto: Population and Environment, Vol. 25, No. 6, July 2004 _ 2004 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Validation of a Semantic Search Engine for Academic Resources on Engineering Teamwork

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    Obtaining evidence on the acquisition of the teamwork competence, from students throughout their training, is demanded by both accrediting agencies of High Education degrees and future employers. This competence has been, and still is, of great importance in general and in degrees in engineering in particular. Based on previous research studies, evidence to evaluate teamwork competence acquisition is classified in three dimensions: (i) the individual dimension, acquired by each team member; (ii) the group dimension, composed of results from each teamwork; and (iii) the result dimension, which consists of deliverable products throughout the teamwork process. One of the methods which takes the three dimensions into account, the one that helps train and evaluate the teamwork competence, is the ''''Comprehensive Training Model of the Teamwork Competence'''' method. In this paper, we will show that through this method, more than 50 teams have generated evidence which can be used as learning resources. All this evidence has been stored and organized (through an ontology) in a semantic repository. The generated evidence is retrieved by using an inference engine through the metadata of ontology. This study, which has validated the resources obtained from the repository, was relevant for a specific information demand. To this end, results automatically obtained by the search engine were compared with those manually found by teachers who are experienced in the teamwork competence

    The informative gamification of Docugames: case study of Que tiemble el camino, Bugarach and Detrás del paraíso

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    La irrupción de las tecnologías digitales y de la World Wide Web ha traído consigo importantes transformaciones en la realización y el consumo de productos informativos. Los medios aprovechan el potencial que ofrece Internet creando productos cada vez más innovadores que otorgan mayor importancia a la participación del usuario. En este contexto de búsqueda de audiencias más activas se sitúa la ludificación del contenido informativo. Esta comunicación revisa el docugame (híbrido entre el documental interactivo y el newsgame) en los medios españoles con tres ejemplos: Que tiemble el camino (RTVE.es y Barret, 2016), Bugarach (Nanouk Films y RTVE.es, 2016) y Detrás del paraíso (eldiario.es, 2016). Con una metodología cualitativa se analizan qué particularidades presenta el formato en su narrativa y qué innovaciones en la interacción con el usuario; así se pretende constatar que el periodismo digital, a través del docugame, usa mecánicas propias de los videojuegos para representar la realidad.The appearance of digital technologies and the World Wide Web has brought significant transformations in the way of producing and consuming informative products. Media is taking advantage of the potential of the Internet and uses it to create increasingly innovative new products that have conveyed greater importance to the participation of receiver-user. In this context, the gamification of informative contents allows media to reach more active audiences (prosumers). The present paper proposes a review of the docugame format (hybrid between interactive documentary and newsgame) in the Spanish media based on the analysis of three projects: Que tiemble el camino (RTVE.es and Barret, 2016), Bugarach: cómo sobrevivir al Apocalipsis (Nanouk Films and RTVE.es, 2016) and Detrás del paraíso (eldiario.es, 2016). Through the use of a qualitative methodology, this study makes an approach to this emergent format. This paper analyses what particularities the docugames presents in terms of narrative structure and also what innovations this format introduces related to user interaction. All with the purpose of verifying that digital journalism, through the docugame format, is using the features of video games when representing the reality.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Social network changes in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) after the birth of new infants

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    Cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) are characterized by a system of cooperative breeding where helpers, in addition to the reproductive pair, contribute to infant care. Grooming interactions between individuals play an important role in establishing social relationships, creating an interconnected social network in the group. We used social network analysis to investigate the social structure of two groups of cotton-top tamarins with different sizes and compositions and study whether they remain stable after the birth of new infants. We also investigated the possible correlation between the time spent carrying infants and an increase in the grooming centrality. We found that group A (n = 13) had a stable grooming network that showed consistent stability after the birth, although group B (n = 8 and no adult helpers) changed its grooming network and showed a lower density after the birth. Infant carrying was not correlated with increased grooming centrality after the birth. These findings highlight the usefulness of social network analysis in the study of group structure in cooperatively breeding primates and suggest that the birth of offspring has a greater impact on the stability of groups without adult helpersThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Cultura; Contract grant number: FP-93 9310751 (DGICyT PB90-206); Contract grant sponsor: International Agreement between Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and Deutsches Primatenzentrum (Göttingen, Germany) 1994–199