10 research outputs found

    Prediction of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2+ (CIN2+) using HPV DNA testing after a diagnosis of atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance (ASC-US) in Catalonia, Spain

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    Background: A protocol for cervical cancer screening among sexually active women 25 to 65 years of age was introduced in 2006 in Catalonia, Spain to increase coverage and to recommend a 3-year-interval between screening cytology. In addition, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) was offered as a triage test for women with a diagnosis of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US). HPV testing was recommended within 3 months of ASC-US diagnosis. According to protocol, HPV negative women were referred to regular screening including a cytological exam every 3 years while HPV positive women were referred to colposcopy and closer follow-up. We evaluated the implementation of the protocol and the prediction of HPV testing as a triage tool for cervical intraepithelial lesions grade two or worse (CIN2+) in women with a cytological diagnosis of ASC-US. Methods: During 2007-08 a total of 611 women from five reference laboratories in Catalonia with a novel diagnosis of ASC-US were referred for high risk HPV (hrHPV) triage using high risk Hybrid Capture version 2. Using routine record linkage data, women were followed for 3 years to evaluate hrHPV testing efficacy for predicting CIN2+ cases. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the odds ratio for CIN2 +. Results: Among the 611 women diagnosed with ASC-US, 493 (80.7%) had at least one follow-up visit during the study period. hrHPV was detected in 48.3% of the women at study entry (mean age 35.2 years). hrHPV positivity decreased with increasing age from 72.6% among women younger than 25 years to 31.6% in women older than 54 years (p < 0.01). At the end of the 3 years follow-up period, 37 women with a diagnosis of CIN2+ (18 CIN2, 16 CIN3, 2 cancers, and 1 with high squamous intraepithelial lesions -HSIL) were identified and all but one had a hrHPV positive test at study entry. Sensitivity to detect CIN2+ of hrHPV was 97.2% (95%confidence interval (CI) = 85.5-99.9) and specificity was 68.3% (95%CI = 63.1-73.2). The odds ratio for CIN2+ was 45.3 (95% CI: 6.2-333.0), when among ASC-US hrHPV positive women were compared to ASC-US hrHPV negative women. Conclusions: Triage of ASC-US with hrHPV testing showed a high sensitivity for the detection of CIN2+ and a high negative predictive value after 3 years of follow-up. The results of this study are in line with the current guidelines for triage of women with ASC-US in the target age range of 25-65. Non adherence to guidelines will lead to unnecessary medical interventions. Further investigation is needed to improve specificity of ASC-US triage

    Protecting the underscreened women in developed countries: the value of HPV test

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    Background: Poor attendance to cervical cancer (CC) screening is a major risk factor for CC. Efforts to capture underscreened women are considerable and once women agree to participate, the provision of longitudinal validity of the screening test is of paramount relevance. We evaluate the addition of high risk HPV test (HPV) to cervical cytology as a primary screening test among underscreened women in the longitudinal prediction of intraepithelial lesions grade 2 or worse (CIN2+). Methods: Women were included in the study if they were older than 39 years and with no evidence of cervical cytology in the previous five years within the Public Primary Health Care System in Catalonia (Spain). 1,832 underscreened women from eight public primary health areas were identified during 2007-2008 and followed-up for over three years to estimate longitudinal detection of CIN2+. Accuracy of each screening test and the combination of both to detect CIN2+ was estimated. The risk of developing CIN2+ lesions according to histology data by cytology and HPV test results at baseline was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results: At baseline, 6.7% of participants were HPV positive, 2.2% had an abnormal cytology and 1.3% had both tests positive. At the end of follow-up, 18 out of 767 (2.3%) underscreened women had a CIN2+, two of which were invasive CC. The three-year longitudinal sensitivity and specificity estimates to detect CIN2+ were 90.5% and 93.0% for HPV test and 38.2% and 97.8% for cytology. The negative predictive value was >99.0% for each test. No additional gains in validity parameters of HPV test were observed when adding cytology as co-test. The referral to colposcopy was higher for HPV but generated 53% higher detection of CIN2+ compared to cytology. Conclusions: Underscreened women had high burden of cervical disease. Primary HPV screening followed by cytology triage could be the optimal strategy to identify CIN2+ leading to longer and safe screen intervals

    Prediction of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2+ (CIN2+) using HPV DNA testing after a diagnosis of atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance (ASC-US) in Catalonia, Spain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A protocol for cervical cancer screening among sexually active women 25 to 65 years of age was introduced in 2006 in Catalonia, Spain to increase coverage and to recommend a 3-year-interval between screening cytology. In addition, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) was offered as a triage test for women with a diagnosis of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US). HPV testing was recommended within 3 months of ASC-US diagnosis. According to protocol, HPV negative women were referred to regular screening including a cytological exam every 3 years while HPV positive women were referred to colposcopy and closer follow-up. We evaluated the implementation of the protocol and the prediction of HPV testing as a triage tool for cervical intraepithelial lesions grade two or worse (CIN2+) in women with a cytological diagnosis of ASC-US.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>During 2007-08 a total of 611 women from five reference laboratories in Catalonia with a novel diagnosis of ASC-US were referred for high risk HPV (hrHPV) triage using high risk Hybrid Capture version 2. Using routine record linkage data, women were followed for 3 years to evaluate hrHPV testing efficacy for predicting CIN2+ cases. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the odds ratio for CIN2 +.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among the 611 women diagnosed with ASC-US, 493 (80.7%) had at least one follow-up visit during the study period. hrHPV was detected in 48.3% of the women at study entry (mean age 35.2 years). hrHPV positivity decreased with increasing age from 72.6% among women younger than 25 years to 31.6% in women older than 54 years (<it>p </it>< 0.01).</p> <p>At the end of the 3 years follow-up period, 37 women with a diagnosis of CIN2+ (18 CIN2, 16 CIN3, 2 cancers, and 1 with high squamous intraepithelial lesions -HSIL) were identified and all but one had a hrHPV positive test at study entry. Sensitivity to detect CIN2+ of hrHPV was 97.2% (95%confidence interval (CI) = 85.5-99.9) and specificity was 68.3% (95%CI = 63.1-73.2). The odds ratio for CIN2+ was 45.3 (95% CI: 6.2-333.0), when among ASC-US hrHPV positive women were compared to ASC-US hrHPV negative women.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Triage of ASC-US with hrHPV testing showed a high sensitivity for the detection of CIN2+ and a high negative predictive value after 3 years of follow-up. The results of this study are in line with the current guidelines for triage of women with ASC-US in the target age range of 25-65. Non adherence to guidelines will lead to unnecessary medical interventions. Further investigation is needed to improve specificity of ASC-US triage.</p

    Aspectos biodemográficos de grupos étnicos Macro-Pano de Bolivia y caracterización genética de las poblaciones Aymará, Quechua, Chimane y Mosetén

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    [spa] La tesis trata de definir algunos aspectos de la situación demográfica y describir la genética poblacional a partir del estudio de haplogrupos del ADN mitocondrial (ADNmt), secuenciación de la región de control d-loop del ADNmt (HVRI), de microsatélites autosómicos, short tandem repeats (STR´s) y microsatélites del cromosoma Y de un grupo de etnias asentadas en el Piedemonte del Departamento del Beni de Bolivia. Las poblaciones Mosetén y Chimane son autóctonas de la zona mientras que las poblaciones Aymará y Quechua deben considerarse colonas en la región ya que su área de poblamiento original se halla en otros departamentos, mayoritariamente andinos. Las poblaciones autóctonas, si bien presentan una cultura común, pertenecen a grupos lingüísticos claramente diferenciados. Las etnias Mosetén y Chimane son de habla Ge-Pano-Caribe, mientras que las poblaciones Aymará y Quechua pertenecen al stock de lenguas Andinas. Las poblaciones del Piedemonte andino boliviano son potencialmente muy interesantes en el contexto de la biología y la evolución humana dada su ubicación geográfica a medio camino de la zona andina y la amazónica y por el contexto de su historia. El piedemonte es una ruta natural de paso entre las dos áreas que presenta una historia demográfica compleja con llegadas migratorias primitivas, influencias incaicas y reducciones franciscanas y jesuíticas que influyeron en la dinámica poblacional de los grupos que allí habitaban y que, en la actualidad, si bien mantienen sus peculiaridades culturales y lingüísticas, poseen un reducido efectivo poblacional. Por otro lado, los movimientos migratorios más recientes de otras poblaciones hacen de la región del Piedemonte una zona excelente para estudiar la diversidad y microdiferenciación de las poblaciones humanas en el continente americano.[eng] The thesis attempts to define the demographic situation of a group of Macro-Panoan linguistic populations living in the Piedmont foothills of the Beni Department (Bolivia) and describe the population genetics of these populations using mitochondrial DNA haplogroups, mtDNA hipervariable region I (HVRI) of the control region, autosomal microsatellites (STR's) and Y-chromosome microsatellites (Y-STR’s). Moseten and Chimane populations are autochthonous indigenous of the area while Aymara and Quechua populations should be considered new settlers in the region since their original settlements are the Andean Departments. These two groups of populations belong to distinct linguistic clusters. Chimane Moseten belong to Ge-Pano-Carib speaking group while the Aymara and Quechua populations belong to the Andean language stock. Populations of the Bolivian piedmont are potentially interesting in the context of biology and human evolution because of its location halfway between the Andes and the Amazon areas and the context of its history. The piedmont is a natural passage between the two areas with a complex demographic history with primitive migratory arrivals, Inca influences and Franciscan and Jesuit reductions that influenced the population dynamics of the groups who lived in this territory in the past. Populations who live in piedmont nowadays, maintain their linguistic and genetic diversity although they have a reduced effective population. On the other hand, more recent migration of other populations make the region an excellent location to study the diversity and microdifferentiation of human population in the Americas

    Prediction of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2+ (CIN2+) using HPV DNA testing after a diagnosis of atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance (ASC-US) in Catalonia, Spain

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    Background: A protocol for cervical cancer screening among sexually active women 25 to 65 years of age was introduced in 2006 in Catalonia, Spain to increase coverage and to recommend a 3-year-interval between screening cytology. In addition, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) was offered as a triage test for women with a diagnosis of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US). HPV testing was recommended within 3 months of ASC-US diagnosis. According to protocol, HPV negative women were referred to regular screening including a cytological exam every 3 years while HPV positive women were referred to colposcopy and closer follow-up. We evaluated the implementation of the protocol and the prediction of HPV testing as a triage tool for cervical intraepithelial lesions grade two or worse (CIN2+) in women with a cytological diagnosis of ASC-US. Methods: During 2007-08 a total of 611 women from five reference laboratories in Catalonia with a novel diagnosis of ASC-US were referred for high risk HPV (hrHPV) triage using high risk Hybrid Capture version 2. Using routine record linkage data, women were followed for 3 years to evaluate hrHPV testing efficacy for predicting CIN2+ cases. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the odds ratio for CIN2 +. Results: Among the 611 women diagnosed with ASC-US, 493 (80.7%) had at least one follow-up visit during the study period. hrHPV was detected in 48.3% of the women at study entry (mean age 35.2 years). hrHPV positivity decreased with increasing age from 72.6% among women younger than 25 years to 31.6% in women older than 54 years (p < 0.01). At the end of the 3 years follow-up period, 37 women with a diagnosis of CIN2+ (18 CIN2, 16 CIN3, 2 cancers, and 1 with high squamous intraepithelial lesions -HSIL) were identified and all but one had a hrHPV positive test at study entry. Sensitivity to detect CIN2+ of hrHPV was 97.2% (95%confidence interval (CI) = 85.5-99.9) and specificity was 68.3% (95%CI = 63.1-73.2). The odds ratio for CIN2+ was 45.3 (95% CI: 6.2-333.0), when among ASC-US hrHPV positive women were compared to ASC-US hrHPV negative women. Conclusions: Triage of ASC-US with hrHPV testing showed a high sensitivity for the detection of CIN2+ and a high negative predictive value after 3 years of follow-up. The results of this study are in line with the current guidelines for triage of women with ASC-US in the target age range of 25-65. Non adherence to guidelines will lead to unnecessary medical interventions. Further investigation is needed to improve specificity of ASC-US triage

    Protecting the underscreened women in developed countries: the value of HPV test

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    Background: Poor attendance to cervical cancer (CC) screening is a major risk factor for CC. Efforts to capture underscreened women are considerable and once women agree to participate, the provision of longitudinal validity of the screening test is of paramount relevance. We evaluate the addition of high risk HPV test (HPV) to cervical cytology as a primary screening test among underscreened women in the longitudinal prediction of intraepithelial lesions grade 2 or worse (CIN2+). Methods: Women were included in the study if they were older than 39 years and with no evidence of cervical cytology in the previous five years within the Public Primary Health Care System in Catalonia (Spain). 1,832 underscreened women from eight public primary health areas were identified during 2007-2008 and followed-up for over three years to estimate longitudinal detection of CIN2+. Accuracy of each screening test and the combination of both to detect CIN2+ was estimated. The risk of developing CIN2+ lesions according to histology data by cytology and HPV test results at baseline was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results: At baseline, 6.7% of participants were HPV positive, 2.2% had an abnormal cytology and 1.3% had both tests positive. At the end of follow-up, 18 out of 767 (2.3%) underscreened women had a CIN2+, two of which were invasive CC. The three-year longitudinal sensitivity and specificity estimates to detect CIN2+ were 90.5% and 93.0% for HPV test and 38.2% and 97.8% for cytology. The negative predictive value was >99.0% for each test. No additional gains in validity parameters of HPV test were observed when adding cytology as co-test. The referral to colposcopy was higher for HPV but generated 53% higher detection of CIN2+ compared to cytology. Conclusions: Underscreened women had high burden of cervical disease. Primary HPV screening followed by cytology triage could be the optimal strategy to identify CIN2+ leading to longer and safe screen intervals

    Prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en trabajadores hospitalarios: metaanálisis en 45 hospitales catalanes = Smoking prevalence in hospital workers: meta-analysis in 45 Catalan hospitals

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    El 'Grupo de coordinadores de los Hospitales de la Red' está compuesto por: Sandra Bigordà Palau, Jaume González, Maite Elvira, Francesc Abella, Montserrat Pie, Lourdes Rofes, Tere Catalán, Joaquim Guasch, Joana Carrasco, Dolors Benito, Upe González, Peio Solà, Rosa Sunyer, Rosa Carreras, Sílvia Molina, Beatriu Castells, Ma Antònia Raich, Francesc Fibla, Merce Palau, Consol Serra, David de la Rosa, Francesc Macià, Andrea Burón, Ruth Ripoll, Marta Solé, José María Sánchez, M. Antònia Pajin, Mercè Santos Asensio, Cristina Pinet, Jordi Bugés, Claudia Guevara, Jaume Prat, Marga Cano, Pilar Pena, ˜ Gemma Mayor, Joana Guerrero, Manel Roda, Fernando Pommier, Montserrat Contel, Albert Tresserras Puyuelo, Francesc Soler, Miquel Vilardell, Jorge Sanz, Catalina Serra Carbonell y Manel SantinàObjective: To estimate the prevalence of smoking in workers from hospitals within the Catalan Network for Smoke-free hospitals from 2009 to 2012 according to workers' sociodemographic characteristics and the type of hospital. Method: A meta-analysis was performed of prevalence surveys from representative samples of workers from 45 hospitals. The combined prevalence for all hospitals was calculated using a regression model with a random effects model weighted by sample size. Results: The overall prevalence of smoking was 28.1% (95%. CI: 26.1 to 30.0%) with a maximum and minimum of 40.3% and 19.1%, respectively. The health professionals with the lowest prevalence of smoking were physicians (16.4%; 95%CI: 12.9 to 19.9) and nurses (25.4%; 95%CI 21.6 to 29.2). Conclusion: The prevalence of smoking in hospital health workers was lower than in the general population of working age. Physicians were the group with the lowest smoking prevalence. Smoking cessation should be promoted among other professional groupsObjetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en trabajadores/as de los hospitales miembros de la Red Catalana de Hospitales sin Humo según sus características sociodemográficas y tipo de hospital al que pertenecen, en el período 2009-2012. Método: Metaanálisis de encuestas de prevalencia en muestras representativas de trabajadores/as de 45 hospitales (2009-2012). La prevalencia conjunta se calculó mediante un modelo de regresión con efectos aleatorios ponderado por el tamaño muestral. Resultados: La prevalencia global de consumo de tabaco es del 28,1% (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]: 26,1-30,0%), con valores máximos y mínimos del 40,3% y el 19,1%. Los grupos con menor prevalencia son el colectivo médico (16,4%; IC95%: 12,9-19,9%) y el colectivo de enfermería (25,4%; IC95%: 21,6-29,2%). Conclusión: La prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en trabajadores/as hospitalarios/as es menor que en la población general en edad laboral, siendo el colectivo médico el menos fumador. Es necesario implementar acciones que faciliten el abandono del tabaco en el resto de los colectivo

    Long-term protection of HPV test in women at risk of cervical cancer

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    Objective: To evaluate the 9-year incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (CIN2+) and cumulative adherence to perform a next test in a cohort of women aged 40+ years with no cervical screening cytology within a window of 5 years (underscreened women), after baseline cervical cytology and HPV tests. Methods: In Catalonia, Spain, co-testing with cytology and HPV test has been recommended in the Public Health system since 2006 for underscreened women. In 2007, 1,594 women with underscreened criteria were identified and followed through medical records form Pathological Department. 9-year cumulative incidence of histologically confirmed CIN2+ and cumulative adherence to perform a next test were estimated using Kaplan-Meier statistics. Results: Follow-up was available for 1,009 women (63.3%) resulting in 23 women with. CIN2+ (2.3%). Of them, 4 women (17%) had both tests negative at baseline (3CIN2 and 1CIN3) with cumulative incidence of CIN2+ of 0.4% (95% CI: 0.1-1.4) at 5-years and 1.3% (95% CI: 0.4-3.7) at 9-years. During the first year, the prevalence among women with both tests positive was 27.0% (95% CI: 13.0-50.6) for CIN2+. Lost to follow-up was higher among women with both tests negative compared to those with both positive tests (38.7% vs 4.2%, p-value <0.001). 40.5% of the women HPV-/cyto- had a re-screening test during the 4 years following the baseline, increasing until 53.5% during the 6 years of follow-up. Conclusions: HPV detection shows a high longitudinal predictive value at 9-year to identify women at risk to develop CIN2+. The data validate a safe extension of the 3-year screening intervals (current screening interval) to 5-year intervals in underscreened women that had negative HPV result at baseline. It is necessary to establish mechanisms to ensure screening participation and adequate follow-up for these women