514 research outputs found

    Monster to Monster: Masculinity as an Invisible Major Theme in Hunter’s Run

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    Taken for granted, normalized as a non-category, and thus invisible, masculinity is a topic that largely escaped public and much academic attention until the birth of men and masculinity studies. It is my belief that this discipline will play an important part in the future of gender studies, which is why my paper doubles as an appeal for more scholars to join me and learn more about this lesser known side of gender theory. In my analysis of Hunter’s Run (2007), an American sci-fi novel for mature audiences authored by George R. R. Martin, Gardner Dozois, and Daniel Abraham, I use Connell’s hierarchy of four masculinities and other research. I quickly reveal that the novel is filled to the brim with commentary on men and ‘mankind,’ so much so that the greatest plot point is when the protagonist confronts his harmful ideal of hegemonic masculinity and admits that he despises the toxic person it has made him. The message is a rather loud criticism of hegemonic standards that make men emotionally stunted, prone to violence, afraid of admitting any kind of weakness or dependency, and desperate to one-up and dominate women as well as other men (as observed by Brittan in 1989 and many others). As if that was not enough, the language of the novel overuses the word man in such striking ways it demanded a section of its own in this paper. Considering all my findings, it is shocking that neither the three authors, nor the publishers, or the reviewers seem to have noticed this major theme. Instead, they claim that Hunter’s Run is a story about humanity and identity, even though only the male side of these concepts is ever discussed. This leads me to further explain invisible masculinity as it was conceptualized by Kimmel in 1993, and to announce the need for more masculinity research in the stories we consume

    Learning styles of University Students and Language Learning: Concepts, recent views and research-based Recommendations

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    The contribution deals with Vermunt´s – Van Rijswijk´s constructivist model and inventory of learning styles (ILS). Students in the experimental group learned English from arbitrary internet materials and control group students studied in face-to-face lessons. Common values and students scores were compared; in both groups, identical ILS items exceeded the common values range

    Noise exposure in the course of building operations

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    Hardwood airborne particles in workplace atmospheres

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    Learning Styles of Language Learners: Overview and Directions in Life-Long Learning Perspective

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    Článek byl napsán jako reakce na nedostatek systematických přehledových studií věnovaných učebním stylům v oblasti učení se jazykům. Autorka by ráda usnadnila čtenářům orientaci v problematice a podpořila informovanost o učebních stylech. Článek nově systematizuje modely učebních stylů do kategorií obecné a specificky vyvinuté pro učení se jazykům. Inovativně se také zabývá možností jejich změn či zachováním. Součástí textu je i přehled hlavních literárních odkazů zaměřených na učební styly. Autorka navrhuje faktory, které by měly být brány v potaz při volbě vhodného modelu. V univerzitních jazykových kurzech by měly být podporovány styly, které umožňují celoživotní rozšíření jazykové kompetence. Text je doplněn přehledem návrhů pro výzkum v oblasti metakognitivních faktorů a faktorů pro celoživotní učení se jazykům. Obojí spolu s přispěním kognitivní psychologie může vést ke vzniku nových modelů v oblasti učení se jazykům.The article was compiled because of lack of comprehensive works providing an overall systematic view of the field of language learning styles. The author intends to make orientation in the field easier and, moreover, to enhance awareness of learning styles to a desirable level. As a novelty, it systemizes them into categories of general and language learning focused models and discusses possibility of their change or preservation. The overview also deals with literature findings on styles. The author suggests factors i

    Teaching English at German and Swiss Technical Universities

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    The aim of this article is to provide Czech readers with information on teaching English at German technical universities (TU). The overview draws on the minutes from an eight German and one Swiss TU meeting held in November 2019 at Technical University München (Technische Universität München). Within her Erasmus+ visti, the author took part in the session

    Экологическое образование как источник развития туризма в Чешской Республике

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    Обосновывается значение экотуризма не только как формы поддержки экосистем, но и как инструмента социально-экономического развития территорий. Экологическое образование в Чехии имеет давние устойчивые традиции. На примере реализации уникального проекта EDEN – Сосредоточие Зеленых знаний в городе Бистршице – автор рассматривает способы участии местных жителей в организации экологического туризма, приводит примеры реализации государственных програм

    Study of Bootstrap Estimates in Cox Regression Model with Delayed Entry

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    summary:In most clinical studies, patients are observed for extended time periods to evaluate influences in treatment such as drug treatment, approaches to surgery, etc. The primary event in these studies is death, relapse, adverse drug reaction, or development of a new disease. The follow-up time may range from few weeks to many years. Although these studies are long term, the number of observed events is small. Longitudinal studies have increased the importance of statistical methods for time-to event data that can incorporate time-dependent covariates. The Cox proportional regression model is a widely used method. It is a statistical technique for exploring the relationship between the survival of a patient and several explanatory variables. We apply Cox regression models when right censoring and delayed entry survival data are considered. Su and Wang (2012) stated that delayed entry produced biased sample. In the paper we present how re-sampling together with effect of delayed entry affect estimated parameters. The possibilities as well as limitations of this approach are demonstrated through the retrospective study of mitral valve replacement in children under 18 years

    Shaping the relationship of preschool children to contemporary illustration

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    Katedra výtvarné výchovyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio