6 research outputs found

    Mining protein loops using a structural alphabet and statistical exceptionality

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein loops encompass 50% of protein residues in available three-dimensional structures. These regions are often involved in protein functions, e.g. binding site, catalytic pocket... However, the description of protein loops with conventional tools is an uneasy task. Regular secondary structures, helices and strands, have been widely studied whereas loops, because they are highly variable in terms of sequence and structure, are difficult to analyze. Due to data sparsity, long loops have rarely been systematically studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed a simple and accurate method that allows the description and analysis of the structures of short and long loops using structural motifs without restriction on loop length. This method is based on the structural alphabet HMM-SA. HMM-SA allows the simplification of a three-dimensional protein structure into a one-dimensional string of states, where each state is a four-residue prototype fragment, called structural letter. The difficult task of the structural grouping of huge data sets is thus easily accomplished by handling structural letter strings as in conventional protein sequence analysis. We systematically extracted all seven-residue fragments in a bank of 93000 protein loops and grouped them according to the structural-letter sequence, named structural word. This approach permits a systematic analysis of loops of all sizes since we consider the structural motifs of seven residues rather than complete loops. We focused the analysis on highly recurrent words of loops (observed more than 30 times). Our study reveals that 73% of loop-lengths are covered by only 3310 highly recurrent structural words out of 28274 observed words). These structural words have low structural variability (mean RMSd of 0.85 Å). As expected, half of these motifs display a flanking-region preference but interestingly, two thirds are shared by short (less than 12 residues) and long loops. Moreover, half of recurrent motifs exhibit a significant level of amino-acid conservation with at least four significant positions and 87% of long loops contain at least one such word. We complement our analysis with the detection of statistically over-represented patterns of structural letters as in conventional DNA sequence analysis. About 30% (930) of structural words are over-represented, and cover about 40% of loop lengths. Interestingly, these words exhibit lower structural variability and higher sequential specificity, suggesting structural or functional constraints.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We developed a method to systematically decompose and study protein loops using recurrent structural motifs. This method is based on the structural alphabet HMM-SA and not on structural alignment and geometrical parameters. We extracted meaningful structural motifs that are found in both short and long loops. To our knowledge, it is the first time that pattern mining helps to increase the signal-to-noise ratio in protein loops. This finding helps to better describe protein loops and might permit to decrease the complexity of long-loop analysis. Detailed results are available at <url>http://www.mti.univ-paris-diderot.fr/publication/supplementary/2009/ACCLoop/</url>.</p

    Stable Isotope Data

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    All stable single and clumped isotope geochemistry run session info, raw data, and processing scripts

    How Hot Is Too Hot? Disentangling Mid-Cretaceous Hothouse Paleoclimate from Diagenesis

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    Supplemental data repository for Fetrow et al., 2022. How Hot Is Too Hot? Disentangling Mid-Cretaceous Hothouse Paleoclimate from Diagenesis. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. Repository includes supplemental text, figures, and text; and raw data for stable carbon and oxygen, and clumped isotope datasets by analytical session; and data processing and plotting R script. Preprint: https://www.essoar.org/doi/10.1002/essoar.10511982.

    Staying Well on the Margins of the Formal Economy: Exploring Occupational Health and Treatment among Peruvian Vendors in the Urban Marketplace

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    With a growing percentage of the world's population living in urban areas, many people in cities are increasingly participating in economic activities on the margins of the formal economy. Many such workers generate income by vending goods on a small-scale level in and around traditional open-aired marketplaces. As a setting for health, marketplaces have been studied largely in the interest of consumer safety but less in terms of occupational health. This study explores the health of market vendors with a health promotion lens. It assumes health to be a holistic concept that considers the physical and psychosocial affects that vendors experience as a result of their work. Situated in the Andes, I describe how traditional concepts of health and well-being related to social reciprocity and ritual payments to the natural surroundings inform vendors' everyday health practices in a market located in the city of Arequipa, in the southern Andes of Peru. Data interpreted through socio- economic frameworks describes how one's social status, inside and outside the market, as well as social networks, affect health and rationale of treatment choices, largely in terms of biomedical and traditional methods. It was found that the nature of vendor's work represents a challenge to maintaining health in relation to both biomedical and traditional health practices. Findings suggest that treatment decisions may be motivated by demands of work, but also made as a means to re-enforce social relationships that go on to support one's economic well-being

    InterCarb: A Community Effort to Improve Interlaboratory Standardization of the Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometer Using Carbonate Standards

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    International audienceIncreased use and improved methodology of carbonate clumped isotope thermometry has greatly enhanced our ability to interrogate a suite of Earth-system processes. However, interlaboratory discrepancies in quantifying carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47) measurements persist, and their specific sources remain unclear. To address interlaboratory differences, we first provide consensus values from the clumped isotope community for four carbonate standards relative to heated and equilibrated gases with 1,819 individual analyses from 10 laboratories. Then we analyzed the four carbonate standards along with three additional standards, spanning a broad range of ή47 and Δ47 values, for a total of 5,329 analyses on 25 individual mass spectrometers from 22 different laboratories. Treating three of the materials as known standards and the other four as unknowns, we find that the use of carbonate reference materials is a robust method for standardization that yields interlaboratory discrepancies entirely consistent with intralaboratory analytical uncertainties. Carbonate reference materials, along with measurement and data processing practices described herein, provide the carbonate clumped isotope community with a robust approach to achieve interlaboratory agreement as we continue to use and improve this powerful geochemical tool. We propose that carbonate clumped isotope data normalized to the carbonate reference materials described in this publication should be reported as Δ47 (I-CDES) values for Intercarb-Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium Scale