52,888 research outputs found

    Defining Success in Patient Care Technician Development

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    The national nursing shortage has created a need for unique staffing models in healthcare organizations that incorporate unlicensed assistive personnel such as, patient care technicians (PCT). As part of the healthcare team, PCTs provide support to registered nurses contributing to positive patient outcomes. Recruitment and training for PCTs is successful in workforce development programs through employer academic partnership programs. The Success Case Method (SCM) was used to evaluate a local workforce development program for PCT at Nashville State Community College. Participants were evaluated to gain demographic data (n=25) and qualitative interviews (n=6) to provide insight about what made the program successful from the participant’s perspective. Simulation and hands-on training were noted as the most beneficial parts of the program, with lecture being the least favorite. All of program participants worked in healthcare and 60% working in the PCT role. 100% of interview participants had plans to continue their development in healthcare, with 83% of those interviewed enrolled in a nursing program. The NSCC PCT program participants surveyed were 60% black or African American and 4% Non-White Hispanic or Latino. Results indicated that workforce development programs such as the NSCC PCT program, directly contribute to the healthcare workforce, specifically recruitment into nursing roles. These results indicated that this program contributed to increasing diversity in healthcare roles

    Virtual Dynamic Tunnel: A Target-Agnostic Assistive User Interface Algorithm for Head-Operated Input Devices

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    Today the effective use of computers (e.g. those with Internet browsers and graphical interfaces) involves the use of some sort of cursor control like what a mouse provides. However, a standard mouse is not always the best option for all users. There are currently many devices available to provide alternative computer access. These devices may be divided into categories: brain-computer interfaces (BCI), mouth-based controls, camera-based controls, and head-tilt controls. There is no single solution as each device and application has to be tailored to each user\u27s unique preferences and abilities. Furthermore, each device category has certain strengths and weaknesses that need to be considered when making an effective match between a user and a device. One problem that remains is that these alternative input devices do not perform as well when compared to standard mouse devices. To help with this, assistive user interface techniques can be employed. While research shows that these techniques help, most require that modifications be made to the user interfaces or that a user\u27s intended target be known beforehand by the host computer. In this research, a novel target-agnostic assistive user interface algorithm intended to improve usage performance for both head-operated and standard mouse devices is designed, implemented (as a mouse device driver and in host computer software) and experimentally evaluated. In addition, a new wireless head-operated input device requiring no special host computer hardware, is designed, built and evaluated. It was found that the Virtual Dynamic Tunnel algorithm improved performance for a standard mouse in straight tunnel trials and that nearly 60% of users would be willing to use the head-tilt mouse as a hands-free option for cursor control

    Osteoporosis transitoria de la cadera: revisión de aspectos clínicos y terapéuticos a propósito de un caso

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    Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 17 años con osteoporosis transitoria de cadera (OTC). La OTC es una enfermedad infrecuente, difícil de etiquetar, que afecta a hombres sanos de mediana edad, y a mujeres en el tercer trimestre del embarzo. Su etiología todavía no está clara. Los principales signos clínicos son dolor en la cadera y cojera. La RM muestra en la cabeza y cuello femoral hipointensidad en las imágenes ponderadas en T1, e hiperintensidad en las imágenes ponderadas en T2. Se acepta que los cambios en la RM se producen por incremento de líquido en la cavidad medular de la cabeza femoral. Es importante el diagnóstico diferencial con otras enfermedades de la cadera. El propósito de esta publicación es aclarar los aspectos diagnósticos y terapéuticos de la OTC.A case of transient osteoporosis of the hips in a 17-year-old-woman is reported. Transient osteoporosis of the hip (TOH) is an uncommon but possibly underdiagnosed condition. The TOH affects previous healthy middle-age men, and women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Its etiology is still unclear. Pain in the hip area and limp are the main clinical signs. The MRI study shows low signal intensity on the Tl weighted images and limp signal intensity on the T2 weighted images in the femoral head and neck. It is generally accepted that the change in MRI is caused by an increase in fluid within the marrow cavities of the femoral head. Differential diagnosis of hip problems is required. The purpose of this report is to review the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of TOH

    Genome-wide analysis of copper, iron and zinc transporters in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), belonging to the Glomeromycota, are soil microorganisms that establish mutualistic symbioses with the majority of higher plants. The efficient uptake of low mobility mineral nutrients by the fungal symbiont and their further transfer to the plant is a major feature of this symbiosis. Besides improving plant mineral nutrition, AMF can alleviate heavy metal toxicity to their host plants and are able to tolerate high metal concentrations in the soil. Nevertheless, we are far from understanding the key molecular determinants of metal homeostasis in these organisms. To get some insights into these mechanisms, a genome-wide analysis of Cu, Fe and Zn transporters was undertaken, making use of the recently published whole genome of the AMF Rhizophagus irregularis. This in silico analysis allowed identification of 30 open reading frames in the R. irregularis genome, which potentially encode metal transporters. Phylogenetic comparisons with the genomes of a set of reference fungi showed an expansion of some metal transporter families. Analysis of the published transcriptomic profiles of R. irregularis revealed that a set of genes were up-regulated in mycorrhizal roots compared to germinated spores and extraradical mycelium, which suggests that metals are important for plant colonization.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (Project AGL2012-35611). Elisabeth Tamayo was supported by a Ph.D. contract (I3P) from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and Tamara Gómez-Gallego by a Ph.D. contract from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    The potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to enhance metallic micronutrient uptake and mitigate food contamination in agriculture: prospects and challenges

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    Optimizing agroecosystems and crops for micronutrient uptake while reducing issues with inorganic contaminants (metal(loid)s) is a challenging task. One promising approach is to use arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and investigate the physiological, molecular and epigenetic changes that occur in their presence and that lead to changes in plant metal(loid) concentration (biofortification of micronutrients or mitigation of contaminants). Moreover, it is important to understand these mechanisms in the context of the soil microbiome, particularly those interactions of AMF with other soil microbes that can further shape crop nutrition. To address these challenges, a two-pronged approach is recommended: exploring molecular mechanisms and investigating microbiome management and engineering. Combining both approaches can lead to benefits in human health by balancing nutrition and contamination caused by metal(loid)s in the agro-ecosystem

    The potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to enhance metallic micronutrient uptake and mitigate food contamination in agriculture: prospects and challenges

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    Optimizing agroecosystems and crops for micronutrient uptake while reducing issues with inorganic contaminants (metal(loid)s) is a challenging task. One promising approach is to use arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and investigate the physiological, molecular and epigenetic changes that occur in their presence and that lead to changes in plant metal(loid) concentration (biofortification of micronutrients or mitigation of contaminants). Moreover, it is important to understand these mechanisms in the context of the soil microbiome, particularly those interactions of AMF with other soil microbes that can further shape crop nutrition. To address these challenges, a two-pronged approach is recommended: exploring molecular mechanisms and investigating microbiome management and engineering. Combining both approaches can lead to benefits in human health by balancing nutrition and contamination caused by metal(loid)s in the agro-ecosystemThis work was supported by grant PID2021-1255210B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033 and by ‘ERDF A way of making Europe’, by the ‘European Union’. NC is a University of Ottawa Research Chair in Microbial Genomics, and his research on AMF genetics and genomics is supported by the Discovery Program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (RGPIN2020-05643) and a Discovery Accelerator Supplements Program (RGPAS2020-00033


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    Disparitas putusan perkara harta bersama: studi putusan 182/PDT.G/2016/PTA.SMG

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    Putusnya suatu perkawinan mempunyai dampak yang sangat luas tidak hanya putus hubungan suami isteri namun juga dapat memutuskan hubungan secara keseluruhan, dapat mengundang banyak permasalahan dan sengketa diantaranya yaitu adanya sengketa terhadap hak asuh anak, dan pembagian harta bersama setelah di putusnya tali perkawinan dengan keluarnya putusan dari Pengadilan, Dalam perkara harta bersama banyak terdapat ijtihad hakim dalam pembagian harta tersebut merujuk pada peran masing-masing antara suami dan istri dalam memperoleh harta tersebut untuk keberlangsungan hidup mereka berdua selama membangun bahtera rumah tangga ini membuat hakim mengedepankan asas keadilan dalam pertimbangan pada putusan sehingga hakim dapat mengesapingkan Undang-undang dan Hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia. Penelitian bermula adanya disparitas putusan antara Pengadialan Agama demak No.1708/PDT.G/2014/PA.DMK dan Pengadilan Tinggi Semarang No.182/PDT.G/2016-/PTA.SMG. Pengadilan Agama Demak 1708/PDT.G/2014/PA.DMK yang amar putusannya mengabulkan permohonan untuk membagi harta bersama dengan pembagian menjadi 2/3 untuk Tergugat dan 1/3 Penggugat dan dalam gugatan rekonvensi di bagi sama dalam konvensi 2/3 untuk penggugat rekonvensi dan 1/3 untuk tergugat rekonvensi selanjutnya diajukan banding oleh pihak koco suseno bin munaji yaitu penggugat pada putusan pengadilan tingkat pertama, perkara tersebut dalam tingkat banding putusan amarnya membagi sesuai dengan Kompilasi Hukum Islam pasal 97 pada tingkat banding hakim berbeda pertimbangan dengan hakim tingkat pertama sehingga mengadili sendiri. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui terjadinya disparitas putusan pada Tingkat Pertama dan Tingkat Banding, pertimbangan hukum hakim tingkat banding membatalkan putusan tingkat pertama. Untuk menegtahui pertimbangan masing-masing Hakim tingkat pertama dan tingkat banding.Untuk mengetahui dasar pertimbangan Hukum Hakim dan landasan Hukum Hakim dalam menyelesaikan perkara tersebut dan berapa bagian masing-masing pihak oleh hakim PA dan hakim PTA membagi harta bersama dalam perkara tersebut. Penelitian ini merujuk pada adanya perbedaan memutus perkara dalam putusan Pengadilan Agama Demak dan putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Semarang yaitu pertimbangan hukum hakim dan amar putusan pada isi putusan dengan Nomor Perkara No.1708/PDT.G/2014/PA.DMK dan No.182/-PDT.G/2016/PTA.SMG. , penelitian ini di titik beratkan pada isi keputusan Pengadilan Agama Demak dan Semarang, dalam hal ini putusan (vonnis atau al-qadha) yang telah memperoleh Kekuatan Hukum tetap(in krach).Dalam penelitian ini juga menggunakan teori dalam putusan tersebut merujuk pada teori diskresi (ijtihad) hakim dan teori tujuan hukum serta teori penegakkan hukum. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data dengan metode analisis isi(content analys) sumber data adalah berkas putusan pengadilan serta kelengkapan lainnya, seperti berita acara, peraturan perUndang-Undangan, dan berbagai bahan pustaka yang secara eksplisit atau implisit dijadikan rujukan dalam putusan itu. Hasil penelitian dapat diketahui hakim pada tingkat pertama dan tingkat banding masing-masing mempunyai kewenangan untuk mengadili perkara harta bersama dan mempunyai dasar pertimbangan masing-masing hakim PA Demak dan PTA Semarang Hakim PTA Semarang membagi harta bersama 1/2 masing-masing pihak PA Demak membagi 1/3 dan 2/3 masing-masing pihak, pada tingkat pertama dasar petimbanngan menggunakan azaz keadilan dan kemanfaatan, pada tingkat banding menemukan fakta lain dalam persidangan dasar pertimbangan hukum hakim pasal 97 Kompilasi Hukum Islam

    Proposed physiologic functions of boron in plants pertinent to animal and human metabolism.

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    Boron has been recognized since 1923 as an essential micronutrient element for higher plants. Over the years, many roles for boron in plants have been proposed, including functions in sugar transport, cell wall synthesis and lignification, cell wall structure, carbohydrate metabolism, RNA metabolism, respiration, indole acetic acid metabolism, phenol metabolism and membrane transport. However, the mechanism of boron involvement in each case remains unclear. Recent work has focused on two major plant-cell components: cell walls and membranes. In both, boron could play a structural role by bridging hydroxyl groups. In membranes, it could also be involved in ion transport and redox reactions by stimulating enzymes like nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and reduced (NADH) oxidase. There is a very narrow window between the levels of boron required by and toxic to plants. The mechanisms of boron toxicity are also unknown. In nitrogen-fixing leguminous plants, foliarly applied boron causes up to a 1000% increase in the concentration of allantoic acid in leaves. In vitro studies show that boron inhibits the manganese-dependent allantoate amidohydrolase, and foliar application of manganese prior to application of boron eliminates allantoic acid accumulation in leaves. Interaction between borate and divalent cations like manganese may alter metabolic pathways, which could explain why higher concentrations of boron can be toxic to plants