741 research outputs found

    Transplantament d'òrgans: La fita dels cirurgians esdevé possible

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    Comiat al professor Lluís A. Santaló

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    Resilient random modulo cache memories for probabilistically-analyzable real-time systems

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    Fault tolerance has often been assessed separately in safety-related real-time systems, which may lead to inefficient solutions. Recently, Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) has been proposed to estimate Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) on high performance hardware. The intrinsic probabilistic nature of MBPTA-commpliant hardware matches perfectly with the random nature of hardware faults. Joint WCET analysis and reliability assessment has been done so far for some MBPTA-compliant designs, but not for the most promising cache design: random modulo. In this paper we perform, for the first time, an assessment of the aging-robustness of random modulo and propose new implementations preserving the key properties of random modulo, a.k.a. low critical path impact, low miss rates and MBPTA compliance, while enhancing reliability in front of aging by achieving a better – yet random – activity distribution across cache sets.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Adolescent girls and juvenile justice

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    A partir de la segona meitat del segle XX en molts països industrialitzats es comença a prendre consciència de l'existència dels nens i dels joves com a grup social. Es posen en marxa polítiques per a evitar la seva explotació. Tota intervenció en el camp social està emmarcada en uns paràmetres de caràcter legal i administratiu. La intervenció educativa en l'àmbit de la justícia juvenil resta condicionada per la normativa legal vigent en cada moment. Aquest marc acompleix dues funcions simultànies, per un costat limita la tasca educativa pero, alhora possibilita les intervencions sòcioeducatives. El reconeixement que el menor és un subjecte amb drets i que ha d'arribar a ser un membre actiu de la societat fa imprescindible una resposta que proporcioni l'equilibri entre control, educació i reinserció.A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, en muchos países industrializados, se empieza a tomar conciencia de la existencia de los niños y de los jóvenes como grupo social. Se ponen en marcha políticas para evitar su explotación. Toda intervención en el campo social está enmarcada en unos parámetros de carácter legal y administrativo. La intervención educativa en el ámbito de la justicia juvenil queda condicionada por la normativa legal vigente en cada momento. Este marco cumple dos funciones simultáneas, por un lado limita la tarea educativa pero al mismo tiempo posibilita las intervenciones socioeducativas. El reconocimiento de que el menor es un sujeto con derechos y que ha de llegar a ser un miembro activo de la sociedad, hace imprescindible una respuesta que proporcione el equilibrio entre control, educación y reinserción.From the second half of the twentieth century on, many industrialised countries have evinced a growing awarelless of the existence of children and young people as a social g roup. Policies have been put in place to prevent their exploiration. and all social intervention has come to be framed within legal and administratitve paramerers. Educational intervention in juvenile justice fields is now conditioned by legal regulations in force ar all rimes. This framework fulfils two functions, silmutaneously limiting rhe scope of education while enabling socioeducational inrervention. The recognition that minors are subjects with their own rights, who must play an active part in society. calls for a balanced response in volving both control education and reinsertion

    Improving performance guarantees in wormhole mesh NoC designs

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    Wormhole-based mesh Networks-on-Chip (wNoC) are deployed in high-performance many-core processors due to their physical scalability and low-cost. Delivering tight and time composable Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates for applications as needed in safety-critical real-time embedded systems is challenged by wNoCs due to their distributed nature. We propose a bandwidth control mechanism for wNoCs that enables the computation of tight time-composable WCET estimates with low average performance degradation and high scalability. Our evaluation with the EEMBC automotive suite and an industrial real-time parallel avionics application confirms so.The research leading to these results is funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 287519 (parMERASA) and by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain under contract TIN2012-34557. Milos Panic is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education under the FPU grant FPU12/05966. Carles Hernández is jointly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds through grant TIN2014-60404-JIN. Jaume Abella is partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modeling high-performance wormhole NoCs for critical real-time embedded systems

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    Manycore chips are a promising computing platform to cope with the increasing performance needs of critical real-time embedded systems (CRTES). However, manycores adoption by CRTES industry requires understanding task's timing behavior when their requests use manycore's network-on-chip (NoC) to access hardware shared resources. This paper analyzes the contention in wormhole-based NoC (wNoC) designs - widely implemented in the high-performance domain - for which we introduce a new metric: worst-contention delay (WCD) that captures wNoC impact on worst-case execution time (WCET) in a tighter manner than the existing metric, worst-case traversal time (WCTT). Moreover, we provide an analytical model of the WCD that requests can suffer in a wNoC and we validate it against wNoC designs resembling those in the Tilera-Gx36 and the Intel-SCC 48-core processors. Building on top of our WCD analytical model, we analyze the impact on WCD that different design parameters such as the number of virtual channels, and we make a set of recommendations on what wNoC setups to use in the context of CRTES.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Random Modulo: A new processor cache design for real-time critical systems

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    Cache memories have a huge impact on software's worst-case execution time (WCET). While enabling the seamless use of caches is key to provide the increasing levels of (guaranteed) performance required by automotive software, caches complicate timing analysis. In the context of Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) - a promising technique to ease timing analyis of complex hardware - we propose Random Modulo (RM), a new cache design that provides the probabilistic behavior required by MBPTA and with the following advantages over existing MBPTA-compliant cache designs: (i) an outstanding reduction in WCET estimates, (ii) lower latency and area overhead, and (iii) competitive average performance w.r.t conventional caches.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Channel adjustments to a succession of water pulses in gravel bed rivers

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    Gravel bed rivers commonly exhibit a coarse surface armor resulting from a complex history of interactions between flow and sediment supply. The evolution of the surface texture under single storm events or under steady flow conditions has been studied by a number of researchers. However, the role of successive floods on the surface texture evolution is still poorly understood. An experimental campaign in an 18 m-long 1 m-wide flume has been designed to study these issues. Eight consecutive runs, each one consisting of a low-flow period of variable duration followed by a sudden flood (water pulse) lasting 1.5 h, have been conducted. The total duration of the experiment was 46 h. The initial bed surface was created during a 280 h-long experiment focused on the influence of episodic sediment supply on channel adjustments. Our experiments represent a realistic armored and structured beds found in mountain gravel bed rivers. The armor surface texture persists over the duration of the experiment. The experiment exhibits downstream fining of the bed-surface texture. It was found that sorting processes were affected by the duration of low-flow between flood pulses. Since bed load transport is influenced by sediment sorting, the evolution of bed load transport is impacted by the frequency of the water pulses: short interpulse durations reduce the time over which fine material (transported as bed load) can be winnowed. This, in turn, contributes to declining reduction of the bed load transport over time while the sediment storage increases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Influence of the sediment supply texture on morphological adjustments in gravel-bed rivers

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    The role played by the texture of the sediment supply on channel bed adjustments in gravel-bed rivers is poorly understood. To address this issue, an experimental campaign has been designed. Flume experiments lasting 96 h in a 9 m long, 0.60 m wide have been performed with different sand-gravel mixtures as feed textures. The response of the surface texture has been found to be highly dependent on the grain size distribution of the feed. When the feed texture included gravel, the finest fractions of the sediment supply infiltrate beneath the surface. Conversely, sand remains on the surface when the feed texture lacks gravel. This different textural response becomes obscured when water discharge increases. Further, the sediment transport rate approaches the feed rate differently depending on the content of gravel in the feed texture. When a small proportion of gravel is part of the feed texture, bed load transport rate asymptotically approaches the feed rate. However, when a significant fraction of gravel is part of the feed grain size distribution, bed load transport rate approaches the feed rate by following an oscillatory path. These findings have been verified in terms of a one-dimensional numerical model. This modeling reveals that the higher the differences in mobility among the grain sizes contained in the feed texture, the more evident is the nonasymptotic transient trend toward equilibrium.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Modeling RTL Fault Models Behavior to Increase the Confidence on TSIM-based Fault Injection

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    Future high-performance safety-relevant applications require microcontrollers delivering higher performance than the existing certified ones. However, means for assessing their dependability are needed so that they can be certified against safety critical certification standars (e.g ISO26262). Dependability assessment analyses performed at high level of abstraction inject single faults to investigate the effects these have in the system. In this work we show that single faults do not comprise the whole picture, due to fault multiplicities and reactivations. Later we prove that, by injecting complex fault models that consider multiplicities and reactivations in higher levels of abstraction, results are substantially different, thus indicating that a change in the methodology is needed.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain under contract TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Carles Hern´andez is jointly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDER funds through grant TIN2014-60404-JIN. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Postprint (author's final draft
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