5 research outputs found


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    Este estudo investigou os efeitos das condições operacionais do processo Fenton na degradação do herbicida atrazina em águas residuárias. Propôs-se um delineamento composto central rotacional (DCCR) 2², cobrindo 11 ensaios, com os seguintes fatores: a concentração de Fe2+ (2,95; 5,00; 10,00; 15,00; 17,05 mgL-1) e a concentração de H2O2 (29,50; 50,00; 100,00; 150,00 e 170,50 mgL-1). Estes fatores foram otimizados com base nos valores da degradação da atrazina, com tempo de tratamento de 30 minutos e medidas realizadas através de Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência. Para determinar as condições ótimas de operação do processo, os resultados foram estudados pela análise de variância (ANOVA) através dos efeitos dos dois fatores e suas possíveis ações combinadas, seguindo-se a metodologia da superfície de resposta. Assim, as condições ótimas de operação do processo foram: concentração de Fe2+ = 17,05 mgL-1 e de H2O2 = 128 mgL-1. Nestas condições, o processo mostrou-se promissor, alcançando valores de 91,00% de degradação da atrazina aos 30,0 min. de tratamento, apresentando-se como uma alternativa eficiente a ser usada como polimento final

    Entre neocorporativistas e deliberativos: uma interpretação sobre os paradigmas de análise dos fóruns participativos no Brasil Between the neo-corporatist and the deliberative: an interpretation of the paradigms in the analysis of the participatory forums in Brazil

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    Este artigo propõe o debate a respeito dos principais paradigmas a partir dos quais, usualmente, vêm sendo estudadas as propostas de ampliação dos canais de participação dos cidadãos na gestão das políticas públicas, análises que investigam os processos participativos ou desde o prisma dos "arranjos neocorporativos", ou por meio de uma perspectiva baseada na concepção de "democracia deliberativa". Visando este objetivo, o presente texto centra seus interesses na trajetória de duas das principais instâncias participativas que, nas últimas décadas, foram desenvolvidas no Brasil: os orçamentos participativos e os conselhos de políticas públicas. Estas instâncias foram avaliadas levando em consideração, especialmente, quatro elementos a) relações institucionais com os governos; b) perfil dos participantes; c) âmbito decisório e, d) dinâmicas de funcionamento. A partir do estudo destas características, os autores discutem sobre a capacidade dos paradigmas neocorporativo e deliberativo constituírem um modelo analítico consistente para a investigação de estruturas participativas dessemelhantes.<br>This article considers the debate on the major paradigms through which are usually examined the proposals to widen the channels of citizen participation in the management of public policies; studies that examine the participatory processes not only from the prism of the "neo-corporatist arrangements," but also through an approach based on the concept of "deliberative democracy." Aiming at this goal, this paper emphasizes the history of two of the main participatory instances that, in recent decades, have been developed in Brazil: the participatory budgeting and the public policy councils. These instances were evaluated taking into account four aspects in particular: a) institutional relationships with the government; b) the profile of the participants; c) the decision-making context; and d) the functioning dynamics. Considering the study of these characteristics, the authors discuss the ability of the neo-corporatist and the deliberative paradigms to create a consistent analytical model for the investigation of divergent participatory structures

    Management practices for postdural puncture headache in obstetrics : a prospective, international, cohort study

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    Background: Accidental dural puncture is an uncommon complication of epidural analgesia and can cause postdural puncture headache (PDPH). We aimed to describe management practices and outcomes after PDPH treated by epidural blood patch (EBP) or no EBP. Methods: Following ethics committee approval, patients who developed PDPH after accidental dural puncture were recruited from participating countries and divided into two groups, those receiving EBP or no EBP. Data registered included patient and procedure characteristics, headache symptoms and intensity, management practices, and complications. Follow-up was at 3 months. Results: A total of 1001 patients from 24 countries were included, of which 647 (64.6%) received an EBP and 354 (35.4%) did not receive an EBP (no-EBP). Higher initial headache intensity was associated with greater use of EBP, odds ratio 1.29 (95% confidence interval 1.19-1.41) per pain intensity unit increase. Headache intensity declined sharply at 4 h after EBP and 127 (19.3%) patients received a second EBP. On average, no or mild headache (numeric rating score <= 3) was observed 7 days after diagnosis. Intracranial bleeding was diagnosed in three patients (0.46%), and backache, headache, and analgesic use were more common at 3 months in the EBP group. Conclusions: Management practices vary between countries, but EBP was more often used in patients with greater initial headache intensity. EBP reduced headache intensity quickly, but about 20% of patients needed a second EBP. After 7 days, most patients had no or mild headache. Backache, headache, and analgesic use were more common at 3 months in patients receiving an EBP

    Management practices for postdural puncture headache in obstetrics: a prospective, international, cohort study

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    © 2020 British Journal of AnaesthesiaBackground: Accidental dural puncture is an uncommon complication of epidural analgesia and can cause postdural puncture headache (PDPH). We aimed to describe management practices and outcomes after PDPH treated by epidural blood patch (EBP) or no EBP. Methods: Following ethics committee approval, patients who developed PDPH after accidental dural puncture were recruited from participating countries and divided into two groups, those receiving EBP or no EBP. Data registered included patient and procedure characteristics, headache symptoms and intensity, management practices, and complications. Follow-up was at 3 months. Results: A total of 1001 patients from 24 countries were included, of which 647 (64.6%) received an EBP and 354 (35.4%) did not receive an EBP (no-EBP). Higher initial headache intensity was associated with greater use of EBP, odds ratio 1.29 (95% confidence interval 1.19–1.41) per pain intensity unit increase. Headache intensity declined sharply at 4 h after EBP and 127 (19.3%) patients received a second EBP. On average, no or mild headache (numeric rating score≤3) was observed 7 days after diagnosis. Intracranial bleeding was diagnosed in three patients (0.46%), and backache, headache, and analgesic use were more common at 3 months in the EBP group. Conclusions: Management practices vary between countries, but EBP was more often used in patients with greater initial headache intensity. EBP reduced headache intensity quickly, but about 20% of patients needed a second EBP. After 7 days, most patients had no or mild headache. Backache, headache, and analgesic use were more common at 3 months in patients receiving an EBP

    Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation and History of Acute Coronary Syndromes: Insights from GARFIELD-AF

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    BACKGROUND: Many patients with atrial fibrillation have concomitant coronary artery disease with or without acute coronary syndromes and are in need of additional antithrombotic therapy. There are few data on the long-term clinical outcome of atrial fibrillation patients with a history of acute coronary syndrome. This is a 2-year study of atrial fibrillation patients with or without a history of acute coronary syndromes