1,115 research outputs found

    A comparison of presmoothing methods in the estimation of transition probabilities

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    One major goal in clinical applications of multi-state models is the estimation of transition probabilities. In a recent paper, landmark estimators were proposed to estimate these quantities, and their superiority with respect to the competing estimators has been proved in situations in which the Markov condition is violated. The idea behind their estimator is to use a procedure based on (differences between) Kaplan-Meier estimators derived from a subset of the data consisting of all subjects observed to be in the given state at the given time. Because of this, the computation of their estimator is performed in small sample sizes providing large standard errors in some circumstances. A valid approach is to consider a modification of the landmark estimator based on presmoothing. In this two presmoothing methods are compared. Simulation results indicate that both methods may be much more efficient than the unsmoothed estimator. Real data illustration is included.Portuguese Funds through FCT - “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

    Methods for checking the markov condition in multi-state survival data

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    The inference in multi-state models is traditionally performed under a Markov assumption. This assumption claims that given the present state, the future evolution of the process is independent of the states previously visited and the transition times among them. Usually, this assumption is checked including covariates depending on the history. However, since the landmark methods of the transition probabilities proposed by de Uña-Alvarez and Meira-Machado (2015), and by Putter and Spitoni (2018) are free of the Markov assumption, they can also be used to introduce such tests (at least in the scope of the progressive multi-state models) by measuring their discrepancy to Markovian estimators. In this paper, we introduce two local tests for the Markov assumption and compare them with the usual approach based on local future-past association through simulations. An application to a clinical trial on colon cancer is included.This research was financed by Portuguese Funds through FCT - “Fundaçãao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”, within the research grants PTDC/MAT-STA/28248/2017 and PD/BD/142887/201

    Estimation of the transition probabilities condition on repeated measures in multi-state models

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    The topic of joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data has received remarkable attention in recent years. In cancer studies for example, these models can be used to assess the impact that a longitudinal marker has on the time to death or relapse. Analyzes of such studies, in which individuals may experience several events, can be successfully performed by multi-state models. The goal of this work is to introduce feasible estimation methods for the transition probabilities conditionally on covariates observed with repeated measures through the use of the landmark methodology and the adaptation of existing methods for joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data. Results of the simulation studies con rm the superiority of the proposed estimator when compared to methods that do not take in consideration the effect of the covariate on the estimated transition probabilities or do not assume all the existence of repeated measures (Breslow estimator)


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    Na educação superior, a gestão do conhecimento ainda é um conceito que carece de um esclarecimento singular para que as práticas emergentes possam se diluir nos modelos institucionais existentes. Nesse sentido, as comunidades de prática (CoPs) surgem como instrumento de relevância substancial à construção de uma cultura de avaliação. Desse modo, o objetivo deste artigo é o de identificar em que medida as CoPs podem colaborar com o processo de auto avaliação em uma instituição de educação superior. Para a consolidação da pesquisa, buscou-se ainda a caracterização da comunidade de prática que é objeto do estudo, a identificação das lacunas do processo de auto avaliação da instituição estudada, a discussão do processo que ocorre por meio das CoPs e a apresentação das propostas e ações de gestão do conhecimento que surgiram a partir da atividade da comunidade de prática que se constituiu na instituição em análise. No que tange à metodologia, trata-se de um estudo predominantemente qualitativo, descritivo, bibliográfico, documental, por meio da análise de conteúdo e estudo de caso. Os resultados oriundos da pesquisa, por sua vez, demonstraram que as comunidades de práticas colaboram e permitem uma difusão do conhecimento de forma sistemática e inovadora

    Removal of Cd(II), Pb(II) and Cr(III) from water using modifed residues of Anacardium occidentale L

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    The pollution of water has been one of the greatest problems faced by the modern society, due to industrialization and urban growth. Rivers, lakes and seas have been continually suffering from the rising concentration of various pollutants, especially toxic elements. This study aimed to evaluate the use of cashew nut shell (Anacardium occidentale) (CNS), after chemical modification with H2O2, H2SO4 and NaOH, as an new and renewable adsorbent material, for the removal of metals Cd2+, Pb2+ and Cr3+ in aqueous medium. The adsorbents were characterized by its chemical constitution, structure, infrared spectroscopy, morphology, by means of scanning electron microscopy, determination of the point of zero charge, thermogravimetrical analysis and porosimetry assessments. Tests were conducted to determine the optimal conditions (pH vs. adsorbent mass) for adsorption, by means of multivariate analysis using a central composite design. The adsorption kinetics was evaluated by models of pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, Elovich and intraparticle diffusion, while adsorption isotherms were linearized by Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin–Radushkevich. The effect of initial concentration, temperature and desorption was also performed. The adsorbents exhibited irregular, spongy and heterogeneous structure. FTIR analysis confirms the presence of hydroxyl, aliphatic, phenolic and carboxylic acid groups, which are favorable adsorption characteristics. The pHPZC of adsorbent is 4.35, 2.50 e 6.92, respectively, for CNS H2O2, H2SO4 and NaOH. The optimum adsorption conditions were as follows: pH 5.0; relation of adsorbent mass/volume of water: 4 g L−1; 40 min of contact time for reaching the equilibration. Results suggest the predominance of chemisorption of Cd2+ and Cr3+. Most of biosorbents exhibited good fit by Langmuir and Freundlich, suggesting the occurrence of adsorption on mono- and multilayers. The adsorbents of cashew nut shell exhibited high removal efficiency of Cd, Pb and Cr from watersTo Capes and CNPq for the funding of this researchS

    Cardiovascular risk factors in military personnel of the brazilian airforce at Alcântara (MA)

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    Objective: To investigate the frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in military personnel of the Brazilian Air Force in Alcântara, Brazil. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted with clinical records of 240 active military personnel from the Medical and Statistical Archives Service and nutritional assessment from the Nutrition Subsection Sector. The modifiable (diabetes mellitus - DM, systemic arterial hypertension - SAH, generalized obesity, abdominal obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, sedentarism, smoking, and alcoholism) and non-modifiable (gender and age) cardiovascular risk factors, anthropometric data, and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) were extracted. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test was applied (a=5%). Results: The sample was predominantly male (55.8%) and with a mean age of 33 (±8.4) years. The most prevalent risk factors were overweight (43.8%), abdominal obesity (42.9%), generalized obesity (21.3%), alcoholism (34.6%), and sedentary lifestyle (31.3%). Regarding the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors in relation to gender, a significant association was found with SAH, sedentarism, abdominal obesity and nutritional status (p=0.004, p=0.027, p=0.040 and p=0.018, respectively). For the sample studied, 2.7% had CVD. Conclusions: The predominant cardiovascular risk factors were overweight, abdominal obesity, generalized obesity, alcoholism and sedentary lifestyle. In men, hypertension and overweight were predominant, and in women, sedentarism and abdominal obesity.Objetivo: investigar a frequência de fatores de risco cardiovascular em  militares da Força Aérea Brasileira em Alcântara, Brasil. Metodologia: estudo transversal retrospectivo foi realizado            com registros clínicos de 240 militares ativos e oriundos de prontuários do Serviço de Arquivo Médico         e Estatístico, e de avaliação nutricional do Setor de Subseção de Nutrição. Foram extraídos os fatores de risco cardiovascular modificáveis (diabetes mellitus - DM, hipertensão arterial sistêmica - HAS, obesidade geral, obesidade abdominal, hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia, sedentarismo, tabagismo e etilismo) e não modificáveis (sexo e idade), dados antropométricos e de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV). Estatística descritiva e teste qui-quadrado foi aplicado (a=5%). Resultados: a amostra foi predominantemente de homens (55,8%) e com média de idade de 33 (±8,4) anos. Os fatores de risco  mais prevalentes foram sobrepeso (43,8%), obesidade abdominal (42,9%), obesidade geral (21,3%), etilismo (34,6%) e   sedentarismo (31,3%). Quanto a distribuição dos fatores de risco cardiovascular em relação ao gênero, foi constatada  associação significativa com HAS, sedentarismo, obesidade abdominal e estado nutricional (p=0,004, p=0,027, p=0,040 e p=0,018, respectivamente). Para a amostra, 2,7% apresentavam DCV. Conclusão: os fatores de risco cardiovascular predominantes foram sobrepeso, obesidade abdominal, obesidade geral, etilismo e sedentarismo. Nos homens foi  predominante a hipertensão e o excesso de peso e nas mulheres, o sendentarismo e a obesidade abdominal

    Agricultura convencional versus sistemas agroecológicos: modelos, impactos, avaliação da qualidade e perspectivas

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    The agriculture world is very representative concerning to the use of the planet areas. This review aimed at to evaluate the main negative impacts of conventional agriculture and the relation to the most ecological models of production, highlighting the forms of assessment and the replacement of a traditional system by an agroecological system. The traditional conventional agriculture model currently used requires large amounts of external inputs, such as inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, although these inputs are used improperly in many cases, causing potential risks to the environment. This environmental impact caused by the conventional agriculture, besides the increased use of non-renewable resources, favors the emergence of other alternatives, like the agroecological model and the organic farming. There are several indicators that evaluate the quality of different soil management in agriculture today, becoming important elements for the validation, or not, of new methods to be employed in agricultural cultivation. There is a great debate about the changes in production systems, the economic factor on the one hand, and the environmental issues on the other. Hence, the need of the system changing aiming at more sustainable forms of agriculture, especially to the environmental costs caused by the intensive and conventional farming, is highlighted in the current agriculture.A agricultura mundial é muito representativa no que se diz respeito à utilização de áreas do planeta. Esta revisão objetivou avaliar os principais impactos negativos da agricultura convencional e relação aos modelos mais ecológicos de produção, evidenciando as formas de avaliação e possível substituição de um sistema tradicional por um sistema agroecológico. O modelo de agricultura convencional tradicional utilizado atualmente requer grandes quantidades de insumos externos, como fertilizantes inorgânicos e agrotóxicos para sua manutenção e, em muitos casos, esses insumos são utilizados de maneira inadequada, gerando riscos potenciais ao meio ambiente. Esse impacto ambiental causado pela agricultura convencional, além do aumento do uso de recursos naturais não renováveis, vem fazendo com que alternativas de substituição deste modelo atual sejam inseridas, como os modelos agroecológicos, dentre eles o cultivo orgânico. Vários são os indicadores que avaliam a qualidade dos diferentes sistemas de manejo adotados na agricultura atual, sendo importantes para validação ou não de novos métodos a serem empregados no cultivo agrícola. Existem grandes discussões a respeito das mudanças nos sistemas produtivos, de um lado o fator econômico e do outro as questões ambientais. A partir disso, o que se evidencia na agricultura atual, é a necessidade de mudança do sistema, buscando-se formas de agricultura mais sustentáveis, principalmente em relação aos custos ambientais causados pela agricultura intensiva e convencional

    Biofertilizers in horticultural crops

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    Bovine manure biofertilizers can exert physical, chemical, and biological effects on the soil and the phytoprotective, physiological, and productive actions in horticultural crops. The literature review was performed to compile information on the production, uses, and effects of bovine manure biofertilizers on soil properties and plants. Biofertilizers are produced by organic components, minerals, and inoculants. Among the organic sources, the bovine manure is the most used. The fermentation of the bovine manure in water constitutes the Vairo biofertilizer, the most employed in Brazilian horticulture. With the chemical enrichment of this preparation came the Supermagro, Agrobio, and Agrobom biofertilizers. In the soil, it can act in the improvement of soil fertility, physical properties, and in the diversity and abundance of the biota. Also, it can act in control of pests and diseases, leaf composition concerning macro and micronutrients, and in the production and post-harvest quality of horticultural crops. Therefore, this review describes the preparation, chemical composition, and utilization of bovine manure biofertilizers in both soil and plants, offering perspectives of research on the formulations, application, and effects of these inputs on horticultural species.Bovine manure biofertilizers can exert physical, chemical, and biological effects on the soil and the phytoprotective, physiological, and productive actions in horticultural crops. The literature review was performed to compile information on the production, uses, and effects of bovine manure biofertilizers on soil properties and plants. Biofertilizers are produced by organic components, minerals, and inoculants. Among the organic sources, the bovine manure is the most used. The fermentation of the bovine manure in water constitutes the Vairo biofertilizer, the most employed in Brazilian horticulture. With the chemical enrichment of this preparation came the Supermagro, Agrobio, and Agrobom biofertilizers. In the soil, it can act in the improvement of soil fertility, physical properties, and in the diversity and abundance of the biota. Also, it can act in control of pests and diseases, leaf composition concerning macro and micronutrients, and in the production and post-harvest quality of horticultural crops. Therefore, this review describes the preparation, chemical composition, and utilization of bovine manure biofertilizers in both soil and plants, offering perspectives of research on the formulations, application, and effects of these inputs on horticultural species