188 research outputs found

    A Calibration Procedure for Compressor Simulation Models using Evolutionary Algorithm

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    Comprehensive models are widely adopted to predict the performance of compressors due to their low computational cost and acceptable prediction capability. In general, the accuracy of such models depends strongly on the correct adjustment of some parameters that are of difficult to determine both analytically and experimentally. However, due to the nonlinearities of the compressor model, the tuning of such parameters affects many output variables and hence can be very challenging and time consuming. In this paper, we consider this procedure of adjustment of parameters as a multiple objective optimization problem that can be solved by using an elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). The parameters of two simulation models are adjusted following this new procedure. In the first model the suction muffler was neglected and a mass-spring-damper system was adopted to predict the suction valve dynamics. The second model solves the suction valve dynamics by the finite element method and the flow in the suction muffler with the finite volume method. In both models the clearance volume and parameters associated with the suction valve were chosen to be adjusted while the deviations between predictions and measurements for the mass flow rate, indicated power, and suction valve dynamics were defined as the objective functions to be minimized


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    O crescimento populacional urbano altera a configuração espacial das cidades, implicando a emergência de novos processos e funções. Em certas cidades, notadamente naquelas definidas como médias, mesmo com a formação de subcentros, a área central continua a ter importância. Isso porque agrega atividades de comércio e serviços exercendo uma centralidade regional.  A concentração de estacionamentos privados nessas áreas é um indicador dessa centralidade e, consequentemente, do fluxo de pessoas que esses locais atraem. Nessa perspectiva, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a expansão e a distribuição espacial de estacionamentos privados na área central da cidade de Montes Claros, nos anos de 2000, 2005, 2011 e 2014 por meio de imagens de satélites de alta resolução. Com o auxílio das imagens foi possível fazer uma incursão histórica e verificar que houve, ao longo do tempo, um aumento na quantidade desses empreendimentos

    Math Education: Collaborative Learning for Educational Equity

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze how collaborative learning can contribute to the creation of inclusive and contextualized environments in the teaching of geometry. Collaborative learning is emerging as a promising approach to promote logical-mathematical reasoning, critical thinking, and equity among diverse student populations. Historical and structural factors significantly impact the physical well-being and mathematical development of many Brazilian students, particularly in the context of plane geometry, which requires mathematical literacy, spatial reasoning, and problem-solving skills that are often hindered by inequitable educational conditions. This study presents an experiential narrative detailing the planning and implementation of a collaborative geometry activity with first-year high school students in Paraíba Valley Metropolitan Area, São Paulo, Brazil. Findings highlight how collaborative approaches promote students’ mathematical cognitive development and address intersectional factors and inequalities in the Brazilian educational landscape. Collaborative activities stimulated student engagement, promoted meaningful interactions, and facilitated inclusivity, allowing each student to construct his or her own knowledge. In addition, this study highlights the importance of ongoing professional development for educators to enhance collaborative practices and create equitable learning environments in mathematics education. These activities were instrumental in promoting active student participation, productive interactions, and inclusive education, thereby enhancing learning opportunities for all students

    Morphometric Variability among Populations of Euglossa cordata (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini) from Different Phytophysiognomies

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    Geometric morphometrics is a tool capable of measuring the response of organisms to different environmental pressures. We tested the hypothesis that E. cordata wing morphometry, as an indicator of response to environmental pressure, it would vary depending on habitat changes, in the Atlantic Forest, Savanna and dry forest (Caatinga). For analysis of wing shape and size, 18 landmarks were digitized at the intersections of the wing veins 348 individuals. Except for the two populations sampled in Chapada Diamantina, the wing shape had significant statistical variations among the populations (p < 0.05). The wing size variation was also statistically significant among populations (p < 0.05).  Although E. cordata is a species tolerant to different environments, the observed morphometric variability may be related to population adaptations to the conditions of each phytophysiognomy

    Impactos positivos da liderança no processo produtivo: Positive impacts of leadership in manufacturing process

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    O aumento da competitividade vem promovendo importantes mudanças nas estruturas organizacionais, fazendo com que o nível de produtividade aumente cada vez mais. Neste contexto organizacional constata-se que a presença do líder exerce um importante papel nesse processo de mudança, uma vez que a organização depende totalmente da produtividade para sua sobrevivência. Com isso, as competências interpessoais são apontadas como fator determinante para o sucesso, e os indivíduos que conseguem se adaptar, redefinindo prioridades e promovendo crescimento e desenvolvimento organizacional sustentável, são percebidos como líderes. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os impactos positivos que a liderança gera sobre o liderado e sua contribuição para a produtividade, através da pesquisa, Os Impactos Positivos da Liderança no Processo Produtivo de duas empresas utilizamos como metodologia a pesquisa explicativa, exploratória, bibliográfica, levantamento técnico, aplicação de questionário e pesquisa quantitativa. Os dados coletados foram analisados e apresentados nos resultados da pesquisa. Realizou-se a discussão dos resultados tomando como base pesquisas de outros autores. Dentre os resultados, destaca-se que na empresa Alfa o líder atual não é bem avaliado pelos funcionários, principalmente pela falta de comunicação entre líder e liderados, sendo que o faturamento da empresa em sua gestão é inferior ao faturamento da empresa na gestão do líder anterior sendo respectivamente o faturamento de 52% (líder atual) e 78% (líder anterior). Na empresa Beta, porém, o líder atual tem boa aceitação e foi bem avaliado pelos funcionários, sendo o faturamento atual da empresa de 76% e o anterior de 78%. Percebeu-se através desta pesquisa que uma liderança eficaz é capaz de contribuir para o aumento da produtividade da empresa e impactar positivamente nos seus resultados

    Prevalence and Clinical Aspects of Otodectes cynotis Infestation in Dogs and Cats in the Semi-arid Region of Paraíba, Brazil

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    Background: Infestation by Otodectes cynotis is one of the main causes of external otitis in small animals, causing great disconfort and predisposition to secondary bacterial or fungal infections, with relevant importance in the small animal medicine. In dogs, a small number of this parasite in the ears may cause inflammation, while in cats, otoacariasis accounts for half of the external otitis cases. Due to the insufficiency of data about the prevalence of this disease in the Northeast region of Brazil, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence and clinical aspects of O. cynotis in dogs and cats from the Semi-arid region of Paraíba, Brazil.Material, Methods & Results: The research was conducted in the municipality of Sousa, Paraíba State, Brazil. A total of 102 dogs and 152 cats had their external ear canals examined by bilateral otoscopy, using an otoscope with a veterinary cone that allows inspection of the external ear canal. Parasitological swabs were also used to determine the prevalence of parasitism by O. cynotis. Samples collected in swabs were stored in a 70% alcohol preservative solution and sent to the Laboratory of Veterinary Parasitology, in wich were examinated on direct research, using microscopes in the 10x objective (magnification of 100x). In all animals, clinical examinations were performed and their owners answered an epidemiological questionnaire to collect information about food and sanitary management. During the clinical examination, characteristics such as otopodal reflex, and the presence of pruritus and/or cerumen were also evaluated.  The prevalence of dogs and cats positive for O. cynotis was 33.3% (34/102) and 52.6% (80/152), respectively. Bilateral infestations occurred in 52.9% (18/34) of the positive dogs. Most of the positive animals showed evidence of the mite in both tests, Otoscopy + Swab (dogs: 58.8% - 20/34, cats: 66.2% - 53/80).Discussion: A high prevalence of O. cynotis infestation was observed in dogs (33.3%) and even higher prevalence in cats (52.6%), both are higher than it was expected. The diagnosis methods were effective for detecting infestation by this parasite, and the parasitological swab resulted in higher diagnosis rate than the otoscopy. The use of two diagnosis methods resulted in a greater number of positive diagnoses, explaining the high prevalence found in the present study. A higher prevalence was observed for animals that had contact with other animals. The direct form is the most accepted mode of transmission of Otodectes sp. and close confinement of animals was considered the main associated factor for frequent reinfestation by the mite.  For dogs, the presence of cerumen and pruritus were seen as O. cynotis infestation factors. Considering dogs, in the clinical examination, the presence of pruritus was significantly associated with the occurrence of parasitism. This association can be explained because O. cynotis is very active within the ear canals of parasitized animals, causing great annoyance and pruritus. No statistically significant risk factors were found for cats, but it was observed that adults had higher levels of infestation when compared to young cats, wich was not expected, as the literature commonly reports that young cats have higher levels of infestation. This can be explained by the confinement and the usual direct contact by different cats, increasing the occurrence of the parasite. In cats, the clinical examinations showed that the presence of otopodal reflex was significantly associated (p<0.2) with the parasitism occurrence (55.4%; 66/119). The evaluation of this reflex has been considered as one of the symptoms of otocariosis

    Influence of Leaf Area Index on the Heat Index of a Tropic Urban Park

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    In the wake of climate change cities need to adapt to global warming In this context the use of afforestation to improve the microclimate may assist in raising the quality of life for population This objective requires research that analyzes how the variations in parameters related to canopy dynamics such as the leaf area index LAI and photosynthetically active radiation PAR can influence thermal comfort indices To contribute to this research this study measured the air temperature relative air humidity PAR and LAI on a monthly basis from July 2017 to June 2018 in an urban park in a tropical region of Brazil Kriging maps were created for the heat index HI and multiple polynomial regression models were adjusted to estimate the HI using PAR and LAI data After defining the models positive and negative variations of LAI were tested to observe if any changes in HI occurred The simulated results showed greater sensitivity to negative variations in LAI in which a 50 reduction in LAI decreased the HI by 28 particularly during the dry perio

    Conformidade de farinhas de mandioca comercializadas no mercado Municipal Elias Mansur em Rio Branco-Acre, Brasil / Conformity of cassava flours commercialized at Elias Mansur Municipal Market in Rio Branco Acre, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar farinhas de mandioca comercializadas no mercado municipal Elias Mansur em Rio Branco-Acre e, comparar os resultados obtidos com outros publicados na literatura e, principalmente com os padrões mínimos de identidade e qualidade previstos na legislação brasileira. Dez amostras composta de 2 quilos de farinha de mandioca foram coletadas e submetidas a análises de composição centesimal de umidade, cinzas e fibras e químicas de acidez e teor de amido, além, de análises físicas de granulometria, teor de impurezas e matéria estranha. Todas as farinhas analisadas apresentaram resultados de composição centesimal, química e física próximos aos comparados com outros estudos citados na literatura consultada, mesmo que para regiões diferentes ou no local onde o estudo foi realizado, com pequenas discrepâncias para algumas comparações. Em relação à legislação, as farinhas foram classificadas como sendo, 30% pertencentes ao grupo intitulado farinha seca, classe fina e tipo 1 e, 70% classificadas no mesmo grupo e tipo, porém, pertencentes à classe grossa. Entretanto, todas as farinhas analisadas atenderam aos parâmetros de identidade e qualidade previstas na legislação brasileira. Cem por cento das farinhas apresentaram baixa acidez e teor de umidade abaixo do valor máximo indicado pela legislação, garantindo assim, segurança alimentar, sob o ponto de vista microbiológico, durante o período de comercialização se for armazenada de maneira correta

    Farmácia conjunta

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    Orientador: Jaime Wojciechowski.Monografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Curso de Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas