269 research outputs found

    A tragédia da Piedade: o grande drama da República

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    A “tragédia da Piedade”, o grande drama social republicano do início do século XX, que envolveu toda a sociedade brasileira de 1909, é o objeto desta pesquisa, cujo tema é o valor da honra. O cenário dessa tragédia foi o Rio de Janeiro, então capital do Brasil, e seu palco, o subúrbio da Piedade. O escritor Euclides da Cunha foi uma das dramatis personae do acontecimento, ao lado da sua esposa, Anna Emília, e do amante dela, Dilermando de Assis. Euclides, famoso pelo seu opus magnum Os sertões: campanha de Canudos, diante da traição de sua esposa, tomou a decisão de lavar sua honra com sangue. No duelo, contudo, foi morto por Dilermando. O homicídio do marido traído pelo amante de sua esposa tornou-se um escândalo, suscitando, como problema de pesquisa, o custo social do valor da honra

    A tragédia da Piedade : o grande drama da República

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    A “tragédia da Piedade”, o grande drama social republicano do início do século XX, que envolveu toda a sociedade brasileira de 1909, é o objeto desta pesquisa, cujo tema é o valor da honra. O cenário dessa tragédia foi o Rio de Janeiro, então capital do Brasil, e seu palco, o subúrbio da Piedade. O escritor Euclides da Cunha foi uma das dramatis personae do acontecimento, ao lado da sua esposa, Anna Emília, e do amante dela, Dilermando de Assis. Euclides, famoso pelo seu opus magnum Os sertões : campanha de Canudos, diante da traição de sua esposa, tomou a decisão de lavar sua honra com sangue. No duelo, contudo, foi morto por Dilermando. O homicídio do marido traído pelo amante de sua esposa tornou-se um escândalo, suscitando, como problema de pesquisa, o custo social do valor da honra.This article is about the ‘tragédia da Piedade’. Its main theme is honor and its social costs. It analyzes a criminal case which happened in Brazil at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the Republican regime was just finishing its first decade of existence. The dramatis personae of the tragedy involved Brazil’s most famous writer, Euclides da Cunha, the renowned author of Os Sertões: Campanha de Canudos. He lived in a society which was changing, and where patriarchal tradition and State Law coexisted side-by-side. When Euclides’ wife, Anna Emília, betrayed him, he reacted as a traditional male would have done. He decided to wash his honor with blood. But, in the showdown with the young lover of his wife, Dilermando de Assis, he was killed by his opponent, unleashing a full-blown social drama which shook the very foundations of the whole society of Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil at the time. The case, which reached its peak in a neighborhood called ‘Piedade’, became something of a national scandal about honor and shame, guilt and vengeance

    Oral health and quality of life of the elderly.

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    Introduction: The Brazilian population has been aging rapidly since the early 1960s, when the age structure of the population began to change. In 1996, only 5% of the population was 60 years old or more, while today they are 9% of the population. Objective: The objective of this study is to assess oral health conditions of the elderly who live in Vila dos Idosos, collecting information about their condition of life, and trying to correlate how much oral health can compromise the quality of life and autonomy of these elderly people. Methods: Data collection was carried out through questionnaires and clinical examination; elderly people over 60 years old, of both sexes, were interviewed. All interviews were conducted in the Vila dos Idosos itself. Results: The results show that tooth loss or the use of inadequate prostheses has negative impacts on quality of life, especially with regard to worry, stress resulting from problems in the mouth and shame. It was obtained in the research that, in general, oral health in the elderly is fragile, requiring greater attention from health professionals; however, when self-perceived oral health is analyzed, the vast majority assess it as very good or good. Conclusion: The most important finding of the study was that, although the data obtained indicate a fragile oral health that reveals a commitment to quality of life, the vast majority of the elderly evaluated their own health positively. This may indicate that, for this population, health oral health is dissociated from health.Introduction: The Brazilian population has been aging rapidly since the early 1960s, when the age structure of the population began to change. In 1996, only 5% of the population was 60 years old or more, while today they are 9% of the population. Objective: The objective of this study is to assess oral health conditions of the elderly who live in Vila dos Idosos, collecting information about their condition of life, and trying to correlate how much oral health can compromise the quality of life and autonomy of these elderly people. Methods: Data collection was carried out through questionnaires and clinical examination; elderly people over 60 years old, of both sexes, were interviewed. All interviews were conducted in the Vila dos Idosos itself. Results: The results show that tooth loss or the use of inadequate prostheses has negative impacts on quality of life, especially with regard to worry, stress resulting from problems in the mouth and shame. It was obtained in the research that, in general, oral health in the elderly is fragile, requiring greater attention from health professionals; however, when self-perceived oral health is analyzed, the vast majority assess it as very good or good. Conclusion: The most important finding of the study was that, although the data obtained indicate a fragile oral health that reveals a commitment to quality of life, the vast majority of the elderly evaluated their own health positively. This may indicate that, for this population, health oral health is dissociated from health

    Dor cervical e distúrbio do sistema visual: qual a relação?

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    Continuous use of digital devices without rest periods makes individuals more vulnerable to oculomotor disorders. These dysfunctions can lead to adaptive cervical postural changes. It was proposed here to evaluate the correlation between convergence insufficiency, visual attention and neck pain. Fourteen college students with neck pain and 14 without neck pain were evaluated in terms of convergence insufficiency, visual attention and neck mobility. There was difference between the groups in the Royal Air Force (p=0.03), in the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (p=0.01) and in the flexion (p=0.016) and right and left neck tilt movements (p= 0 .14) and (p=0.28). There was no difference in time and performance of the bell cancellation test (p=0.17). The group with neck pain showed signs of convergence insufficiency with a point close to convergence above the normal value of 10 centimeters and a high score in the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey. The group without neck pain performed within normal limits. Although the sample was of convenience and the individuals only performed clinical evaluations, the results are promising in demonstrating the presence of convergence insufficiency in the group with neck pain.O uso contínuo de dispositivos digitais sem períodos de descanso torna os indivíduos mais vulneráveis às disfunções oculomotoras. Estas disfunções podem levar a alterações posturais cervicais adaptativas. Propôs se aqui avaliar a correlação entre insuficiência de convergência, atenção visual e cervicalgia. Foram avaliados 14 universitários com cervicalgia e 14 sem dor cervical em relação a insuficiência de convergência, atenção visual e mobilidade cervical. Houve diferença entre os grupos no Royal Air Force (p=0,03), no Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (p=0,01) e nos movimentos de flexão (p=0,016) e de inclinação cervical direita e esquerda (p= 0,14) e (p=0,28). Não houve diferença no tempo e desempenho do teste de cancelamento dos sinos (p=0,17). O grupo com cervicalgia demonstrou sinais de insuficiência de convergência com ponto próximo de convergência acima do valor de normalidade de 10 centímetros e escore alto no Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey. O grupo sem cervicalgia apresentou desempenho dentro dos padrões de normalidade. Embora a amostra seja de conveniência e os indivíduos tenham realizado apenas avaliações clínicas, os resultados são promissores ao demonstrarem a presença de insuficiência de convergência no grupo com dor cervical

    Hipermobilidade Articular em Instrumentistas: Medidas Preventivas e Tratamentos

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    Dentre os diversos fatores que predispõem um instrumentista a lesões, desconfortos e dores, está a Hipermobilidade Articular e/ou Sí­ndrome de Hipermobilidade Articular. Este artigo visa abordar questões gerais sobre hipermobilidade, baseando-se em pesquisas já realizadas, a exemplo de Larsson et al. (1993), que analisaram 660 músicos, destacando os benefí­cios e desvantagens da hipermobilidade em instrumentistas. É de grande importância para o instrumentista hipermóvel o desenvolvimento da consciência corporal em conjunto com um acompanhamento por um profissional fisioterapeuta para a formulação de exercí­cios que desenvolvam a propriocepção, o fortalecimento muscular das estruturas envolvidas e atuem na prevenção ou recuperação de lesões


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    A docência na modalidade da educação a distância constitui-se o foco central da presente produção. Assim, objetivamos investigar junto aos estudantes de pós-graduação de dois cursos voltados à formação docente, quais as metodologias de trabalho que consideram mais efetivas para a real aprendizagem na modalidade da educação a distância. Lançamos mão da dialética como método de estudo para a pesquisa e realizamos entrevistas online em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Os resultados apontaram para a percepção do profundo anseio dos estudantes que recorrem a educação a distância, por aulas dinâmicas com diversificação quanto à utilização de recursos didáticos. Destacou-se, também, o crédito que esses alunos depositam no domínio que o professor apresenta, no que se refere ao conteúdo ministrado, e a importância da interação teoria-prática (contextualização), realizada durante as aulas. Constatamos que ensinar em ambientes digitais de aprendizagem exige do docente muito rigor, no que tange à organização de situações de aprendizagem, planejamento e propostas de atividades; provocando desafios e superando a cada dia aulas pautadas no modelo de transmissão de informações são, de tal forma, expectativas desse público-alvo

    Heparin modulates the expression of genes encoding pro and anti-apoptotic proteins in endothelial cells exposed to intestinal ischemia and reperfusion in rats

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    PURPOSE: To investigate if expression of genes encoding pro and anti-apoptotic proteins in the rat enteric endothelial cells stimulated by intestinal ischemia followed by reperfusion (IR) can be modified by treatment with heparin (HP).METHODS: Eighteen adult Wistar rats were divided in three groups: sham group submitted to laparotomy only (SG), ischemia followed by reperfusion group (IRG); ischemia followed by reperfusion plus pretreatment with HP 100 mg.kg-1 (IRG+HP). Ischemia was performed by clamping of the superior mesenteric artery. After 60 min of ischemia, metal clamps were removed for reperfusion for 120 min. Gene expression of encoding pro (Casp1, Casp6, Casp3, Cflar, Fas and Pgl) and anti-apoptotic (Bcl2, Bcl2l1 and Naip2) proteins in rat enteric endothelial cells was evaluated by PCR microarray method.RESULTS: Compared to rat endothelial cells of SG, the expression of pro-apoptotic genes was up-regulated in IRG while anti-apoptotic genes were down-regulated. In contrast, the expression of anti-apoptotic genes in IRG+HP was up-regulated while pro-apoptotic genes was down-regulated compared to SG.CONCLUSION: The attenuation by heparin of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion previously demonstrated in rodents could be related with ability of this drug to stimulate and reduce gene expression of encoding anti and pro-apoptotic proteins, respectively.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Federal University of São Paulo Department of SurgeryUNIFESP Pharmacology DepartmentUNIFESP Gynecology DepartmentUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of BiochemistryUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of SurgeryUNIFESP, Department of SurgeryUNIFESP, Pharmacology DepartmentUNIFESP, Gynecology DepartmentUNIFESP, Department of BiochemistryUNIFESP, Department of SurgerySciEL


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    O presente estudo, tem por escopo analisar a Lei nº 11.340/06 (lei Maria da Penha), mediante a explanação da polêmica levantada acerca da atuação do ministério público nas relações de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, por meio da ação penal pública incondicionada