1,044 research outputs found

    Refração periférica e acomodação em jovens não presbitas com diferentes tipos de lentes de contacto multifocais

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Optometria AvançadaA refração periférica tem sido amplamente estudada por se reconhecer que existe uma relação entre a natureza da refração fora da fóvea e a génese e progressão dos erros refrativos. Assim através deste conhecimento foi possível proceder à modificação da refração periférica retardando a progressão da miopia. As lentes de contacto multifocais têm mostrado serem meios eficazes de modificar a progressão da miopia, sendo que algumas pretendem de facto tornar a refração periférica mais míope enquanto outras possuem desenhos óticos diferentes cujas interações com a refração periférica se desconhecem. As técnicas mais usadas para a determinação da refração periférica, têm sido a autorrefratometria e a aberrometria sendo que ainda é possível obter as medidas rodando o olho ou rodando a cabeça em relação ao instrumento para que a luz incida com um certo ângulo no olho. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a refração periférica através dos dois métodos mencionados e proceder à avaliação das diferenças entre os aparelhos na medida axial e periférica em pacientes míopes jovens. Para avaliar de que modo se altera a refração periférica com diferentes tipos de lentes multifocais, os mesmos pacientes foram adaptados com uma lente de contacto multifocal asférica de desenho dominante e com uma lente multifocal de desenho multizona. Os resultados mostram que a rotação do olho durante a medida não induziu diferenças clinicamente significativas nos valores de equivalente esférico obtido através de autorrefratometria de campo aberto nos pacientes com ambas as lentes de contacto multifocais avaliadas. Em conclusão, é possível obter-se o padrão de refração axial e periférica em utilizadores de lentes de contacto hidrofílicas multifocais com recurso a um autorefractómetro de campo aberto ou um aberrómetro comercial adaptado com o dispositivo experimental proposto neste trabalho, havendo necessidade de ter cautela na análise dos valores refrativos caso seja rodado o olho em vez da cabeça. No entanto o aberrómetro proporciona uma maior quantidade de informação acerca da qualidade ótica do olho na periferia permitindo ainda a análise para diferentes tamanhos pupilares. Enquanto a lente de desenho dominante aumenta o grau de miopia periférica nos pacientes míopes a lente multizona não tem efeitos significativos no perfil da refração periférica.Peripheral refraction was largely evaluated because of its known connection between the refraction beyond the fovea and refractive error onset and progression. Considering this knowledge, it is now possible to modify the peripheral refraction for relatively myope in relation to the center, being able to slow-down myopia progression. Multifocal contact lenses showed to be able to modify the rate of myopia progression, but while some of these lenses it is known to increase peripheral myopization, we do not have information about the effect of other optical designs. Techniques used to measure peripheral refraction included, among others, autorrefraction and aberrometry being also possible to measure peripheral refraction by changing the direction of gaze or by changing the rotation of the head. The aim of this work was to evaluate the axial and peripheral refraction with both methods in young myopic patients. In order to evaluate the effect of different multifocal contact lenses, patients were fitted with a multifocal aspheric centerdistance design and a multizone multifocal contact lens, and measured using two different methods of measurement. The results suggest that eye rotation do not induces statistically significant differences in spherical equivalent values when measured with open field autorrefractor in patients fitted with both multifocal soft contact lenses evaluated. However, it is observed that lenses with multizonal optics induced more variable values than aspheric with distance near, it might be explained by the abrupt changes in refraction in these lenses. Beam splitter that was used for target fixation in experimental device does not induced statistically differences in spherical equivalent of refraction or higher order aberrations (horizontal and vertical coma and 4th order spherical aberration). In summary it is possible to measure the pattern of central and peripheral refraction with an autorefractometer or a comercial aberrometer adapted with the experimental setup presented here, but if we measure by rotating the eye we must have careful when make measurements in patient wearing multifocal soft contact lenses. However, the aberrometer renders more information about the optical quality of the eye and also allows changing the pupil size. While the multifocal aspheric center-distance soft contact lens increases the amount of peripheral myopic defocus, the multizonal soft contact lens does not have any significant effect on the peripheral refractive pattern

    Insomnia: prevalence and associated factors

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    Nowadays sleep disorders are very common and affect most of the population, the most common may be insomnia. Insomnia is defined as the difficulty of initiating or maintaining sleep it, may also be reflected in an early wake up and by the presence of a non-restful sleep and it is associated with impairment in social and occupational functioning of the individual. Knowing the prevalence and the associated factors of insomnia. This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study. The population is constituted by 205 individuals of both sexes, aged over 18, who were in public places of a city in the north of the country. We applied a questionnaire to all the people who went through these places between 9 am to 7 pm. Insomnia was evaluated using the DSM-IV (Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). We use the Chi-square to study the relation between the independent variables with variable insomnia, adopting a confidence interval of 95%. The prevalence of insomnia was 46.8%. Who suffers more from insomnia are: women in menopause (64.1%), elder people (66.7%) and those with four or fewer years of education (73.9%). There was no significant statistical relationship between the prevalence of insomnia and sex or residence. The causes of insomnia are: concern (48.6%), noise (31.8%) and disease (8.4%). The drugs most consumed by insomniacs are benzodiazepines (79.2%). In this study insomnia affects about half of participants. The presence of insomnia seems to be related with the age increasing, low education and menopausal status in female

    Tributação das Big Tech: A (des)conformidade do sistema fiscal

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    Com a inovação tecnológica, a economia desmaterializou-se, verificando-se a emergência de novas atividades económicas e a criação de novos modelos de negócios. Perante esta conjuntura económica, o sistema fiscal revela-se desadequado para tributar atividades desenvolvidas digitalmente devido à ausência de uma presença física, originando a desassociação entre a jurisdição em que os rendimentos são gerados e a jurisdição onde são efetivamente tributados, colocando-se em causa conceitos basilares do Direito Fiscal. Uma das novas atividades emergentes da transformação digital é o tratamento de dados dos utilizadores de plataformas digitais. Tais dados são os verdadeiros ativos das Big Tech, nomeadamente, a Amazon, a Apple, o Facebook e a Google, as quais utilizam os dados dos seus utilizadores em seu próprio benefício, através da criação de publicidade direcionada ao perfil de um dado utilizador, da venda dos dados prestados pelos utilizadores da sua plataforma, entre outras atividades criadoras de valor. O sistema fiscal não se encontra preparado para tributar estas atividades geradoras de riqueza, verificando-se uma não sujeição destes lucros a qualquer tipo de imposto. Assim, confrontados com as limitações do sistema tributário atual, os legisladores e as organizações internacionais têm procurado adaptar o ordenamento jurídico em vigor, visando preencher lacunas e atualizar as normas existentes. De facto, os desafios da tributação da economia digital são um dos temas centrais nas agendas globais, sendo que, de acordo com a OCDE, demonstra-se imperioso assegurar que todas as empresas pagam a sua quota-parte de impostos, garantindo condições de concorrência equitativas a nível mundial.Technological innovation enabled the economy to dematerialize. Therefore, new economic activities emerged and new business models were created. Confronted with this economic situation, the tax system presents itself as unsuitable to tax digitally developed activities, due to the absence of a physical presence, raising the disassociation between the jurisdiction where the income is generated and the jurisdiction in which it is effectively taxed, calling into question basic concepts of Tax Law. One of the new activities arising from the digital transformation is the processing of data from users of digital platforms. That data is the Big Tech’s most valuable assets, because Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google use users’ data for their own benefit by creating of publicity directed at a certain profile of user, selling data provided by the user, and other value-creating activities. The tax system isn’t prepared to tax those activities, in such a way that their profits are not subject to any type of taxation. Faced with the limitations of the current fiscal system, legislators and international organizations have sought to adapt the current legal framework, aiming to fill gaps and update existing norms. In fact, the challenges of taxing the digital economy are one of the central themes on global agendas, and, according to the OECD, it is imperative to ensure that all companies pay their share of taxes, guaranteeing equitable and fair competition conditions at an international level

    Astigmatic peripheral defocus with different contact lenses: review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose: To review the level of relative peripheral defocus measured with different devices with potential use for myopia retention. To present comparative data of the change in astigmatic peripheral refraction with different contact lenses evaluated in different studies conducted in the same laboratory following the same methodology in myopic human eyes Methods: A joint analysis of work, carried out at the same laboratory (CEORLab) in 137 myopic subjects with different types of contact lenses (CL), was performed to obtain the tangential (FT = M − J0), sagittal (FS = M + J0), and mean (M) power refractive errors (M and J0 are the refraction vector components). Orthokeratology, standard aspheric rigid gas-permeable (RGP), experimental RGP, experimental soft CL, and different multifocal soft CL were used to induce peripheral myopic defocus (236 peripheral refraction measures). Results: Compared with values obtained in naked eye condition (baseline), only three of the eight approaches tested show statistically significant peripheral myopic defocus induction (p < 0.001) in both temporal and nasal retina (orthokeratology, experimental RGP, and Proclear multifocal CL with Add: +3.00 D). Standard aspheric RGP also produced a significant increase in myopic defocus for the FT, of about −2.00 D. The experimental soft CL, designed to mimic the peripheral performance of the experimental RGP, induced a similar effect to the standard aspheric soft CL. Conclusion: Orthokeratology, multifocal soft CL, and custom-designed RGP CL were able to generate a significant relative peripheral myopia in myopic eyes. Conversely, standard and experimental soft CL were not able to induce significant peripheral myopic and astigmatic defocus values.This study was supported by Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal through projects PTDC/SAU-BEB/098392/2008 and PTDC/SAU-BEB/098391/2008

    Contact lens care solutions and ocular surface

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    Safe wear of non-daily disposable contact lenses require care systems to ensure disinfection and cleaning to allow the lens to be reused after a period of non lens wear (typically overnight). To do so, modern care systems, also known as multipurpose solutions (MPS) or multipurpose disinfecting solutions (MPDS) try to mimic the environment of the ocular surface regarding pH, osmolality, surface tension or viscosity while introducing other singular properties as a wide-spectrum antimicrobial activity and high cleaning performance. This delicate equilibrium or properties is challenging and sometimes results in adverse events that have drawn the attention of the CL industry and scientifi c community to these systems with an increased intensity during the past decade. Even with disposable lenses, safety is still a concern and presently we are in front of a new paradigm of solutions development, which must provide reinforced disinfecting capabilities and at the same time improve the compatibility with the ocular surface. Indeed, disinfection effi cacy against different new strains of microorganisms and compatibility with the ocular surface have been two aspects widely covered in the recent scientifi c literature, topics that will also be addressed in this chapter

    Potencialidades do ensino de Biologia por Investigação

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    Biology may be one of the most interesting or boring school subjects for students depending on how it is approached. Articulating aspects of the constructivist consensus with the dimensions of Scientific Literacy, this article intends to show the potential of inquiry-based science learning in Biology teaching to make it more meaningful to students. The didactic sequences of inquiry-based learning can broaden the goals of Biology teaching from the perspective of Scientific Literacy, allowing students to be placed at the center of the teaching and learning process to develop their understanding of concepts and theories, of the process of knowledge production and of the relationship between science, technology, society and the environment.A Biologia pode ser uma das disciplinas escolares mais interessantes ou mais enfadonhas para os estudantes, dependendo do modo como ela for abordada. Articulando aspectos do consenso construtivista com os eixos da Alfabetização Científica, este artigo pretende mostrar as potencialidades do ensino por investigação para o ensino de Biologia, de forma a torná-lo mais significativo aos estudantes. Sequências didáticas baseadas no ensino por investigação podem ampliar os objetivos do ensino de Biologia na perspectiva da Alfabetização Científica, permitindo situar os estudantes no centro do processo de ensino e aprendizagem de modo que desenvolvam compreensões sobre conceitos e teorias, sobre o processo de produção de conhecimento e sobre as relações entre ciência, tecnologia, sociedade e ambiente

    Curiosidade e encantamento: a experiência estética dos visitantes de um Museus de Ciênciais

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    The article presents the public study results conducted in a science museum during a research on the production of an interactive artifact to a science museum, from conception to the front desk by visitors. The artifact was a proposal forproviding an interactive experience with scientific knowledge, related birds of the Brazilian Savana (Cerrado Biome). In comments from the public perceive behaviors and speeches of visitors which denote that contact with the artifact allowed more than an intellectual experience, but an aesthetic experience by the emotions.O texto apresenta os resultados do estudo de público realizado em um museu de ciências durante uma pesquisa, na qual se realizou a produção de um artefato interativo para um museu de ciências, percorrendo desde a sua concepção até a recepção pelos visitantes. O artefato foi uma proposta de fornecimento de uma experiência interativa com o conhecimento científico, relacionado as aves do Cerrado. Nas observações do público percebemos comportamentos e falas dos visitantes que denotaram que o contato com o artefato permitiu mais do que uma experiência intelectual com o conhecimento científico, possibilitou uma experiência estética, pelo aflorar das emoções


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    Sarcopenia is a progressive and generalised skeletal muscle disorder involving the accelerated loss of muscle mass and function. Muscle loss that is associated with increased adverse outcomes including falls, functional decline, frailty, and mortality. Psoas muscle area (TPA) and density (PMD) represent an analytic morphometry and an easy way to define sarcopenia. The aim of this study was to validate these morphometric predictors in survival and cardiovascular endpoints on TASC D AI-PAD patients. In this study, TPA was superior to PMD as a morphometric predictor, obtaining an AUROC of 0.702 (p=0.045) while PMD had an AUROC of 0.592 (p=0.360) for MACCE concerning patients with aorto-iliac TASC D lesions. TPA below threshold had an 18-month survival of 32.6 ± 14.7% and above 90.5 ± 4.5%. PMD below threshold had an 18-month survival of 67.1 ± 9.4% while above threshold had an 18-month survival of 85.6 ± 7.8%. Here, we further explored the sarcopenia as a predictor of outcomes in vascular surgery and should be seen as a stimulus for further research in allocation of surgical and endovascular procedures, decreasing costs by preventing patients from receiving costly and potentially unnecessary procedures

    Que desafios e Possibilidades Expressam os Licenciandos que Começam a Aprender sobre Ensino de Ciências por Investigação? Tensões entre Visões de Ensino Centradas no Professor e no Estudante

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    Neste estudo, apresentamos as concepções que estudantes de Ciências Biológicas expressam em escritos reflexivos sobre as possibilidades e desafios do Ensino de Ciências por Investigação (EnCI), após os primeiros contatos com essa abordagem em uma disciplina do curso de licenciatura. Conhecimentos, crenças e concepções dos professores influenciam sua prática profissional. Conhecer as concepções dos licenciandos sobre EnCI é importante para compreendermos o que pode inibi-los de adotar essa abordagem, trazendo implicações para os processos de formação docente. Foi realizada a análise de conteúdo de escritos reflexivos de 46 licenciandos. Os dados apontam que os licenciandos reconheceram satisfatoriamente as principais qualidades do EnCI relacionadas ao conhecimento pedagógico e ao conhecimento do tema. Os desafios citados relacionam-se principalmente ao conhecimento pedagógico. Foi possível identificar concepções limitantes ao uso do EnCI que se relacionam em parte à falta de experiência em ensino, esperada para esse estágio de formação e, em parte, a mitos culturais e tensões entre uma visão de ensino tradicional, centrada no professor, e uma visão de ensino centrada no estudante. Tornar as concepções explícitas e analisá-las profundamente junto aos professores em formação pode ser um passo inicial na desconstrução das concepções limitantes