654 research outputs found

    Migratismi di moda

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    The lexicon of immigrant writers in Italy is full of words derived from their mother tongues. Among the semantic fields most involved is undoubtedly that of fashion. We find many clothes, dresses, fabrics typical of the areas of emigration to Italy: Arab world, states of sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and Asia. Some of these are attested in Italian for a long time now (burnus, fez, sari); others are very recent, in correlation with migration and the presence of immigrant communities in Italy. The term ‘migratismo’ has been proposed for this class of words. Some ‘migratismi’ have already spread in Italian and recorded in vocabularies (for example the veils of Islamic women: burqa, hijab, niqab). Their circulation has produced derived and compound words (burkini, antiburqa). Others are well detectable in the italian literature of migration, where the authors explain the meaning with a gloss or in a note. Searches in archives and databases allow to understand the real circulation of these words

    Tra lessico e stile nell'italiano della migrazione

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    Il contributo verifica alcuni degli aspetti stilistici e lessicali più singolari dell’italiano degli scrittori migranti. In particolare, è rilevata, in maniera trasversale, la proposizione di proverbi della lingua madre, spesso confrontati con equivalenti italiani; di frasi idiomatiche che rimandano ad un sistema di valori altro; di similitudini che propongono comparanti innovativi. Tra queste ultime, di notevole interesse sono quelle che presentano “migratismi” nella comparazione, ovvero parole della L1, designanti concetti od oggetti culturo-specifici, attestate con grande frequenza in queste opere. Pur con intenti in parte differenti, tali caratteristiche linguistiche sono osservabili anche nella più recente letteratura delle seconde generazioni, a ulteriore dimostrazione di come la lingua italiana si stia arricchendo di parole, frasi, immaginari inediti.the paper verifies some of the most particular stylistic and lexical aspects of the Italian of the migrant writers. The proposition of proverbs of the mother tongue (often compared with equivalent Italians), idiomatic phrases that refer to a different system of values and analogies that propose innovative comparators are detected in a transversal manner. Another interesting aspect is the presence of “migratismi”, native language words attested with great frequency in these works. Similar linguistic characteristics are also observable in the literature of the second generations immigrants, demonstrating how the Italian language is enriching with new words, phrases and imaginaries

    Electrification of Vessels for Garbage Collection and Treatment in Venice Lagoon

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    Nowadays, reducing pollutant emissions is of fundamental importance. In particular, in areas where urban public transport is carried out almost exclusively by boats, these represent the primary factors on which it is necessary to intervene. The conversion of current diesel units into hybridpropelled ones is essential to preserve the marina and the environment in areas considered UNESCO heritage sites such as Venice. This document concerns the study of the first hybrid vessel built for garbage collection in the old town of Venice. Paying attention to the system engineering innovations and the results of the tests carried out on board, the authors present some considerations regarding the changes necessary to convert the current diesel propulsion into a hybrid one, with the aim to enable navigation in Zero Emission Mode

    A collaborative Web App to foster a knowledge network on vernacular heritage, craftspeople, and sustainability

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    [EN] Vernacular architecture provides extraordinary technological and typological solutions, which are the result of a complex system of knowledge that has evolved through trial and error, in a deep connection to the environmental, social, economic and cultural contexts. The goal of the study presented here is to propose a tool able to organise vernacular knowledge, both tangible and intangible, by systematising principles, strategies, design models and solutions in order to be more easily shared, transmitted and employed in the design of new sustainable architecture. The tool, which is developed as part of the project "VerSus+ / Heritage for People" (Creative Europe Program), is a collaborative Web Application able to map solutions and models from vernacular architecture, and to associate and classify them with sustainable strategies. In addition to physical objects (cultural landscapes, urban, typological and technological solutions), the App will also map the people involved in the knowledge management of vernacular architecture: craftspeople and professionals in the field of vernacular architecture enhancement and conservation. This tool can catalogue solutions and knowledge from different branches of vernacular architecture, and make it available to a large audience, such as professionals, researchers, artisans and citizens, who can also directly contribute to the growth of the vernacular database by adding new information and solutions to the App. The idea is to have a user friendly and easy to consult App, able to suggest new solutions to contemporary design problems, based on the observation of similar past problems, so that sustainable models developed in the past can be adapted to design and construct a more appropriate architecture for the future.Ammendola, J.; Dipasquale, L.; Ferrari, EP.; Mecca, S.; Montoni, L.; Zambelli, M. (2022). A collaborative Web App to foster a knowledge network on vernacular heritage, craftspeople, and sustainability. En Proceedings HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 703-710. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1495170371

    ETS alignment : a price collar proposal for carbon market integration

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    The global carbon market landscape is fragmented and increasingly complex. The conclusions reached at COP26 in Glasgow on the Article 6 rulebook are expected to achieve further mitigation using market mechanisms, facilitate the coordination of international efforts and increase carbon market integration. Three sets of conditions are necessary for smoothing the linking of emissions trading systems (ETSs). Before negotiations, mutual trust is crucial to respond to unexpected developments in partners’ economic, social and political circumstances. During the linking negotiations, a degree of alignment of core design features of ETSs is necessary to harmonise the systems. After the completion of negotiations, built-in reviews and broad-based consultations, as well as mechanisms for revision, dispute resolution and potential future delinking, are fundamental to ensure that linking works over time. The degree of alignment necessary for linking is a critical issue. Some ETS features (e.g., the price control mechanisms) require compatibility, whereas other key design elements (e.g., the stringency of the cap) may not require strict compatibility if they lead to comparable outcomes. Other ETS design features (e.g., the allocation phases and compliance periods) would benefit from coordination but do not need to be aligned. When ETSs are linked, the efficiency gains from allowance trade are enhanced compared to autarky (pre-link levels), as domestic and foreign allowance prices fully or partially (in case of linking with quotas) converge to an intermediate level. The price risk of linking could be constrained by enforcing a price collar (i.e., a price floor and a price ceiling) for the linked system. The price collar could be specified by the intersection between the two respective intervals representing acceptable post-link allowance prices. Options for enforcing the price ceiling include releasing allowances from a joint cost-containment reserve. To enforce the floor, allowances can be allocated in auctions with a reserve price equal to the floor. Alternatively, a ‘top-up’ carbon tax could be applied to allowances that are auctioned at a price below the floor. The price collar could help jurisdictions to mitigate systemic shocks that may affect allowance prices like recession, unanticipated growth, technological leaps that lower the abatement cost of emissions, as well as changes in companion climate policies. Reducing price risk and uncertainty would be beneficial for regulators, regulated entities and investors. However, reaching an agreement on the parameters and rules of a price collar in the linked system can be difficult. Early and open dialogue between the ETSs is strongly recommended to overcome these challenges

    Brain doping: stimulants use and misuse among a sample of Italian college students

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    Introduction. The non-medical use of prescription stimulants (NMUPS) has become of great interest for its diffusion among university students, engaged in NUMPS to cope with the increasing load of academic stress. This consumption has been more throughoutly investigated in the U.S. due to its increasing trend. However, NMUPS has been reported also in Europe. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine stimulants misuse in an Italian area, identifying possible developments of the phenomenon in Italy.Methods.To evaluate academic and extra-academic NMUPS (Methylphenidate and Amphetamines), an anonymous multiple-choice questionnaire was administrated to a representative sample of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees students attending a University of North of Italy.Data elaboration and Confidence Interval 95% were performed with Excel software 2013, while Fisher's exact tests with GraphPad INSTAT software.Results. Data from 899 correctly compiled questionnaires were analyzed in this study.11.3% of students reported NMUPS with an apparent greater use by students aged 18-22 years (73.5%) and without any gender predominance (p: n.s.). 57,8% of students used stimulants at most five times in six months, while the most frequent academic and extra-academic motives for use were respectively to improve concentration while studying (51.0%) and sports performance (25.5%). NMUPS was higher among working students than non-working ones (p <0.05), suggesting a stimulants use to cope with stress by the first ones.Conclusion. These data suggest that NMUPS is quite relevant in the North of Italy, requiring preventive and monitoring measures, besides future analysis with a longitudinal multicenter study

    The Diverticular Disease Registry (DDR Trial) by the Advanced International Mini-Invasive Surgery Academy Clinical Research Network: Protocol for a Multicenter, Prospective Observational Study

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    Diverticular disease is an increasingly common issue, with a variety of clinical presentations and treatment options. However, very few prospective cohort studies explore outcomes between the different presentations and treatments. The Diverticular Disease Registry (DDR Trial) is a multicenter, prospective, observational cohort study on behalf of the Advanced International Mini-Invasive Surgery (AIMS) academy clinical research network. The DDR Trial aims to investigate the short-term postoperative and long-term quality of life outcomes in patients undergoing surgery or medical treatments for diverticular disease. DDR Trial is open to participation by all tertiary-care hospitals. DDR Trial has been registered at ClinicalTriats.gou (NCT 04907383). Data collection will be recorded on Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) starting on June 1 , 2021 and will end after 5 years of recruitment. All adult patients with imaging-proven colonic diverticular disease (i.e., symptomatic colonic diverticulosis including diverticular bleeding, diverticulitis, and Symptomatic Uncomplicated Diverticular Disease) will be included. The primary outcome of DDR Trial is quality of life assessment at 12-month according to the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI). The secondary outcome is 30-day postoperative outcomes according to the Clavien-Dindo classification. DDR Trial will significantly advance in identifying the optimal care for patients with diverticular disease by exploring outcomes of different presentations and treatments