586 research outputs found

    Gender Roles, Social Control and Digital Piracy: A Longitudinal Analysis of Gender Differences in Software Piracy Among Korean Adolescents

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    In order to improve our understanding of juvenile delinquency and of the factors that can affect it, researchers may need to examine the new forms of crimes emerging in the cyber world. There is still a large knowledge gap regarding the etiology of cybercrime. In particular, very little research on gender differences in cybercrime and the explanatory power of gender based theories and Hirschi’s social bond theory in cybercrime has been undertaken. The current study attempts to fill some of the gaps in the criminological literature on this modern form of crime by examining the explanatory power of traditional theories of crime on digital piracy, as well as by exploring the developmental trajectories in male and female cyber delinquency through adolescence. Moreover, the scope of the analysis was expanded to include more traditional forms of youth delinquency (status delinquency and serious delinquency). Using a nationally representative sample of Korean adolescents (n= 3,449) from the Korean Youth Panel Survey (KYPS), structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to examine the effect of traditional gender role beliefs on online and offline youth delinquency and the mediational effects of social bonds in the relationship between gender roles and online and offline youth delinquency. In addition, group based trajectory modeling (GBTM) was applied to understand the development of boys’ and girls’ involvement in cyber delinquency and traditional delinquency and to identify co-occurring trajectories of online and offline delinquency. The findings of the study provide only partial evidence that gender roles directly or indirectly affect youth delinquency. For instance, higher levels of masculinity were associated with higher involvement in male digital piracy and male status delinquency. On the other hand, social bonds were a significant mediator of only male status delinquency. Results also suggest that similarities exist between male and female developmental trajectories of delinquency and developmental trajectories of digital piracy and status delinquency

    On a Babu\u161ka Paradox for Polyharmonic Operators: Spectral Stability and Boundary Homogenization for Intermediate Problems

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    We analyse the spectral convergence of high order elliptic differential operators subject to singular domain perturbations and homogeneous boundary conditions of intermediate type. We identify sharp assumptions on the domain perturbations improving, in the case of polyharmonic operators of higher order, conditions known to be sharp in the case of fourth order operators. The optimality is proved by analysing in detail a boundary homogenization problem, which provides a smooth version of a polyharmonic Babuska paradox

    An integrated genomic approach for the study of mandibular prognathism in the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

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    Skeletal anomalies in farmed fish are a relevant issue affecting animal welfare and health and causing significant economic losses. Here, a high-density genetic map of European seabass for QTL mapping of jaw deformity was constructed and a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was carried out on a total of 298 juveniles, 148 of which belonged to four full-sib families. Out of 298 fish, 107 were affected by mandibular prognathism (MP). Three significant QTLs and two candidate SNPs associated with MP were identified. The two GWAS candidate markers were located on ChrX and Chr17, both in close proximity with the peaks of the two most significant QTLs. Notably, the SNP marker on Chr17 was positioned within the Sobp gene coding region, which plays a pivotal role in craniofacial development. The analysis of differentially expressed genes in jaw-deformed animals highlighted the "nervous system development" as a crucial pathway in MP. In particular, Zic2, a key gene for craniofacial morphogenesis in model species, was significantly down-regulated in MP-affected animals. Gene expression data revealed also a significant down-regulation of Sobp in deformed larvae. Our analyses, integrating transcriptomic and GWA methods, provide evidence for putative mechanisms underlying seabass jaw deformity

    On the spectral stability of polyharmonic operators on singularly perturbed domains

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    In this thesis, we analyse the spectral convergence properties of higher order elliptic differential operators subject to singular domain perturbations and non-Dirichlet boundary conditions, with special attention to polyharmonic operators. We identify suitable conditions on the shape of the initial domain, on the shape of the perturbed domains, and on the geometry of the perturbation in order to assure the spectral stability. We find the limiting differential problem depending on the type of domain perturbation and the geometrical parameters governing the shape deformation of the initial domain. We prove that, under suitable conditions, the eigenvalues and the eigenprojections of the given differential operator in the perturbed domain converge to the eigenvalues and the eigenprojections of the limiting differential operator in the unperturbed domain. Finally, we prove convergence of the resolvent operators in the framework of the compact convergence of linear operators in Hilbert spaces. More specifically, we first analyse the spectral convergence of a family of higher order self-adjoint elliptic operators subject to intermediate boundary conditions on perturbed domains defined locally by the hypographs of given functions. We prove a spectral stability theorem for this family of operators under the assumption that the convergence of the functions describing the boundary of the domain is sufficiently regular. Then we apply the theorem to study the spectral behaviour of polyharmonic operators with intermediate boundary conditions when the boundary of the domain undergoes a perturbation of oscillatory type, by adapting techniques introduced by J.M. Arrieta and P.D. Lamberti for the biharmonic operator. We prove that the limiting differential problem depends on the ratio between the amplitude and the period of the oscillation. Indeed there is a critical threshold above which there is spectral stability; that is, the eigenvalues and the eigenprojections of the perturbed problem converge to the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenprojections of the same differential problem in the limiting domain. Instead, under that threshold there is a different behaviour depending on the order of the polyharmonic operator and on the type of intermediate boundary conditions imposed at the boundary. If the ratio assumes exactly the critical value, then the limiting differential problem exhibits a strange boundary condition, which is characterized in terms of an auxiliary function satisfying a suitable differential problem. In order to treat this critical case we use homogenization techniques and macroscopic-microscopic decompositions, inspired by arguments used by J. Casado-Diaz and collaborators. Then we consider the biharmonic operator and the Reissner-Mindlin operator subject to homogeneous boundary conditions of Neumann type on a planar dumbbell domain which consists of two disjoint domains connected by a thin channel. We analyse the spectral behaviour of the operator, characterizing the limit of the eigenvalues and of the eigenprojections as the thickness of the channel goes to zero, in the spirit of the articles by J.M. Arrieta and collaborators for the Neumann Laplacian. In applications to linear elasticity, the operators under consideration are related to the deformation of a free elastic plate, a part of which shrinks to a segment. In contrast to the classical case of the Laplace operator, it turns out that the limiting equation is here distorted by a strange factor depending on a parameter which plays the role of the Poisson coefficient of the represented plate

    L’architecture rurale lorraine du XIVe siècle à la première moitié du XVIe siècle : de l’identification aux marqueurs chronologiques

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    Part marginale du patrimoine lorrain, la maison rurale médiévale est peu étudiée. Les destructions provoquées par les guerres modernes et contemporaines peuvent en partie expliquer sa faible représentation mais quelques traces sont encore perceptibles. Leur étude systématique permettrait de comprendre la chronologie, les mutations et les permanences de l’habitat rural en Lorraine. Or, ces éléments, parfois très morcelés, rendent difficiles l’identification et l’analyse du bâtiment initial. De plus les critères de datation, dont la fiabilité est variable, imposent une étude fouillée du bâtiment pour exploiter les informations les plus infimes.Rural dwellings of the Middle Ages are not an outstanding feature of the heritage in the Lorraine region and have been little studied. The wars of the nineteenth end twentieth centuries explain this relative lack of interest but some surviving traces can still be analysed. This analysis allows for some conclusions as to the chronology, the changes and the permanent features of the region’s rural dwellings. These elements, sometimes broadly scattered, make the identification and analysis of the original dwelling difficult. Dating criteria, of varying reliability, impose an analytical approach in which the building has to be studied in minute detail in order to identify the slightest detail of informativ

    Emerging role of pharmacogenetic in organ transplantation

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    The currently used immunosuppressive drugs have a narrow therapeutic index which required to individualize the dose regimen for different recipients. Pharmacogenetic is the use of genetic screening to prevent metabolic responses to different immunosuppressive drugs. Since the oxidative enzymes cytochrome P450 CYP3A and the drug efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp) play a pivotal role in immunosuppressive drugs metabolism, pharmacogenetic studies have been mainly focused on these two enzymes. This would provide an important aid toward drug regimen individualization during the post-transplant therapy and has potential to improve graft outcome

    Effect of an endurance training-overtraining protocol on rat muscular oxidative capacity

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    Overtraining may outcomes for functional overreaching (FOR), a short term decline in performance that leads eventually to an improvement in performance after recovery, or nonfunctional overreaching (NFOR) when performance decline may be reversed only by a longer regenerative period. Recently we developed a training-overtraining protocol for rats with increased workload: eight weeks of daily exercise sessions, followed by three weeks of increasing daily training frequency (2, 3 and 4 times) with decreasing recovery time between sessions (4, 3 and 2h), characterized by analyses of performance before training (T1) and after the 4th(T2), 8th(T3), 9th(T4), 10th(T5) and 11th(T6) training weeks. All rats showed significantly increased performance at T4 and eight rats constitute the trained group (Tr). After T6, two groups were distinguishable by differences in the slope (α) of a line fitted to the individual performances at T4, T5 and T6: NFOR: α\u3c-15.05Kgm and FOR: α≥-15.05Kgm. Our goal was to verify the muscle’s oxidative capacity of Tr, FOR and NFOR groups. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial complexes I, IV and citrate synthase (CS) activity were quantified through Histochemical-staining-BN-PAGE and spectrophotometer analysis, respectively. The area of complexes I and IV was expressed relative to the area for comassie-stained complex V. Significant decreases were found in complex IV (17.2±5.84) and CS activity (22.7±3.21U/gwet) in NFOR group when compared with Tr (35.39±11.33, 32.8±5.24U/gwet) and FOR (28.9±11.37, 31.8±2.75U/gwet). There is a relationship between NFOR and the reduction of muscle oxidative capacity. Thus, aerobic tests should be performed in training routine to monitor performance alterations preventing these situations
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