404 research outputs found

    Chapter Media and fake news: An analysis of citizens’ attitudes toward misinformation in European countries

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    The rapid changes determined by the rise of Internet and the recent development of social media in daily life have led to profound consequences on the quantity and quality of data made available and on the mechanisms of their dissemination. The rapid spread of on-line disinformation is one of the most discussed topic, and has been identified as one of the top-trends in modern societies by the World Economic Forum, also because of the link between these processes and political communication. Thanks to the availability of micro-data from the Flash Eurobarometer survey on “Fake news and disinformation online”, the present work aims at analyzing the attitude of European citizens toward fake news and disinformation. In a first step, cluster of citizens are identified according to their level of trust in media news, in relation to different types of media. Given the categorical nature of the variables considered, k-mode clustering is implemented. Secondly, the main determinants of news trust levels are analyzed, through regression models for categorical response variables. Preliminary results show that socio-demographic characteristics as well as technological use have an influence on trust in the media, which in turn determines different approaches on the role of institutions in tackling disinformation. The relevance of fake news in contemporary period and its potential consequences on the political side require a reflection on the role of statistical literacy and of official statistical institutes in dealing with disinformation in the post-truth era

    Eriugena come fonte di Cusano. Commento ai marginalia autografi in ms. London, Brit. Lib. Add. 11035 (ff. 9r – 85v)

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    La dissertazione costituisce un contributo alla storia dell'eriugenismo nel primo Rinascimento. Attraverso lo studio dei marginalia autografi di Cusano al primo libro del Periphyseon, si intende individuare l'influenza eriugeniana nelle dottrine cardine contenute nella produzione filosofica del Treverense


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    Tourism statistics are generally based on data collected only at one point of the travel, which, depending on the perspective of interest, can be the originating region or the destination one. Indeed, many tourism trips imply the visit to more than a single destination, since tourists move to visit several attraction to several destination or within the same destination. The analysis of tourist mobility presents several issues which are related both to the collection of information on multidestination trip behaviour and to the analysis of complex information such as the ones related with tourist itineraries. The present work aims at reviewing the main issues related with the analysis of tourist mobility among several destinations and within the same destination to several attractions. The problems related with the collection of information and with their synthesis are explored by reviewing the main works in academic literature which face with these issues. Moreover, the potential given by the use of tracking technologies to collect information on tourist mobility are described and the main methodological approaches for the analysis of such complex data are introduced. More in particular, some analytical tools for the analysis of multidestination trips and of travel itineraries are critically analysed by providing examples of empirical applications on these topics. The final aim is to provide a set of problems related with the analysis of tourist mobility and of the practical solutions in relation to several specific research aims are provided by highlighting merits and pitfalls of each approach

    Chapter Determinants of spatial intensity of stop locations on cruise passengers tracking data

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    This paper aims at analyzing the spatial intensity in the distribution of stop locations of cruise passengers during their visit at the destination through a stochastic point process modelling approach on a linear network. Data collected through the integration of GPS tracking technology and questionnaire-based survey on cruise passengers visiting the city of Palermo are used, to identify the main determinants which characterize their stop locations pattern. The spatial intensity of stop locations is estimated through a Gibbs point process model, taking into account for both individual-related variables, contextual-level information, and for spatial interaction among stop points. The Berman-Turner device for maximum pseudolikelihood is considered, by using a quadrature scheme generated on the network. The approach used allows taking into account the linear network determined by the street configuration of the destination under analysis. The results show an influence of both socio-demographic and trip-related characteristics on the stop location patterns, as well as the relevance of distance from the main attractions, and potential interactions among cruise passengers in stop configuration. The proposed approach represents both improvements from the methodological perspective, related to the modelling of spatial point process on a linear network, and from the applied perspective, given that better knowledge of the determinants of spatial intensity of visitors’ stop locations in urban contexts may orient destination management policy

    Individual and contextual determinants of inter-regional mobility in cancer patients

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    This paper will present an investigation of inter-regional mobility in patients with a diagnosis of cancer. By virtue of the availability of geocoded information relating to a patient's place of residence, the effect of socio-economic status and other individual characteristics regarding inter-regional mobility will be analysed by means of multilevel logit models. The results demonstrate the influence of age and comorbidity on mobility propensity, in addition to the treatment type, which plays a role in patient mobility. As contextual determinants, patients residing in less deprived areas show greater mobility than those who reside in materially deprived areas. The extent of patient mobility, and its dependence on their socio-economic status raises issues of equity, as well as regional policy considerations

    Re-Inhabiting Inner Areas Triggering New Regeneration Trajectories: The Case Study of Sicani in Sicily

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    The Italian debate on the so-called ‘inner areas’ has received a much-needed boost, following the COVID-19 pandemic, which has further highlighted the differences between metropolitan and inner areas. While the progressive depopulation of inner areas is a worrying phenomenon, the limits of incessant urbanisation and the concentration of settlement and infrastructure policies in large conurbations have become evident. Departing from the framework of the B4R-Branding4Resilience research project of national interest and, by continuing in the furrow initiated by the SNAI, but also surpassing it, the aim of the University of Palermo’s research is to define the requirement for a more inclusive settlement model in the Sicani area in Sicily (Italy) to re-balance existing asymmetries by recharging peripheral areas with new centrality. The aims of the research are to demonstrate that inner areas could be an engine for innovation, thereby outlining a roadmap through which to encourage the resilience of new sustainable lifestyles. These aims would be achieved by working on new perspectives and projects, which are capable of radically modifying production, consumption, and tourism dynamics and work/life models, and which are gleaned from a study regarding the Sicani area in Sicily. The paper discusses case study quantitative and qualitative analyses and first results

    Queimadas e saúde: relação entre faltas escolares e incidência das queimadas da cana-de-açúcar

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    The objective of this study was to investigate an association between pre-harvest sugarcane burning and respiratory diseases in children under five years of age. The following data were collected in five schools in the city of Araraquara, SP, Southeastern Brazil, between March and June 2009: daily records of absences and the reasons stated for these absences, total concentration of suspended particulate matter (µg/m3), and air humidity. The relationship between the percentage of school absences due to respiratory problems and the concentration of particulate matter in March and from April to June presented a distinct behavior: absences increased alongside the increase in particulate matter concentration. The use of school absences as indicators of this relationship is an innovative approach.Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar se queimadas estão relacionadas a doenças respiratórias em crianças menores de cinco anos. Os dados foram coletados em cinco escolas do município de Araraquara, SP, entre março a junho de 2009, abordando: controle diário das faltas escolares, razões alegadas, concentração total de partículas em suspensão (µg/m3) e umidade do ar. A relação entre o percentual de faltas por motivo respiratório e concentração de material particulado no mês de março e no período de abril a junho apresentou comportamento distinto: aumento das faltas com o aumento da concentração do material particulado A utilização das faltas escolares como indicadores desta relação representa recorte inovador

    Produção de fertilizante organomineral a partir de resíduos orgânicos / Organomineral fertilizer production from organic waste

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    Devido ao grande desperdício de alimentos no país e quase nenhuma destinação correta para eles, a utilização de resíduos orgânicos para a produção de fertilizante orgânico e a posterior produção de fertilizante organomineral, que possui muitas vantagens comparado aos demais fertilizantes é uma forma econômica e ambientalmente viável, sendo este o objetivo desse trabalho. A realização da compostagem com os resíduos orgânicos mostrou-se viável, sendo que o processo apresentou todas as fases desejadas, com duração de 1 mês e meio e um total de 7 kg de matéria orgânica, no estado humificado. Todas as análises realizadas na matéria orgânica foram satisfatórias, comprovando sua qualidade física e química, que é um ponto importante para a produção de fertilizante. O fertilizante orgânico produzido obteve uma formulação de NPK de 0,6-1,1-0,7 e o fertilizante mineral utilizado uma formulação de 9,2-9,2-9,2, como o fertilizante organomineral é uma junção dos dois a formulação obtida foi de 9,8-10,3-9,9, que mostrou um total de mistura NPK de 30% dentro das normas estabelecidas pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) que é de no mínimo 10% e este possui a característica de trazer uma melhor eficiência em relação a qualidade física, biológica e química para o solo, além de muitas outras vantagens apresentadas neste trabalho que também possui algumas pesquisas que comprovam a eficiência do fertilizante organomineral para produtividade em comparação aos convencionais

    Human Synaptobrevin-like 1 Gene Basal Transcription Is Regulated through the Interaction of Selenocysteine tRNA Gene Transcription Activating Factor-Zinc Finger 143 Factors with Evolutionary Conserved Cis-elements

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    The synaptobrevin-like 1 (SYBL1) gene is ubiquitously expressed and codes for an unusual member of the v-SNAREs molecules implicated in cellular exocytosis. This X-linked gene has the peculiarity of also being present on the Y chromosome in a transcriptional inactive status. Moreover, although ubiquitous, the function of SYBL1 is prominent in specific tissues, such as brain. As a first insight into the molecular mechanisms controlling SYBL1 expression, in this report we describe the extent and role of SYBL1 upstream regions and characterize the binding of trans-acting factors. In vivo foot-printing experiments identify three protected regions. Band shift and transient reporter gene assays indicate a strong role of two of these evolutionary conserved regions in regulating SYBL1 transcription. Because one site is the classical CAAT box, we characterized the binding to the other site of the mammalian homologues of the selenocysteine tRNA gene transcription activating factor (Staf) family, zinc-finger transcription factors, and their role in regulating SYBL1 expression. The results reported here clarify that a Staf-zinc finger family factor, together with the CAAT factor, is the major nuclear protein bound to the SYBL1 promoter region and is responsible for its regulation in HeLa cells, thus identifying the basic control of SYBL1 transcription. In vivo binding of Staf proteins to the SYBL1 promoter is confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. Our results identify a fourth mRNA promoter stimulated by a member of the Staf-zinc finger family, the function of which on mRNA polymerase II promoters is still very poorly understood

    Ultrafast Interface Charge Separation in Carbon Nanodot-Nanotube Hybrids

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    Carbon dots are an emerging family of zero-dimensional nanocarbons behaving as tunable light harvesters and photoactivated charge donors. Coupling them to carbon nanotubes, which are well-known electron acceptors with excellent charge transport capabilities, is very promising for several applications. Here, we first devised a route to achieve the stable electrostatic binding of carbon dots to multi- or single-walled carbon nanotubes, as confirmed by several experimental observations. The photoluminescence of carbon dots is strongly quenched when they contact either semiconductive or conductive nanotubes, indicating a strong electronic coupling to both. Theoretical simulations predict a favorable energy level alignment within these complexes, suggesting a photoinduced electron transfer from dots to nanotubes, which is a process of high functional interest. Femtosecond transient absorption confirms indeed an ultrafast (<100 fs) electron transfer independent of nanotubes being conductive or semiconductive in nature, followed by a much slower back electron transfer (≈60 ps) from the nanotube to the carbon dots. The high degree of charge separation and delocalization achieved in these nanohybrids entails significant photocatalytic properties, as we demonstrate by the reduction of silver ions in solution. The results are very promising in view of using these “all-carbon” nanohybrids as efficient light harvesters for applications in artificial photocatalysis and photosynthesis