102 research outputs found

    Cycling Induced by Electrical Stimulation Improves Motor Recovery in Postacute Hemiparetic Patients

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    Background and Purpose—This study assessed whether cycling induced by functional electrical stimulation (FES) was more effective than passive cycling with placebo stimulation in promoting motor recovery and walking ability in postacute hemiparetic patients.Methods—In a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial, 35 patients were included and randomized to receive FES-induced cycling training or placebo FES cycling. The 4-week treatment consisted of 20 sessions lasting 25 minutes each. Primary outcome measures included the leg subscale of the Motricity Index and gait speed during a 50-meter walking test. Secondary outcomes were the Trunk Control Test, the Upright Motor Control Test, the mean work produced by the paretic leg, and the unbalance in mechanical work between paretic and nonparetic legs during voluntary pedaling. Participants were evaluated before training, after training, and at 3- to 5-month follow-up visits.Results—No significant differences were found between groups at baseline. Repeated-measures ANOVA (P<0.05) revealed significant increases in Motricity Index, Trunk Control Test, Upright Motor Control Test, gait speed, and mean work of the paretic leg after training and at follow-up assessments for FES-treated patients. No outcome measures demonstrated significant improvements after training in the placebo group. Both groups showed no significant differences between assessments after training and at follow-up. A main effect favoring FES-treated patients was demonstrated by repeated-measures ANCOVA for Motricity Index (P<0.001), Trunk Control Test (P=0.001), Upright Motor Control Test (P=0.005), and pedaling unbalance (P=0.038).Conclusions—The study demonstrated that 20 sessions of FES cycling training significantly improved lower extremity motor functions and accelerated the recovery of overground locomotion in postacute hemiparetic patients. Improvements were maintained at follow-up

    Simulación numérica aplicada a la interacción agua subterránea-humedales en la Llanura Pampeana, Provincia de Buenos Aires

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    En la llanura pampeana los cuerpos de agua superficial son parte activa del sistema de flujo del agua subterránea. La laguna La Salada y su área de influencia se ubican en las cercanías de la localidad La Dulce (Provincia de Bs. As.), sobre la divisoria sur de la cuenca del Río Quequén. El objetivo del trabajo es cuantificar la interacción entre los cuerpos de agua de la laguna, acuífero y río y establecer el balance global de masas a través de la modelación numérica. Los resultados de la simulación del flujo muestran en régimen estacionario el comportamiento efluente – influente de la laguna y el flujo de agua subterránea hacia el río. La simulación del régimen transitorio muestra un buen ajuste entre los niveles observados y calculados durante el periodo 2007-2010 en un freatímetro ubicado entre la laguna y el río. Los términos del balance global de masas incluyen precipitación 116 hm3/año, evapotranspiración 82.1 hm3/año, escurrimiento superficial 1.8 hm3/año, evaporación en la laguna 5 hm3/año, recarga del acuífero 16 hm3/año, descarga de agua subterránea a la laguna 6 hm3/año, descarga de agua subterránea al río 9.5 hm3/año y extracción para consumo urbano 0.5 hm3/año. La integración de herramientas numéricas de simulación del flujo con estudios previos de modelación hidrogeoquímica permitió alcanzar resultados consistentes de la evaporación en la laguna con respecto al valor obtenido por el balance hídrico. La metodología utilizada constituye un aporte al abordaje de estudios cuantitativos sobre la interacción aguas subterráneas – aguas superficiales en la llanura pampeana.In the Pampa plain the surface water bodies are integral parts of groundwater flow systems. La Salada wetland is located on the watershed of the Quequén River basin, next to La Dulce town (Buenos Aires Province).The aim of the present study is both to quantify the wetland - aquifer – river interactions and to establish the mass global balance through the numerical modeling. Results of flow simulation in the steady regime show the effluent-influent behavior of the wetland and the discharge of groundwater to the Quequén River. The transient regime shows a noticeable fitness observed between the simulated and the measured values compared to the daily record piezometer (2007-2010). Mass global balance comprise precipitation 116 hm3/year, evapotranspiration 82.1 hm3/year, runoff 1.8 hm3/año, evaporation in the wetland 5 hm3/year, recharge to the aquifer 16 hm3/ year, groundwater discharge to the wetland 6 hm3/ year, groundwater discharge to the river 9.5 hm3/ year y extraction for human consumption 0.5 hm3/ year. The joint tools of numerical simulation of flow and previous studies of hydrogeochemical modeling allow reach similar results for the evaporation in the wetland compared to those from the water balance. The study constitutes a contribution to the assessment of the groundwater – surface water interactions in the Pampa plain

    A biofeedback cycling training to improve locomotion: a case series study based on gait pattern classification of 153 chronic stroke patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The restoration of walking ability is the main goal of post-stroke lower limb rehabilitation and different studies suggest that pedaling may have a positive effect on locomotion. The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of a biofeedback pedaling treatment and its effects on cycling and walking ability in chronic stroke patients. A case series study was designed and participants were recruited based on a gait pattern classification of a population of 153 chronic stroke patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to optimize participants selection, a k-means cluster analysis was performed to subgroup homogenous gait patterns in terms of gait speed and symmetry.</p> <p>The training consisted of a 2-week treatment of 6 sessions. A visual biofeedback helped the subjects in maintaining a symmetrical contribution of the two legs during pedaling. Participants were assessed before, after training and at follow-up visits (one week after treatment). Outcome measures were the unbalance during a pedaling test, and the temporal, spatial, and symmetry parameters during gait analysis.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>Three clusters, mainly differing in terms of gait speed, were identified and participants, representative of each cluster, were selected.</p> <p>An intra-subject statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed that all patients significantly decreased the pedaling unbalance after treatment and maintained significant improvements with respect to baseline at follow-up. The 2-week treatment induced some modifications in the gait pattern of two patients: one, the most impaired, significantly improved mean velocity and increased gait symmetry; the other one reduced significantly the over-compensation of the healthy limb. No benefits were produced in the gait of the last subject who maintained her slow but almost symmetrical pattern. Thus, this study might suggest that the treatment can be beneficial for patients having a very asymmetrical and inefficient gait and for those that overuse the healthy leg.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results demonstrated that the treatment is feasible and it might be effective in translating progresses from pedaling to locomotion. If these results are confirmed on a larger and controlled scale, the intervention, thanks to its safety and low price, could have a significant impact as a home- rehabilitation treatment for chronic stroke patients.</p

    The reliability of gait parameters captured via instrumented walkways: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: Electronic pressure-sensitive walkways are commonly available solutions to quantitatively assess gait parameters for clinical and research purposes. Many studies have evaluated their measurement properties in different conditions with variable findings. In order to be informed about the current evidence of their reliability for optimal clinical and scientific decision making, this systematic review provided a quantitative synthesis of the test-retest reliability and minimal detectable change of the captured gait parameters across different test conditions (single and cognitive dual-task conditions) and population groups. Evidence acquisition: A literature search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, and Scopus until November 2021 to identify articles that examined the test-retest reliability properties of the gait parameters captured by pressure-sensitive walkways (gait speed, cadence, stride length and time, double support time, base of support) in adult healthy individuals or patients. The methodological quality was rated using the "Consensus-based standards for the selection of health measurement instruments" checklist. Data were meta-analyzed on intraclass correlation coefficient to examine the test-retest relative reliability. Quantitative synthesis was performed for absolute reliability, examined by the weighted average of minimal detectable change values. Evidence synthesis: A total of 44 studies were included in this systematic review. The methodological quality was adequate in half of the included studies. The main finding was that pressure-sensitive walkways are reliable tools for objective assessment of spatial and temporal gait parameters both in singleand cognitive dual-task conditions. Despite few exceptions, the review identified intraclass correlation coefficient higher than 0.75 and minimal detectable change lower than 30%, demonstrating satisfactory relative and absolute reliability in all examined populations (healthy adults, elderly, patients with cognitive impairment, spinocerebellar ataxia type 14, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal cord injury, stroke or vestibular dysfunction). Conclusions: Current evidence suggested that, despite different populations and testing protocols used in the included studies, the test-retest reliability of the examined gait parameters was acceptable under single and cognitive dual-task conditions. Further high-quality studies with powered sample sizes are needed to examine the reliability findings of the currently understudied and unexplored pathologies and test conditions

    A personalized multi-channel FES controller based on muscle synergies to support gait rehabilitation after stroke

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    It has been largely suggested in neuroscience literature that to generate a vast variety of movements, the Central Nervous System (CNS) recruits a reduced set of coordinated patterns of muscle activities, defined as muscle synergies. Recent neurophysiological studies have recommended the analysis of muscle synergies to finely assess the patient's impairment, to design personalized interventions based on the specific nature of the impairment, and to evaluate the treatment outcomes. In this scope, the aim of this study was to design a personalized multi-channel functional electrical stimulation (FES) controller for gait training, integrating three novel aspects: (1) the FES strategy was based on healthy muscle synergies in order to mimic the neural solutions adopted by the CNS to generate locomotion; (2) the FES strategy was personalized according to an initial locomotion assessment of the patient and was designed to specifically activate the impaired biomechanical functions; (3) the FES strategy was mapped accurately on the altered gait kinematics providing a maximal synchronization between patient's volitional gait and stimulation patterns. The novel intervention was tested on two chronic stroke patients. They underwent a 4-week intervention consisting of 30-min sessions of FES-supported treadmill walking three times per week. The two patients were characterized by a mild gait disability (walking speed > 0.8 m/s) at baseline. However, before treatment both patients presented only three independent muscle synergies during locomotion, resembling two different gait abnormalities. After treatment, the number of extracted synergies became four and they increased their resemblance with the physiological muscle synergies, which indicated a general improvement in muscle coordination. The originally merged synergies seemed to regain their distinct role in locomotion control. The treatment benefits were more evident for one patient, who achieved a clinically important change in dynamic balance (Mini-Best Test increased from 17 to 22) coupled with a very positive perceived treatment effect (GRC = 4). The treatment had started the neuro-motor relearning process also on the second subject, but twelve sessions were not enough to achieve clinically relevant improvements. This attempt to apply the novel theories of neuroscience research in stroke rehabilitation has provided promising results, and deserves to be further investigated in a larger clinical study

    Neuro-Mechanics of Recumbent Leg Cycling in Post-Acute Stroke Patients

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    Cycling training is strongly applied in post-stroke rehabilitation, but how its modular control is altered soon after stroke has been not analyzed yet. EMG signals from 9 leg muscles and pedal forces were measured bilaterally during recumbent pedaling in 16 post-acute stroke patients and 12 age-matched healthy controls. Patients were asked to walk over a GaitRite mat and standard gait parameters were computed. Four muscle synergies were extracted through nonnegative matrix factorization in healthy subjects and patients unaffected legs. Two to four synergies were identified in the affected sides and the number of synergies significantly correlated with the Motricity Index (Spearman’s coefficient = 0.521). The reduced coordination complexity resulted in a reduced biomechanical performance, with the two-module sub-group showing the lowest work production and mechanical effectiveness in the affected side. These patients also exhibited locomotor impairments (reduced gait speed, asymmetrical stance time, prolonged double support time). Significant correlations were found between cycling-based metrics and gait parameters, suggesting that neuro-mechanical quantities of pedaling can inform on walking dysfunctions. Our findings support the use of pedaling as a rehabilitation method and an assessment tool after stroke, mainly in the early phase, when patients can be unable to perform a safe and active gait training

    Video-based Goniometer Applications for Measuring Knee Joint Angles during Walking in Neurological Patients: A Validity, Reliability and Usability Study

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    : Easy-to-use evaluation of Range Of Motion (ROM) during walking is necessary to make decisions during neurological rehabilitation programs and during follow-up visits in clinical and remote settings. This study discussed goniometer applications (DrGoniometer and Angles - Video Goniometer) that measure knee joint ROM during walking through smartphone cameras. The primary aim of the study is to test the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of the collected measurements as well as their concurrent validity with an electro-goniometer. The secondary aim is to evaluate the usability of the two mobile applications. A total of 22 patients with Parkinson's disease (18 males, age 72 (8) years), 22 post-stroke patients (17 males, age 61 (13) years), and as many healthy volunteers (8 males, age 45 (5) years) underwent knee joint ROM evaluations during walking. Clinicians and inexperienced examiners used the two mobile applications to calculate the ROM, and then rated their perceived usability through the System Usability Scale (SUS). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and correlation coefficients (corr) were calculated. Both applications showed good reliability (ICC &gt; 0.69) and validity (corr &gt; 0.61), and acceptable usability (SUS &gt; 68). Smartphone-based video goniometers could be used to assess the knee ROM during walking in neurological patients, because of their acceptable degree of reliability, validity and usability

    Intra and inter-session reliability of rapid Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation stimulus-response curves of tibialis anterior muscle in healthy older adults

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    Objective: The clinical use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) as a technique to assess corticospinal excitability is limited by the time for data acquisition and the measurement variability. This study aimed at evaluating the reliability of Stimulus-Response (SR) curves acquired with a recently proposed rapid protocol on tibialis anterior muscle of healthy older adults. Methods: Twenty-four neurologically-intact adults (age:55–75 years) were recruited for this test-retest study. During each session, six SR curves, 3 at rest and 3 during isometric muscle contractions at 5% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), were acquired. Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs) were normalized to the maximum peripherally evoked response; the coil position and orientation were monitored with an optical tracking system. Intra- and inter-session reliability of motor threshold (MT), area under the curve (AURC), MEPmax, stimulation intensity at which the MEP is mid-way between MEPmax and MEPmin (I50), slope in I50, MEP latency, and silent period (SP) were assessed in terms of Standard Error of Measurement (SEM), relative SEM, Minimum Detectable Change (MDC), and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Results: The relative SEM was ≤10% for MT, I50, latency and SP both at rest and 5%MVC, while it ranged between 11% and 37% for AURC, MEPmax, and slope. MDC values were overall quite large; e.g., MT required a change of 12%MSO at rest and 10%MSO at 5%MVC to be considered a real change. Inter-sessions ICC were >0.6 for all measures but slope at rest and MEPmax and latency at 5%MVC. Conclusions: Measures derived from SR curves acquired in <4 minutes are affected by similar measurement errors to those found with long-lasting protocols, suggesting that the rapid method is at least as reliable as the traditional methods. As specifically designed to include older adults, this study provides normative data for future studies involving older neurological patients (e.g. stroke survivors)

    An Automatic Identification Procedure to Promote the use of FES-Cycling Training for Hemiparetic Patients.

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    Cycling induced by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) training currently requires a manual setting of different parameters, which is a time-consuming and scarcely repeatable procedure. We proposed an automatic procedure for setting session-specific parameters optimized for hemiparetic patients. This procedure consisted of the identification of the stimulation strategy as the angular ranges during which FES drove the motion, the comparison between the identified strategy and the physiological muscular activation strategy, and the setting of the pulse amplitude and duration of each stimulated muscle. Preliminary trials on 10 healthy volunteers helped define the procedure. Feasibility tests on 8 hemiparetic patients (5 stroke, 3 traumatic brain injury) were performed. The procedure maximized the motor output within the tolerance constraint, identified a biomimetic strategy in 6 patients, and always lasted less than 5 minutes. Its reasonable duration and automatic nature make the procedure usable at the beginning of every training session, potentially enhancing the performance of FES-cycling training