640 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship Spillover and the determinants of Key Sectors for new business creation: An inter-sectorial approach

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    Whereas the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship focuses on the diffusion of innovative output and knowledge filter among new firms and industries (Acts, et al., 2005; Audrescht, 2007), it has not been studied the phenomenon of entrepreneurship dissemination or entrepreneurship spillover among sectors. From an adaptation of the model of input-output matrix (Leontief, 1936; Dietzenbacher and Los, 2002) we develop a methodology that allows calculating the concept of entrepreneurship spillover. Besides, using intra-sectorial data from the 73 Spanish sectors, we empirically test the characteristics of the sectors with more entrepreneurship spillover. In short, the results clearly state that higher diversity and competition entails more entrepreneurship spillover. Moreover, the innovation only affects positively entrepreneurship spillover in restricted situations, briefly when the sectors have high competition and/or a high degree of technology.Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Economic Growth, Multipliers, Leontief, Input Output Analysis,

    Pasado, presente y futuro de la enseñanza de la Educación Comparada en España

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    El año 2008 celebramos el cuadragésimo aniversario de la incorporación de la Educación Comparada como materia a los estudios universitarios reglados en España. Este aniversario nos da una inmejorable excusa para hacer un breve recorrido por lo ocurrido a lo largo de estos cuatro decenios en este campo. El texto está estructurado en tres apartados, en el primero se desarrollan los difíciles primeros pasos que tuvieron que dar aquellos que comenzaron el camino, allá por los años 60; en el segundo se presenta el panorama actual, que podemos resumir con una presencia obligatoria en todas las facultades donde se imparte la licenciatura en Pedagogía; finalmente, hacemos una serie de reflexiones sobre lo que puede ser su futuro incierto

    Tendencias y réplicas en clave internacional

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    Como en el artículo anterior, los autores formulan algunos tópicos y les dan respuesta a partir de los resultados de PISA analizados por países. Se abordan, así, cuestiones relacionadas con la excelencia del sistema y con su equidad, en un intento de evitar afirmaciones simplistas y de abrir nuevos interrogantes

    Respuesta a ciertos tópicos en clave autonómica

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    ¿Los chicos obtienen mejores resultados que las chicas? ¿La LOGSE es culpable de todos los males? ¿El alumnado de la privada es mejor valorado que el de la pública? ¿La presencia de familias inmigrantes incide en los resultados? Estas y otras cuestiones se abordan a la luz del análisis por comunidades autónomas porque, a pesar de compartir un único sistema educativo, las diferencias entre territorios son notables.Los análisis que se presentan en este artículo están fundamentados en una investigación que los autores están realizando en la actualidad por encargo de la Fundación Jaume Bofill bajo el título "El proyecto PISA 2006 en Cataluña: una mirada a las desigualdades educativas". Pertenecen al Grupo Interuniversitario sobre Políticas Educativas (GIPE). Ferran Ferrer y Òscar Valiente son profesores de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

    Molecular codes defining rostrocaudal domains in the embryonic mouse hypothalamus

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    The prosomeric model proposes that the hypothalamus is a rostral forebrain entity, placed ventral to the telencephalon and rostral to the diencephalon. Gene expression markers differentially label molecularly distinct dorsoventral progenitor domains, which represent continuous longitudinal bands across the hypothalamic alar and basal regions. There is also circumstantial support for a rostrocaudal subdivision of the hypothalamus into transverse peduncular (caudal) and terminal (rostral) territories (PHy, THy). In addition, there is evidence for a specialized acroterminal domain at the rostral midline of the terminal hypothalamus (ATD). The PHy and THy transverse structural units are presently held to form part of two hypothalamo-telencephalic prosomeres (hp1 and hp2, respectively), which end dorsally at the telencephalic septocommissural roof. PHy and THy have distinct adult nuclei, at all dorsoventral levels. Here we report the results of data mining from the Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas database, looking for genes expressed differentially in the PHy, THy and ATD regions of the hypothalamus at several developmental stages. This search allowed us to identify additional molecular evidence supporting the postulated fundamental rostrocaudal bipartition of the mouse hypothalamus into the PHy and THy, and also corroborated molecularly the singularity of the ATD. A number of markers were expressed in Thy (Fgf15, Gsc, Nkx6.2, Otx1, Zic1/5), but were absent in PHy, while other genes showed the converse pattern (Erbb4, Irx1/3/5, Lmo4, Mfap4, Plagl1, Pmch). We also identified markers that selectively label the ATD (Fgf8/10/18, Otx2, Pomc, Rax, Six6). On the whole, these data help to explain why, irrespective of the observed continuity of all dorsoventral molecular hypothalamic subdivisions across PHy and THy, different nuclear structures originate within each of these two domains, and also why singular structures arise at the ATD, e.g., the suprachiasmatic nuclei, the

    Una nova necròpoli tumular en la Foia de Zucaina: Peñas de Villanueva (Zucaina, Alt Millars)

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    Resultats preliminars de la campanya d’excavació del 2014 en l’àrea de la necròpoli tumular Las Peñas de Villanueva. L’aspecte més rellevant d’aquesta campanya ha estat fonamentalment la localització d’una agrupació tumular que consta de dos túmuls.Preliminary results of the 2014 campaign of excavation in the area of the burial necropolis of Las Peñas de Villanueva. The most relevant aspect of this campaign has primarily been the location of a burial group consisting of two burial mounds

    Learning Support Tools for Developing Spatial Abilities in Engineering Design

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    This paper presents some learning support tools for developing spatial abilities in engineering design students. They are based on the previous authors' experience in teaching traditional Engineering Graphics and uses both on-line and batch computer-aided generation of 3D models from 2D freehand sketches. Although these applications can be used with standards PCs, they are intended to be used on Tablet-PCs to provide an experience similar to sketching on real paper. The objectives of these applications are to develop three important elements for the future engineer: spatial visualization, freehand sketching and normalized view generation. The authors present the results of a pilot study that has been realized in some Spanish universities. Two well-known tests for evaluating spatial abilities: Mental Rotation Test (MRT) and the Differential Aptitude TestÐ Spatial Relations subset (DAT-SR), have been used to validate the pilot study.1) Spanish Ministry of Science and Education and the European Union (Project DPI2004-01373) 2) Fundacio Caixa Castelló-Bancaixa under the Universitat Jaume I program for Research Promotion (Project P1-1B2004-02, titled `Gestural interface for the introduction of variational-parametric sketches and for the definition of assem- bly conditions in the computer-aided design of industrial products')

    Comparison of Pretectal Genoarchitectonic Pattern between Quail and Chicken Embryos

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    Regionalization of the central nervous system is controlled by local networks of transcription factors that establish and maintain the identities of neuroepithelial progenitor areas and their neuronal derivatives. The conserved cerebral Bauplan of vertebrates must result essentially from conserved patterns of developmentally expressed transcription factors. We have previously produced detailed molecular maps for the alar plate of prosomere 1 (the pretectal region) in chicken (Ferran et al., 2007, 2008, 2009). Here we compare the early molecular signature of the pretectum of two closely related avian species of the family Phasianidae, Coturnix japonica (Japanese quail) and Gallus gallus (chicken), aiming to test conservation of the described pattern at a microevolutionary level. We studied the developmental pretectal expression of Bhlhb4, Dbx1, Ebf1, Gata3, Gbx2, Lim1, Meis1, Meis2, Pax3, Pax6, Six3, Tal2, and Tcf7l2 (Tcf4) mRNA, using in situ hybridization, and PAX7 immunohistochemistry. The genoarchitectonic profile of individual pretectal domains and strata was produced, using comparable section planes. Remarkable conservation of the combinatorial genoarchitectonic code was observed, fundamented in a tripartite anteroposterior subdivision. However, we found that at corresponding developmental stages the pretectal region of G. gallus was approximately 30% larger than that of C. japonica, but seemed relatively less mature. Altogether, our results on a conserved genoarchitectonic pattern highlight the importance of early developmental gene networks that causally underlie the production of homologous derivatives in these two evolutionarily closely related species. The shared patterns probably apply to sauropsids in general, as well as to more distantly related vertebrate species