577 research outputs found

    Uninsured Motorist Coverage and Interspousal Immunity

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    Individualism and Descartes

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    Descartes is generally presumed to have been one of the foremost proponents of the doctrine of individualism of the mental. In this paper, I argue that it may be advisable for Descartes scholars and modern philosophers of mind to be slightly less presumptuous. My claim is that those passages from the Cartesian corpus which are traditionally cited in support of individualism should not be taken as conclusive evidence of Descartes's commitment to that doctrine. The relevant passages are either neutral with respect to the individualism debate or, in some cases, admit of reasonably palatable reinterpretation from an anti-individualistic standpoint. It is, therefore, my contention that we should require more substantial argument and textual analysis than that which is found in the contemporary literature before attributing individualism to Descartes

    Control of H2S emissions using an ozone oxidation process: Preliminary results

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    The problem of eliminating industrial emission odors does not have a simple solution, and consequently has not been researched extensively. Therefore, an experimental research program regarding oxidation of H2S through ozone was undertaken to verify the applicable limits of the procedure and, in addition, was designed to supply a useful analytical means of rationalizing the design of reactors employed in the sector

    Characterization and application of the amylose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) chiral stationary phase in omeprazole enantiomer preparative separation

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    Orientadores: Cesar Costapinto Santana, Quezia Bezerra CassTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaResumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi a síntese, em larga escala, da fase estacionária quiral tris(3,5-dimetilfenilcarbamato) de amilose e posterior investigação desta na separação preparativa dos enantiômeros do omeprazol por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. O carbamato de amilose, caracterizado por análise elementar e espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, apresentou valores experimentais de CHN próximos aos valores teóricos e absorções no infravermelho próximas a 1720 cm-1, referente ao grupo C=O, a 1220 cm-1, referente à ligação C-N e em 3294 cm-1, referente à ligação N-H. Experimentos de pulsos com soluções do traçador e da mistura racêmica, em diferentes temperaturas e vazões da fase móvel, foram realizados para avaliar a homogeneidade das colunas e sua influência no processo de separação, os coeficientes de dispersão axial e de tranferência de massa e o comportamento termodinâmico da adsorção. Uma análise estatística dos dados de porosidade foi realizada através dos testes t e F mostrando que, com um nível de confiança de 95%, apenas algumas colunas apresentam porosidades equivalentes embora os erros cometidos na determinação da porosidade total e no processo de empacotamento sejam os mesmos. A recuperação do enantiômero de interesse, S-(-)-omeprazol, variou de 10-100% quando a porosidade total sofreu variações da ordem de 3%. Os gráficos de van Deemter mostraram uma relação linear entre a altura equivalente a um prato e a velocidade superficial da fase móvel. O enantiômero S-(-)- apresentou maiores coeficientes de transferência de massa e o enantiômero R-(+)- maiores constantes de Henry. O fator de separação e a resolução apresentaram valores iguais a 1,30 e 1,96, respectivamente, a 40 °C e 1,0 mL/min. Observou-se um decréscimo nos valores desses parâmetros após um determinado tempo de uso da coluna. Os valores negativos de 0 S D e 0 H D indicam um aumento na ordem do sistema cromatográfico e que a adsorção dos enantiômeros da fase móvel na fase estacionária é entalpicamente favorável. O modelo de isoterma de Langmuir foi bem correlacionado aos dados experimentais de equilíbrio no intervalo de concentração analisado. Palavras-chave: fase estacionária quiral, omeprazol, cromatografia líquida de alta eficiênciaAbstract: The aim of this work was the synthesis, in large scale, of the amylose tris(3,5- dimethylphenylcarbamate) chiral stationary phase and further evaluate in the omeprazole enantiomer preparative separation by high performance liquid chromatography. The amylose carbamate, characterized by elemental analysis and infrared spectroscopy, showed CHN experimental values close to theoretical values and infrared absorptions at 1720 cm-1 which is assigned to C=O group, at 1220 cm-1 which is assigned to C-N bond and at 3294 cm-1 which is assigned to N-H bond. Pulse experiments with solutions of the inert and racemic mixture at different flow rates and temperature were carried out to evaluate column homogeneity and its influence on separation process, axial dispersion and mass transfer coefficients and adsorption thermodynamic behavior. A statistical analysis of the porosity data was performed through of the t and F tests showing that with 95% confidence level only some columns presented equivalent porosities although the errors made in the total porosity determination and packing process are equal. The recovery of the interest enantiomer, S-(-)-omeprazole, varied of 10 until 100% when total porosity varied in the order of 3%. The van Deemter plots showed a linear dependence between height equivalent to a theoretical plate and mobile phase superficial velocity. S-(-)- enantiomer presented higher values of mass transfer coefficients and the enantiomer R-(+)-omeprazole presented higher values of Henry constants. The separation factor and resolution values were 1.30 and 1.96 at 40 °C and 1.0 mL/min, respectively. It was observed a decrease of these parameter values after a use time of the column. The negative values of 0 S D and 0 H D indicates an increase in the order of chromatographic system and that the enantiomer adsorption from the mobile phase to stationary phase is enthalpically favorable. The Langmuir isotherm model was well correlated to equilibrium experimental data in the range of investigated concentration. Key-words: chiral stationary phase, omeprazole, high performance liquid chromatographyDoutoradoDesenvolvimento de Processos BiotecnologicosDoutor em Engenharia Químic

    Mental and Social Health Impacts the Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies in Reducing Risky Drinking and Alcohol Consequences

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    The present study is the first to examine the moderating effects of mental and social health status in the relationship between protective behavioral strategies utilized to reduce high risk drinking (e.g., alternating alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks or avoiding drinking games) and alcohol outcomes (drinking variables and alcohol-related negative consequences) among first-year college females (N = 128). Findings revealed that protective behaviors were particularly effective in reducing both alcohol consumption and related risks among participants reporting lower mental health as compared to higher mental health. Further, participants with higher social health who utilized protective behaviors consumed significantly fewer maximum drinks per occasion than did peers who also employed protective behaviors but reported lower social health. Explanation of findings and implications for campus intervention initiatives are discussed

    Experimental Study of the Mechanical Behaviour of Double Twisted Steel Mesh Gabions

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    AbstractThe study of the mechanical behaviour of gabion elements is a fundamental prerequisite for an improved understanding about the overall mechanical performance of retaining structures realized using this construction technique. The paper discusses the first part of a wide experimental research program. The current article is limited to the description of the modalities to define a comprehensive experimental campaign, which involves both compression and direct shear tests. The testing matrix is designed considering several variables related to the two main components of the basic constructive element, steel cage and filling material respectively. The setup of instruments and the testing procedure are also discussed in the paper

    Model view management with triple graph transformation systems

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11841883_25Proceedings of Third International Conference, ICGT 2006 Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, September 17-23, 2006In this paper, we present our approach for model view management in the context of Multi-View Visual Languages (MVVLs). These are made of a number of diagram types (or viewpoints) that can be used for the specification of the different aspects of a system. Therefore, the user can build different system views conform to the viewpoints, which are merged in a repository in order to perform consistency checking. In addition, the user can define derived views by means of graph query patterns in order to extract information from a base model (a system view or the repository). We have provided automatic mechanisms to keep synchronized the base model and the derived view when the former changes. Predefined queries by the MVVL designer result in so-called audience-oriented views. Finally, semantic views are used for analysing the system by its translation into a semantic domain. Our approach is based on meta-modelling to describe the syntax of the MVVL and each viewpoint, and on triple graph transformation systems to synchronize and maintain correspondences between the system views and the repository, as well as between the derived, audience-oriented and semantic views and the base models. We illustrate these concepts by means of an example in the domain of security for web systems.This work has been sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, projects TSI2005-08225-C07-06 and TSI2004-03394