692 research outputs found

    Toxicology of chemical mixtures: international perspective.

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    This paper reviews major activities outside the United States on human health issues related to chemical mixtures. In Europe an international study group on combination effects has been formed and has started by defining synergism and antagonism. Successful research programs in Europe include the development and application of statistically designed experiments combined with multivariate data analysis and modeling in vitro and in vivo studies on a wide variety of chemicals such as petroleum hydrocarbons, aldehydes, food contaminants, industrial solvents, and mycotoxins. Other major activities focus on the development of safety evaluation strategies for mixtures such as the use of toxic equivalence factors or alternatives such as the question-and-answer approach, fractionation followed by recombination of the mixture in combination with a mixture design, and quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis combined with lumping analysis and physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling for studying complex mixtures. A scheme for hazard identification and risk assessment of complex mixtures and a consistent way to generate total volatile organic compound values for indoor air have also been developed. Examples of other activities are carcinogenicity studies on complex mixtures (petroleum middle distillates, foundry fumes, pesticides, heterocyclic amines, diesel exhaust, solid particles), neurotoxicity studies of mixtures of solvents alone or in combination with exposure to physical factors, and toxicity studies of outdoor air pollutants, focusing on particulates. Outside the United States, toxicologists and regulators clearly have a growing interest in the toxicology and risk assessment of chemical mixtures

    Bone Marrow Microenvironment and Tumor Progression

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    The bone marrow constitutes an unique microenvironment for cancer cells in three specific aspects. First, the bone marrow actively recruits circulating tumor cells where they find a sanctuary rich in growth factors and cytokines that promote their proliferation and survival. When in the bone marrow, tumor cells profoundly affect the homeostasis of the bone and the balance between osteogenesis and osteolysis. As a consequence, growth and survival factors normally sequestered into the bone matrix are released, further fueling cancer progression. Second, tumor cells actively recruit bone marrow-derived precursor cells into their own microenvironment. When in the tumors, these bone marrow-derived cells contribute to an inflammatory reaction and to the formation of the tumor vasculature. Third, bone marrow-derived cells can home in distant organs, where they form niches that attract circulating tumor cells. Our understanding of the contribution of the bone marrow microenvironment to cancer progression has therefore dramatically improved over the last few years. The importance of this new knowledge cannot be underestimated considering that the vast majority of cancer treatments such as cytotoxic and myeloablative chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation and radiation therapy inflict a trauma to the bone marrow microenvironment. How such trauma affects the influence that the bone marrow microenvironment exerts on cancer is still poorly understood. In this article, the reciprocal relationship between the bone marrow microenvironment and tumor cells is reviewed, and its potential impact on cancer therapy is discussed

    The early identification of risk factors on the pathway to school dropout in the SIODO study:A sequential mixed-methods study

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    BACKGROUND: School dropout is a persisting problem with major socioeconomic consequences. Although poor health probably contributes to pathways leading to school dropout and health is likely negatively affected by dropout, these issues are relatively absent on the public health agenda. This emphasises the importance of integrative research aimed at identifying children at risk for school dropout at an early stage, discovering how socioeconomic status and gender affect health-related pathways that lead to dropout and developing a prevention tool that can be used in public health services for youth. METHODS/DESIGN: The SIODO study is a sequential mixed-methods study. A case–control study will be conducted among 18 to 24 year olds in the south of the Netherlands (n = 580). Data are currently being collected from compulsory education departments at municipalities (dropout data), regional public health services (developmental data from birth onwards) and an additional questionnaire has been sent to participants (e.g. personality data). Advanced analyses, including cluster and factor analyses, will be used to identify children at risk at an early stage. Using the quantitative data, we have planned individual interviews with participants and focus groups with important stakeholders such as parents, teachers and public health professionals. A thematic content analysis will be used to analyse the qualitative data. DISCUSSION: The SIODO study will use a life-course perspective, the ICF-CY model to group the determinants and a mixed-methods design. In this respect, the SIODO study is innovative because it both broadens and deepens the study of health-related determinants of school dropout. It examines how these determinants contribute to socioeconomic and gender differences in health and contributes to the development of a tool that can be used in public health practice to tackle the problem of school dropout at its roots

    Extensive medical absenteeism among secondary school students:An observational study on their health condition from a biopsychosocial perspective

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    An adequate approach to reducing school absenteeism should focus on medical absenteeism as this is the most prevalent form of school absenteeism. The objective of this study is to explore the health condition of pre-vocational secondary students with extensive medical absenteeism from a biopsychosocial perspective. Data were obtained from medical assessments and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQs) of students with medical absence above threshold criteria (i.e. reported sick four times in 12 school weeks or more than six consecutive school days) who were referred to a youth health care physician. The results showed that the students had a mean absence rate of 14% in 12 school weeks. Of all students, 43.5% had a diagnosed disease and 81.5% had problems such as physical complaints not yet diagnosed, psychosocial problems, lifestyle problems and sleeping difficulties. Four groups could be distinguished: 13.4% with a diagnosed disease and no problem, 30.1% with a diagnosed disease and a problem, 51.5% with a problem and no diagnosed disease and 5.1% without a diagnosed disease or problem. Significantly higher scores of the Total difficulties-scale on the SDQ were found (mean 10.5; SD 5.8) in the study group, compared to a reference group (mean 9.1; SD 4.9). In conclusion, this study shows that when using the aforementioned criteria for extensive medical absenteeism to intervene with the absence, students with a mean absence rate of 14% in 12 school weeks are identified. If there was a diagnosed disease, it was accompanied by problems about twice as often. More than half of the students’ absence was caused by problems rather than a disease. The great diversity of these problems calls for a personalized approach. A broad perspective, including medical expertise, is needed to distinguish between emerging mental and physical diseases, psychosocial and lifestyle problems. Keywords: Adolescent Health, Preventive Pediatric Primary Care, School Absenteeism, Public Health, Psychosocial Problem

    The Value of Suction Drainage Fluid Culture during Aseptic and Septic Orthopedic Surgery: A Prospective Study of 901 Patients

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    There are no guidelines on the value of suction drainage fluid culture (SDC), and it is difficult to determine whether the organisms cultured from suction drainage fluid samples are pathogenic or simply contaminants. We performed 2989 cultures of suction drainage fluid samples obtained, during a 1-year period, from 901 patients who underwent aseptic or septic orthopedic surgery (946 operations). The culture results were analyzed to evaluate their ability to detect postoperative infection after aseptic operations or to detect either a persistent or new episode of sepsis in patients known to have infection. For aseptic operations, the sensitivity of SDC was 25%, the specificity was 99%, the positive predictive value was 25%, and the negative predictive value was 99%. For septic operations, the sensitivity of SDC was 81%, the specificity was 96%, the positive predictive value was 87%, and the negative predictive value was 94%. We conclude that, for aseptic orthopedic surgery, SDC is not useful in detecting postoperative infection. However, for septic orthopedic surgery, it is of clinical importanc

    Wet deposition in the remote western and central Mediterranean as a source of trace metals to surface seawater

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    Abstract. This study reports the only recent characterization of two contrasted wet deposition events collected during the PEACETIME (ProcEss studies at the Air–sEa Interface after dust deposition in the MEditerranean Sea) cruise in the open Mediterranean Sea (Med Sea) and their impact on trace metal (TM) marine stocks. Rain samples were analysed for Al, 12 TMs (Co, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Ti, V and Zn) and nutrient (N, P, dissolved organic carbon) concentrations. The first rain sample collected in the Ionian Sea (Rain ION) was a typical regional background wet deposition event, whereas the second rain sample collected in the Algerian Basin (Rain FAST) was a Saharan dust wet deposition event. Even in the remote Med Sea, all background TM inputs presented an anthropogenic signature, except for Fe, Mn and Ti. The concentrations of TMs in the two rain samples were significantly lower compared to concentrations in rains collected at coastal sites reported in the literature, due to the decrease in anthropogenic emissions during the preceding decades. The atmospheric TM inputs were mainly dissolved forms, even in dusty Rain FAST. The TM stocks in the mixed layer (ML, 0–20 m) at the FAST station before and after the event showed that the atmospheric inputs were a significant supply of particulate TMs and dissolved Fe and Co for surface seawater. Even if the wet deposition delivers TMs mainly in soluble form, the post-deposition aerosol dissolution could to be a key additional pathway in the supply of dissolved TMs. At the scale of the western and central Mediterranean, the atmospheric inputs were of the same order of magnitude as ML stocks for dissolved Fe, Co and Zn, highlighting the role of the atmosphere in their biogeochemical cycles in the stratified Med Sea. In case of intense dust-rich wet deposition events, the role of atmospheric inputs as an external source was extended to dissolved Co, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn. Our results suggest that the wet deposition constitutes only a source of some of dissolved TMs for Med Sea surface waters. The contribution of dry deposition to the atmospheric TM inputs needs to be investigated.</jats:p

    Deducing transport properties of mobile vacancies from perovskite solar cell characteristics

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    The absorber layers in perovskite solar cells possess a high concentration of mobile ion vacancies. These vacancies undertake thermally activated hops between neighboring lattice sites. The mobile vacancy concentration N 0 is much higher and the activation energy E A for ion hops is much lower than is seen in most other semiconductors due to the inherent softness of perovskite materials. The timescale at which the internal electric field changes due to ion motion is determined by the vacancy diffusion coefficient D v and is similar to the timescale on which the external bias changes by a significant fraction of the open-circuit voltage at typical scan rates. Therefore, hysteresis is often observed in which the shape of the current-voltage, J-V, characteristic depends on the direction of the voltage sweep. There is also evidence that this defect migration plays a role in degradation. By employing a charge transport model of coupled ion-electron conduction in a perovskite solar cell, we show that E A for the ion species responsible for hysteresis can be obtained directly from measurements of the temperature variation of the scan-rate dependence of the short-circuit current and of the hysteresis factor H. This argument is validated by comparing E A deduced from measured J-V curves for four solar cell structures with density functional theory calculations. In two of these structures, the perovskite is MAPbI 3, where MA is methylammonium, CH 3 NH 3; the hole transport layer (HTL) is spiro (spiro-OMeTAD, 2,2 ′,7,7 ′- tetrakis[N,N-di(4-methoxyphenyl) amino]-9,9 ′-spirobifluorene) and the electron transport layer (ETL) is TiO 2 or SnO 2. For the third and fourth structures, the perovskite layer is FAPbI 3, where FA is formamidinium, HC (NH 2) 2, or MAPbBr 3, and in both cases, the HTL is spiro and the ETL is SnO 2. For all four structures, the hole and electron extracting electrodes are Au and fluorine doped tin oxide, respectively. We also use our model to predict how the scan rate dependence of the power conversion efficiency varies with E A, N 0, and parameters determining free charge recombination. </p