780 research outputs found

    Immigration as pathogenic: a systematic review of the health of immigrants to Canada

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    This review investigates the health of immigrants to Canada by critically examining differences in health status between immigrants and the native-born population and by tracing how the health of immigrants changes after settling in the country. Fifty-one published empirical studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. The analysis focuses on four inter-related questions: (1) Which health conditions show transition effects and which do not? (2) Do health transitions vary by ethnicity/racialized identity? (3) How are health transitions influenced by socioeconomic status? and (4) How do compositional and contextual factors interact to affect the health of immigrants? Theoretical and methodological challenges facing this area of research are discussed and future directions are identified. This area of research has the potential to develop into a complex, nuanced, and useful account of the social determinants of health as experienced by different groups in different places

    Understanding chronic non-communicable diseases in Latin America: towards an equity-based research agenda

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    Although chronic non-communicable diseases are traditionally depicted as diseases of affluence, growing evidence suggests they strike along the fault lines of social inequality. The challenge of understanding how these conditions shape patterns of population health in Latin America requires an inter-disciplinary lens. This paper reviews the burden of chronic non-communicable diseases in the region and examines key myths surrounding their prevalence and distribution. It argues that a social justice approach rooted in the idea of health inequity needs to be at the core of research in this area, and concludes with discussion of a new approach to guide empirical research, the 'average/deprivation/inequality' framework

    Consciência moral em John Henry Newman como via para chegar à fé e ao conhecimento de Deus, a partir de an essay in aid of a grammar of assent

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    Este estudo analisa a especificidade do conceito de Consciência Moral em Newman, no âmbito da sua reflexão filosófica acerca do assentimento à fé religiosa. A dissertação está estruturada da seguinte forma: depois de um capítulo introdutório acerca da Consciência Moral, segue-se um resumo de An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, a obra de referência deste estudo, realçando os aspectos mais relevantes para o tema em análise. No Capítulo 3 são analisadas as influências filosóficas mais importantes em Newman. O Capítulo 4 é propriamente o âmago da dissertação no qual são expostas as especificidades do pensamento de Newman acerca da Consciência Moral na relação com a adesão à fé religiosa e com o conhecimento de Deus. A conclusão sintetiza as grandes ideias expostas e demonstradas ao longo do Capítulo 4, nomeadamente a relação da concepção escolástica de Consciência Moral com a concepção própria de Newman, bem como a sua correlação com a Verdade.This study analyzes the specificity of the concept of Moral Conscience in Newman, in the context of his philosophical reflection about the assent to religious faith. The dissertation is structured as follows: after an introductory chapter on the Moral Conscience, there follows a summary of An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, the work of reference for this study, highlighting the aspects most relevant to the topic under analysis. In Chapter 3 we analyze the most important philosophical influences on Newman. Chapter 4 is the core of the dissertation where the specificities of Newman's thought about the Moral Conscience are exposed in relation to the assent to religious faith and knowledge of God. The conclusion summarizes the major ideas developed and demonstrated in the Chapter 4, particularly the relationship between the scholastic conception of Moral Conscience and Newman's own concept, as well as its correlation with Truth

    Desigualdad en el ingreso como determinante social de la salud

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    Despite a large body of empirical literature, a consensus has not been reached concerning the health effects of income inequality. This study contributes to ongoing debates by examining the robustness of the income inequality-population health relationship in Argentina, using five different income inequality indexes (each sensitive to inequalities in differing parts of the income spectrum) and five measures of population health. The study is based on an analysis of Argentina's 2001 Encuesta de Condiciones de Vidaand provincial rates of male/female life expectancy and infant mortality. The analysis shows that life expectancy is correlated in the expected direction with provincial-level income inequality (operationalised as the Gini coefficient) for both males (r = -0.55, p < 0.01) and females (r = -0.61, p < 0.01), but this association is not robust to all five income inequality indexes. In contrast, infant mortality, self-reported poor health, and self-reported activity limitation are not correlated with any of the income inequality indexes. This study adds further complexity to the study of the health effects of income inequality, by highlighting the importance of effects of operational definitions.A pesar de la vasta literatura empírica, no se alcanzó un consenso respecto de los efectos en la salud derivados de la desigualdad en el ingreso. Este estudio se suma a los debates en curso y analiza la solidez de la relación entre la desigualdad del ingreso y la salud de la población en la Argentina, valiéndose de cinco índices diferentes para medir la desigualdad en el ingreso (cada uno de ellos, sensible a las desigualdades en las distintas partes del espectro del ingreso) y cinco mediciones de la salud de la población. Este trabajo está basado en la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida (Argentina, 2001) y en las tasas provinciales de la esperanza de vida femenina y masculina, y la mortalidad infantil. El análisis muestra que la esperanza de vida se correlaciona en la dirección esperada con la desigualdad en el ingreso a nivel provincial (operacionalizada como el coeficiente de Gini) para hombres (r= -0,55, p < 0,01) y para mujeres (r= -0,61, p < 0,01). Sin embargo esta asociación no es sólida en los cinco índices de desigualdad en el ingreso. Por el contrario, la mortalidad infantil, la autopercepción del estado de salud y la limitación de la actividad informada por los individuos no se correlacionan con ninguno de los índices de desigualdad en el ingreso. Este artículo agrega mayor complejidad al estudio de los efectos en la salud derivados de la desigualdad en el ingreso y destaca la importancia de los efectos de las definiciones operacionales

    Socioeconomic Gradients in Chronic Disease Risk Factors in Middle-Income Countries: Evidence of Effect Modification by Urbanicity in Argentina

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    Objectives. We investigated associations of socioeconomic position (SEP) with chronic disease risk factors, and heterogeneity in this patterning by provincial-level urbanicity in Argentina. Methods. We used generalized estimating equations to determine the relationship between SEP and body mass index, high blood pressure, diabetes, low physical activity, and eating fruit and vegetables, and examined heterogeneity by urbanicity with nationally representative, cross-sectional survey data from 2005. All estimates were age adjusted and gender stratified. Results. Among men living in less urban areas, higher education was either not associated with the risk factors or associated adversely. In more urban areas, higher education was associated with better risk factor profiles (P<.05 for 4 of 5 risk factors). Among women, higher education was associated with better risk factor profiles in all areas and more strongly in more urban than in less urban areas (P<0.05 for 3 risk factors). Diet (in men) and physical activity (in men and women) were exceptions to this trend. Conclusions. These results provide evidence for the increased burden of chronic disease risk among those of lower SEP, especially in urban areas

    Desenvolvimento de um titulador baseado na contagem de gotas

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    TitDrop II, a practice low-cost titrator based on drop counting is proposed. A microcomputer counts drops in an opto-switch and it receives pH values from a commercial pHmeter with RS-232 serial port. The volume of drops must kept constant and the amount of base in each drop is obtained by standardization in the titrator. A linear behavior between height of reservoir of titrant and drop frequency was observed, but there is no influence of low height on drop volume. Acetic acidity in samples of vinager was compared with volumetric titration, and deviation between -2.6 to 3.9% was observed

    O Federalismo e a Difusão de Políticas Públicas de Acessibilidade e Inclusão nas Constituições Estaduais Brasileiras

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    This paper seeks to analyze Brazilian federalism regarding the constitutionalization of public policies on accessibility and inclusion, as well as to provide an empirical database on the diffusion of public policies in state constitutions, in order to stimulate research on state constitutionalism and the rights of persons with disabilities. Therefore, empirical comparative research was conducted to study the diffusion of constitutional norms of accessibility and inclusion, going through quantitative and qualitative aspects, on the content of the Federal Constitution, the Constitutions of the Member States and the Organic Law of the Federal District. In terms of length, the State Constitutions tend to have more normative devices than the Federal Constitution. However, in terms of the number of characters per device, the Federal Constitution comes first. In qualitative terms, we identified that the States that gave special treatment to these rights by creating specific sections, chapters, or titles, on average, made amendments more quickly than the other States, suggesting a relationship between the specialization of treatment and the effective exercise of the derived constituent power. State legislative activity regarding such norms does not depend on whether the population of people with disabilities is significant in the state's territory, indicating that the concern with protecting these rights is not linked to a utilitarian idea of the norm. At last, the availability of the empirical database can foster future research, like establishing a temporal connection on the norm status, responding to whether it is created constitutional or whether it is constitutionalized later.Este artículo busca analizar el federalismo brasileño en lo que respecta a la constitucionalización de las políticas públicas de accesibilidad e inclusión, así como proporcionar una base de datos empírica sobre la difusión de las políticas públicas en las constituciones de los estados con el fin de estimular la investigación sobre el constitucionalismo estatal y los derechos de las personas con discapacidad. Para eso, se realizó una investigación empírica, de carácter comparativo, para estudiar la difusión de las normas constitucionales de accesibilidad e inclusión, pasando por aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos, sobre el contenido de la Constitución Federal, las Constituciones de los Estados Miembros y la Ley Orgánica del Distrito Federal. En términos de longitud, las Constituciones de los Estados tienden a tener más dispositivos normativos que la Constitución Federal. Sin embargo, en cuanto al número de caracteres por dispositivo, la Constitución Federal ocupa el primer lugar. En términos cualitativos, se identificó que los Estados que dieron un tratamiento especial a estos derechos mediante la creación de secciones, capítulos o títulos específicos, en promedio, realizaron las enmiendas más rápidamente que los demás Estados, lo que sugiere una relación entre la especialización del tratamiento y el ejercicio efectivo del poder constituyente derivado. La actividad legislativa estatal relativa a estas normas no depende de que la población de personas con discapacidad sea significativa en el territorio del Estado, lo que indica que la preocupación por la protección de estos derechos no está vinculada a una idea utilitaria de positivización de la norma. Por fin, la disponibilidad de la base de datos empírica puede propiciar futuras investigaciones, como establecer una conexión temporal sobre el estatus de la norma, respondiendo a la pregunta de si ya nace constitucional o si se constitucionaliza a posteriori.Este artigo analisa o federalismo brasileiro quanto à constitucionalização de políticas públicas de acessibilidade e inclusão, bem como fornece uma base de dados empírica sobre sua difusão em constituições estaduais, a fim de estimular as pesquisas sobre o constitucionalismo estadual e os direitos das pessoas com deficiência. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa empírica, de cunho comparativo, para estudar a difusão de normas constitucionais de acessibilidade e inclusão, perpassando aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos, sobre o conteúdo da Constituição Federal, das Constituições dos Estados-membros e a Lei Orgânica do Distrito Federal. Em termos de extensão, as Constituições Estaduais tendem a possuir mais dispositivos normativos do que a Constituição Federal. Porém, em termos de quantidade de caracteres por dispositivo, a Constituição Federal aparece em primeiro lugar. Em termos qualitativos, identificou-se que os Estados que deram tratamento especial a esses direitos, criando seções, capítulos ou títulos específicos, em média, fizeram emendas mais rapidamente do que os outros Estados, sugerindo relação entre a especialização do tratamento e o efetivo exercício do poder constituinte decorrente. A atividade legislativa estadual referente a tais normas independe de a população de pessoas com deficiência ser significativa no território do Estado, indicando que a preocupação com a tutela desses direitos não está ligada a uma ideia utilitarista da positivação da norma. Por fim, a disponibilização da base empírica de dados pode fomentar pesquisas futuras, como estabelecer conexões temporais sobre o status da norma, respondendo à pergunta se ela já surge constitucional ou se é constitucionalizada a posteriori

    An average/deprivation/inequality (ADI) analysis of chronic disease outcomes and risk factors in Argentina

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recognition of the global economic and epidemiological burden of chronic non-communicable diseases has increased in recent years. However, much of the research on this issue remains focused on individual-level risk factors and neglects the underlying social patterning of risk factors and disease outcomes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Secondary analysis of Argentina's 2005 <it>Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo </it>(National Risk Factor Survey, <it>N </it>= 41,392) using a novel analytical strategy first proposed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which we here refer to as the Average/Deprivation/Inequality (ADI) framework. The analysis focuses on two risk factors (unhealthy diet and obesity) and one related disease outcome (diabetes), a notable health concern in Latin America. Logistic regression is used to examine the interplay between socioeconomic and demographic factors. The ADI analysis then uses the results from the logistic regression to identify the most deprived, the best-off, and the difference between the two ideal types.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, 19.9% of the sample reported being in poor/fair health, 35.3% reported not eating any fruits or vegetables in five days of the week preceding the interview, 14.7% had a BMI of 30 or greater, and 8.5% indicated that a health professional had told them that they have diabetes or high blood pressure. However, significant variation is hidden by these summary measures. Educational attainment displayed the strongest explanatory power throughout the models, followed by household income, with both factors highlighting the social patterning of risk factors and disease outcomes. As educational attainment and household income increase, the probability of poor health, unhealthy diet, obesity, and diabetes decrease. The analyses also point toward important provincial effects and reinforce the notion that both compositional factors (i.e., characteristics of individuals) and contextual factors (i.e., characteristics of places) are important in understanding the social patterning of chronic diseases.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The application of the ADI framework enables identification of the regions or groups worst-off for each outcome measure under study. This can be used to highlight the variation embedded within national averages; as such, it encourages a social perspective on population health indicators that is particularly attuned to issues of inequity. The ADI framework is an important tool in the evaluation of policies aiming to prevent or control chronic non-communicable diseases.</p

    Destreza manual adquirida en el tallado cavitario

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    Con el fin de evaluar la destreza manual adquirida en el tallado cavitario durante el primer cuatrimestre de la cursada de Operatoria Dental IB, se le indicó a los alumnos seguir los siguientes lineamientos; en un primer premolar superior derecho sano (pieza 14) extraída con fines ortodonticos, montado en un taco de yeso, tallar cavidades rectangulares del siguiente tamaño: 3mm de profundidad 3,5mm en sentido mesiodistal y 2,5mm de vestibular a palatino. Esta experiencia se realizó al inicio de la cursada y repetida la experiencia al finalizar el cuatrimestre bajo las mismas condiciones para luego comparar los resultados obtenidos.Facultad de Odontologí

    Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis: a Case Report with Seven-Year Follow-up

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    Uvod: Nasljedna gingivna fibromatoza (NGF) rijetka je bolest koju obilježava povećanje gingive, no boja desni ostaje normalna, a konzistencija je dobra i čvrsta. Taj rast može potaknuti uporaba lijekova i nakupljanje plaka. Terapija izbora za to kliničko stanje jest kirurško uklanjanje povećanoga gingivnog tkiva ili vađenje svih zuba. Prikaz slučaja: U naš centar upućena je 20-godišnja Brazilka s posebnim potrebama zbog pretjeranog povećanja gingive. Od lijekova je uzimala Carbamazepin i Gardenal. Prema kliničkoj slici i obiteljskoj anamnezi, konačna dijagnoza zbog povećanja gingive bila je NGF. Odlučeno je da je potrebna stomatološka terapija, uključujući osnovno parodontno liječenje, restauracije, pečaćenja i gingivoplastiku s unutarnjim rezovima. Posebno se pazilo na to da se pritom ništa ne promijeni u primjeni antikonvulzivnih lijekova koje je uzimala. Pacijentica je nakon toga praćena sedam godina i hiperplazija gingive nije se ponovno pojavila zahvaljujući stalnom profesionalnom nadzoru i kućnoj kontroli zubnoga plaka.Introduction: Hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF) is a rare disease characterized by gingival enlargement, normal color with benign and firm consistency. This growth may be exacerbated by use of drugs and plaque build-up. The treatment for this clinical condition is surgical excision of the enlarged gingival tissue or the extraction of all teeth. Case Report: A 20-year-old Brazilian female handicapped patient with a chief complaint of exaggerated gingival enlargement who had been prescribed Carbamazepine and Gardenal was referred to our center. According to the clinical presentation and family history, the final diagnosis of gingival enlargement was HGF. Full dental treatment was performed, including basic periodontal treatment, restorations, sealants, and gingivoplasty with internal bevel. Special care was taken to ensure that there was no change in patient’s anticonvulsant medication. The patient has been monitored for seven years without signs of recurrence of gingival hyperplasia due to constant professional and home control of plaque