203 research outputs found

    A substituição de trabalhadores como instrumento para redução de gastos com salários: evidências para a indústria paulista

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    Labor churning is an important component of labor turnover in Brazil, which includes job reallocationbetween firms. The labor churning evolution in the nineties, at least for the industry sector inSao Paulo, folows a very similar path for di erent groups of firms (divided by size or by subsectors),suggesting that changes in the macroeconomic environment a ect labor churning in a very similar wayfor different firms. This paper proposes a model to explain the path of formal labor churning in Brazil.The model admits that employers, when facing exogenous shocks that rise real wage, may substituteemployees to reduce wage costs, particularly in low inflation periods, when real wages are more rigid.An econometric analysis is conducted using disaggregated data by firms for the industry sector in theMetropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The results confirm the models main hipotesis. The results alsosuggest that, after the monetary estabilization, controlling for inflation and with valid instruments,labor churning is relatively higher

    Economias de escala na oferta de serviços públicos de saúde: um estudo para os municípios paulistas

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    Este artigo avalia os efeitos das variáveis de escala na oferta de serviços públicos de saúdedos municípios paulistas, com o objetivo de investigar os possíveis efeitos do processo dedescentralização dos serviços de saúde a partir da consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde(SUS). Foram construídos indicadores de eficiência dos gastos municipais em saúde pelatécnica de Free Disposable Hull, tendo sido estimados os efeitos das variáveis de escalanão só sobre a eficiência, mas também diretamente sobre os indicadores de desempenhoe sobre os gastos per capita. Conclui-se que os municípios menores, além de terem maiorgasto per capita em saúde, oferecem piores condições de acesso ao sistema. Além disso,pequenos municípios não oferecem melhores serviços de prevenção de doenças infecciosas,apesar de terem, a princípio, melhores condições de conhecer as necessidades dos cidadãos.Em consonância com o trabalho de Sampaio de Souza et alii (2005), conclui-se que aexcessiva descentralização na gestão pode levar à perda de eficiência, aumentando gastossem necessariamente melhorar a qualidade.

    The antiproliferative activity of kinase inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia cells is mediated by FOXO transcription factors

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    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is initiated and maintained by the tyrosine kinase BCR-ABL which activates a number of signal transduction pathways, including PI3K/AKT signaling and consequently inactivates FOXO transcription factors. ABL-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) induce minimal apoptosis in CML progenitor cells, yet exert potent antiproliferative effects, through as yet poorly understood mechanisms. Here, we demonstrate that in CD34+ CML cells, FOXO1 and 3a are inactivated and relocalized to the cytoplasm by BCR-ABL activity. TKIs caused a decrease in phosphorylation of FOXOs, leading to their relocalization from cytoplasm (inactive) to nucleus (active), where they modulated the expression of key FOXO target genes, such as Cyclin D1, ATM, CDKN1C, and BCL6 and induced G1 arrest. Activation of FOXO1 and 3a and a decreased expression of their target gene Cyclin D1 were also observed after 6 days of in vivo treatment with dasatinib in a CML transgenic mouse model. The over-expression of FOXO3a in CML cells combined with TKIs to reduce proliferation, with similar results seen for inhibitors of PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling. While stable expression of an active FOXO3a mutant induced a similar level of quiescence to TKIs alone, shRNA-mediated knockdown of FOXO3a drove CML cells into cell cycle and potentiated TKI-induced apoptosis. These data demonstrate that TKI-induced G1 arrest in CML cells is mediated through inhibition of the PI3K/AKT pathway and reactivation of FOXOs. This enhanced understanding of TKI activity and induced progenitor cell quiescence suggests that new therapeutic strategies for CML should focus on manipulation of this signaling network

    Ação educativa interdisciplinar para pacientes com diabetes na atenção básica: uma revisão bibliográfica

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    Rationale and Objectives: Currently Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is confi gured as a major public health problems in Brazil, making it one of the most common chronic disorders in the world. Thus, this study focused strategies made by health professionals in primary care, education of patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care in order to contribute to the promotion of health. Methods: This is a literature on the application of scientifi c strategies, which aims to gather and synthesize publications and conduct a critical assessment of them. Data collection was conducted between March and May 2012, the following electronic databases: CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, Brazil), Scientifi c Electronic Library Online - SciELO, LILACS, Google Scholar andSBD (Brazilian Society Diabetes), where 14 articles were selected. Results: The present study showed advances knowledge regarding diabetes and changes in educational strategies used that aimed to understand their effects on disease control and management of self-care. Also, lets discuss the possible limits and options for improving the process of health education, interdisciplinary care related to diabetes. Conclusion: The educational practice presents itself as the best way to educate people with diabetes about the importance of improving dietary habits and their own care. It is a time when individuals and health professionals discussing all the information about the disease and treatment. KEYWORDS: Health education. Strategies. Diabetes Mellitus Type2.Justifi cativa e Objetivos: Atualmente Diabetes Mellitus (DM) se confi gura como um dos principais problemas de Saúde Pública no Brasil, sendo assim um dos transtornos crônicos mais frequentes do mundo. Desta maneira, este trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer estratégias efetuadas pelos profi ssionais da atenção primária em saúde (APS), voltadas à educação do portador de DM tipo 2 na APS de maneira a contribuir para a promoção da saúde. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfi ca sobre aplicação de estratégias científi cas, tendo por fi nalidade reunir e sintetizar publicações e realizar uma avaliação crítica das mesmas. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre março e maio de 2012, nas seguintes bases de dados eletrônicos: Periódicos CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brasil), Scientifi c Electronic Library Online - SCIELO, LILACS, Google Acadêmico e SBD (Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes), onde foram selecionados 14 artigos. Resultados: O presente estudo mostrou avanços de conhecimentos referentes ao diabetes e modifi cações nas estratégias educativas utilizadas que visaram conhecer seus efeitos no controle da doença e no gerenciamento do auto-cuidado. Além disso, permite discutir os possíveis limites e opções de aperfeiçoamento do processo de educação em saúde, associado aos cuidados interdisciplinares para diabetes. Conclusão: A prática educativa apresenta-se como a melhor maneira de conscientizar a pessoa com diabetes sobre a importância da melhora dos hábitos alimentares e do seu próprio cuidado. É um momento no qual indivíduo e profi ssionais de saúde discutem todas as informações acerca da doença e do tratamento

    Variabilidade intraespecífica de isolados de meloidogyne spp. do arroz e marcadores scar para identificação de m. graminicola, M. oryzae E M. salasi.

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    Gisbrecht A, Schleif F-M. Metric and non-metric proximity transformations at linear costs. Neurocomputing. 2015;167:643-657.Domain specific (dis-)similarity or proximity measures used e.g. in alignment algorithms of sequence data are popular to analyze complicated data objects and to cover domain specific data properties. Without an underlying vector space these data are given as pairwise (dis-)similarities only. The few available methods for such data focus widely on similarities and do not scale to large datasets. Kernel methods are very effective for metric similarity matrices, also at large scale, but costly transformations are necessary starting with non-metric (dis-) similarities. We propose an integrative combination of Nystrom approximation, potential double centering and eigenvalue correction to obtain valid kernel matrices at linear costs in the number of samples. By the proposed approach effective kernel approaches become accessible. Experiments with several larger (dis-)similarity datasets show that the proposed method achieves much better runtime performance than the standard strategy while keeping competitive model accuracy. The main contribution is an efficient and accurate technique, to convert (potentially non-metric) large scale dissimilarity matrices into approximated positive semi-definite kernel matrices at linear costs. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Quantifying and mapping species threat abatement opportunitiesto support national target setting

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    The successful implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s post-2020Global Biodiversity Framework will rely on effective translation of targets from global tonational level and increased engagement across diverse sectors of society. Species conserva-tion targets require policy support measures that can be applied to a diversity of taxonomicgroups, that link action targets to outcome goals, and that can be applied to both global andnational data sets to account for national context, which the species threat abatement andrestoration (STAR) metric does. To test the flexibility of STAR, we applied the metric to vascular plants listed on national red lists of Brazil, Norway, and South Africa. The STARmetric uses data on species’ extinction risk, distributions, and threats, which we obtainedfrom national red lists to quantify the contribution that threat abatement and habitatrestoration activities could make to reducing species’ extinction risk. Across all 3 coun-tries, the greatest opportunity for reducing plant species’ extinction risk was from abatingthreats from agricultural activities, which could reduce species’ extinction risk by 54% inNorway, 36% in South Africa, and 29% in Brazil. Species extinction risk could be reducedby a further 21% in South Africa by abating threats from invasive species and by 21% inBrazil by abating threats from urban expansion. Even with different approaches to red-listing among countries, the STAR metric yielded informative results that identified wherethe greatest conservation gains could be made for species through threat-abatement andrestoration activities. Quantifiably linking local taxonomic coverage and data collection toglobal processes with STAR would allow national target setting to align with global targetsand enable state and nonstate actors to measure and report on their potential contributionsto species conservation. habitat restoration, national red lists, species’ extinction risk, threat reduction, threatened species, vascular plantspublishedVersio

    Nanocellulose/bioactive glass cryogels as scaffolds for bone regeneration

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    A major challenge exists in the preparation of scaffolds for bone regeneration, namely, achieving simultaneously bioactivity, biocompatibility, mechanical performance and simple manufacturing. Here, cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) are introduced for the preparation of scaffolds taking advantage of their biocompatibility and ability to form strong 3D porous networks from aqueous suspensions. CNF are made bioactive for bone formation through a simple and scalable strategy that achieves highly interconnected 3D networks. The resultant materials optimally combine morphological and mechanical features and facilitate hydroxyapatite formation while releasing essential ions for in vivo bone repair. The porosity and roughness of the scaffolds favor several cell functions while the ions act in the expression of genes associated with cell differentiation. Ion release is found critical to enhance the production of the bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) from cells within the fractured area, thus accelerating the in vivo bone repair. Systemic biocompatibility indicates no negative effects on vital organs such as the liver and kidneys. The results pave the way towards a facile preparation of advanced, high performance CNF-based scaffolds for bone tissue engineering