55 research outputs found

    Mercante, Thorndike e os problemas aritméticos: referências para o ensino e para a formação de professores

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir aspectos acerca da resolução de problemas aritméticos durante o Movimento Escola Nova no Brasil. A partir dos conceitos sobre saberes profissionais (HOFSTETTER; SCHNEUWLY, 2017), aritmética sob medida (PINHEIRO, 2017) e da caracterização dos problemas aritméticos sob medida (SOUZA, no prelo) foram observadas duas referências para o ensino e a formação de professores nos artigos das revistas pedagógicas publicadas em São Paulo entre as décadas de 1920 e 1960. Dois autores foram utilizados de modo a justificar a presença dos problemas nas aulas de aritmética: Victor Mercante e Edward Lee Thorndike. Observamos que o interesse e a sistematização de passos para ensinar a resolver problemas são pressupostos utilizados como norteadores para a formação de professores em relação a resolução de problemas.Mercante, Thorndike and arithmetics problems: references for teaching and teacher trainingThis paper aims to discuss aspects of solving arithmetic problems during the Escola Nova Movement in Brazil. From the concepts of professional knowledge (HOFSTETTER; SCHNEUWLY, 2017), tailored arithmetic (PINHEIRO, 2017) and the characterization of tailored arithmetic problems (SOUZA, in press) two references for teaching and teacher training were observed in the articles from pedagogical journals published in São Paulo between the 1920s and 1960s. Two authors were used to justify the presence of problems in arithmetic classes: Victor Mercante and Edward Lee Thorndike. We observed that the interest and systematization of steps to teach how to solve problems are presuppositions used as guidelines for teacher education in relation to problem solving.Keywords: Edward Lee Thorndike; Arithmetic problems; Professional knowledge; Victor Mercante


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    O presente artigo irá expor os principais aspectos da teoriado poder. Demonstrará por meio do Estado Moderno osanseios sociais que influenciaram diretamente na expressãodo poder. Fará uma releitura do Estado Absolutista e aindatrará uma leitura do poder sobre o prisma do príncipemaquiavélico

    A proteção da Mulher com vista a promover a Igualdade Substancial no âmbito doméstico

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    DOI: 10.24859/fdv.2017.1010 Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a evolução dos direitos das mulheres no âmbito social, com base na Igualdade Substancial. Demonstrando as alterações legislativas, pautadas na proteção da mulher, com base no princípio da igualdade substancial. Tornando-se essencial na sociedade o tratamento igual na lei e perante a lei, com fito de desenvolver os agentes de forma consciente em sociedade

    Glyphosate effectiveness in the burndown of signalgrass at two levels of biomass

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    Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar a eficácia de glyphosate na dessecação de Urochloa ruziziensis, U. decumbens e U. brizantha cv. Piatã em dois níveis de biomassa para estabelecimento de plantio direto em áreas de Cerrado. O delineamento experimental adotado foi de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas foram constituídas de dois níveis de biomassa e as subparcelas foram constituídas por quatro dosagens do herbicida glyphosate na marca comercial Roundup Ultra® a 0,65; 1,30, 1,95 e 2,60 kg ha-1 de equivalente ácido. A aplicação foi realizada com pulverizador customizado pressurizado a CO2 com pressão constante de 210 kPa munido de barra com oito bicos com pontas TT110015, espaçados em 0,5 m e consumo de calda equivalente a 100 L ha-1. As avaliações basearam-se na porcentagem de controle da massa vegetal, realizada aos 10, 15 e 20 dias após a aplicação. Conclui-se que a U. ruziziensis é mais sensível ao glyphosate que as demais espécies pesquisadas e que os níveis de biomassa influenciam na dose a ser ministrada apenas para a U. decumbens e U. brizantha cv. Piatã.The objective of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of glyphosate in desiccating Urochloa ruziziensis, U. decumbens, and U. brizantha cv. Piatã at two levels of biomass for no-till establishment in Cerrado areas. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with four replications, in a split-plot system. Plots consisted of two levels of biomass and sub-plots consisted of four doses of Roundup Ultra® - glyphosate at 0.65; 1.30, 1.95 and 2.60 kg ha-1 acid equivalent. The application was performed using custom pressurized CO2 sprayer at the constant pressure of 210 kPa bar equipped with eight nozzles with TT110015, spaced at 0.5 m, and spray solution volume equivalent to 100 liters h-1. The assessments were based on the percentage of control of plant mass, performed on day 10, 15 and 20 after application. It is possible to conclude that U. ruziziensis is more sensitive to glyphosate than the other studied species and biomass levels influence doses to be given only for U. decumbens and U. brizantha cv. Piatã

    A bioética como tema transversal na formação do enfermeiro em um currículo integrado: análise documental/ Bioethics as a cross-theme in nursery training in an integrated curriculum: documental analysis

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    A discussão ética tem caráter dinâmico, haja vista que os valores são mutáveis e acompanham a evolução histórica e se encontram inseridos no contexto sociocultural, político e econômico, sendo que em suas relações diárias o homem se confronta com a necessidade (intrínseca) de pautar seu comportamento em normas socialmente estabelecidas e entendidas como obrigatórias. Considerando a dinamicidade no processo formativo do enfermeiro, surge a necessidade da realização de uma investigação, cujo fio condutor é centrado no seguinte objetivo: descrever a inserção da bioética nos cadernos de planejamento e desenvolvimento dos módulos de formação do enfermeiro em um currículo integrado da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental qualitativa. As informações necessárias para o alcance do objetivo proposto foram adquiridas por meio dos cadernos de planejamento e desenvolvimento dos módulos do currículo integrado do curso em estudo. A análise dos cadernos permitiu identificar como o tema transversal bioética é trabalhado durante a graduação. Para uma melhor análise dos dados, foi elaborada uma planilha específica onde foram anotados os achados durante a busca documental que foi preenchida no ato da análise. A partir deste ponto foi levantada a problematização da inserção da bioética como seiva do currículo integrado, identificando onde a mesma se encontra implícita ou explicita durante o ensino da educação em saúde. Os resultados mostraram que ainda que outras seivas sejam importantes na construção do conhecimento do futuro enfermeiro, necessita-se rever as redações dos cadernos de módulo com a intenção de contemplar mais amplamente a bioética durante o seu desenvolvimento

    Image processing tool for the detection and quantification of xylanase activity in a metagenomic study

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    The vast diversity of unexplored microbial communities inhabiting the planet drives the continuous screening for promising biocatalysts. Until recently, the strategies to find new microorganisms and their enzymes were mainly focused on laboratory studies of pure microbial cultures. However, a great amount of environmental microorganisms cannot be cultivated under laboratorial conditions [1]. Metagenomics has emerged as an innovative approach to explore these uncultivable microorganisms through the analysis of DNA extracted from environmental samples [2]. It is considered a powerful tool for the discovery of novel biocatalysts and two different approaches have been proposed. Sequence-based studies recognize candidate genes but do not provide direct conclusions about the functionality of the encoded enzymes. On the other hand, the function-based approach allows the identification of new enzymes and also leads to preliminary information about their activities and physicochemical parameters. Indeed, function-based screenings have been successfully used in different environments to find genes encoding lignocellulose-degrading enzymes, such as xylanases [2]. These enzymes are considered important catalysts in the biological decomposition of lignocellulosic residues. In this study, a fosmid library previously prepared in Escherichia coli with genomic DNA extracted from a compost sample collected in a national composting unit (Lipor) [3] was evaluated through a functional screening. To assess the xylanase activity of all the clones, a fast and simple chromogenic screening test using AZCL-xylan was performed in 96-well microplates at room temperature. Afterwards, the positive clones were selected and incubated at different temperatures (25, 37, 45 and 60 ºC) with the same substrate in Petri plates, for three days, to identify the most fast and promising clones. The presence of blue color was assumed as positive responses correlated with areas size. Area boundaries were extracted automatically by analyzing color images of the samples using MATLABs in-house functions. At 60 ºC, no positive clones were detected. Two positive clones simultaneously exhibited enzymatic activity under 25, 37 and 45 ºC. In general, 37 ºC proved to be the most suitable temperature for the detection of xylanase activity. The method herein reported can be further optimized for the automatic detection of different enzymatic activities in high throughput screenings.The study received financial support from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and the project LIGNOZYMES-Metagenomics approach to unravel the potential of lignocellulosic residues towards the discovery of novel enzymes (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029773). J.S. and A.M.A.C. acknowledge their research grants UMINHO/BIM/2020/28 and UMINHO/BPD/37/2018, respectively, under the scope of the project LIGNOZYMES. The authors also acknowledge the Portuguese composting unit Lipor for kindly supplying the compost sample.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physical and morphological characterization of chitosan/montmorillonite films incorporated with ginger essential oil

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    This work was supported by CNPq - Brazil (grant number 200790/2014-5) and the MEtRICs unit which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/EMS/04077/2019). This work was also supported by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/QUI/50006/2019) and UCIBIO, which is funded by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/Multi/04378/2019). It is also acknowledged the funding of CENIMAT by FEDER through the program COMPETE 2020 and National Funds through FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UID/CTM/50025/2019.Novel bionanocomposite films of chitosan/montmorillonite (CS/MMT) activated with ginger essential oil (GEO) were produced and characterized in terms of their physical and morphological properties. The homogenization process led to a good interaction between the chitosan and the nanoparticles, however the exfoliation was diminished when GEO was incorporated. Film glass transition temperature did not statistically change with the incorporation of either MMT or GEO, however the value was slightly reduced, representing a relaxation in the polymer chain which corroborated with the mechanical and barrier properties results. Pristine chitosan films showed excellent barrier properties to oxygen with a permeability of 0.184 × 10-16 mol/m·s·Pa being reduced to half (0.098 × 10-16 mol/m·s·Pa) when MMT was incorporated. Although the incorporation of GEO increased the permeability values to 0.325 × 10-16 mol/m·s·Pa when 2% of GEO was integrated, this increment was smaller with both MMT and GEO (0.285 × 10-16 mol/m·s·Pa). Bionanocomposites also increased the UV light barrier. Thus, the produced bioplastics demonstrated their ability to retard oxidative processes due to their good barrier properties, corroborating previous results that have shown their potential in the preservation of foods with high unsaturated fat content.publishersversionpublishe

    Primary metabolism components of seeds from Brazilian Amazon tree species

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    The contents of the main components of the primary metabolism (soluble sugars, starch, proteins, oils, fatty acids) and minerals (P, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) were characterized in seeds of five Brazilian Amazon tree species (Andira parviflora, Bertholletia excelsa, Helicostylis tomentosa, Hymenaea parviflora, and Parkia pendula). Soluble sugar contents were high in P. pendula seeds (14%), whereas starch predominated in A. parviflora seeds (58.7%). A. parviflora and H. parviflora seeds were rich in proteins (35.1% and 32.4%, respectively). The oil contents ranged from 1.4% in A. parviflora to 70.7% in B. excelsa. Only B. excelsa and P. pendula seeds may be considered oilseeds, with 70.7% and 28.4% oil, respectively. The fatty acid compositions showed high proportions of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic and linoleic acids, regardless of the species. B. excelsa and P. pendula also showed high amounts of P, Mg, K and Zn

    Hepatic Lipidosis in Banded Armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) Bred in Captivity

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    Background: Wild animals bred in captivity may develop steatosis due to unbalanced dietary intake and obesity caused by sedentary behaviour. In some rural areas, six-banded armadillos are raised in captivity inside some metal barrels, with restricted space, and are often overfeed. After getting fattening, armadillos they are slaughtered and used as food. Theunfavorable conditions may somehow contribute to likely underlie the development of many diseases, among them we can including hepatic steatosis. The present report aims to describe the pathological fndings of hepatic lipidosis in banded armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus), bred in captivity.Case: The animals were three female adult six-banded armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus), caught in the native forest of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil and raised in domestic environment in a small enclosure and fed with human food leftovers. After eight months kept in these conditions armadillos had severe obesity and then were donated to the city zoo, where they were quarantined and presented clinical symptoms of anorexia for two weeks, weight loss and exhaustion. After being found dead during daily inspection carried out by the veterinarian zoo, the six-banded armadillos were sent to the Animal Pathology Laboratory of Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid (UFERSA) for pathological examination.The animals presented with a history of anorexia were extremely obese and the autopsy detected had extensive deposits of fat in the carcass and liver. Histopathologically, the liver cells hepatocytes showed marked intracytoplasmic vacuolization and with peripheral displacement of the nucleus to the periphery, with and positive staining for lipids using scarlet Sudan III. To our knowledge, this is the frst report of hepatic lipidosis in banded.Discussion: Hepatic lipidosis can be categorized into normal liver and mild, moderate, or severe fatty liver. In severe cases, it is estimated that 80% of the hepatocytes are affected. Therefore, we classifed the hepatic lipidosis of the three studied female six-banded armadillos as severe, since the lipids were deposited diffusely. Based on the severity of the lesions and absence of other fndings, we concluded here that hepatic lipidosis contributed to the cause of the six-banded armadil los death. The weight of the animals in this report may be associated with innapropriate enclosure dimensions and a diet based on human food leftovers. Such diet was reportedly composed of rice, beens, spaghetti, and bread, which are food with high levels of carbohydrate. The armadillos of the Euphractus sexcinctus species usually weigh between 3 and 6 kg and hence, the animals of this report showed twice the normal weight. The occurrence of hepatic lipidosis associated with anorexia triggered by a stressful event such as a change of environment and diet armadillos observed in the present study is in agreement with literature data pointing anorexia in obese animals as a major predisposing factors for the occurrence of hepatic lipidosis by promoting energy restriction, peripheral lipolysis and large intake of fatty acids to the liver.Keywords: Euphractus sexcinctus, armadillos, anatomopathology, liver, lipidosis

    Percepção da juventude rural sobre a apicultura desenvolvida em comunidades rurais do semiárido piauiense

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    ABSTRACT. In the state of Piauí, beekeeping presents itself as an alternative to generate income for peasant families, more precisely in the semiarid region. This study aimed to analyze the perception of young people in relation to beekeeping practiced in the city of Massapê do Piauí. Therefore, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied to 48 students from rural communities. It was observed that young people, in general, do not identify with rural activities, although many have some degree of kinship with beekeepers. Most young people had little knowledge about beekeeping, especially with regard to the prevention of accidents with bees (stinged). It is noteworthy that many of them consider the stings as the biggest obstacle to entering the activity. Although they know the social, economic and environmental importance of beekeeping, as well as the negative impacts that the disappearance of bees would cause in their communities, most young people did not show interest in participating in training to start beekeeping. Given the notable apathy of students in relation to beekeeping, it is suggested actions aimed at knowledge and awareness of youth in relation to the activity as an important tool for social and economic inclusion for agents in the rural community.ABSTRACT. In the state of Piauí, beekeeping presents itself as an alternative to generate income for peasant families, more precisely in the semiarid region. This study aimed to analyze the perception of young people in relation to beekeeping practiced in the city of Massapê do Piauí. Therefore, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied to 48 students from rural communities. It was observed that young people, in general, do not identify with rural activities, although many have some degree of kinship with beekeepers. Most young people had little knowledge about beekeeping, especially with regard to the prevention of accidents with bees (stinged). It is noteworthy that many of them consider the stings as the biggest obstacle to entering the activity. Although they know the social, economic and environmental importance of beekeeping, as well as the negative impacts that the disappearance of bees would cause in their communities, most young people did not show interest in participating in training to start beekeeping. Given the notable apathy of students in relation to beekeeping, it is suggested actions aimed at knowledge and awareness of youth in relation to the activity as an important tool for social and economic inclusion for agents in the rural community.ABSTRACT. In the state of Piauí, beekeeping presents itself as an alternative to generate income for peasant families, more precisely in the semiarid region. This study aimed to analyze the perception of young people in relation to beekeeping practiced in the city of Massapê do Piauí. Therefore, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied to 48 students from rural communities. It was observed that young people, in general, do not identify with rural activities, although many have some degree of kinship with beekeepers. Most young people had little knowledge about beekeeping, especially with regard to the prevention of accidents with bees (stinged). It is noteworthy that many of them consider the stings as the biggest obstacle to entering the activity. Although they know the social, economic and environmental importance of beekeeping, as well as the negative impacts that the disappearance of bees would cause in their communities, most young people did not show interest in participating in training to start beekeeping. Given the notable apathy of students in relation to beekeeping, it is suggested actions aimed at knowledge and awareness of youth in relation to the activity as an important tool for social and economic inclusion for agents in the rural community.No estado do Piauí a apicultura se apresenta como uma alternativa de geração de renda para as famílias campesinas, mais precisamente na região semiárida, que permite o reconhecimento e valorização dos saberes camponeses. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a visão dos jovens em relação à apicultura praticada no município de Massapê do Piauí. Para tanto, foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado direcionado a 48 estudantes de comunidades rurais. Observou-se que os jovens, de maneira geral, não se identificam com as atividades rurais, embora muitos tenham algum grau de parentesco com apicultores. A maioria dos jovens apresentaram pouco conhecimento sobre a apicultura, principalmente no que se refere à prevenção de acidentes com as abelhas (ferroadas). Vale ressaltar, que muitos deles consideram as ferroadas como o maior empecilho para o ingresso na atividade. Embora saibam da importância social, econômica e ambiental da apicultura, bem como dos impactos negativos que o desaparecimento das abelhas causaria em suas comunidades, a maioria dos jovens não demonstrou interesse em participar de capacitações para iniciar-se na apicultura. Diante da notável apatia dos alunos em relação à apicultura, sugere-se ações voltadas para o conhecimento e sensibilização da juventude em relação a atividade como importante ferramenta de inclusão social e econômica para os agentes da comunidade rural. Palavras-chave: atividade apícola, conservação das abelhas, educação do campo.   Rural Youth's perception of beekeeping developed in rural communities in the semiarid region of Piauí                            ABSTRACT. In the state of Piauí, beekeeping presents itself as an alternative to generate income for peasant families, more precisely in the semiarid region. This study aimed to analyze the perception of young people in relation to beekeeping practiced in the city of Massapê do Piauí. Therefore, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied to 48 students from rural communities. It was observed that young people, in general, do not identify with rural activities, although many have some degree of kinship with beekeepers. Most young people had little knowledge about beekeeping, especially with regard to the prevention of accidents with bees (stinged). It is noteworthy that many of them consider the stings as the biggest obstacle to entering the activity. Although they know the social, economic and environmental importance of beekeeping, as well as the negative impacts that the disappearance of bees would cause in their communities, most young people did not show interest in participating in training to start beekeeping. Given the notable apathy of students in relation to beekeeping, it is suggested actions aimed at knowledge and awareness of youth in relation to the activity as an important tool for social and economic inclusion for agents in the rural community. Keywords: beekeeping, bees conservation, rural education.   Percepción de la juventud rural sobre la apicultura desarrollada en comunidades rurales de la región semiárida de Piauí RESUMEN. En el estado de Piauí, la apicultura se presenta como una alternativa para generar ingresos para las familias campesinas, más precisamente en la región semiárida. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la percepción de los jóvenes en relación con la apicultura que se practica en la ciudad de Massapê do Piauí. Para ello, se aplicó un cuestionario semiestructurado a 48 estudiantes de comunidades rurales. Se observó que los jóvenes, en general, no se identifican con las actividades rurales, aunque muchos tienen algún grado de parentesco con los apicultores. La mayoría de los jóvenes tenían pocos conocimientos sobre apicultura, especialmente en lo que respecta a la prevención de accidentes con abejas (aguijón). Es de destacar que muchos de ellos consideran las picaduras como el mayor obstáculo para ingresar a la actividad. Si bien conocen la importancia social, económica y ambiental de la apicultura, así como los impactos negativos que causaría la desaparición de las abejas en sus comunidades, la mayoría de los jóvenes no mostró interés en participar en capacitaciones para iniciar la apicultura. Dada la notable apatía de los estudiantes en relación a la apicultura, se sugiere acciones dirigidas al conocimiento y sensibilización de los jóvenes en relación a la actividad apícola como una herramienta importante para la inclusión social y económica de los agentes de la comunidad rural. Palabras clave: actividad apícola, conservación de las abejas, educación rural