131 research outputs found

    A representatividade do salto alto

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    This work aims to understand how high heels have been present for so long in the socio-cultural evolutionary process, addressing the consequences that this type of footwear produced, especially in the work environment, demystifying the power of fascination it causes in women and understanding the issue of the male fetish with respect to that object. As a methodology, a research was carried out in which historical facts, blogs and scientific articles were analyzed for theoretical development. As a result, it was found that the use of high heels in daily life can be very harmful to the spine and legs of women and that the use of these shoes is the result of a machoistic culture, based on the fetishism of the male imagination.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender cómo los tacones altos han estado presentes durante tanto tiempo en el proceso evolutivo sociocultural, abordando las consecuencias que produjo este tipo de calzado, especialmente en el ámbito laboral, desmitificando el poder de fascinación que provoca en las mujeres y entendiendo el tema del fetiche masculino con respecto a ese objeto. Como metodología se realizó una investigación en la que se analizaron hechos históricos, blogs y artículos científicos para su desarrollo teórico. Como resultado, se encontró que el uso de tacones altos en la vida diaria puede ser muy dañino para la columna y las piernas de las mujeres y que el uso de estos zapatos es el resultado de una cultura machista, basada en el fetichismo de la imaginación masculina.Esse trabalho tem por objetivo compreender como o salto alto esteve presente por tanto tempo no processo evolutivo sociocultural, abordando as consequências que esse tipo de calçado produzia, principalmente no ambiente de trabalho, desmitificando o poder de fascinação que ele provoca nas mulheres e compreender a questão do fetiche masculino com relação a esse objeto. Como metodologia, foi realizada uma pesquisa na qual se analisou fatos históricos, blogs e artigos científicos para o desenvolvimento teórico. Como resultado, obteve-se que o uso do salto alto no cotidiano pode ser muito prejudicial à coluna e às pernas da mulher e que o uso desse calçado é fruto de uma cultura machista, fundamentada no fetichismo do imaginário masculino

    A copa do mundo de futebol do Vale Taquari (RS): Memórias do clássico das Barrancas

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    O presente estudo histórico pretende reconstruir as memórias da disputa futebolística conhecida como “clássico das barrancas”, que ocorreu entre dois dos principais clubes do Vale do Taquari, no Rio Grande do Sul: o Clube Esportivo Lajeadense e o Estrela Futebol Clube. Com o passar dos anos a rivalidade entre esses clubes aumentou e os jogos disputados ganharam em competitividade e emoção. A pesquisa foi construída por meio de fontes impressas oriundas de jornais, entrevistas e livros. Na documentação analisada identificou-se que o “clássico das barrancas” é a marca da rivalidade entre os dois clubes de futebol. Palavras-Chave: Futebol, História do Esporte, Clubes

    Effect of crosslinker and nanostructure on adsorption and release of paraquat herbicide from different natural hydrogel nanocomposites

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    Hidrogéis compostos em polímeros naturais que tenham sido usados em diferentes setores devido a suas propriedades de biocompatibilidade, biodegradabilidade, custo relativamente baixo e atoxicidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi preparar hidrogéis de alginato / amido reticulados com diferentes ícones (Mn 2+ , Zn 2+ ou Ca 2+ ), incluir zeólito ou nanoclay, e avaliar o efeito do reticador e nanoestrutura na adsorção e comportamento de seleção do herbicida paraquat. Os hidrogéis e seus nanocompósitos foram preparados por imersão de soluções de alginato / amido, alginato / amido / nanoclay ou alginato / amido / zeólita em recipientes que recebem uma solução reticuladora (MnCl 2 , ZnCl 2ou CaCl 2 ) a 25 ° C. Todos os hidrogênios apresentaram boa capacidade de adsorção, principalmente os hidrogênios nanoestruturados com nanoclay e zeólito. Como recursos polares, selecione alta interação com moléculas de paraquat. O comportamento da liberação também foi muito interessante, sendo que a quantidade de solução de formação de nanocompósitos de hidrogel pode controlar a liberação de paraquat, que tipos de materiais podem ser usados como veículos de transporte no sistema de liberação controlada

    Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of a nanobiomaterial in a maxillary sinus lift surgery: a case report

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    The objective of this study was to histologically and immunologically analyze the level of bone substitution and the presence of new blood vessels in a nanobiomaterial composed of hydroxyapatite and BTCP in a maxillary sinus lift surgery. A case of a maxillary sinus lift was investigated. The patient had a 1.0 mm bone remnant on the left side and 2 grams of nanobiomaterial (80% hydroxyapatite and 20% β-tricalcium phosphate) were grafted into the pneumatized sinus. After 6 months, during dental implant placement surgery, grafted bone samples were collected with 4 mm trephines. These samples were sent to the laboratory for analysis where they were stained with masson'strichrome and immuno stained with osteonectin and osteopontin. After 6 months of bone regeneration a result of 14 mm of bone gain was reached, the analyzes in masson's trichrome showed an excellent gain of newly formed bone, in addition to a very high percentage of blood vessels. In the immunostaining, a very large number of osteoblasts and osteoclasts was observed, signaling an excellent osteoconduction and osteoinduction of the studied nanobiomaterial. The maxillary sinus lift surgery with nanobiomaterial provided a very favorable bone height and thickness gain, as well as the high vascularity and cellularity, which enabled the patient's oral rehabilitation with osseointegrated dental implants and permanent ceramic prostheses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chemical treatment of coconut fiber and its composite / Tratamento químico da fibra de coco e seus compósitos

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    Composites with natural fibers usually present poor adhesion of filler to the matrix, as consequence of the hydrophilic nature of the fiber and hydrophobic nature of the polymer. These composites also display processing limitations due to the low thermal stability of the fiber. In order to reduce these issues, chemical treatments are usually employed. Thus, the present work aims to combine the processes of mercerization and bleaching to evaluate changes in thermal stability, tensile and impact strengths, flow behaviour and morphology of composites based on HDPE/coconut fiber, with treated and untreated fibers. The results showed that the treated fiber showed better thermal stability comparing to untreated one. The composites produced with both fibers showed an increase in elastic modulus and a reduction in the flow behaviour. However, only those obtained with the treated fiber showed an increase in impact strength in relation to neat HDPE, indicating a better interaction between the treated fiber and the HDPE matrix. These results corroborate the images obtained in SEM micrographs

    Abordagem multidisciplinar em cisto periapical de grande extensão em maxila: relato de caso / Multidisciplinary approach in periapical cyst of large maxillary extension: case report

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    O cisto periapical também conhecido como cisto radicular, está relacionado ao epitélio do ápice de um dente com necrose pulpar que presumivelmente pode ser estimulado pela inflamação. Relatar e discutir um caso de cisto periapical inflamatório na região anterior de maxila, enfatizando seu diagnóstico e tratamento. Paciente do gênero masculino, 57 anos de idade buscou atendimento odontológico relatando sentir dor nos dentes anteriores, leve tumefação e presença de secreção purulenta. Frente aos aspectos clínico e radiográfico, foram sugeridas as hipóteses diagnósticas de cisto periapical ou ceratocisto odontogênico. Foi solicitada uma Tomografia Computadorizada (TC), que mostrou uma área hipodensa, de densidade homogênea, de limites definidos e corticalizados, unilocular, localizado em processo alveolar de maxila envolvendo os elementos 11, 12, 21, 22, 23 e 24. O cisto periapical é similar a outras lesões apicais o que dificulta o diagnóstico. Portanto é importante um exame clínico cuidadoso associado a exames complementares analisando-se assim, o caso minuciosamente a fim de oferecer ao paciente melhores condutas de tratamento

    Avaliação clínica dos casos de otite externa em cães atendidos no hospital veterinário da Universidade Federal rural de Pernambuco / Clinical evaluation of external otite cases in dogs at the veterinary hospital of Universidade Federal rural de Pernambuco

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    Caracterizada por um processo inflamatório no conduto auditivo externo a otite externa afeta grande parte dos pacientes na rotina clinica veterinária. Com patogenicidade fungica ou bacteriana, seu tratamento deve ser escolhido com base nos resultados dos exames clínicos e laboratoriais, desde a limpeza do conduto auditivo com soluções salinas e ceruminolíticos,  terapias antibióticas tópicas ou sistêmicas até intervenções cirúrgicas em casos mais graves. Dos pacientes estudados 16,6% dos animais possuíam uma infecção mista por Pseudomonas ssp. + Malassezia pachydermatis, 33,3% possuíam uma infecção mista por Staphylococcus ssp. + Malassezia pachydermatis, 25% possuíam infecção por Staphylococcus e 25% dos animais possuíam uma infecção causada somente por Malassezia pachydermatis. No teste de sensibilidade in vitro aos antimicrobianos alopáticos revelou que a amostra de Pseudomonas ssp foi sensível a todos os antimicrobianos testados. O isolamento de Staphylococcus ssp., Pseudomonas ssp. e Malassezia pachydermatis do conduto auditivo de todos os cães deste estudo demonstra a participação destes nos quadros de otite externa. As diferenças de sensibilidade in vitro aos antimicrobianos testados reflete a necessidade da realização de cultura e antibiograma, sobretudo para as  otites recorrente

    Anatomopathological Evaluation of Fecal Peritonitis Complications in Horses Treated with Peritoneal Lavage

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    Background: Reproductive management in horses when performed with malpractice or by an unqualified person can cause many lesions of various degrees. When the rectum is affected it can compromise the mucous layer of the rectal ampulla and may even cause total perforation of this intestinal segment. Once the rectum ruptured, its contents gets into the abdominal cavity and generates severe abdominal infection, which may cause intense adhesions between organs and even to the abdominal wall and requires a particular intensive intervention. This work reports the use of peritoneal lavage protocol in three horses with septic peritonitis caused by rectal laceration, correlating with post-mortem findings.Cases: Three horses were referred to the Veterinary Hospital Rancho Belo Vista, in the city of Serra - ES, with an accident report during reproductive management in different properties. In all cases, blood loss and loss of continuity of the rectal mucosa were reported by the technicians. Patients were referred at different post-accident times. When they arrived at the hospital, they were examined and a sample of blood and peritoneal fluid were collected and sent to the laboratory. They presented intense apathy, mucosa coloration ranging from hyperemic to pale with halo toxemia, high cardiac and respiratory rate, reduction of globular volume and prolonged time of capillary refill. Patients were given fluid therapy support with lactated Ringer’s solution and systemic therapy protocols such as antibiotic therapy, peritoneal lavage with antibiotic containing solution and anticoagulant, and other supportive treatments were instituted. Peritoneal lavages were instituted every eight hours, in the first 48 hours and every twelve hours, until five days were completed. All patients had to be sacrificed. Euthanasia occurred at different times according to response to treatment and onset of clinical signs of shock. Significant variations were observed among patients at necropsy. The patient submitted to fewer wash cycles had severe adhesions. The other two patients who underwent more wash cycles presented less severe adhesion and less fibrin deposition in the abdominal viscera.Discussion: The use of peritoneal lavage associated with systemic treatment has been shown to be beneficial for the treatment of peritonitis since the initial condition and alteration in the results of laboratory tests. However, the time elapsed between rectal laceration and referral to a specialized technical unit was a decisive factor, together with the severity of the lesion, that were determinant for the increased response and consequent chance of treatment success and chances of survival. Although they received a combination of systemic therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics and peritoneal lavage associated with daily washing cycles, the patients were euthanized, reiterating the lethality of the disease. At necropsy it was possible to evaluate the extent of contamination and adhesions, as well as to find the lacerated segment, the main source of contamination of the peritoneum. The difference between the degrees of adhesion is evident when compared to the patients who went through more cycles of peritoneal lavage with the ones that went through fewer cycles. Thus, it is possible to estimate that the patients who received a greater number of peritoneal lavage cycles with the drugs used in the same route presented a reduced number of adhesions between similar structures (same organs) and between the organs and the abdominal wall. There is a need for more controlled studies to evaluate the effectiveness of serial peritoneal lavage treatments in horses, as well as the application of drugs that seek to reduce abdominal inflammation, fibrin production and adhesions