427 research outputs found

    Histologia e fisiologia da dor de origem pulpar

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina DentáriaNa prática clínica dentária é comum observar que um grande número de pacientes que solicitam uma consulta sem agendamento se deve a uma urgência ou emergência. Normalmente, esses pacientes chegam de maneira inesperada e com dores severas, alterando a rotina da agenda do dentista e, simultaneamente, criando situações de tensão que afetam todo o pessoal que trabalha no consultório. Numa situação de urgência endodôntica o paciente apresenta dor, edema, ou ambos em vários graus de gravidade, como resultado de um problema pulpar ou periapical, pelo que a solução recai no endodontista. Daí a importância do Médico Dentista em realizar um correto diagnóstico pulpar e perirradicular, conhecer as alterações fisiológicas que advêm da dor pulpar e analisar histologicamente as alterações pulpares. No presente trabalho pretende-se, através de uma revisão bibliográfica, aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a dor em endodontia, o diagnóstico das várias patologias pulpares e perirradiculares e a sua fisiologia e histologia. In dental clinical practice it is common to observe that a large number of patients who request an appointment without consultation are due to urgency or emergency. Typically, these patients arrive unexpectedly and with severe pain by changing the routine dentist agenda and, simultaneously, creating stressful situations that affect all staff working in the office. In an endodontic emergency situation the patient presents pain, edema, or both in various degrees of severity, as a result of pulp and periapical problem, so that the solution falls within the endodontist. Hence the importance of Dentist in making a correct diagnosis pulp and periradicular, meet the physiological changes that come from pulp pain and analyze histologically the pulp changes. In this work it is intended, through a literature review, to deepen knowledge about pain in endodontics, diagnosis of various pulp and periradicular diseases and their physiology and histology

    Integração de reconhecimento, síntese e gravação de voz no sistema de tratamento de atas

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    O estágio aludido no presente relatório realizou-se na AIRC (Associação de Informática da região Centro), e teve como principais objetivos, a investigação e integração de soluções para reconhecimento, síntese e gravação de voz numa das aplicações da empresa, o STA (Sistema de Tratamento de Atas). O objetivo inicial pretendido neste estágio passava por facilitar a transcrição de reuniões de órgãos deliberativos realizadas verbalmente para texto. Porém, devido a determinados fatores que inviabilizavam este contexto, mais concretamente a realidade dos sistemas sonoros das assembleias que não satisfazem os requisitos para a implementação deste tipo de sistemas e a natureza habitual de debate nestas reuniões, dificultando a deteção e transcrição das vozes de todos os intervenientes, a equipa conjuntamente com o Product Owner, decidiu alterar o âmbito inicial do estágio para objetivos mais viáveis, que igualmente acrescentariam valor ao sistema. Sendo estes, a integração de um sistema de interação com o STA através de comandos de voz, a síntese de textos apresentados pelo mesmo e a possibilidade de efetuar gravações sonoras das reuniões mencionadas inicialmente. Posto isto, durante o percurso do estagiário na empresa, o mesmo foi encarregue de conduzir uma investigação sobre os temas propostos e de escolher as ferramentas e tecnologias que melhor se adaptavam à realidade do sistema a integrar. Deste modo, foram realizadas várias provas de conceito, que permitiram estudar e testar diversas abordagens de integração destes tipos de tecnologia no sistema pretendido. Foi testado o reconhecimento de voz recorrendo à ferramenta Web Speech API, a síntese de voz recorrendo à framework Voice RSS e a gravação sonora utilizando a biblioteca JAVE numa aplicação Java que comunica com o STA via websockets. Como resultado, integrou-se no STA um sistema de interação com a aplicação através do reconhecimento de comandos por voz, um sistema de gravação sonora destinado à gravação das reuniões e deixou-se uma porta aberta à integração de um sistema de síntese de voz

    Valorization of toxic cyanobacteria biomass - disruption efficiency assessment and consequent bioproduct availability using different disruption techniques

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    The worldwide occurrence of hepatotoxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and accumulation of its toxin microcystin-LR, have been responsible for several human deaths and animal intoxication incidents. In recognition to its toxicity, the World Health Organization and several national governments established guideline values for this toxin in water, which gave rise to an increasing demand for microcystin′s analytical standards. These standards might be useful either as laboratory standards to apply in human and environmental risk assessment or as tools for molecular and cell biology studies. However, their availability is still limited due to constraints found in production and purification processes, which inflate the final price to values as high as 28000 €/mg. As an example of the increasing interest observed over the last years, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently announced that cyanotoxins became part of its list of substances to be studied as a precursor to regulatory action between 2018 and 2020. Consequently, the optimization of this cyanobacterium cultivation and toxin purification techniques is needed to decrease the production cost of such high added-value product. In biotechnological industrial scale processes, the costs associated with downstream processing often represent more than 60 % of the overall expenses. The aim of this work is therefore to provide an insight regarding the development of a costeffective process for obtaining high-quality and affordable microcystin-LR by evaluating the efficiency of three different methodologies (microwave, freeze-thaw cycles and bead mill) on the disruption of M. aeruginosa and consequent availability of bioproducts. For that purpose, several parameters including time, power, and temperature were tested. The best conditions determined for each extraction method were the following: i) 1.5 minutes at 800 W (microwave), ii) three 12- hour cycles at -20 ºC (freeze-thaw cycles), and iii) 7 minutes using 20 % (v/v) of glass beads (bead mill). According to cell counting and intracellular organic matter release determining techniques, freeze-thaw cycles have shown to be the best disruption method presenting an overall efficiency around 97 %

    Comparison of harvesting methods for the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa

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    BioTech 2017 and 7th Czech-Swiss Symposium with ExhibitionMicrocystis aeruginosa is a wellknown cyanobacterium that has been spreading all over the world due to increased temperatures and eutrophication of water bodies caused by intensive anthropogenic activities. This toxin-producing microorganism is frequently responsible for diminishing water quality and causing intoxication of humans and animals. Due to this, its intracellular cyanotoxin – microcystin (MC) – is commonly used as tool for molecular and cell biology studies or as a standard in human and environmental risk assessment assays. Moreover, MC is a promising anticancer/antitumor drug candidate and a possible antimicrobial, antifungal, antialgal and insecticide agent. Despite MC’s potential application in several biotechnological fields, its high production costs significantly contribute for the prohibitive selling prices (28000 e/mg). Thus, improvements in process’ cost-effectiveness is needed, especially in terms of downstream processing techniques which are probably the major bottlenecks of cyanobacteria production at large scale, commonly representing 20-30 % of the total costs. Bearing this in mind, this study aimed at optimizing harvesting of M. aeruginosa induced by pH change and compares the optimal conditions obtained with the use of three different flocculant agents: chitosan, ferric chloride, and aluminium chloride. Harvesting induced by pH was assessed by testing pH values ranging between 2 and 14. Despite the fact that harvesting efficiencies above 90 % were obtained for most pH values, pH 2 was the one where higher sedimentation rate was observed and consequently the chosen method to compare with the three flocculants. Aluminium chloride addition was found to be the most efficient method, reaching 93 % of sedimentation efficiency within the first 2 h. These results are in agreement with zeta potential measurements where cells presented nearly neutral (approx. 0 mV) charge, while positive or negative charges where achieved using the other three methodologies.This research work was supported by the grant SFRH/BPD/98694/2013 (Bruno Fernandes) and SFRH/BD/52335/2013 (Pedro Geada) from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal). Luís Loureiro is recipient of a fellowship supported by a doctoral advanced training (call NORTE-69-2015-15) funded by the European Social Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684), Project UID/Multi/04423/2013, Project RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462), FCT Strategic Project of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, by the project NOVELMAR (reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000035), co-financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Norte 2020) under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the ERDF, and by BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consenso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia sobre o Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Doença Hemorroidária

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    Hemorrhoidal disease (HD) is a frequent health problem with considerable repercussions on patients' quality of life. However, much of the clinical practice related to HD is based on knowledge without scientific evidence and supported largely by empirical experience of the physician who deals with this pathology. As in other countries, the goal of this consensus is to establish statements supported by solid scientific evidence and whose purpose will be to standardize and guide the diagnosis and management of HD both in the general population and in some particular groups of patients.A doença hemorroidária é uma patologia prevalente com repercussões consideráveis na qualidade de vida dos doentes. No entanto, muita da prática clínica relacionada com a doença hemorroidária é baseada em conhecimentos sem evidência científica e apoiada largamente por uma experiência empírica por parte do médico que lida com esta patologia. À semelhança do que tem sido feito noutros países, o objetivo deste consenso foi estabelecer statements suportados por evidência científica sólida e cuja finalidade será o de uniformizar e orientar o diagnóstico e tratamento da doença hemorroidária quer na população em geral quer em grupos particulares de doentes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Minas esgotada : antecedentes e impactos do desastre da Vale na Bacia do Paraopeba

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    -A obra oferece um panorama das questões sociais e ambientais ligadas à mineração em Minas Gerais, trazendo os sujeitos e a paisagem como protagonistas da narrativa. Ela reúne autores que assumem a responsabilidade social do fazer científico, analisando a assimetria de poder, o jogo político, os antecedentes e consequências ambientais do rompimento da barragem da Vale S.A no Complexo Paraopeba II, em 2019. Os textos transitam entre esforços teórico-reflexivos e aproximações empíricas; nascem do histórico de engajamento dos pesquisadores com a problemática da mineração e questões socioambientais, adornado por sucessivos trabalhos de campo e contatos com a população atingida

    Physical and transport proferties of edible films composed of galactomannan and chitosan

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    Edible films and coatings can provide additional protection for food, while being a fully biodegradable, environmentally friendly packaging system. The main objective of the study was to produce edible films and coatings based on chitosan and galactomannan of A. pavonina L., with the incorporation of sodium acetate and characterize them as to their physical properties. Films were cast and, the water vapor, O2 and CO2 permeabilities of the films were determined, together with their solubility in water, opacity, color and mechanical properties. The film of chitosangalactomannan with the addition of sodium acetate had lower permeability to water vapor (1.40 ± 0.02 (g.(m.day.atm)-1)) and elongation at break (67.11 ± 0.89%) being the most rigid film for presenting the highest Youngs modulus (35.68 ± 0.64 MPa). The blends showed the highest values of maximum voltage and breakdown voltage. The films based on galactomannan had a decreased permeability to O2 of 0.20 to 0.18 x 10-12 (g.(m.Pa.s.m2)-1, incorporating sodium acetate, also showing high permeability to CO2. The chitosan film without addition of sodium acetate had low lightness value L * (81.23 ± 1.43) and a higher opacity compared with the film containing acetate, suggesting that incorporation of sodium acetate increased transparency of the film. The films containing chitosan exhibited low water solubility and high b* component values, indicating the predominance of yellowing. The reported results is important once it will reduce the characterization work needed in subsequent applications of these coatings/films on foods

    High connectivity of the Crocodile Shark between the Atlantic and Southwest Indian Oceans: highlights for conservation

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    Among the various shark species that are captured as bycatch in commercial fishing operations, the group of pelagic sharks is still one of the least studied and known. Within those, the crocodile shark, Pseudocarcharias kamoharai, a small-sized lamnid shark, is occasionally caught by longline vessels in certain regions of the tropical oceans worldwide. However, the population dynamics of this species, as well as the impact of fishing mortality on its stocks, are still unknown, with the crocodile shark currently one of the least studied of all pelagic sharks. Given this, the present study aimed to assess the population structure of P. kamoharai in several regions of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans using genetic molecular markers. The nucleotide composition of the mitochondrial DNA control region of 255 individuals was analyzed, and 31 haplotypes were found, with an estimated diversity Hd = 0.627, and a nucleotide diversity pi = 0.00167. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a fixation index phi(ST) = -0.01118, representing an absence of population structure among the sampled regions of the Atlantic Ocean, and between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. These results show a high degree of gene flow between the studied areas, with a single genetic stock and reduced population variability. In panmictic populations, conservation efforts can be concentrated in more restricted areas, being these representative of the total biodiversity of the species. When necessary, this strategy could be applied to the genetic maintenance of P. kamoharai.Foundation for Research Support of the Sao Paulo State - FAPESP [2011/23787-0, 2010/51903-2]; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [SFRH/BPD/93936/2013]; Foundation for Research Support of the Sao Paulo State - FAPESP [2011/23787-0, 2010/51903-2]; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [SFRH/BPD/93936/2013]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio