1,073 research outputs found

    Nutritional status and quality of life in HIV-infected patients

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    Introduction: Nutritional status and the progression of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are interlinked; though some studies have looked at the impact nutritional status has on quality of life (QoL) in patients with chronic diseases, few have studied this in HIV-infected individuals. Objective: To investigate the relationship between nutritional status and QoL in adults with a recent HIV diagnosis. Methods: Individuals with an HIV diagnosis performed in the fourteen months prior to a medical visit to one of Lisbon’s central hospitals were eligible. Nutritional status was assessed by anthropometry, body composition analysis, and dietary intake. QoL was assessed using the WHOQOLHIV-BREF questionnaire. Sociodemographic and clinical data were also considered. Results: Fifty-one subjects were eligible for enrollment; the majority were male, Caucasian, employed, single, and under highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Lower QoL scores were observed in subjects with inadequate energy intakes, reported weight loss, and a high waist circumference in bivariate analysis (p < 0.05); the same variables influenced QoL negatively after adjusting for confounders in multivariate analysis (p < 0.05). Various sociodemographic characteristics such as level of education, age, gender, and current health problems also predicted QoL significantly (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Various aspects of nutritional status were responsible for the variations observed in QoL, suggesting a potential for nutritional intervention in improving QoL in this population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consecutive use of the 52 mg levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system: variations in bleeding patterns

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    Changes in bleeding patterns could influence the decisions of healthcare professionals to change the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) before 7 years of use, the recommended period of extended use. We evaluated changes in the bleeding patterns of users of the 52 mg LNG-IUS at the end of use of the first (IUS-1) and during the second device (IUS-2) use. We performed an audit of the medical records of all women who used two consecutive LNG-IUSs at the Family Planning clinic. We evaluated the sociodemographic/gynecological variables, the length of use, and the bleeding patterns reported in the reference periods of 90 days before removal of the IUS-1 and at the last return in use of IUS-2. We used the McNemar test to compare bleeding patterns. Statistical significance was established at p < 0.05. We evaluated 301 women aged (mean ± SD) 32 (±6.1) years, with lengths of use of 68.9 (±16.8) and 20.3 (±16.7) months for the IUS-1 and IUS-2, respectively. No pregnancies were reported. Bleeding patterns varied significantly among women who used the IUS-2 for ≥ 7 months to 6 years when compared the bleeding patterns reported in IUS-1 use. Eighty-nine out of 221 (40%) women maintained amenorrhea and infrequent bleeding; 66 (30%) evolved to bleeding patterns with light flow, and 66 (30%) maintained or evolved to heavy flow patterns (p = 0.012). No differences were observed among the 80 women with ≤ 6 months of use. Changes in bleeding patterns occur during the use of LNG-IUS and should not be decisive for the early replacement of the device424194199Variações no padrão de sangramento podem afetar a decisão de troca do sistema intrauterino de levonorgestrel (SIU-LNG) antes do período de uso estendido recomendado de 7 anos. Nós avaliamos mudanças no padrão de sangramento de usuárias ao final do uso do primeiro SIU-LNG 52 mg (SIU-1) e durante o uso do segundo dispositivo (SIU-2). Revisamos os prontuários de todas as mulheres que inseriram consecutivamente o SIU-LNG no ambulatório de Planejamento Familiar. Foram avaliadas as variáveis sociodemográficas/ginecológicas, o tempo de uso, e os padrões de sangramento relatados nos períodos de referência de 90 dias antes da remoção do SIU-1 e no último retorno em uso do SIU-2. Usamos o teste de McNemar para comparar os padrões de sangramento. A significância estatística foi estabelecida em p < 0,05. Analisamos os dados de 301 mulheres com idade (média ± desvio padrão [DP]) de 32 (±6,1) anos e tempo de uso de 68,9 (±16,8) e 20,3 (±16,7) meses para o SIU-1 e SIU-2, respectivamente. Nenhuma gravidez foi relatada. Os padrões de sangramento variaram significativamente durante o uso do SIU-2 (≥ 7 meses a 6 anos) em relação ao padrão relatado no SIU-1. Oitenta e nove das 221 (40%) mulheres mantiveram amenorreia e sangramento infrequente; 66 (30%) evoluíram para padrões de sangramento com fluxo leve e 66 (30%) mantiveram ou evoluíram para padrões de fluxo intenso (p = 0,012). Não foram observadas diferenças entre as 80 mulheres que utilizavam o SIU-2 há ≤ 6 meses. Mudanças nos padrões de sangramento ocorrem durante o uso do LNG-IUS e não devem ser decisivas para a troca precoce do dispositiv

    A faixa de normalidade e alguns fatores relacionados ao ciclo menstrual das mulheres da Ilha de Santa Catarina

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Tocoginecologia, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 199

    Intensidade Do Trabalho Docente Estudo Sobre Professores Do Ensino Fundamental I Da Rede Estadual Paulista Na Cidade De Guarulhos

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    The Objective Of The Present Research Is To Comprehend The Work Intensity Considering The Transformations Taken Place In Teaching Labor Starting In The Decade Of 1980 On The State Of São Paulo Educational Network, Focusing On The City Of Guarulhos. The Transformations In The Organization And Labor Managing, On The Public And Private Sectors Alike, Have Accentuated The Process Of Fragmentation And Individualization Of Working Hours, As Well As Influencing The Stretching Of Work Day, Also Hitting Education . Such Transformations Affect The Process Of Precariousness Of Labor Conditions, Consensus On The Theme's Bibliography (Assunção; Oliveira, 2009; Apple, 1995; Enguita, 1991). Under This Perspective, Analysis Takes Place From Comparative Analysis Of Gepesco (2014) And Gestrado (2010-2015) Databases, Besides Qualitative Research, Through Focus Groups Interviews. From These Assumptions, This Research's Objective Is To Comprehend Labor Intensity And Its Implications To Work Representations And The Life Of AlphabeO Objetivo Da Presente Pesquisa É Compreender A Intensidade Do Trabalho, Considerando As Transformações Ocorridas No Trabalho Docente A Partir Da Década De 1980 Na Rede Pública Estadual Paulista, Com Foco Na Cidade De Guarulhos. As Transformações Na Organização E Na Gestão Laboral, Tanto No Setor Privado Quanto No Público, Acentuaram O Processo De Fragmentação E Individualização Do Tempo De Trabalho, Além De Influenciarem No Alongamento Da Jornada, Atingindo Também A Educação . Tais Transformações Incidem Sobre O Processo De Precarização Das Condições De Trabalho, Consenso Na Bibliografia Sobre O Tema (Assunção; Oliveira, 2009; Apple 1995; Enguita 1991). Sob Esta Perspectiva, A Investigação Ocorre Por Meio Da Análise Da Intensidade A Partir Do Banco De Dados Do Gepecso (2014) E Do Gestrado (2010 " 2015), Além De Pesquisa Qualitativa, Por Meio De Entrevistas Com Grupos Focais. Partindo Desses Pressupostos, O Objetivo Desta Pesquisa É Compreender A Intensidade Do Trabalho E Suas Implicações Para As RepresentaçõDados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2018

    Comparison of nonlinear growth models and factors affecting body weight at different ages in Toy Poodles

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    Limited information is available to evaluate optimal growth in Toy Poodles. This work aimed at comparing three growth curves, proposing centile charts and developing a model to estimate the adult body weight (BW) in Toy Poodles. A total of 65 puppies (male = 30, female = 35) born in the same breeding centre were used. BW at birth and, weekly BW, for 53 weeks, BW of parents, litter size, type of management, daily activity and neutering were recorded. Forty-six puppies were sold, and their data were reported by the new owners. Three growth curves (i.e. Hawthorne, Brody and Gompertz) were constructed and compared; Linear Mixed Models including demographic characteristics and management habits were built. The BW at birth was 154 ± 35 g and adult BW was 3208 ± 860 g. Based on the goodness-of-fit and accuracy indices, Gompertz was the best growth model and was selected to plot centile curves based on sex. Toy Poodles achieved 50% of their adult weight at 11–12 weeks, with an overall growth rate of 11.8%. Adult BW was affected by birth BW (p &lt;.01), sex (p &lt;.05) and mother’s BW (p &lt;.01) and their effects varied depending on the age. Extrinsic factors, including litter size, type of management and daily activity were less significant, probably due to the standardised and high-level management of these Toy Poodles. These new and applicable tools for monitoring the growth and predicting adult BW could be useful for veterinarians, breeders and owners for early diagnosis of poor health and welfare. Subject classification codes: companion animals sectionsHighlights Performance of three logistic models for describing the growth curve in Italian Toy Poodles were compared Based on the goodness of fit and accuracy indices, Gompertz was the best growth model The centile growth curves were constructed for males and females using the Gompertz Adult body weight (BW) was mainly affected by the sex and birth BW, and less by BW of the parents and litter size Monitoring BW of puppies may be useful to enhance their health and welfare

    Reabilitação oral de paciente portador de deformidade orofacial ocasionada por neoplasia maligna

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    Brazil has the third biggest incidence of oral cavity cancer in the world. The malignant neoplasms, which attack head and neck region, have many treatment proposals, according to the tumor injury severity, medical history and patient age. When affecting maxilla they are typically treated through maxillectomy, which means partial or total maxilla removal. This procedure results in surgical defect that leads to oroantral communication. The rehabilitation of these patients can be done through prosthetic means with very good results, allowing adequate swallowing and speech condition and ensuring a better life quality and social reintegration for the surgery after-effects carriers as well. The objective of this work is to describe an oral rehabilitation case, installing an obturator conventional totally removable prosthesis, in a female patient at age of 69, who was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma moderately differentiated in the maxillary sinus region that extended to the vicinity areas (eyeball, zygomatic and palate), who was previously surgical treated with unilateral maxillectomy, even though without surgical reconstruction of the resulting defect. For patients with tumor injury clinical history, the techniques and molding material choice, as well as the surgical area neighboring tissues integrity care, require special attention and judicious procedure. The prosthesis allowed not only the function recovery, but also, the esthetics, enabling the patient social reintegration.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O Brasil tem a terceira maior incidência de câncer que afeta a cavidade oral do mundo. As neoplasias malígnas que acometem a região de cabeça e pescoço possuem diversas propostas de tratamento, de acordo com a severidade da lesão tumoral, história médica e idade do paciente. Quando afetam a maxila, são comumente tratadas por meio da maxilectomia, que consiste em remoção parcial ou total da maxila. Este procedimento resulta em um defeito cirúrgico, ocasionando comunicação bucossinusal. A reabilitação desses pacientes pode ser feita por meios protéticos com ótimos resultados, possibilitando uma adequada condição de deglutição e fala, garantindo uma melhor qualidade de vida e reintegração social aos portadores de sequelas cirúrgicas. O objetivo do trabalho é relatar um caso de reabilitação oral por meio da instalação de prótese removível total convencional obturadora, em paciente do sexo feminino, 69 anos de idade, diagnosticada com carcinoma epidermoide moderadamente diferenciado na região de seio maxilar estendendo-se para globo ocular, processo zigomático e palato, previamente tratada cirurgicamente com maxilectomia unilateral, sem reconstrução cirúrgica do defeito. Para pacientes com história clínica de lesão tumoral, a escolha das técnicas e materiais de moldagem, assim como os cuidados com a integridade dos tecidos vizinhos à área cirúrgica exigem atenção especial e condução criteriosa. A prótese possibilitou a devolução das funções estética, fonética e mastigação, permitindo a reintegração social da paciente

    Embedding Disability in the Social Work Curriculum

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    There have long been calls for disability to have an increased profile in social work education; however, the launch of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in 2013 has rendered this call more urgent. Curtin University graduates and students participating in fieldwork are required to have knowledge of current policy implications on practice, develop skills in this area and uphold social work values in this field of practice. Social workers are employed both directly and indirectly in the disability sector, which is facing workforce issues pertaining to recruitment and retention. Academic staff teaching in both the Bachelor (BSW) and Master of Social Work Qualifying (MSWQ) courses at Curtin identified that the curricula on disability and the NDIS in both courses requires strengthening. Additionally, anecdotal feedback from current and past students and industry partners suggests that a more comprehensive review in this area is warranted. This research project focussed on identifying curricula gaps through an active partnership with industry, alumni and students, with the overall aim of developing topical, relevant, and contemporary content on disability and the NDIS in Australia. Current BSW and MSWQ students, recent graduates, and social work practitioners who work in the disability sector were surveyed about their perspectives on existing and required disability and NDIS content in the curriculum. The next phase of the project will involve participants in co-creating new curricula to address the identified gaps

    Characterization and damage of brick masonry

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    Series : Building pathology and rehabilitation, ISSN 2194-9832, vol. 2Clay brick is among the oldest used masonry materials. Given the technological evolutions since the industrial revolutions, old brick are much dif-ferent from todays’ bricks. This chapter provides a review on the chemical, physi-cal and mechanical properties of mortar, brick and masonry. In addition, a discus-sion on the possible causes of damage and the usage of expert systems in building diagnostics is also given