1,300 research outputs found

    Mineral stress response of Vitis cell wall transcriptome: identification, characterization and expression of genes from key families involved in wall biosynthesis and modification

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - ULGrapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the most economically important fruit crops in the world. Abiotic stresses are likely to affect the plant development, yield and ultimately the quality of economic products. The cell wall (CW) is a dynamic structure that determines plant form, growth and response to environmental conditions. To investigate V. vinifera CW adaptative response to restrictions in major nutrients, essential to plant growth and development, N, P and S were excluded from V. vinifera callus and shoots growing substrates. Water stress on berry skin CW was studied in non-irrigated versus irrigated plants of two varieties. Specific CW components, namelly cellulose, were impacted in callus, shoots and berries subjected to abiotic stress. To overcome this, V. vinifera CWs suffered compositional changes and reorganization of deposition of several CW components, in particular the degree and pattern of pectin methyl-esterification, arabinan and XyG, which together promote stiffening of the CW. Moreover, polysaccharides of callus grown under mineral deficiency, mainly N, were more tightly bound in the CW. Under mineral stress the expression of genes from CW candidate enzyme families was affected for example downregulation of GH9C, XTHs with predicted hydrolytic activity and PMEs were observed. In shoots probed with CW-epitope monoclonal antibodies an increase in pectins with a low degree of methyl-esterification able to dimerise association through calcium ions was observed. CWs grown under N deficiency were enriched in 1,5-arabinan rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) side chains. The impact on CW was dependent on the mineral stress, nitrogen leading to more pronounced responses, supporting the primary role of this major nutrient in plant development and metabolism. Water shortage affected berry skin by stiffening the CW, probably due to alterations in PGs, XTH and PME expression and pectin methyl-esterification in a variety dependent wa

    Characterization and expression of cytokinin signalling genes in sulfur deficient grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaSulfur (S) is an essential macronutrient for plant growth and development. In vitro grapevine callus, cells and shoots in culture media in the absence of sulfur (-S) respond markedly with a reduction of growth and shoot multiplication. This may result from an interference of -S with cytokinin signal pathway (CSP) or at shoot apical meristem (SAM) or axillary meristem (AM) identity level. Cytokinins are essential plant hormones that control various processes in plants. As in Arabidopsis, Vitis CSP is composed by receptors (HKs), phosphotransmitters (HPTs) and two types of response regulators (A-type and B-type RRs). Cells in -S in the presence of cytokinin show a downregulation of most CSP genes while -S without cytokinin leads to an upregulation of A-type RRs. CSP is not significantly affected by –S in in vitro shoots, so the multiplication inhibition can be caused by a downregulation of the expression of SAM and AM identity genes, respectively STM and LAS. In vitro conditions more similar to autotrophy as Temporary Immersion System, the scarce multiplication impairment must result from the reduction of B-type RRs transcription. As a whole the present work provides new insights on the crosstalk between –S and cytokinin signaling in in vitro grapevine model systems

    Bond value-at-risk : a comparison of methods

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    Mestrado em FinançasEste trabalho vai comparar três métodos de calcular Value-at-Risk (VaR) de um portfólio composto por produtos de dívida. O primeiro método sendo o Cash Flow Mapping [Morgan, 1996], o segundo sendo o método do Pull Price [Sousa et al.,2012] e o último método sendo o método da Duration [Jorion et al., 2009]. Para comparar os resultados, este estudo calcula o VaR através dos diferentes métodos para dias passados e usa uma ferramenta de backtesting para medir a consistência de cada método. Este estudo irá mostrar que os resultados do método da Duration são largamente sobreestimados e que o método do Pull Price obteve uma boa taxa de aprovação da ferramenta de backtesting quando aplicado a um portfolio. Os resultados do Cash Flow Mapping por outro lado são analisados em mais detalhe já que o factor de risco considerado é a yield curve do European Central Bank no nosso portfolio de obrigações corporate. Ainda ssim, o método falhou a atingir as expectativas já que existem obrigações cujo rating é elegível para ser usado com este factor de risco.This dissertation will compare three ways of computing the Value-at-Risk of a fixed income portfolio. The first being the Cash Flow Mapping \citep, the second one being the Pull Price method \citep and the last one being the Duration Method \citep. To compare the results this study computes the VaR through the different methods for past days and then uses a backtesting tool to measure each method's consistency. This study will show that the results from the Duration Method were vastly overestimated and that the Pull Price Method got a good approval rate of the backtesting techinique when applied for a portfolio. The results from the Cash Flow Mapping are subjected to a more careful analysis since the underlying risk factor used was the European Central Bank yield curve for our portfolio of corporate bonds. Even so, the method failed to meet expectations since there are numerous bonds whose rating is eligible to be used under this yield curve

    UMBC energy usage analysis and possible behavior change

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Aplicabilidade da técnica DIBH em doentes com cancro da mama submetidos a radioterapia

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    Introduction Radiotherapy is used to treat breast cancer. The administration of treatment with DIBH makes it possible to remove the organs at risk from the area to be treated. Thus, it is possible to reduce future complications. The lack of respiratory training, anxiety and patient stress are some factors that can compromise the correct execution of apnea, making the treatment more time consuming. The aim of this work is to study the applicability of the DIBH technique in patients undergoing radiation therapy and to create a respiratory training protocol. Methodology A bibliographic search was carried out with consultation of databases and digital libraries. A questionnaire was applied to 34 radiotherapy technicians with functions in the treatment unit and CT planning. The questionnaire was released by professional associations and radiotherapy services. Results / Discussion: According to the interviewees and the consulted bibliography, DIBH is mainly applied in the treatment of left breast tumors. It is associated with an increase in treatment time and patient anxiety. According to respondents, anxiety and difficulties initially presented by patients, when performing DIBH, tend to disappear during treatment sessions. Final considerations The breathing training session allows the patient to become familiar with the breathing technique. During the training session, the patient should be provided with feedback on his breathing in order to proportionate the improvement of the DIBH. The training should be carried out at home, before the planning CT, as many times as possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento de um dispositivo tipo carga constante para avaliação da susceptibilidade à corrosão sob tensão de aço inoxidável austenítico.

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    Ligas metálicas com boa resistência a corrosão generalizada, em muitas aplicações industriais, estão frequentemente sujeitas ao efeito simultâneo de tensões mecânicas, meio agressivo e altas temperaturas. Essa combinação de fatores deixa o material muitas vezes susceptível à corrosão sob tensão (CST) que é um mecanismo muito severo de degradação do material e se caracteriza pela formação e propagação de trincas. Com a colaboração da CAPES, apresenta-se nesse trabalho o projeto e construção de um dispositivo tipo carga constante para ensaio de corrosão sob tensão com aplicador de força com sistema de roldanas fixas e móveis. Esse dispositivo permite a realização de ensaios de CST com variações de carga, controle de temperatura e variação do meio sendo assim aplicável a grande variedade de ligas. Esse trabalho descreve todas as partes do dispositivo e os primeiros ensaios para avaliação da temperatura na CST dos aços AISI 304, AISI 310 e AISI 316 em meio de Cloreto de magnésio 43% na temperatura de ebulição (± 145°C). Foram feitas análises empregando M.O (Microscopia ótica)

    Technical and Economic Assessment of a 450 W Autonomous Photovoltaic System with Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Storage

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    This paper presents a study about an autonomous photovoltaic system making use of the novel Lithium Iron Phosphate as a battery pack for isolated rural houses. More particularly, this paper examines the behavior and efficiency of a low-cost isolated photovoltaic system for typical rural houses near Luena in Angola. The proposed system (solar panel, batteries, controller, and inverter) has been projected having in mind the required household daily load of 1,300 Wh and available solar irradiance. The initial batteries charging revealed to be essential to not only ensure a long battery life but using a balanced pack it was possible to achieve more stored energy. On-site, the polycrystalline solar panels used showed a daily average efficiency of 10.8%, with the total system having 75% efficiency. This result was adjusted to the average temperature in Angola. This way, it was made an extrapolation to the monthly irradiation values in Angola. The results achieved showed good energy production during almost all year except January and December, which revealed critical production values of 1,356 Wh and 1,311 Wh, respectively. These values are too close to the daily consumed energy and indicate the addition of a 2nd alternative source of energy (wind generator, diesel generator, etc.) to be explored further

    Líneas de investigación sobre especies para la Bioingeniería en ámbito mediterráneo

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    É feita uma análise do estado da arte sobre a a aplicação de plantas vivas em sistemas construtivos de engenharia natural. São inventariados os diferentes critérios e índices descritivos da aptidão das plantas para as diferentes utilizações construtivas. É dado particular relevo às limitações específicas dos meios mediterranicos

    Building a Database of plants for restoration processes in the mediterranean context - criteria and current research

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    São descritos os critérios de uma base de dados sobre vegetação com capacidade de utilização em sistemas construtivos.São apresentados e ilustrados os critérios de caracterização.É apresentada a estrutura da base de dados

    Contribuição da microbiologia preditiva na análise de cremes de pasteleiro

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança AlimentarA Microbiologia Preditiva resulta da associação de quatro áreas científicas distintas: microbiologia, informática, química e matemática. Como ponto de referência, podemos dizer que a análise de resultados segundo esta técnica surgiu na década de 70, do século XX, como resposta à crescente necessidade de conhecer o impacto da patogenicidade de origem alimentar nas populações, aliada ao desenvolvimento dos sistemas de segurança alimentar. A área da Microbiologia Preditiva tem vindo a sofrer constantes desenvolvimentos ao longo das últimas décadas. A aplicação dos conhecimentos e resultados possíveis de obter a partir desta tem ajudado a indústria alimentar, no que respeita à análise de riscos, à implementação de protocolos de segurança alimentar nas empresas, HACCP e determinação de prazos de validade, com resultados muito satisfatórios, funcionando já como ferramenta em alguns casos. Neste trabalho, foram testados softwares de Microbiologia Preditiva, de acesso livre através da internet, com vista a verificar se os mesmos poderiam ser considerados na tomada de decisões relativas a prazos de validade na indústria alimentar. Os produtos em questão foram preparados em pó para a elaboração de cremes de pasteleiro e cremes de pasteleiro prontos a utilizar. Foi então verificada a possibilidade da utilização da Microbiologia Preditiva numa indústria de pastelaria, área pouco estudada por parte da comunidade científica