273 research outputs found

    National input-output table of Brazil

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    This paper reports on the basic information about the Brazilian input-output tables. First part presents the history of constructing I-O tables in Brazil, starting from the non-official table of 1959. The second part illustrates some basic features of the last table with the reference year of 2005. It also articulates the issues concerning the integration of the table into 2005 BRICS International Input-Output Table.Brazil; Input-Output; Tables

    Employment generation in Brazilian coffee regions

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    Due to the specific characteristics of coffee production on each of the main Brazilian states producers of arabica (Coffea arabica) and robusta coffee (Coffea canephora), a better understanding of the structural links between production and industrialization of coffee on those states and the national economy can provide subsides for implementation of public policies, essential to plan the coffee production and increase the sector competitiveness. Therefore, this study analyzed the employment generation in production and coffee industrialization in the major Brazilian production regions, based on an inter-regional input-output model, with seven regions, which represent the main coffee-producing states - Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, São Paulo, Paraná, Bahia and Other States - with 44 sectors each, in a system of 308 sectors. The results indicated that the production of robusta coffee is the sector that generates more employments (total) per currency unit, and that arabica production sector is the fourth largest generator of employments, among the 44 sectors considered for the country. The results for each state emphasized the importance of farming and coffee industry for national and state economies.Coffee; Coffee Production; Input-Output

    Flora Fanerogâmica do Estado do Paraná, Brasil: Psilochilus Barb.Rodr. (Orchidaceae, Triphorinae)

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    Flora Fanerogâmica do Estado do Paraná, Brasil: Psilochilus Barb.Rodr. (Orchidaceae, Triphorinae)</htm

    National input-output table of Brazil

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    This paper reports on the basic information about the Brazilian input-output tables. First part presents the history of constructing I-O tables in Brazil, starting from the non-official table of 1959. The second part illustrates some basic features of the last table with the reference year of 2005. It also articulates the issues concerning the integration of the table into 2005 BRICS International Input-Output Table

    A produção e industrialização do café dos principais produtores brasileiros e a economia nacional: simulações sob um modelo inter-regional de insumo-produto

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    This paper intends to analyze the behavior and importance of the sectors of agricultural production and industrialization of coffee for each of the main Brazilian producers (Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo, Parana, Bahia and Rondônia) in relation to their economies and in relation to other sectors of the national economy. Building an inter-regional input-output system for the year 2002, with seven regions and 44 sectors per region in order to obtain 308 sectors in total, we study the impact of changes in the volume of production of the sectors objective of the study (Arabica Coffee, Robusta Coffee and Coffee Industry). We developed a series of simulations involving the production in certain regions. The simulations were chosen based on the alternative scenarios currently practiced in Brazil, thus enabling observe the impact that changes in regional production can generate about Production Multipliers (Type I and II), Value Added Multipliers (Type I and II) and Employment Multipliers (Type I and II)

    Avaliação ambiental do rio mongaguá, sp, utilizando macroinvertebrados bentônicos

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    Estudar a qualidade ambiental de um corpo d’água leva ao conhecimento da qualidade ambiental do seu entorno. Uma das comunidades biológicas muito estudada, neste sentido, é o grupo dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos, seres com dimensões entre milímetros e centímetros que habitam o sedimento do fundo dos corpos d’água. Segundo a literatura, muitos invertebrados macroscópicos são usados para diagnosticar a saúde de rios e lagos. O presente trabalho buscou compreender a qualidade das águas do Rio Mongaguá, SP, através da análise de parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos, utilizando a contagem e identificação de macroinvertebrados bentônicos em dois pontos do Rio Mongaguá, e um terceiro ponto em um afluente localizado na divisa entre Praia Grande e Mongaguá, os pontos foram denominados 1, 2 e 3. Os resultados das análises químicas e físicas demonstraram o pH e turbidez dentro dos valores referências para águas doces de classe 2 da resolução CONAMA 357/05. No ponto 1 foram encontrados organismos Chironomidae, que possuem resistência para sobreviver em águas com baixos níveis de oxigênio. Este ponto apresentava grande quantidade de lixo como garrafas plásticas e restos de alimentos. Não foi possível determinar a qualidade ambiental do ponto 2, pois o único organismo encontrado não foi identificado. Os organismos encontrados no ponto 3, dos grupos Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera e Lepdoptera, habitam águas limpas com alto índice de oxigênio, podendo-se inferir que, neste ponto, a qualidade da água era boa. &nbsp

    Employment generation in Brazilian coffee regions

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    Due to the specific characteristics of coffee production on each of the main Brazilian states producers of arabica (Coffea arabica) and robusta coffee (Coffea canephora), a better understanding of the structural links between production and industrialization of coffee on those states and the national economy can provide subsides for implementation of public policies, essential to plan the coffee production and increase the sector competitiveness. Therefore, this study analyzed the employment generation in production and coffee industrialization in the major Brazilian production regions, based on an inter-regional input-output model, with seven regions, which represent the main coffee-producing states - Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, São Paulo, Paraná, Bahia and Other States - with 44 sectors each, in a system of 308 sectors. The results indicated that the production of robusta coffee is the sector that generates more employments (total) per currency unit, and that arabica production sector is the fourth largest generator of employments, among the 44 sectors considered for the country. The results for each state emphasized the importance of farming and coffee industry for national and state economies

    O turismo e a economia brasileira: uma discussão da matriz de insumo-produto

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    The World Tourism Organization define tourists as being those who travel and stay away from their homes for a less than one-year period. In economic terms, tourism is seem as an activity that implies outlays from those far from home between at least a twenty-four-hour period and, at most, one year; involving different economic activities in transport, food, lodging and leisure sectors. These aspects implies, therefore, a major interaction between many economic sectors, being important analyzing the articulation between them both in a complementary way and regarding the economic impacts their development involve. The input-output matrix is an excellent analitical tool in this case, making it possible to visualize the articulations between tourism and the rest of the economy, as well as to estimate the impacts of tourism as and demander and offerer of inputs for the Brazilian economy. It can also verify the effects of the sector growth on the income and labour generated. These aspects are studied in this work by estimating the input-output matrix for tourism in Brazil in the year of 2004

    Transcript levels of ten caste-related genes in adult diploid males of Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Apidae) - A comparison with haploid males, queens and workers

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    In Hymenoptera, homozygosity at the sex locus results in the production of diploid males. In social species, these pose a double burden by having low fitness and drawing resources normally spent for increasing the work force of a colony. Yet, diploid males are of academic interest as they can elucidate effects of ploidy (normal males are haploid, whereas the female castes, the queens and workers, are diploid) on morphology and life history. Herein we investigated expression levels of ten caste-related genes in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata, comparing newly emerged and 5-day-old diploid males with haploid males, queens and workers. In diploid males, transcript levels for dunce and paramyosin were increased during the first five days of adult life, while those for diacylglycerol kinase and the transcriptional co-repressor groucho diminished. Two general trends were apparent, (i) gene expression patterns in diploid males were overall more similar to haploid ones and workers than to queens, and (ii) in queens and workers, more genes were up-regulated after emergence until day five, whereas in diploid and especially so in haploid males more genes were down-regulated. This difference between the sexes may be related to longevity, which is much longer in females than in males