O turismo e a economia brasileira: uma discussão da matriz de insumo-produto


The World Tourism Organization define tourists as being those who travel and stay away from their homes for a less than one-year period. In economic terms, tourism is seem as an activity that implies outlays from those far from home between at least a twenty-four-hour period and, at most, one year; involving different economic activities in transport, food, lodging and leisure sectors. These aspects implies, therefore, a major interaction between many economic sectors, being important analyzing the articulation between them both in a complementary way and regarding the economic impacts their development involve. The input-output matrix is an excellent analitical tool in this case, making it possible to visualize the articulations between tourism and the rest of the economy, as well as to estimate the impacts of tourism as and demander and offerer of inputs for the Brazilian economy. It can also verify the effects of the sector growth on the income and labour generated. These aspects are studied in this work by estimating the input-output matrix for tourism in Brazil in the year of 2004

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