114 research outputs found

    Estrategias de ayuda para el afrontamiento

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    Después de una breve introducción y un repaso del concepto de afrontamiento, se hace una revisión de las principales estrategias y modelos de afrontamiento en ciencias de la salud y en el pensamiento hispánico, con capítulos dedicados a Elizabeth Kübler Ross, el Counselling y la ayuda filosófica con especial mención de Séneca y el asesoramiento filosófic

    Cos y Cnido. Esencia Hipocrática en la práctica profesional enfermera

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    El desarrollo de la filosofia y las ciencias humanas en la Greda del siglo V a. de C. supuso en términos de salud un avance cualitativo fundamental, desde un modelo mitológico primigenio, hasta la condición de disciplina clentífica que se mantiene hasta nuestros días. Este artículo analiza la aportación de las dos principales escuelas de salud de la Grecia Clásica, COS y CNIDO, sobre el concepto modemo del cuidado y las bases actuales de la disciplina enfermera. Los autores concluyen, que al contrario de la Escuela de CNIDO, el pensamiento hipocrático de la Escuela de COS ha contribuido sustancialmente no solo a la construcción de la medicina modema, sino también a la Ciencia De los Cuidados Enfermeros

    Transferencia de pacientes de cuidados paliativos desde el hospital hasta atención primaria: un estudio cualitativo = Transferring palliative-care patients from hospital to community care: a qualitative study

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    Aim: To know the experience of case-manager nurses with regard to transferring palliative-care patients from the hospital to their homes. Design: Qualitative phenomenological study carried out in 2014 2015. Setting: Poniente and Almería health districts, which referral hospitals are Poniente Hospital and Torrecárdenas Hospital, respectively. Participants: A purposive sample comprised of 12 case-manager nurses was recruited from the aforementioned setting. Method: Theoretical data saturation was achieved after performing 7 in-depth individual interviews and 1 focus group. Data analysis was performed following Colaizzi’s method. Results: Three themes emerged: (1) ‘Case-management nursing as a quality, patient-centred service’ (2) ‘Failures of the information systems’, with the subthemes ‘‘patients’’ insufficient and inadequate previous information’’ and ‘‘ineffective between levels communication channels for advanced nursing’’; (3) ‘Deficiencies in discharge planning’, with the subthemes ‘‘deficient management of resources on admission’’, ‘‘uncertainty about discharge’’ and ‘‘insufficient human resources to coordinate the transfer’’. Conclusions: Case-manager nurses consider themselves a good-quality service. However, they think there are issues with coordination, information and discharge planning of palliative patients from hospital. It would be useful to review the communication pathways of both care and discharge reports, so that resources needed by palliative patients are effectively managed at the point of being transferred home

    Factor de impacto de revistas: ¿amenaza u oportunidad?

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    Este artículo contiene un resumen de las críticas a la utilización del factor de impacto (FI) como indicador de calidad de las publicaciones y de producción de investigadores. Tales críticas alcanzan a los autores que intentan publicar en revistas con FI, argumentando que así renuncian a la propia identidad, primando su currículum sobre la utilidad de su investigación. En oposición a esas críticas se afirma que unos criterios de evaluación exigentes sirven de estímulo para la internacionalización del sistema científico. Existe consenso en la comunidad académica sobre las imperfecciones del FI y su aceptación como recurso válido y necesario para la evaluación científica, como también en que el debate identitario contribuye poco a resolver la invisibilidad internacional de la investigación de enfermería en español. Se esbozan propuestas que apuestan por aprovechar las fortalezas para incrementar y visibilizar dicha investigación, desarrollar estrategias para incluir y mantener a las revistas en español en el Journal Citation Reports (JCR), fomentar la formación y cooperación interdisciplinar, promover la publicación de investigaciones desarrolladas en los programas de posgrado, y reclamar la apuesta editorial por la indexación de sus revistas en el JCR. Se concluye que, aunque difícil, es posible aumentar la visibilidad de la producción científica de enfermería en español

    Enfermería portuguesa: análisis de la producción y difusión del conocimiento a través de repositorios institucionales

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    Enquadramento: A enfermagem baseia as suas práticas no raciocínio analítico e na melhor evidência disponível. Os repositórios institucionais acrescentam uma nova dimensão à gestão da informação. Objetivos: Analisar a produção e divulgação do conhecimento em enfermagem a partir de trabalhos científicos arquivados em repositórios institucionais de acesso livre. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e documental cuja informação foi obtida através de 17 repositórios com comunidades, coleções ou publicações relacionadas com enfermagem. Analisámos o número e tipo de documentos, ano de publicação, número de autores, áreas de pesquisa e palavras-chave. Resultados: Dos 1738 documentos selecionados (31,2%) eram artigos não indexados; (30,3%) dissertações de mestrado; (4,1%) teses de doutoramento; (2,4%) livros; (5,5%) capítulos de livros e (8,5%) artigos indexados. Em média, a partir de 2006, os trabalhos publicados tinham um maior número de autores. Observámos um aumento significativo da produção científica (70,7%) entre 2010-2014. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam aumento da produtividade científica. Em termos de difusão do conhecimento sugere-se a publicação em revistas indexadas e posterior arquivo em repositórios institucionais. Theoretical framework: Nursing bases its practices in analytical reasoning and the best evidence available. Institutional repositories add a new dimension to information management. Objectives: To analyze the production and dissemination of nursing knowledge by scientific papers stored in institutional repositories of open access. Methodology: Descriptive and documental study with data collected at 17 institutional repositories that have communities, collections or publications related to nursing. We analyzed the number and type of documents, year of publication, number of authors, research areas and keywords. Results: In 1738 documents, we found: articles published in journals not indexed (31.2%); master’s dissertations (30.3%); doctoral theses (4.1%); books (2.4%); book chapters (5.5%) and articles not indexed (8.5%). Since 2006, on average, published papers had a higher number of authors. We observed a significant increase in scientific production (70.7%) between 2010-2014. Conclusion: The results show an increase in scientific productivity. As for the diffusion of knowledge we suggest the publication in indexed journals, and subsequent self-archiving in institutional repositories

    Perception of HIV Prevention Programs Among Ayoreo Sex Workers in Bolivia

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    The Ayoreo population constitutes one of Bolivia’s most vulnerable ethnic groups in terms of HIV/AIDS. Being a woman, indigenous, and a sex worker signifies belonging to a high-risk group. The aim of this study is to explore the Ayoreo sex workers’ and health agents’ perceptions of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in order to identify variables that could influence their success or failure. This study used an ethnographic methodology that included participant observation and semistructured interviews. In the data collection, participant observation and semistructured interviews with sex workers and key informants were conducted. Three themes emerged from the inductive data analysis: health prevention efforts, cultural inadequacy of prevention programs, and the eventuality of interventions. We conclude that nursing can develop culturally-adequate HIV/AIDS prevention interventions and programs as well as promote health within these populations

    Effects of two teaching interventions on nursing students’ acquisition of competence in ECG interpretation

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    Purpose: Nurse ability to recognise patient arrhythmias could contribute to preventing in-hospital cardiac arrest. Research suggests that nurses and nursing students lack competence in electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two training strategies on nursing students’ acquisition of competence in ECG interpretation. Materials and methods: A controlled randomised trial with 98 nursing students. Divided in groups of 12–16, participants were randomly allocated to one of the following 3-h teaching intervention groups: 1) traditional instructor-led (TILG), and 2) flipped classroom (FCG). Participants’ competence in ECG interpretation was measured in terms of knowledge (%), skills (%) and self-efficacy (%) using a specifically designed and previously validated toolkit at pre-test and post-test. Two-way MANOVA explored the interaction effect between ‘teaching group’ and ‘time of assessment’ and its impact on participants’ competence. Within-group differences at pre-test and post-test were explored by carrying out paired t-tests. Between-group differences at pre- and post-test were examined by performing independent t-test analysis. Results: There was a statistically significant interaction effect between ‘teaching group’ and ‘time of assessment’ on participants’ competence in ECG interpretation (F(3,190) = 86.541, p = 0.001; Wilks’ Λ = 0.423). At pre-test, differences in knowledge (TILG = 35.12 ± 12.07; FCG = 35.66 ± 10.66), skills (TILG = 14.05 ± 10.37; FCG = 14.82 ± 14.14), self-efficacy (TILG = 46.22 ± 23.78; FCG = 40.01 ± 21.77) and all other variables were non-significant (p > 0.05). At post-test, knowledge (TILG = 55.12 ± 14.16; FCG = 94.2 ± 7.31), skills (TILG = 36.90 ± 16.45; FCG = 86.43 ± 14.32) and self-efficacy (TILG = 70.78 ± 14.55; FCG = 79.98 ± 10.35) had significantly improved, regardless of the training received (p < 0.05). Nonetheless, participants in the FCG scored significantly higher than participants in the TILG in knowledge, skills and self-efficacy (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Flipping the classroom for teaching ECG interpretation to nursing students may be more effective than using a traditional instructor-led approach in terms of immediate acquisition of competence in terms of knowledge, skills and self-efficacy. Further research on the effects of both teaching strategies on the retention of the competence will be undertaken

    Análisis socio-lingüístico de la carta de derechos y obligaciones de los ciudadanos en los servicios de salud

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    The aim of this study is to carry out a socio-linguistic analysis of the dissemination of the Charter of Citizens’ Rights and Obligations in Public Health Services. We designed a qualitative investigation using observation and content analysis. A deductive analysis technique was followed, based on the “SPEAKING” model categories. The data analysis suggests a clear framework of rights and obligations has been established, but is not very familiar to patients and relatives. We can conclude that despite the widespread dissemination and publicity of the Citizens’ Charter of Rights and Obligations, we still need the involvement of professionals. Nurses can develop a fundamental role in this process