13 research outputs found

    Selective arterial embolization as an alternative modality treatment prior to mandibular aneursymal bone cyst surgical curettage : case report

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    ABC (Aneurysmal bone cyst) is a rare, benign and osteolytic lesion. Diagnosis of ABC can be challenging because of its uncommon radiographic and clinical presentation. The case of an 8-year-old female with a rapidly growing painful swelling in her left m

    Divergent patterns of meiotic double strand breaks and synapsis initiation dynamics suggest an evolutionary shift in the meiosis program between American and Australian marsupials

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    In eutherian mammals, hundreds of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are generated at the onset of meiosis. The DNA damage response is then triggered. Although the dynamics of this response is well studied in eutherian mammals, recent findings have revealed different patterns of DNA damage signaling and repair in marsupial mammals. To better characterize these differences, here we analyzed synapsis and the chromosomal distribution of meiotic DSBs markers in three different marsupial species (Thylamys elegans, Dromiciops gliorides, and Macropus eugenii) that represent South American and Australian Orders. Our results revealed inter-specific differences in the chromosomal distribution of DNA damage and repair proteins, which were associated with differing synapsis patterns. In the American species T. elegans and D. gliroides, chromosomal ends were conspicuously polarized in a bouquet configuration and synapsis progressed exclusively from the telomeres towards interstitial regions. This was accompanied by sparse H2AX phosphorylation, mainly accumulating at chromosomal ends. Accordingly, RAD51 and RPA were mainly localized at chromosomal ends throughout prophase I in both American marsupials, likely resulting in reduced recombination rates at interstitial positions. In sharp contrast, synapsis initiated at both interstitial and distal chromosomal regions in the Australian representative M. eugenii, the bouquet polarization was incomplete and ephemeral, ÎłH2AX had a broad nuclear distribution, and RAD51 and RPA foci displayed an even chromosomal distribution. Given the basal evolutionary position of T. elegans, it is likely that the meiotic features reported in this species represent an ancestral pattern in marsupials and that a shift in the meiotic program occurred after the split of D. gliroides and the Australian marsupial clade. Our results open intriguing questions about the regulation and homeostasis of meiotic DSBs in marsupials. The low recombination rates observed at the interstitial chromosomal regions in American marsupials can result in the formation of large linkage groups, thus having an impact in the evolution of their genomesThis work was supported by grants CGL 2014-53106-P to JP (Ministerio de EcomonĂ­a y Competitividad, Spain), BIOUAM02- 2020 to JP and RG (Departamento de BiologĂ­a, Universidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid), PID 2020-112557 GB-I00 to AR-H. (Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn, Spain) and from the Australian Research Council to MBR, GS, and PDW. (DP21103512 and DP220101429). PW is also supported by the NHMRC (APP1182667 and APP2021172). LM-G was supported by a FPU predoctoral fellowship from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (FPU18/03867

    A rare, life-threatening debut of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy

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    Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy (PTTM) is a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with mucin secreting adenocarcinomas, usually gastric. Mucin secretion releases the coagulation cascade and activates endothelial growth factors, causing thrombosis and endothelial proliferation with secondary luminal stenosis. PTTM, which is usually fatal in a very short time, presents a significant ante-mortem diagnostic challenge. We report the case of a 59-year-old woman with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma who developed PTTM, leading to cor pulmonale and lethal cardiogenic shock. This is the fourth case report of PTTM secondary to pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The clinical suspicion was confirmed in the autopsy when a second, previously undetected tumor was found. This report highlights the need for postmortem studies in current oncology practice

    Consideraciones sobre el abordaje invasivo de la cardiopatía isquémica y estructural durante el brote de coronavirus COVID-19.: Documento de consenso de la Asociación de Cardiología Intervencionista y la Asociación de Cardiopatía Isquémica de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología

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    The current COVID-19 outbreak is forcing healthcare workers to continuously reconsider the proper indications for cardiac catheterization. Human and material resources optimization, infection prevention for patients and healthcare workers, and transfer times force a rethink of the previously established protocols. This article is a consensus statement of the Interventional Cardiology Association and the Ischemic Heart Disease Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, and aims to provide information to healthcare workers on the indications of diagnostic or therapeutic cardiac catheterization during the current COVID-19 pandemic.El brote actual de COVID-19 estå obligando a los profesionales sanitarios a replantear de forma continua las indicaciones de cateterismo cardiaco. La optimización de recursos materiales y humanos, la prevención de contagios a profesionales y pacientes, así como la gestión de los tiempos de traslado, hace totalmente necesario reformular los protocolos previamente establecidos. El presente texto es un documento de consenso de la Asociación de Cardiología Intervencionista y la Asociación de Cardiopatía Isquémica y Cuidados Agudos Cardiovasculares de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología que pretende dar información al personal sanitario sobre las indicaciones de cateterismo diagnóstico o terapéutico durante la pandemia actual de COVID-19

    Divergent patterns of meiotic double strand breaks and synapsis initiation dynamics suggest an evolutionary shift in the meiosis program between American and Australian marsupials

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    In eutherian mammals, hundreds of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are generated at the onset of meiosis. The DNA damage response is then triggered. Although the dynamics of this response is well studied in eutherian mammals, recent findings have revealed different patterns of DNA damage signaling and repair in marsupial mammals. To better characterize these differences, here we analyzed synapsis and the chromosomal distribution of meiotic DSBs markers in three different marsupial species (Thylamys elegans, Dromiciops gliorides, and Macropus eugenii) that represent South American and Australian Orders. Our results revealed inter-specific differences in the chromosomal distribution of DNA damage and repair proteins, which were associated with differing synapsis patterns. In the American species T. elegans and D. gliroides, chromosomal ends were conspicuously polarized in a bouquet configuration and synapsis progressed exclusively from the telomeres towards interstitial regions. This was accompanied by sparse H2AX phosphorylation, mainly accumulating at chromosomal ends. Accordingly, RAD51 and RPA were mainly localized at chromosomal ends throughout prophase I in both American marsupials, likely resulting in reduced recombination rates at interstitial positions. In sharp contrast, synapsis initiated at both interstitial and distal chromosomal regions in the Australian representative M. eugenii, the bouquet polarization was incomplete and ephemeral, ÎłH2AX had a broad nuclear distribution, and RAD51 and RPA foci displayed an even chromosomal distribution. Given the basal evolutionary position of T. elegans, it is likely that the meiotic features reported in this species represent an ancestral pattern in marsupials and that a shift in the meiotic program occurred after the split of D. gliroides and the Australian marsupial clade. Our results open intriguing questions about the regulation and homeostasis of meiotic DSBs in marsupials. The low recombination rates observed at the interstitial chromosomal regions in American marsupials can result in the formation of large linkage groups, thus having an impact in the evolution of their genomes

    La composición escrita (de 3 a 16 años)

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciĂłnSe presenta un recorrido que trata aspectos de la expresiĂłn o producciĂłn escrita, con la intenciĂłn de fomentar el debate, a travĂ©s de las reflexiones de diferentes autores, sobre el uso de la lengua y su dedĂĄctica; y, por otro lado, mostrar mediante buenas prĂĄcticas, cĂłmo se puede trabajar la lengua escrita a lo largo de la escolarizaciĂłn, desde los mĂĄs pequeños a los mayores, trabajando con recetas de cocina, escribiendo cartas a compañeros de otros centros, inventando cuentos o creando textos literarios en los talleres.CataluñaBiblioteca de EducaciĂłn del Ministerio de EducaciĂłn, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San AgustĂ­n 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependent with type I IFN autoantibodies

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    International audienceSignificance There is growing evidence that preexisting autoantibodies neutralizing type I interferons (IFNs) are strong determinants of life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia. It is important to estimate their quantitative impact on COVID-19 mortality upon SARS-CoV-2 infection, by age and sex, as both the prevalence of these autoantibodies and the risk of COVID-19 death increase with age and are higher in men. Using an unvaccinated sample of 1,261 deceased patients and 34,159 individuals from the general population, we found that autoantibodies against type I IFNs strongly increased the SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality rate at all ages, in both men and women. Autoantibodies against type I IFNs are strong and common predictors of life-threatening COVID-19. Testing for these autoantibodies should be considered in the general population

    The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependent with type I IFN autoantibodies

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    International audienceSignificance There is growing evidence that preexisting autoantibodies neutralizing type I interferons (IFNs) are strong determinants of life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia. It is important to estimate their quantitative impact on COVID-19 mortality upon SARS-CoV-2 infection, by age and sex, as both the prevalence of these autoantibodies and the risk of COVID-19 death increase with age and are higher in men. Using an unvaccinated sample of 1,261 deceased patients and 34,159 individuals from the general population, we found that autoantibodies against type I IFNs strongly increased the SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality rate at all ages, in both men and women. Autoantibodies against type I IFNs are strong and common predictors of life-threatening COVID-19. Testing for these autoantibodies should be considered in the general population