320 research outputs found

    On the Krein–Milman Property and the Bade Property

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    AbstractThroughout this paper a study on the Krein–Milmam Property and the Bade Property is entailed reaching the following conclusions: If a real topological vector space satisfies the Krein–Milmam Property, then it is Hausdorff; if a real topological vector space satisfies the Krein–Milmam Property and is locally convex and metrizable, then all of its closed infinite dimensional vector subspaces have uncountable dimension; if a real pseudo-normed space has the Bade Property, then it is Hausdorff as well but could allow closed infinite dimensional vector subspaces with countable dimension. On other hand, we show the existence of infinite dimensional closed subspaces of ℓ∞ with the Bade Property that are not the space of convergence associated to any series in a real topological vector space. Finally, we characterize unconditionally convergent series in real Banach spaces by means of a new concept called uniform convergence of series

    The sustainabibility of the Cuban Creole Black pig in the integral development of the mountain areas

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    Cuban Creole pig present excellent possibilities under the official program of complete development of Cuban Mountain areas. His role consist in their utilisation as a father breed in the environmental management system (CIAL), but also in their pure breeding in those areas named porcine protected areas. Here we describe the main zootechnique objectives of the Cuban Creole pig under the sustainable development.El Cerdo Criollo Cubano presenta unas excelentes posibilidades dentro del programa de desarrollo integral de la montaña por su utilización como línea padre en los sistemas de cría intensiva al aire libre (CIAL) o bien en los sistemas de cría en pureza denominados cotos porcinos. Se plantean los principales objetivos zootécnicos en el cerdo criollo dentro del desarrollo sostenible

    Területfejlesztés vagy iparpolitika?: A francia versenyképességi pólus program tapasztalatai

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    A tanulmány felvázolja a területfejlesztési és a verseny-, illetve iparpolitikának a metszetében elhelyezkedő francia versenyképességi pólusok kialakulásának előzményeit, elméleti hátterét, és az alig egy évtizedes múltra visszatekintő gyakorlati tapasztalatok összegzésére vállalkozik. A versenyképességi pólusok az innovációs szereplők hálózatos kapcsolataira épülnek, fejlődésüket a szereplők közti együttműködés minősége alakítja. Miközben a teljesítmény-szemléletű politikák a legdinamikusabban fejlődő régiókra összpontosítanak az ország európai és globális pozícióját szem előtt tartva, és a pólusok esetében is a legígéretesebb csúcsipari ágazatok támogatását szorgalmazzák, a közel fél évszázados múltú egyenlősítő célzatú területfejlesztési politikák céljai a pólusok nagy számával és a hagyományos, érettebb ágazatok támogatásával realizálódnak. A kettős célkitűzés egyidejűleg a pólusprogram esetében is nehezen teljesíthető, de mindmáig jelen van az ország jövőjét meghatározó területpolitikai vitákban

    Mechanistic studies on the: N -alkylation of amines with alcohols catalysed by iridium(i) complexes with functionalised N-heterocyclic carbene ligands

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    Iridium(i) cyclooctadiene complexes featuring O- and N-donor functionalised NHC ligands efficiently catalyse the C-N coupling of amines with alcohols through a borrowing hydrogen mechanism. These catalysts have been applied for the N-alkylation of several aromatic and aliphatic primary amines with a range of alcohols including benzyl alcohol derivatives, straight-chain primary alcohols and secondary alcohols. The cationic complex [Ir(NCCH3)(cod){MeIm(2-methoxybenzyl)}]+ (cod = 1, 5-cyclooctadiene, MeIm = 3-methylimidazol-2-ylidene) having a rigid O-donor wingtip exhibits the best catalytic performance for the N-alkylation of aniline with benzyl alcohol giving a quantitative conversion to N-benzylaniline in 3 h. Experimental and theoretical studies at the DFT level on the N-alkylation of aniline with benzyl alcohol catalysed by the model compound [IrCl(cod)(IMe)] (IMe = 1, 3-dimethyl-imidazol-2-ylidene) support the participation of the iridium catalyst not only in the alcohol dehydrogenation and imine hydrogenation steps but also in the key step leading to the formation of the new C-N bond. Nucleophilic attack of an iridium-amido species generated in basic medium on the electrophilic aldehyde results in a hemiaminolate intermediate species from which the hemiaminal is released by alcoholysis. The free hemiaminal dehydrates to give the corresponding intermediate imine product that is hydrogenated by the iridium catalyst to the N-alkylated amine product. The iridium(i) complexes featuring functionalised NHC ligands are more active than [IrCl(cod)(IMe)] which highlights the positive influence of the functional group on the N-alkylation catalytic activity

    Nephrops discards, size composition, recruitment and directed effort of the Spanish fleets in Porcupine Bank (FU 16)

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    Spanish fleets have been fishing Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in Porcupine Bank for more than 45 years. Despite a huge Spanish effort descent in the area during this period, nowadays Spain is after Ireland the second country in Nephrops landings from this functional unit (12%). Nephrops discards in the Spanish fleets were traditionally considered negligible, but a revision about the issue is necessary. On the other hand, there are problems since 2005 to carry out length sampling from the fishery on the ports, since retained catch is now frozen on board. This lack of information can be addressed by length information collected by the observers on board. Concerning effort, Spain has been providing in the last decades effort data of the hake directed fleet (that collects almost all Nephrops catch) for the successive ICES working groups related to FU 16 Nephrops. New effort information more accurate and directed to Nephrops is needed. Taking into account this demands, discards rates and estimations, catch length information and Nephrops directed effort are presented on this document

    Peces de los fondos de arrastre de la plataforma continental de Galicia

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    En el presente trabajo se relacionan las especies de peces capturadas en 91 lances efectuados en cuatro campañas de promoción pesquera, realizados a bordo del B/O Cornide de Saavedra, entre 1980 y 1982 en la plataforma de Galicia. Se presenta para cada especie la abundancia en número y la biomasa por tiempo de arrastre, por zona geográfica y estrato de profundidad, Se citan un total de 72 especies de peces.The species of fishes captured along of 91 hauls realized in four surveys earried out with the R/V Cornide de Saavedra between 1980 and 1982 along the Galicia continental shelf are reported. The abundance in number of individuals and biomass per trawling time, for each geographical area and depth stratum are cited for each species. A total of 72 fish species are cited.Versión del editor

    Recent morpho-sedimentary processes in Dove Basin, southern Scotia Sea, Antarctica: A basin-scale case of interaction between bottom currents and mass movements

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    Multibeam bathymetric imagery and acoustic sub-bottom profiles are used to reveal distribution patterns of sub-surface sedimentation in Dove Basin (Scotia Sea). The goals of the study are to determine the imprint of the inflow of deep Antarctic water masses from the Weddell Sea into the Scotia Sea, to establish the factors driving the styles of contourite deposition and to discern the relative contribution of alongslope versus downslope processes to the construction of the uppermost late Quaternary sedimentary record in the basin. The most significant morpho-sedimentary features in Dove Basin are linked to contouritic processes and to mass movements. Plastered drifts on the flanks of the basin constitute the most common contouritic deposits. Basement-controlled drifts on top of structural elevations are common along the central ridge, the central basin plain and scattered along the basin flanks. Sheeted drifts occur on top of adjacent banks or are restricted to the deep basin. In contrast, mounded drifts are poorly represented in Dove basin. A laterally extensive contouritic channel runs along the central ridge. Contouritic channels are also identified in the upper parts of the lateral banks and slopes. Numerous slide scars along the upper parts of the slopes evolve downslope into semitransparent lens-shaped bodies, with occasional development of across-slope channels. Semitransparent lenses occur intercalated within stratified deposits in the slopes of the basin, in the central ridge and in the deepest basin plain. The spatial arrangement of contouritic morphologies points to the influence of the water column structure and the basin physiography. In the eastern sub-basin, two different fractions (lower and upper) of Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) leave an imprint on contourite deposits owing to the sloping interface between the two fractions. Contouritic influence is more subdued in the western sub-basin, and limited to the imprint of the lower WSDW. The upper parts of the surrounding banks are under the influence of deep-reaching Circumpolar waters (i.e., Lower Circumpolar Deep Water), which develops both depositional and erosional morphologies. The cross-section V-shaped morphology of the basin and the common occurrence of structural highs drive the predominance of plastered and basement-controlled drifts in the sediment record. The frequent alternation between contourites and downslope gravity-flow deposits is likely due to different processes associated with over-steepening in the basin, such as basement-controlled steep slopes, deformed drifts atop basement elevations, and the development of thick contouritic piles. Dove Basin is an example of a basin without mounded, plastered or mixed hybrid drifts in the transition between the lower slope and the deep basin, because the upper boundary of the deepest water mass —the Weddell Sea Deep Water— flows shallower along the middle slope. This fact underlines the relevance of the position and depth of water masses in shaping the morphology of the feet of slopes along continental margins