80 research outputs found

    The effects of the electoral campaign on the vote in the Catalan Elections of 2015

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    Traballo Fin de Máster en Marketing, Consultoría e Comunicación Política. Facultade de Ciencias Políticas e Sociais. Curso 2015-2016La campaña electoral de las Elecciones Autonómicas celebradas en Cataluña el 27 de septiembre de 2015 estuvo marcada por el marcado carácter plebiscitario de las mismas. El presente trabajo tratará el tema de las campañas electorales y su influencia sobre la decisión del elector. Para ello, hemos elaborado un marco teórico donde aparecen los estudios más destacados sobre el impacto de las campañas en el voto. El objetivo final del mismo es analizar el perfil del votante que sigue con o sin interés la campaña y cómo ha influido la misma en su decisión final; por último, intentaremos averiguar cuál es el peso real que la campaña electoral tiene sobre el voto de los ciudadanos que han respaldado alguna de las seis formaciones principales

    Differential Binary Encoding Method for Calibrating Image Sensors Based on IOFBs

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    Image transmission using incoherent optical fiber bundles (IOFBs) requires prior calibration to obtain the spatial in-out fiber correspondence necessary to reconstruct the image captured by the pseudo-sensor. This information is recorded in a Look-Up Table called the Reconstruction Table (RT), used later for reordering the fiber positions and reconstructing the original image. This paper presents a very fast method based on image-scanning using spaces encoded by a weighted binary code to obtain the in-out correspondence. The results demonstrate that this technique yields a remarkable reduction in processing time and the image reconstruction quality is very good compared to previous techniques based on spot or line scanning, for example

    Weakly-supervised detection of AMD-related lesions in color fundus images using explainable deep learning

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    [Abstract]: Background and Objectives: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative disorder affecting the macula, a key area of the retina for visual acuity. Nowadays, AMD is the most frequent cause of blindness in developed countries. Although some promising treatments have been proposed that effectively slow down its development, their effectiveness significantly diminishes in the advanced stages. This emphasizes the importance of large-scale screening programs for early detection. Nevertheless, implementing such programs for a disease like AMD is usually unfeasible, since the population at risk is large and the diagnosis is challenging. For the characterization of the disease, clinicians have to identify and localize certain retinal lesions. All this motivates the development of automatic diagnostic methods. In this sense, several works have achieved highly positive results for AMD detection using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, none of them incorporates explainability mechanisms linking the diagnosis to its related lesions to help clinicians to better understand the decisions of the models. This is specially relevant, since the absence of such mechanisms limits the application of automatic methods in the clinical practice. In that regard, we propose an explainable deep learning approach for the diagnosis of AMD via the joint identification of its associated retinal lesions. Methods: In our proposal, a CNN with a custom architectural setting is trained end-to-end for the joint identification of AMD and its associated retinal lesions. With the proposed setting, the lesion identification is directly derived from independent lesion activation maps; then, the diagnosis is obtained from the identified lesions. The training is performed end-to-end using image-level labels. Thus, lesion-specific activation maps are learned in a weakly-supervised manner. The provided lesion information is of high clinical interest, as it allows clinicians to assess the developmental stage of the disease. Additionally, the proposed approach allows to explain the diagnosis obtained by the models directly from the identified lesions and their corresponding activation maps. The training data necessary for the approach can be obtained without much extra work on the part of clinicians, since the lesion information is habitually present in medical records. This is an important advantage over other methods, including fully-supervised lesion segmentation methods, which require pixel-level labels whose acquisition is arduous. Results: The experiments conducted in 4 different datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach is able to identify AMD and its associated lesions with satisfactory performance. Moreover, the evaluation of the lesion activation maps shows that the models trained using the proposed approach are able to identify the pathological areas within the image and, in most cases, to correctly determine to which lesion they correspond. Conclusions: The proposed approach provides meaningful information—lesion identification and lesion activation maps—that conveniently explains and complements the diagnosis, and is of particular interest to clinicians for the diagnostic process. Moreover, the data needed to train the networks using the proposed approach is commonly easy to obtain, what represents an important advantage in fields with particularly scarce data, such as medical imaging.Xunta de Galicia; ED481B-2022-025Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/24Xunta de Galicia; IN845D 2020/38Xunta de Galicia; ED481A 2021/140Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01This work was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Government of Spain, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU) through the DTS18/00136 research project; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Government of Spain, through RTI2018-095894-B-I00 and PID2019-108435RB-I00 research projects; Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN), Xunta de Galicia, ref. IN845D 2020/38; Conselleria de Cultura, Educación e Universidade, Xunta de Galicia, through Grupos de Referencia Competitiva, ref. ED431C 2020/24, the predoctoral grant ref. ED481A 2021/140, and the postdoctoral grant ref. ED481B-2022-025; CITIC, Centro de Investigación de Galicia ref. ED431G 2019/01, is funded by Conselleria de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional, Xunta de Galicia, through the ERDF (80%) and Secretaria Xeral de Universidades (20%)

    Catálogo de las arañas (Araneae) de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    In this catalogue we seek to compile information about spiders in Comunidad de Madrid in order to evaluate the level of our knowledge in the context of the Iberian fauna as well as to promote studies leading to their conservation. For this catalogue we have compiled information coming from both published and unpublished mentions from university thesis, classified specimens from the collections of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales and the results of a specific sampling carried out by M. A. Ferrández and H. Fernández de Céspedes in the San Agustín de Guadalix area. The nomenclature is based on Platnick’s world catalogue (2005) as well as on Morano’s work on the ibero-balearic fauna (2005) both available on the net. For each species we include: locality of record, UTM coordinates, original publication name and bibliographical references or museum where the material is kept. Madrid’s fauna of spiders has 261 species at present, belonging to 133 genera from 36 different families, 52% of which are cited from first time (marked with *). The general conclusion is that there is very little data about most species, those that do exist are often outdated and they lack relevant information about biological cycles, ecology, etc. There are still great many species to be recorded in the fauna of Madrid and estimates range between 350 and 400 species in total. It must be pointed that 24 out of 261 total species are endemic species from the Iberian Peninsula, some only collected very recently: Ozyptila umbraculorum (2002), Clubiona aducta, Parachtes teruelis (2005) and Amphiledorus balnearicus (in this paper).Con la confección del presente catálogo se pretende recopilar la información faunística disponible sobre las arañas de la Comunidad de Madrid, valorar el grado de conocimiento en el contexto de la fauna ibérica, así como impulsar los estudios encaminados a su conservación. Para su elaboración se han recopilado las citas publicadas, las citas inéditas de diferentes Tesis Doctorales y de licenciatura, el material identificado que se conserva en las colecciones del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales y los resultados de un muestreo puntual realizado por dos de los autores (M.A. Ferrández y H. Fernández de Céspedes) en las proximidades de San Agustín de Guadalix. La nomenclatura está basada tanto en el catálogo mundial de Platnick (2005) como en el realizado para la fauna ibero-balear por uno de los autores, Morano (2005), disponible actualmente en internet. Para cada especie se incluyen las localidades de captura, su coordenada UTM, el nombre con el que fue publicada la cita y la referencia bibliográfica o el museo donde esta depositado el material. También se añade un apartado de distribución donde se proporciona la distribución mundial y la ibérica. La fauna de arañas de Madrid cuenta en el momento actual con un total de 261 especies repartidas en 132 géneros de 36 familias distintas, de las cuales un total de 52 se publican por primera vez (las señaladas mediante un *). La conclusión general es que se poseen pocos datos de la mayoría de las especies, los datos que hay son en muchos casos antiguos y no aportan información relevante sobre los ciclos biológicos, ecología, etc. Sin duda quedan muchas especies por encontrar en la fauna madrileña y no es descabellado estimar entre 350 y 400 las especies totales de dicha fauna. También es de destacar la presencia de 24 endemismos ibéricos, algunos de ellos recolectados en fecha reciente, como Ozyptila umbraculorum (2002), Clubiona aducta, Parachtes teruelis, o Amphiledorus balnearicus (2005), esta última capturada en los muestreos de San Agustín de Guadalix

    Sun exposure habits, sun protection practices, knowledge and attitudes of andalusian teenagers

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    La historia de quemaduras solares y la exposición solar acumulativa durante la infancia y la adolescencia son los factores de riesgo más importantes para el desarrollo de cáncer de piel. Se conoce que el 85% de esta neoplasia podría evitarse reduciendo la exposición solar, especialmente durante la adolescencia. En este grupo de edad se han intensificado las prácticas de riesgo relacionadas con la exposición solar, motivadas por el deseo del bronceado, el tiempo que pasan al aire libre, la baja percepción del riesgo a desarrollar cáncer de piel y la falta de control paterno. Las campañas de prevención de cáncer de piel tienen como objetivo mejorar los hábitos de exposición solar, reducir las quemaduras solares y la incidencia de cáncer de piel. Los adolescentes son un grupo prioritario al que debe ir dirigidas estas campañas. En el presente trabajo se realiza un recorrido por los hallazgos más significativos sobre los hábitos de exposición solar, las prácticas de protección solar, las actitudes y comportamientos de riesgo de los adolescentes, de las intervenciones educativas que se han llevado a cabo en Andalucía y las perspectivas futuras.A history of sunburn and cumulative sun exposure during childhood and adolescence are the most important risk factors for the development of skin cancer. Nevertheless, 85% of the cases of skin cancer could be prevented by reducing sun exposure, particularly during adolescence. In fact, persons in this age group have now increased their sun exposure practices, motivated by the desire for a suntan, and the fact that they spend more time outdoors, have a poor perception of the risk of developing skin cancer, and the lack of parental control. Skin cancer prevention campaigns aim to improve sun protection habits, and reduce sunburns and incidence of skin cancer. In this work, we do a summary about the most significant findings on the sun exposure habits, sun protection practices, attitudes and risk behaviors of adolescents, as well as, educational interventions that have been carried out in Andalusia and the future prospects.Los autores agradecen el apoyo del equipo de investigación del Hospital Costa del Sol y al Programa del Doctorado de Medicina Clínica y Salud Pública de la Universidad de Granad

    Validation of a Questionnaire Designed to Study Knowledge, Attitudes, and HabitsRelated to Sun Exposure Among Young Adults: The CHACES Questionnaire

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    Las campañas escolares de prevención del cáncer cutáneo han demostrado ser eficaces y costo-efectivas. Su éxito depende de un adecuado dise˜no, basado en la encuestación previa de la población diana (alumnos, profesores y padres). Sin embargo, son escasos los cuestionarios validados en castellano que estudien hábitos y conocimientos sobre exposición solar en infancia, y nulos en la población adultojuvenil. Objetivos: Elaborar y validar un cuestionario que explore las conductas relacionadas con la exposición solar en población adultojuvenil. Metodología: Se elaboraron 2 cuestionarios, dirigidos a población adulta (mayor de 18 a˜nos) y juvenil (11-17 a˜nos), incluyendo datos demográficos, color de piel, fototipo, quemaduras solares, prácticas, actitudes y conocimientos relacionados con la exposición solar. Tras el pilotaje y análisis de validez de contenido, se dise˜nó un estudio de validación en 2 fases: I) Análisis de la validez y consistencia interna de los ítems (estudio trasversal sobre 1.482 adolescentes-adultos, con estudio de validez de constructo [mediante análisis factorial exploratorio] y de consistencia interna [alfa de Cronbach]), II) Estudio de la estabilidad (test-retest sobre 39 sujetos). Resultados: El pilotaje demostró la validez de contenido de sendos cuestionarios. El análisis de los componentes principales reveló 2 componentes en cada dimensión estudiada, explicando más del 50% de la varianza. Todos los ítems mostraron buena correlación entre ellos. Se demostró validez en la fase i (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach entre 0,45-0,8, excepto el área de conocimientos [0,335]) y estabilidad en la fase ii (acuerdo absoluto > 60%).Skin cancer prevention campaigns in schools have been shown to be both effectiveand cost-effective. The success of such programs depends on the use of an appropriate designinformed by a prior survey of the target population (pupils, teachers, and parents). There are,however, very few validated Spanish-language questionnaires designed to study the habits andknowledge of this population with respect to sun exposure in childhood and none designed foruse with a young adult population.Objectives: To construct and validate a questionnaire designed to explore sun exposure beha-viors in a young adult population.Methodology: Two questionnaires were developed, one for adults (18+) and the other for youngadults (11-17); both included demographic information, skin color, Fitzpatrick skin type, andhistory of sunburn as well as questions on knowledge, attitudes and practices related to sunexposure. The content was then piloted and its validity analyzed. The subsequent validationstudy was divided into 2 phases as follows: 1) analysis of the validity and internal consistencyof the items in a cross-sectional study of 1,482 adults and adolescents, using exploratory factoranalysis to test construct validity and Cronbach to measure internal consistency; and 2)evaluation of test-retest reliability in 39 individuals.Results: The pilot study demonstrated the content validity of both questionnaires. Principalcomponent analysis revealed that 2 components in each of the dimensions studied accountedfor over 50% of the variance. A good correlation was found between the items studied. Validitywas demonstrated in the first phase of the analysis with a Cronbach of between 0.45 and 0.8for all components except knowledge (0.335). In the second phase, test-retest reliability wasdemonstrated (absolute agreement > 60%).Conclusions: The psychometric properties of the questionnaire make it a valid and reliable toolfor the study of knowledge, attitudes, and habits with respect to sun exposure in the youngadult school population

    Sensitivity to change of the Beach Questionnaire to behaviour, attitudes and knowledge related to sun exposure: quasi-experimental before-after study

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    Background: Health questionnaires must present accredited measurement properties such as validity, reliability and sensitivity to change, the latter being essential for interventions to be planned and for evaluating their effectiveness. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity to change of a Beach Questionnaire.Methods: Quasi-experimental before-after study carried out in 2011, for a study population of adolescents attending schools in the Costa del Sol. First, the questionnaire was administered to the adolescents, after which a multicomponent educational intervention was carried out; finally, three months later, the same questionnaire was re-administered to the same adolescents. Changes were assessed in the categories of each item, using the McNemar test, and the changes in the scores, standardised to a range of 0–100, using the Student t test for paired samples, and including the mean of the differences and the 95% confidence interval. The level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.Results: 228 adolescents, aged 14–17 years, and 55.3% were girls. Statistically significant changes were observed in sunburn experiences, exposure to the sun at mid-day and attitudes to sun exposure and suncreams. For the seven items related to knowledge about sun exposure, a higher rate of correct answers was observed. The analysis of changes, within the standardised range, revealed a significant improvement in the scores for sun exposure habits (MD 4.33; CI 95% 2.2-6.5), attitudes to sun exposure (MD 2.22; CI 95% 1.2-3.2) and knowledge (MD 9.10; CI 95% 7.1-11.1), but not in those for sun-protection practices (MD 0.23; CI 95% -1.2-1.7).Conclusions: The Beach Questionnaire on behaviour, attitudes and knowledge related to sun exposure is the first such instrument in Spanish language to provide sufficient sensitivity to change. It constitutes a useful tool for epidemiologic research into photoprotection and for skin cancer prevention programmes.The authors would like to acknowledge support from the Research Department of the Costa del Sol Hospital

    Hábitos, actitudes y conocimientos sobre la exposición solar de corredores de fondo en la Costa del Sol

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    A nivel dermatológico, la elevada exposición solar a radiación ultravioleta asociada a la práctica de actividades deportivas al aire libre, máxime en actividades recreativas de larga duración como son los corredores de fondo, aumenta el fotoenvejecimiento de la piel y la incidencia de cáncer de piel. El propósito del estudio fue evaluar los hábitos, actitudes y conocimientos sobre la exposición solar de corredores de fondo de nuestra comunidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo mediante encuesta con un muestreo de conveniencia entre aquellos participantes de las medias maratones populares de Fuengirola y Marbella celebradas en el mes de septiembre del año 2016. En la muestra evaluada se ha hallado una intensa exposición solar realizando actividades al aire libre, asociado ello a una prevalencia de quemaduras solares elevada (uno de cada 2 corredores). Exposure to UV radiation during the practice of sports in the open air is especially high in sustained recreational activities such as long-distance running. UV exposure increases skin photoaging and the incidence of skin cancer. This study aimed to describe habits and attitudes related to sun exposure among long-distance runners in our area of southern Spain as well as to evaluate the runners’ knowledge of exposure. A cross-sectional descriptive study was designed to survey a convenience sample of participants in half marathons in Fuengirola and Marbella in September 2016. We found a high level of sun exposure among participants in this outdoor activity. The prevalence of sunburn was also high, experienced by half of the runners surveyed

    Predictors of hepatitis C treatment failure after using direct-acting antivirals in people living with human immunodeficiency virus

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    [Abstract] Background. Little is known about the influence of ongoing barriers to care in the persistence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) viremia after treatment with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLWH). Methods. We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of PLWH treated through the standard of care in 3 Western countries, to investigate the predictors of HCV treatment failure (clinical or virologic), defined as having a detectable serum HCV ribonucleic acid within 12 weeks after DAA discontinuation. In addition to HCV and liver-related predictors, we collected data on ongoing illicit drug use, alcohol abuse, mental illness, and unstable housing. Logistic regression analyses were used to identify predictors of HCV treatment failure. Results. Between January 2014 and December 2017, 784 PLWH were treated with DAA, 7% (n = 55) of whom failed HCV therapy: 50.9% (n = 28) had a clinical failure (discontinued DAA therapy prematurely, died, or were lost to follow-up), 47.3% (n = 26) had an HCV virologic failure, and 1 (1.8%) was reinfected with HCV. Ongoing drug use (odds ratio [OR] = 2.60) and mental illness (OR = 2.85) were independent predictors of any HCV treatment failure. Having both present explained 20% of the risk of any HCV treatment failure due to their interaction (OR = 7.47; P < .0001). Predictors of HCV virologic failure were ongoing illicit drug use (OR = 2.75) and advanced liver fibrosis (OR = 2.29). Conclusions. People living with human immunodeficiency virus with ongoing illicit drug use, mental illness, and advanced liver fibrosis might benefit from enhanced DAA treatment strategies to reduce the risk of HCV treatment failure.University of California (USA); P30 AI03621

    Development of New Antiproliferative Compound against Human Tumor Cells from the Marine Microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana by Applied Proteomics

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    Proteomics is a crucial tool for unravelling the molecular dynamics of essential biological processes, becoming a pivotal technique for basic and applied research. Diverse bioinformatic tools are required to manage and explore the huge amount of information obtained from a single proteomics experiment. Thus, functional annotation and protein-protein interactions are evaluated in depth leading to the biological conclusions that best fit the proteomic response in the system under study. To gain insight into potential applications of the identified proteins, a novel approach named "Applied Proteomics" has been developed by comparing the obtained protein information with the existing patents database. The development of massive sequencing technology and mass spectrometry (MS/MS) improvements has allowed the application of proteomics nonmodel microorganisms, which have been deeply described as a novel source of metabolites. Between them, Nannochloropsis gaditana has been pointed out as an alternative source of biomolecules. Recently, our research group has reported the first complete proteome analysis of this microalga, which was analysed using the applied proteomics concept with the identification of 488 proteins with potential industrial applications. To validate our approach, we selected the UCA01 protein from the prohibitin family. The recombinant version of this protein showed antiproliferative activity against two tumor cell lines, Caco2 (colon adenocarcinoma) and HepG-2 (hepatocellular carcinoma), proving that proteome data have been transformed into relevant biotechnological information. From Nannochloropsis gaditana has been developed a new tool against cancer-the protein named UCA01. This protein has selective effects inhibiting the growth of tumor cells, but does not show any effect on control cells. This approach describes the first practical approach to transform proteome information in a potential industrial application, named "applied proteomics". It is based on a novel bioalgorithm, which is able to identify proteins with potential industrial applications. From hundreds of proteins described in the proteome of N. gaditana, the bioalgorithm identified over 400 proteins with potential uses; one of them was selected as UCA01, "in vitro" and its potential was demonstrated against cancer. This approach has great potential, but the applications are potentially numerous and undefined