22 research outputs found

    Crossover from superspin glass to superferromagnet in FexAg100-x nanostructured thin films ( 20 ≤ x ≤ 50 )

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    FexAg100?x granular thin films, with 20 x 50, have been prepared by the dc-magnetron sputtering deposition technique. With this technique we have been able to obtain samples comprising small Fe nanoparticles 2.5?3 nm embedded in a Ag matrix, remaining their size practically constant with increasing Fe content. Their magnetic behavior has been fully characterized by dc magnetic measurements between 5?350 K. They have revealed a crossover in the collective magnetic behavior of the Fe nanoparticles around a 35 at. %. Below such a concentration, a collective freezing of the magnetic moments is observed at low temperatures, while at high temperatures a transition, mainly mediated by dipolar interactions, to a magnetically disordered state is obtained. Above this concentration, direct exchange interactions overcome the dipolar magnetic interactions and a long-range order tends to prevail in the range of temperatures analyzed. ac magnetic measurements have indicated a crossover from a superspin glass x35 to a superferromagnetic x35 behavior for the magnetic moments of the Fe nanoparticles.This work was supported by the CICYT of Spain under Contracts No. MAT2008-06542-C04-02 and No. MAT2008- 06542-C04-04. SGIker technical support MEC, GV/EJ, European Social Fund is gratefully acknowledged. The financial support from the Basque Government Department of Education Project No. IT-347-07 is acknowledged

    Magnetotactic bacteria for cancer therapy

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    Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are aquatic microorganisms that are able to biomineralize membrane-enclosed magnetic nanoparticles called magnetosomes. Inside the MTB, magnetosomes are arranged in a chain that allows MTB to align and navigate along the Earth's magnetic field. When isolated from the MTB, magnetosomes display a number of potential applications for targeted cancer therapies, such as magnetic hyperthermia, localized drug delivery, or tumor monitoring. The characteristics and properties of magnetosomes for these applications exceed in several aspects those of synthetic magnetic nanoparticles. Likewise, the whole MTB can also be considered as promising agents for cancer treatment, taking advantage of their self-propulsion capability provided by their flagella and the guidance capabilities ensured by their magnetosome chain. Indeed, MTB are envisaged as nanobiots that can be guided and manipulated by external magnetic fields and are naturally attracted toward hypoxic areas, such as the tumor regions, while retaining the therapeutic and imaging capacities of the isolated magnetosomes. Moreover, unlike most of the bacteria currently tested in clinical trials for cancer therapy, MTB are not pathogenic but could be engineered to deliver and/or express specific cytotoxic molecules. In this article, we will review the progress and perspectives of this emerging research field and will discuss the main challenges to overcome before the use of MTB can be successfully applied in the clinic.The Spanish and Basque Governments are acknowledged for funding under Project Nos. MAT2017-83631-C3-R and IT-1245-19, respectively

    Size-induced superantiferromagnetism with reentrant spin-glass behavior in metallic nanoparticles of TbCu2

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    An unusual 4f -superantiferromagnetic state characterized by simultaneous antiferromagnetic and spin-glass behaviors induced by particle-size reduction is revealed in metallic nanoparticles (≈ 9 nm) of TbCu 2 . The Néel temperature is 46 K and the glassy freezing is below ≈ 9 K and governed by a critical slowing down process. Neutron diffraction at 1.8 K establishes the superantiferromagnetism. The latter is settled by the nanoparticle moments and the freezing mechanism is provided by the surface spins

    Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy in Single Domain Mn-doped Biosynthesized Nanoparticles

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    Magnetotactic bacteria Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense synthesize cubo-octahedral shaped magnetite nanoparticles, called magnetosomes, with a mean diameter of 40 nm. The high quality of the biosynthesized nanoparticles makes them suitable for numerous applications in fields like cancer therapy, among others. The magnetic properties of magnetite magnetosomes can be tailored by doping them with transition metal elements, increasing their potential applications. In this work, we address the effect of Mn doping on the main properties of magnetosomes by the combination of structural and magnetic characterization techniques. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray absorption nearedge structure, and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism results reveal a Mn dopant percentage of utmost 2.3%, where Mn cations are incorporated as a combination of Mn2+ and Mn3+, preferably occupying tetrahedral and octahedral sites, respectively. Fe substitution by Mn notably alters the magnetic behavior of the doped magnetosomes. Theoretical modeling of the experimental hysteresis loops taken between 5 and 300 K with a modified Stoner-Wohlfarth approach highlights the different anisotropy contributions of the doped magnetosomes as a function of temperature. In comparison with the undoped magnetosomes, Mn incorporation alters the magnetocrystalline anisotropy introducing a negative and larger cubic anisotropy down to the Verwey transition, which appears shifted to lower temperature values as a consequence of Mn doping. On the other hand, Mn-doped magnetosomes show a decrease in the uniaxial anisotropy in the whole temperature range, most likely associated with a morphological modification of the Mn-doped magnetosomes.The Spanish and Basque Governments are acknowledged for funding under project numbers MAT2017- 83631-C3-R and IT-1245-19, respectively

    Magnetic disorder in diluted FexM100-x granular thin films (M=Au, Ag, Cu; x < 10 at.%)

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    Nanogranular thin films of Fe7Au93, Fe7Ag93 and Fe9Cu91 have been sputtered onto Si(100) substrates with the aim of studying the magnetic interactions. X-ray diffraction shows a major noble metal matrix with broad peaks stemming from (111) textured fcc-Au, Ag and Cu. The noble metal forms a nanogranular environment, as confirmed by transmission electron microscopy, with mean particle sizes below 10 nm. The high magnetoresistance (>6%) reveals the existence of Fe nanoparticles. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy confirms the presence of a bcc-Fe atom arrangement and some dissolved Fe atoms in the matrix, and XMCD shows the polarization of Au by the Fe nanoparticles. DC-magnetization displays a field-dependent irreversibility produced by the freezing of magnetic nanoparticles into a superspin-glass state. The hysteresis loops remain unsaturated at 5 K and 45 kOe. The coercivity displays a sharp temperature decrease towards a minimum below 50 K, levelling off at higher values, reaching Hc = 200 Oe at 300 K. Annealing of FeAu results in a double-peak zero field cooled magnetization and a slight decrease of the coercivity. The interpretation of the results supports the presence of Fe nanoparticles embedded in the major noble matrix, with some diluted Fe atoms/clusters.We would like to thank Spanish CICYT via supporting project MAT2011-27573-C04. R Boada acknowledges support from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Stress and annealing induced changes in the Curie temperature of amorphous and nanocrystalline FeZr and FeNb based alloys

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    The stress and annealing dependence of the Curie temperature in FeZrBCu alloys is presented. A change of about 50°/GPa has been observed. The change in amorphous matrix composition upon crystallization produces an expected increase in TC (about 200°C) which is similar to the experimentally observed increase. This behaviour is opposite to that observed in Fe-Nb based alloys.This work was supported by the Spanish CICYT under grant MAT93-0691. Two of the authors (P.G. and I.O.) wish to thank the Basque Government for financial support under a FPI granPeer reviewe