2,668 research outputs found

    Reaction Dynamics for the Systems 7Be,8B + 208Pb at Coulomb Barrier Energies

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    In this contribution we describe the first results obtained for the investigation of the elastic scattering process in the reactions induced by the Radioactive Ion Beams 7Be and 8B on a 208Pb target at Coulomb barrier energies. The experimental data were analyzed within the framework of the optical model in order to extract the total reaction cross section. The comparison with data available in literature for reactions induced on 208Pb by light ions in the mass range A = 6-8 shows that the loosely-bound 8B has the largest reactivity

    Distribución del Sn y W en relación con las facies del Batolito de Jálama. Aplicación a la valoración del potencial metalogenético

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    Este plutón puede incluirse dentro de los granitoides tipo Araya (Corretgé et al. 1985). Se trata de un cuerpo granítico alóctono, de geometría ovoidal y extensión de 220 km2, emplazado en el dominio Epizonal de la Zona Centro Ibérica. Se han diferenciado las siguientes facies (Fig. 1): granitos con sillimanita de grano fino-medio (Gst granito porfídico de dos micas de grano mediogrueso (GP), leucogranito con turmalina (LT) y leucogranitos tardíos (Lt) (Ramirez, 1996). Este plutón presenta mineralizaciones de Sn y intra y extrabatolítica, y raramente de Pb-Zn

    Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, multiphoton algebras and coherent states

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    The multiphoton algebras for one-dimensional Hamiltonians with infinite discrete spectrum, and for their associated kth-order SUSY partners are studied. In both cases, such an algebra is generated by the multiphoton annihilation and creation operators, as well as by Hamiltonians which are functions of an appropriate number operator. The algebras obtained turn out to be polynomial deformations of the corresponding single-photon algebra previously studied. The Barut-Girardello coherent states, which are eigenstates of the annihilation operator, are obtained and their uncertainty relations are explored by means of the associated quadratures.Comment: Last version of the paper, 6 figure

    Investigation of Coulomb dipole polarization effects on reactions involving exotic nuclei

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    We have analyzed elastic scattering angular distributions and total reaction cross sections of the exotic nuclei Li9,11 on Pb208, at energies below and above the Coulomb barrier. For this purpose, we have used an optical potential with no adjustable parameters, composed by the nuclear São Paulo potential, derived from the nonlocal nature of the interaction, and the Coulomb dipole polarization potential, derived from the semiclassical theory of Coulomb excitation. Within this formalism, we identified an unusual long-range absorption for the Li11+Pb208 system, which is dominated by the Coulomb interaction. We compare it to the absorption mechanisms observed for He6+Pb208 which, unlike those of Li11+Pb208, take place at small interacting distances, where both Coulomb and nuclear interactions are important. The proposed approach shows to be a fundamental basis to study reactions involving exotic nuclei

    Análisis geoambiental en medios hipogeos

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    8 páginas, 1 figura. Ed. Miguel Ángel Rogerio Candelera y Cesáreo Sáiz Jiménez. Primera Reunión de la Red de Ciencia y Tecnología para la Conservación del Patrimonio (Madrid, 28-29 de junio de 2011).Los coordinadores de los dos grupos de trabajo localizados actualmente en dos instituciones independientes (CSIC, Universidad de Alicante) se iniciaron científica y profesionalmente en el equipo de investigación de Geología - Geoquímica - Microclima aplicados a la Conservación del Patrimonio que se formó bajo la dirección de Manuel Hoyos Gómez a principios de la década de los 90. En el campo de la Conservación del Patrimonio, las investigaciones de ese grupo se centraron especialmente en la protección del arte rupestre y actualmente se enfocan al estudio integrado de ambientes subterráneos (cuevas, catacumbas,túneles, etc.) y de los procesos de deterioro del patrimonio que albergan. Los proyectos en los que los dos grupos trabajan abitualmente en estrecha relación incluyen datos de los parámetros climáticos y microclimáticos que caracterizan los sitios de estudio, de las características mineralógicas, geoquímicas y petrofísicas de los soportes y de las aguas de infiltración, y de los aspectos geomicrobiológicos de la interacción entre microoorganismos y los diferentes sustratos existentes (rocas, materiales de construcción, espeleotemas, etc.).Peer reviewe

    Fatigue Study of the Pre-Corroded 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy in Saline Atmosphere

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    [Abstract] This work studies the influence of the saline atmospheric corrosion on the fatigue strength of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. For this purpose, this alloy was subjected to tests in a salt spray corrosion chamber at different exposure times (1, 2, and 3 months) according to ASTM B117 standard. The morphological study of the pits was carried out by confocal microscopy. Subsequently, fatigue tests were performed at variable stresses whose maximum stress (Smax) was between 30% and 95% of the yield strength (S0) in order to keep them within the zone of elastic behavior of the material. Data were analyzed using the Basquin equation and the maximum likelihood function method. The results show a similar decrease in the conventional fatigue limit (2 × 106 cycles) after one month (98 MPa) and two months (91 MPa) of corrosion. After three months of corrosion, the material showed a very important reduction in the fatigue limit (68 MPa) with respect to the uncorroded material (131 MPa). The data of Se/S0 (fatigue limit/yield strength) versus the ratio Pm/Dm (pit average depth/pit diameter at zero depth) can be fitted to a logarithmic curve


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    BACKGROUND:The negative consequences of energy dense foods are well known, yet people increasingly make unhealthy food choices leading to obesity (i.e., risky decisions). The aims of this study were: [1] to compare performance in decision-making tasks under risk and under ambiguity between individuals with obesity, overweight and normal weight; [2] to examine the associations between body mass index (BMI) and decision-making, and the degree to which these associations are modulated by reward sensitivity. METHODS:Seventy-nine adults were recruited and classified in three groups according to their BMI: obesity, overweight and normal-weight. Groups were similar in terms of age, education and socio-economic status, and were screened for comorbid medical and mental health conditions. Decision-making under risk was measured via the Wheel of Fortune Task (WoFT) and decision-making under ambiguity via the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Reward sensitivity was indicated by the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (SPSRQ). RESULTS:Individuals with obesity made riskier choices in the WoFT, specifically in choices with an expected value close to zero and in the propensity to risk index. No differences were found in IGT performance or SPSRQ scores. BMI was associated with risk-taking (WoFT performance), independently of reward sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS:Obesity is linked to a propensity to make risky decisions in experimental conditions analogous to everyday food choices

    Histoplasmosis pulmonar con diseminación al sistema nervioso central en una paciente inmunocompetente: a propósito de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    La histoplasmosis diseminada es la forma más seria de enfermedad causada por el hongoHistoplasma capsulatum. El compromiso encefálico se ve en menos del 10% de los casos. Presentamos un caso de una paciente femenina de 43 años de edad, ingeniera química, cuyo único antecedente epidemiológico relevante fue el trabajar en un laboratorio de ingeniería bioquímica. Ingresa al Servicio de Urgencias por presentar tos con expectoración blanquecina, dolor torácico tipo punzada, fiebre, escalofríos y disnea de reposo. A la auscultación presenta: disminución del murmullo vesicular, sibilante y crepitante en el tercio inferior de ambos campos pulmonares. Examen neurológico conservado sin déficit focalizados. Se estudia la subpoblación de linfocitos, valor porcentual normal, con valor absoluto bajo. Relación CD4/CD8 elevada a expensa de CD4, células B elevadas, NK bajas. HIV-1 y HIV-2 de 4ta generación no reactivo. Biopsia de pulmón reporta histoplasmosis (coloración de Grocott-Gomori). Tratamiento médico con Itraconazol 200 mg 2 veces/día por 6 meses mejorando las condiciones de la paciente por lo cual es dada de alta. Dos meses después de haber iniciado el tratamiento reingresa la paciente en malas condiciones generales con acentuada palidez cutánea mucosa, tos, fiebre y disnea acentuada Trabajo ventilatorio acentuado con aleteo nasal y tiraje costal, a la auscultación murmullo vesicular disminuido en campo pulmonar izquierdo con sibilantes, crepitantes, roncus y bulosos. Se ingresa a la unidad de Cuidados Intensivos con el diagnostico de Sepsis punto de partida pulmonar, e histoplasmosis pulmonar. Se indica tratamiento con Anfotericina B liposomal por infusión intravenosa a dosis 1 mg/kg/día, por lo que recibió un total de 2,0 grs diario. La paciente se torna somnolienta con hemiparexia derecha y disartria, presentando posteriormente un cuadro convulsivo, papiledema bilateral y nistagmo vertical. Resonancia Magnética (RM) de cerebro contrastada con Gadolinio; se visualizan múltiples lesiones de ocupación de espacio dispersas en el parénquima cerebral, en la región parieto-temporal izquierda, región fronto-parieto-occipital bilateral, y región cerebelosa, con edema perilesional. Sufre deterioro clínico con empeoramiento respiratorio distrés por lo cual precisó intubación endotraqueal y ventilación mecánica. Desarrolló falla renal, hepática y coagulopatía. Falleció por falla multiorgánica a las dos semanas de su ingreso. La autopsia, en el material extraído de las lesiones en cerebro, con técnicas de PAS y Grocott, mostró la presencia de Histoplasma capsulatum. Conclusión La histoplasmosis es una causa poco frecuente de lesiones de masa cerebral en pacientes, la histoplasmosis cerebral debe ser una consideración de diagnóstico cuando los estudios de imagen muestran múltiples lesiones cerebrales, incluso en la ausencia de otras manifestaciones de histoplasmosis diseminada.AbstractDisseminated histoplasmosis is the most serious form of the disease caused by the fungusHistoplasma capsulatum. Brain involtment is less than 10 % of cases. We present the case of a female patient aged 43, a chemical engineer whose only relevant epidemiological background was working in a laboratory of biochemical engineering. She presented to the emergency department showing cough with whitish sputum, chest pain twinge type, fever, chills and dyspnea at rest. On auscultation shows: decreased breath sounds, wheezing and crackling in the lower third of both lung fields. Neurological examination focused preserved without deficit. Subpopulation of lymphocytes, average percentage value, with low absolute value. Elevated CD4/CD8 ratio at the expense of CD4, high B cells, NK casualties. HIV- 1 and HIV-2 nonreactive 4th Generation. Lung biopsy reports histoplasmosis (Grocott - Gomori staining). Medical treatment with itraconazole 200 mg 2 times / day for 6 months improved conditions for which patient is discharged. Two months after starting treatment the patient was readmitted in poor general condition with severe mucosal pallor , cough, fever and dyspnea accentuated ventilatory job accented with costal retractions and nasal flaring , the decreased breath sounds in the left lung field with wheezing auscultation rales, rhonchi and bullous . Admitted to the intensive care unit with the diagnosis of pulmonary sepsis, and pulmonary histoplasmosis. Being treated with liposomal amphotericin B by intravenous infusion at - doses 1 mg / kg / day, up to a total of 2.0 grams daily. The patient becomes drowsy, with dysarthria and right hemiparexia subsequently presenting a seizure disorder, bilateral papilledema and vertical nystagmus. Magnetic Brain Resonance(MBR) brain contrasted with Gadolinium MRI, showed multiple space occupying lesions scattered in the parieto-occipital region bilaterally, and the cerebellar region. The patient suffered clinical deterioration with worsening respiratory distress which required endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation, developed renal and hepatic failure and coagulopathy and died of multiple organ failure two weeks later. Autopsy on the material extracted from brain lesions, stained with PAS and Grocott, showed the presence of Histoplasma capsulatum .Conclusion Histoplasmosis is an uncommon cause of cerebral mass lesions in patients; cerebral histoplasmosis should be a consideration when diagnostic imaging studies show multiple brain lesions, even in the absence of other manifestations of disseminated histoplasmosi