1,908 research outputs found

    Integration of COSMO-based methodologies into commercial process simulators: Separation and purification of reuterin

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    The conceptual design of a new process is developed via computer-aided simulation for separating and purifying reuterin, an antimicrobial substance obtained by bacterial fermentation of glycerol, from its mixture with the nonfermented substrate, the main subproduct of the process (1,3-propanediol) and water. The nondatabank components included in the simulations are created by using the structures derived from quantum mechanical calculations and the properties (molecular weight, normal boiling point, and mass density) estimated by COSMO-RS method. The unknown remainder properties are estimated by the methods and models used by default in Aspen Plus (v7.3). The COSMOSAC property model, also implemented in Aspen Plus, is specified with the molecular volumes and sigma profiles obtained by COSMO-RS. The properties (boiling temperatures, densities, VL equilibria, etc.) predicted for glycerol, 1,3-propanediol, water, and their mixtures by COSMO-based methods agree reasonably well with experimental reported values, whereas those obtained for reuterin derivatives are consistent with the behavior of amphoteric compounds having strong capabilities to interact attractively with hydrogen donor and acceptor groups all together. The process consists of a two-stage distillation operation, the first of which removes the water and the second one separates reuterin as a 99.5 wt %-pure bottom product. The second column operates at low pressure (ca. 40 kPa) to avoid thermal decomposition of reuterin (over 280°C) and guaranties 99.9% recovery of the desired product. Water removing offers different heat integration and energy-saving opportunities considering that condenser pressure of the first column can be increased to ∼15 bar preserving the thermal integrity of the reuterin. Dimensions of the equipments as well as capital and operating costs are evaluate

    7150 Depresiones en sustratos turbosos del rhynchosporium

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    [ES] Definición según Bartolomé et al. (2005): comuni¬dades vegetales pioneras colonizadoras de substratos ácidos turbosos desnudos resultantes de la erosión artificial o natural de las turberas de Sphagnum. Este tipo de hábitat se presenta en los mismos terri¬torios que otras turberas de Sphagnum, fundamen¬talmente en las comarcas septentrionales y en los sistemas montañosos ácidos de la Península.Peer reviewe

    Empleo del interferón contra el cáncer de piel

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    Introduction: Skin cancer is a common neoplasm worldwide. Interferon is a natural substance that helps the immune system fight diseases like this; its therapeutic use has been evaluated in a large number of investigations.Objective: To describe the results of interferon treatment for skin cancer. Method: A search was carried out in Google Scholar, PubMed, MEDLINE and consults of texts published in the Medical Library. Articles that fit the theme were evaluated. 50 were studied, of these 33 were referenced.Development: Treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer with interferon shows favorable results. It contributes to survival with melanoma, it is a procedure for mycosis fungoides and Kaposi's sarcoma.Conclusions: Interferons are a treatment with good aesthetic results for the treatment of skin cancer and improve the life quality of patients.Introducción: El cáncer de piel es una neoplasia frecuente a nivel mundial. El interferón es una sustancia natural que ayuda al sistema inmunitario a combatir enfermedades como esta, su uso terapéutico, ha sido evaluado en un gran número de investigaciones.Objetivo: Describir los resultados del tratamiento con interferón para el cáncer de piel. Método: realizó una búsqueda en Google académico, PubMed, MEDLINE y consultas de textos publicados en la Biblioteca Médica. Fueron evaluados artículos que se ajustaron al tema. Se estudiaron 50, de estos se referenciaron33. Desarrollo: El tratamiento del cáncer de piel no melanoma, con interferón muestra resultados favorables. Contribuye a la supervivencia con melanoma, es un procedimiento para la micosis fungoide y sarcoma de Kaposi. Conclusiones: Los interferones son un tratamiento con buenos resultados estéticos para el tratamiento del cáncer de piel y mejoran la calidad de vida de los pacientes

    Phonon structure, infra-red and raman spectra of Li2MnO3 by first-principles calculations

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    The layer-structured monoclinic Li2MnO3 is a key material, mainly due to its role in Li-ion batteries and as a precursor for adsorbent used in lithium recovery from aqueous solutions. In the present work, we used first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) to study the crystal structure, optical phonon frequencies, infra-red (IR), and Raman active modes and compared the results with experimental data. First, Li2MnO3 powder was synthesized by the hydrothermal method and successively characterized by XRD, TEM, FTIR, and Raman spectroscopy. Secondly, by using Local Density Approximation (LDA), we carried out a DFT study of the crystal structure and electronic properties of Li2MnO3. Finally, we calculated the vibrational properties using Density Functional Perturbation Theory (DFPT). Our results show that simulated IR and Raman spectra agree well with the observed phonon structure. Additionally, the IR and Raman theoretical spectra show similar features compared to the experimental ones. This research is useful in investigations involving the physicochemical characterization of Li2MnO3 materia

    Principales fuentes de información para la gestión de Biodiversidad en la Provincia Pinar del Río, un aporte a la era de la competencia digital

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    The creation of the map on the main sources of information for biodiversity management in the Pinar del Río province is a result of the work of the Group (SINBIOD) in ECOVIDA, Pinar del Río. It is carried out based on the need to identify the entities, centers and institutions that generate and manage information on biological diversity in the territory in conjunction with the protected areas approved by the provincial protected areas system. It constitutes a starting point in the organization of the flow of information for the management of biodiversity in order to implement an efficient environmental information system. The preparation of the map is based on both proprietary and public and free digital cartography and the GIS software used is QGIS, free and open source.La creación del mapa sobre las principales fuentes de información para la gestión de biodiversidad en la provincia Pinar del Río, es un resultado del trabajo del Grupo (SINBIOD) en ECOVIDA, Pinar del Río. Se realiza a partir de la necesidad de identificar las entidades, centros e instituciones que generan y manejan información sobre la diversidad biológica en el territorio en conjunto con las áreas protegidas aprobadas por el sistema de áreas protegidas provincial. Constituye un punto de partida en la organización del flujo de información para la gestión de la biodiversidad en función de implementar un sistema de información ambiental eficiente. La confección del mapa se basa en cartografía digital tanto propietaria como pública y gratuita y el software GIS utilizado es QGIS, libre y de código abierto

    Konsumsi Minyak Goreng dan Vitamin A pada Beberapa Kelompok Umur di Dua Kabupaten

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    Indonesia plans to implement mandatory vitamin A fortification of cooking oil. A pilot study of voluntary vitamin A fortification in unbranded cooking oil showed that vitamin A status improved significantly a year afterfortification for five age groups except for children 12-23 months of age. The objective of the study was to measure cooking oil consumption and dietary consumption of vitamin A in children, women of reproductive age(WRA), and lactating mothers. The study was a cross-sectional study in Tasikmalaya and Ciamis, Indonesia, covering 1.594 samples randomly selected of poor households. Cooking oil was collected at household byrecall of usual cooking oil purchase and individual sample by 2x24h recall of food consumption. The results showed that households prefer bought unbranded cooking oil sold in plastic pouch at foodstall (warung) nearbyhome (96.2%), purchased oil every 1-3 days (60.6%), each purchace contained < 250 mL oil (73.9%). The average (mean+SE) cooking oil consumption at household was 27.5+1.0 mL/capita/day. Cooking oilconsumption at individual level on the average was 22.3+0.5 mL/capita/day lower compared to household consumption of oil, varied significantly of 2.4+0.4, 13.3+0.8, 23.0+1.0, 30.5+1.3, 33.5+1.2, 33.1+1.3 mL/day in 6-11, 12-23, 24-59 month old, 6-9 year old, WRA, and lactating mothers respectively. Cooking oil consumptionwas lower in children 6-11 and 12-23 months old which contributed to non-significant improvement of serum vitamin A level particularly in children 12-23 months old but not other groups since they consumed higher intake of cooking oil or still brestfed for children 6-11 month old

    Review of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenetics in Atypical Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics

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    Over the last two decades, pharmacogenetics and pharmacokinetics have been increasingly used in clinical practice in Psychiatry due to the high variability regarding response and side effects of antipsychotic drugs. Specifically, long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics have different pharmacokinetic profile than oral formulations due to their sustained release characteristics. In addition, most of these drugs are metabolized by CYP2D6, whose interindividual genetic variability results in different metabolizer status and, consequently, into different plasma concentrations of the drugs. In this context, there is consistent evidence which supports the use of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) along with pharmacogenetic tests to improve safety and efficacy of antipsychotic pharmacotherapy. This comprehensive review aims to compile all the available pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic data regarding the three major LAI atypical antipsychotics: risperidone, paliperidone and aripiprazole. On the one hand, CYP2D6 metabolizer status influences the pharmacokinetics of LAI aripiprazole, but this relation remains a matter of debate for LAI risperidone and LAI paliperidone. On the other hand, developed population pharmacokinetic (popPK) models showed the influence of body weight or administration site on the pharmacokinetics of these LAI antipsychotics. The combination of pharmacogenetics and pharmacokinetics (including popPK models) leads to a personalized antipsychotic therapy. In this sense, the optimization of these treatments improves the benefit–risk balance and, consequently, patients’ quality of lifeThis project was partially supported by Fundación Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria “Convocatoria de ayudas de proyectos para grupos de trabajo de la SEFH 2021-2022”, Plan Galego de Saude Mental (SERGAS) and Axencia Galega Innovación (Grupos de Potencial Crecimiento IN607B2020/11). Bandín-Vilar E.: Mondelo-García C. and Fernández-Ferreiro A. are grateful to the Carlos III Health Institute for financing their personnel contracts: CM20/00135, JR20/00026 and JR18/00014S

    Long-term anticoagulation in secondary ischemic stroke prevention: The prospective multicenter RESTAIC registry

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    Background and Objective: Oral anticoagulation (OAC) for secondary stroke prevention is recommended in atrial fibrillation (AF) and other sources of cardioembolic stroke. Our objectives were to explore the differences in ischemic and hemorrhagic events when using OAC for secondary stroke prevention according to the type of anticoagulant treatment and to analyze the number and reasons for OAC switches during long-term follow-up. Methods: Ischemic stroke (IS) patients who were discharged on OAC for secondary stroke prevention from January 2014 to October 2017 were recruited in a prospective, multicenter, hospital-based registry. Follow-up at 3 months was scheduled at the outpatient clinic with subsequent annual phone interviews for 3 years. Patients were classified into three study groups according to OAC at discharge: Vitamin K antagonist (VKA), Factor Xa inhibitor (FXa), or direct thrombin inhibitor (DTI). We compared stroke recurrences, intracranial hemorrhage, major bleeding, and all-cause mortality during the follow-up. We recorded any switches in OAC and the main reasons for the change. Results: A total of 241 patients were included. An anticoagulant was indicated in the presence of a source of cardioembolic stroke in 240 patients (99.6%) and lupus plus antiphospholipid syndrome in one patient. Up to 86 patients (35.6%) were on OAC before the index stroke; in 71 (82.5%) of them, this was VKA. At hospital discharge, 105 were treated with FXa (43.8%), 96 with VKA (39.6%), and 40 with DTI (16.6%). The cumulative incidences at 3 years were 17% for stroke recurrence, 1.6% for intracranial hemorrhage, 4.9% for major hemorrhage, and 22.8% for all-cause mortality, with no differences among the OAC groups in any outcomes. During the follow-up, 40 OAC switches were recorded (63% of them to FXa), mostly due to stroke recurrence. Conclusion: Long-term OAC in secondary stroke prevention is associated with a lower frequency of bleeding complications than stroke recurrences. No differences between anticoagulant drugs were found in any of the analyzed outcomes. The main cause for OAC switch during follow-up was stroke recurrence.This study was supported by grants from the Foundation for Biomedical Research of La Paz University Hospital (PI 1131

    Te enseño... en silencio: Escuchar sin palabras IV

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    La salud, como derecho fundamental de toda persona, adquiere una connotación especial cuando esa persona tiene una discapacidad. En las discapacidades sensoriales como la sordera puede haber dificultades intrínsecas de acceso a la información oral. El objetivo del proyecto es abordar la educación para la salud estableciendo medidas educativas sencillas pero ajustadas a las necesidades de cada tipo de discapacidad y los subgrupos que lo conforman, como es el caso de los sordomudos.Categoría: Trabajos de extensión.Facultad de Odontologí

    Sonrisas deportivas: protectores bucales en las prácticas deportivas

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    Los traumatismos osteoperiodentales que afectan a los tejidos de sostén de las piezas dentarias permanentes, son lesiones cada vez más frecuentes en pacientes escolares. Representan la segunda causa de pérdida de éstas piezas luego de la caries dental. Una de las preocupaciones más notables son las lesiones ocurridas durante la práctica deportiva y un elemento esencial para prevenirlos es el protector bucal, dispositivo que colocado dentro de la cavidad bucal previene y reduce lesiones orales, que a menudo son irreversibles y pueden conducir a problemas funcionales, estéticos y psicológicos en los atletas. El objetivo del proyecto es promover la educación para la salud bucal y prevención de las lesiones orales frecuentes en los deportistas y la concientización del uso de protectores bucales en la práctica de diferentes deportes de contacto.Categoría: Trabajos de extensión.Facultad de Odontologí